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Mexico for a Canadian

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Yes a two hour wait may be a LGH or any other hospital but what if you have serious band issues and have to be hospitalized. the band is for life, you won't always be in good health to travel to the states and don't count on the medical in Canada to help out. They take the position that if you are in a hospital bed in the states, you won't get priority here. But as I don't know your financial stability maybe you can pay $100,000 per day in the states. My choice and recommendation is to stay in Canada where you get health care for life not matter how serious because I don't have the resources to pay my own way. Insurance remember does not pay for related issues or if anything in your health has changed and a fill is a change. Also again, most insurance companies expect you to pay up front then apply for refunds. Too scarey for me to go to a foreign land, good luck to you. Doddie

No one is disputing that emergencies may occur with the band a broken arm whatever it is. In the case of an emergency I am sure the banster will know not to travel to Mexico, America or whereever these people are not idiots. Furthermore the Dr in Mexico actually phone you back if you have emergency questions or problelms and will advice you accordingly what to do.

In such instances people will go to their local emergency rooms and willnot be refused treatment.

My gosh you guys ARE SO ANTI MEXICO/AMERICA. Or are you simply always lookign for the worse case scenario? Stop scaring people.

Not everyone is willing to wait 1/2/3 years to get treatment. Enough damage can be caused to ones health in that time.

And yes if an emergency happens I will be going to my local hospital and get treatment. The odds of such emergencies are very low and I am willing to take that risk.

As a matter of fact I have heard of an instance where someone had to do that and the Dr actually saved the band and did not give the patient as hard a time as you are giving those who want to go to Mexico.

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No one is Anti-American or Anti-Mexican...

Posters are just posing considered opinions... out of genuine and CARING concern.

Some of us are close to our banding clinics and have had complications... I for one can't imagine having to drive 8 hours into a foreign country or fly somewhere at great expense to have my issues dealt with.

Convenience vs. price????

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tmostert: I am for one not anti american. I am pro american in everything even support the US in Iraqu. You are far to sensitive and should reread what I am saying. Going to a foreign country 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the road when you may not be as healthy as you are now could cause problems. I was pointing out the negatives in leaving your Country which has a medical system that at leasts prevents you from encountering huge debts that could bankrupt you. At no time did I make any asperations against Mexican or American doctors.

As old shakespeare said "me thinks you protest too much". Which means I think I struck a weakness in your reasoning to go to another land. Doddie

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tmostert: I am for one not anti american. I am pro american in everything even support the US in Iraqu. You are far to sensitive and should reread what I am saying. Going to a foreign country 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the road when you may not be as healthy as you are now could cause problems. I was pointing out the negatives in leaving your Country which has a medical system that at leasts prevents you from encountering huge debts that could bankrupt you. At no time did I make any asperations against Mexican or American doctors.

As old shakespeare said "me thinks you protest too much". Which means I think I struck a weakness in your reasoning to go to another land. Doddie

Again so many assumptions! Heavens help us if the Canadian Government do not approve the band in the next 20 years! Perhaps you should re read my post again all I can say is touché my dear and good luck!:)

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I think that there is a bigger point that is being overlooked here. No matter where you have your band done, whether it is done in Mexico or Toronto or any other place, unless you are in a city with a Lapband clinic it can be difficult to get care if you dont know where to go.

I am in Calgary, so really what difference does it make if I had my band in Mexico or Toronto, the people at the hospital would not know what is going on with me. I know more about it than 95% of the medical professionals in my city.

I have had ultrasounds and talked to doctors who are clueless about the lapband. You only have to look at Dr Oz when he was on Oprah and was refering to the lapband with 2 hands. Here he is supposed to be an expert on everything (according to Oprah, dont get me going on that) and he does not even know how big the thing is. He even wrote a chapter in his book about the lapband, yet he does not know how big it is.

Doddie, I think that you are raising undue fear in people about the Lap band. Last time I checked we had universal health care in Canada, and if I walked into a hospital in Canada doubled over in pain with a slipped band they would have to take care of me. Now, they may not fix the band, but they are required by law to treat me. They may not rush me into surgery and fix it no matter where I went, but whether I had my band done in Toronto or Mexico, I am going to be in the same situation.

The scenario that you are painting for Mexican patients is the same for SWLC or TLBC clinic patients if they are not in Toronto. Every patient that leaves Dr.Ortiz`s clinic has a card and a list of cell phone mumbers for all the doctors and they answer when you call. Who here has the cell phone number for thier Canadian surgeon. When you have a problem in Canada, who do you talk to. For me 9 times out of 10 it is the nurses who then tell me they will talk to the doctor.

There is no way that a hosptital can turn me away and say you did this to yourself, it is against the law. If that were ever to hapen in Canada, Tommy Douglas would be spinning in his grave and it would be a sad day for Canadian Medicare.

I have been reading some of the posts here lately about people who have, or who are considering going to Mexico and I must say that I am saddened that so many people here have been so negative about it.

Who here has even stepped foot in a Mexican clinic, and how can you make those remarks without seeing things for yourself. I HAVE been to a Mexican clinic (Dr.Ortiz's) and was in the OR for 2 surgeries. One was a difficult Lapband placement, and the other was a slip being repaired. I spent 4 days there learning everthing there was to know about the clinic I have seen things first hand, and I have to say that the people that are talking about clinic in Mexico, and after care are fear mongering.

My wife wants a Lapband after out second child and I will be sending her to Dr. Ortiz. My mother wants to have her VBG converted to Lapband and she too will be going to Dr.Ortiz. I trust that clinic with the lives of 2 of the most important people to me.

I think that the most important thing here is that this is a support forum, and we should be supporting people who want to be banded. We should not be trying to justify our own decisions or our own surgeons by putting down or scarring people for their own decisions.

Simply put, most people can not afford the $16-$18,000 plus that is cost to have a band in Canada, and are looking for options. We should be supporting them in their Quest instead of scaring them. Mexico is a viable option for many people, and given what I saw while I was down there I was blown away. I am not saying that I regret the care and service that I got from SWLC, because I dont, and I will always credit Dr. C with giving me my life back. However, there are other options out there, and knowing what I know now I would have likely gone to Mexico.

All of us should remember no matter where we are at in our banding lives that for too long we have had people beating us down fo being overweight. I have lost most of my weight, but I will always consider myself overweight. I sympathize with people who are overweight, as it was a cross that I beared all my life. We need to support people who are coming here for solutions, and not be so damn negative.

As overweight people we are always looking for hope and a solution in a world that has been too busy beating us down and telling us to just exercise more and eat less. For many people Mexico is the last hope becasue they cant afford to have the procedure at home for twice the cost. Lets all remember that Lapband is a very safe procedure, and that the rates of complications or very, very low. They are something to be aware of, but they are not the norm.

I have not been on here as long as many of the Canadian, but I can say that I think the general tone of the Canadian forum has changed over the last year. I think that we all need to rethink what we are doing here.

I know that I dont post here as much as I used to, and it is in large part due to the tone that this place has taken.

So, I will go put on my flame suit, because I know that this will raise the ire of several people round here, but I dont care. What I do care about is helping people find a light at the end of the long dark tunnel that is obesity.

Thank you


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Well said and well done Andrew. I could not agree with you more.

It is suppose to be a place where people can find options and support not be run out of town becasue they consider solutions outside of our borders.

I applaud you for your post and agree 1000% with you. This too has been my experience!

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I was banded by Dr Ortiz in Mexico in Novemeber. He is an excellent Dr and woudl highly recomnd him.

I have since had my fill done in Auburn Washington and have NO regrets.

Travelling 2 hours to get to them ievein in an emergency is probably quicker than seeing a Dr in the emergency room at LGH!

Pardon my ignorance, but I have to ask - where is Auburn? Near Arlington/Everett area? Just curious as when I was checking around the Washington area I didn't come across Auburn. Do you mind if I ask how much you pay for fills?

Also, I would like to go on record to state that in case it has previously come off this way - I am not anti-American nor anti-Mexican/Foreign country at all. I actually seriously considered both the US (Denver) and Mexico as possibilities for my surgery. My only concern is for people in B.C. to be SURE that they have their aftercare (fills, etc.) lined up/figured out/arranged before they have their surgery as we do not have many options here in BC. If you are able to find a good after care place that suits you and you can afford to pay for fills (ie: in Washington) then awesome. I personally ended up going with a BC surgeon because of a couple of reasons; a) I could afford it, :biggrin: I found it more convenient and less stressful to have one person that could do everything (surgery, fills, etc.) rather than having to find a fill clinic in Washington and have to deal with border crossing, etc.

I will fully support any Canadian that decides to travel abroad whether it be the States or Mexico as long as you have lined up your aftercare BEFORE you go for surgery. We are all here to get healthy and be supported by people who are going through the same things whether we get it done locally, in the same country, in a different country or whatnot.

So here's to new health, new happiness and new lives that the Lapband is bringing us!

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UNCLE ALREADY. This was not intended to be a debate on which is better but to point out the downside of going out of country. I have put my best viewpoints out there, now it is up to the individual. Doddie

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Ang my last word on this. I direct you and everyone else to the Graduate Bandster written by Jahroni who is considered a very knowledgable person entitled "you may end up an orphan" In it she explains why doctors won't take on other doctors and the complete maintance issue. Very interesting reading. Doddie

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Just for the record.... I love all my bandster friends be they Canadian, American &/or Mexican travelled....

But going into this procedure, I think it is valuable for people to read ALL points of view...

Nothing is meant to be scary, just EDUCATED... unles you know all the pros and cons concerning lapband you are letting someone make a life changing decision without all the facts.

p.s. I do have my Toronto Surgeon's Cell phone no. in case of emergencies... He gave it to me the day of my procedure!

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Thanks peaches. By posting the negatives, the prospective bandster can see pros and cons. Everyone likes to post the pros and there are untold stories out on the web about how great the band is and boy do I subscribe to that. BUT, I ran into difficulties because at the time there was very little posting about fills and the difficulties that can be encountered.

My other point that seemed to get lost in the fray was you can be perfectly healthy travelling in a foreign country and have a serious incident of health concerning the band. Unless properly covered with insurance, the individual would have to pay up front.

My points are well set out now it is up to the individual to read all posts and decide. Thanks for your private email. Doddie.

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Yes there are obstacles on this journey too and some people hits them and some people don't Most times it is not band related but indirectly it affects the band by being to tight and a defill is what you need.I really like my band to but aftercare is very important.

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I am in BC and am considering Mexico does anyone have any thoughts or experiances to share?

just returned today, it was better than I expected. the doctor (kuri) and his staff, the hotel, hospital was great.

one note though, the pm nurses english was limited, but day ones and staff all spoke pretty good english. I wish I learned a bit more. but would it again in a heart beat,

on day 3 even went shopping!


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Hello everyon

Thank You everyone for both voicing their fears and confidences in their own experinces of getting banded, where ever it was done, and especially driving the point home about aftercare, having that set up before you go thru with the procedure.

1) what does Dr. Ortiz (mexico) require from the patient (me) medical records? for this procedure to happen?.

2) why are so few Dr.'s trained in this feild this far out west?. SK, AB. BC?

3) how do I approach my Dr. about banding? especially when I have a Dr's name for posibble referral?

I guess in my situation I want to keep it private, tell no one family or friends, unless it was/is serious. Also, for the cost? to me it doesn't matter, what does matter is my long term health and how soon I want this to happen and how to get it started. Since I live in Alberta, waiting might either be on my side or against me. BC could be handy because of a certain family member who had a bypass 12 yrs ago,(it didn't work that well for her), she and I have talked and she's supportive. Or go all out and go to Ontario...

You have all given me much to consider. I will talk on Friday with my diabetic team and then a new young female Dr in my town's office on Monday. I've been watching on TLC "Big Medicine" that father/son Dr. team that does many bands and bypasses "LAP" style. I can see what its all about and feel sure of the procedure. All I need to do is decide. Nuts ...if I'm willing to get tattooed and be coloured for life then getting "banded" is also just as life changing.

thank you


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