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Welcome to Robyn (how did your appointment go?) and Amanda!

Just a reminder about the surgical discussion group meeting that meets Thurs. Aug. 28. The meeting is open to all post-op Weight-loss patients AND anyone else who just has questions, etc! Hope you can come!

Hi Amm, So sorry you will be missing the meeting, I was looking forward to seeing you again this month! the fill will definitely help. I am definitely going to be there, so anyone new who'd like to chat, please let me know and we can hook up! I'd be happy to arrive half hour early and spend some time with you. I am 2 years and 8 months out from my band surgery, 160 lbs lighter, and SO much healthier and happier! It was the BEST thing I ever did for myself.:thumbup:

Looking forward to meeting any other bandster who attends the Thursday meeting!

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Hi there!

My first appoitment with Dr. Gitkind went great. He is very nice.

I will be attending the meeting tomorrow night at 6:00.

Hopefully I will see some of you there?

My name is Robyn and I will probably be there around 5:45 if I don't hit too much downtown traffic!


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Hi Kathryn Rose! I'll be there about 5:30...I'm 5'3 wear glasses, dark shoulder lenght hair, and wearing a pink button down shirt!

Hope you get this before you leave!

Hope to meet you. Mary

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Hi Mary Petunia, Kathryn Rose and any others I have yet to know! It took me all this time to find this "group". Anyway, loved the meeting last week. It was very inspiring. Most of my questions and info I think are pretty much in the bag for me, but as I said that night, it was actually speaking with a BANDER that was missing. Nothing has changed my mind about band v. bypass. I am definitely in favor of banding for myself. My exercise is going very well. Four miles a day on my walks with a little jogging sprinkled in (VERY LITTLE). Seeing so many people with weight-related issues, etc. was a first for me. The feeling of support and well-wishing was awesome. I have not been able to stop thinking about the group. I shall do my best to attend on a monthly basis. Next month my friend is to accompany me. My next appt is the 15th (behavioral) and then on the 3rd of Oct. (nutritional). I eagerly await both.

A question I do have since you had your surgery through UMASS: When does the request go into the insurance company for surgery approval? Did you do that yourself or do they tell you when to do it? I just want all my ducks in a row. While I know Dr. Gitkind mentioned it could be 6 months out (February), I just want to be as prepared as is possible. "Mary" I know you mentioned that you were not required to go on an extensive liquid diet prior to surgery, but I was wondering whether there was anything you were required to do or eat in particular. I am so excited I just want to start filling my freezer up with stuff! Totally unreasonable, but that is how psyched I feel. PLUS, I AM CERTAIN PART OF ME IS HOPING THAT IT CAN BE A LITTLE SOONER, LIKE BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR...IT DOES NOT HURT TO DREAM A BIT!!

One thing I forgot to add, so I am squeezing it in: Was there a specific amount of Protein grams suggested pre or post op? What type of Protein supplements were suggested?

How are you doing in your healthy lifestyle? What do you feel aids your success? My husband is being so supportive of me it is awesome. Also, I definitely feel that really thinking about what my issues have been has made it easy to be steadfast. I think the comment made at the meeting that it is best to think of it in terms of black and white was really helpful. Coming to the realization that it is imperative to want to do things for the sake of one's health and making those decisions based upon oneself as opposed to listening to others' input is crucial.

Kathryn Rose, how are you doing on your Quest? It is very encouraging to see you taking control of your life and supporting others.

I look forward to hearing from you fellow UMASS banders!


Edited by Yvonne Peterson
forgot to ask question

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Hi Robyn! Hope you made it to the meeting, if not, maybe the next one!

Hi Kathryn Rose! SO good to meet you!!! It was a pleasure, and I can't wait till we meet again at the next meeting! So cool that we live close...call me if you'd like a walking buddy some evening! I'd be glad to meet you. let me know when you feel like your fills are "kicking in."

Hi Amm...Missed you! Looking forward to the next one when we can chat again. Hpe you're doing well!

Hello Yvonne!

So glad you found us too! It was great to meet you Thursday night and THANK YOU for stepping up and asking about the band during the meeting. Bandsters are usually in the minority so unless someone asks a band related question, we don't always get a chance to say, "Helloooo....I have a band and would be glad to talk with anyone who has questions!" LOL! Congratulations on your walking regime!! Walking has been a GREAT help to me during the past two years.

As to your questions:

No, there was no special "diet" required beforehand. As to "stocking up"...LOL, I actually ate way LESS than I ever dreamed after surgery, but good suggestions for directly after include: sugar free popsicles, Laughing Cow cheese bites (soft and good Protein in beginning), plenty of Water, broth Soups (I strained out the noodles, etc. when on liquids afterwards) and Carnation Instant Breakfast or other Protein drinks (nice to have some on hand that are fruity tasting and Water based, instead of milk based...you get sick of the CIB pretty quickly...). Protein requirement after surgery is min 45-60 grams per day, unless you are over 5'8" then it's over 60g. (Milk is a good source and I'd make "frappes" with my Protein Drinks and ice in the blender.)

Once you met with the surgeon, HE will submit to your insurance based on whether he feels you are ready to move on to that final step. It won't be until you complete all the other requirements.

This is the BEST decision I ever made for myself, and based on your positive attitude, you'll feel the same way soon.

Blessings, Mary

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Hello there,

I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. We did! I notice that MaryPetunia had abdominoplasty. Did you manage to have your insurance cover any of it for you? I was just curious. Thanks for the info about submission to the insurance company. I was a bit confused as some people said they did it themselves, etc. So, wanted to know how UMASS handled it. I am a bit confused about the form where it says weight, etc. at the time of filling it out. I keep thinking about the gentlemen who mentioned that his pre-op weight loss cost him getting the surgery. When I first came to UMASS back in June they said that it would be your weight as of the day you filed out the applicaiton. I have lost 17 lbs since then and am hoping before the end of the year to lose another 20 at least. That will take me out of the over 40BMI range. Any thoughts or comments from your knowledge?

Well, it is way past time for me to get going. I have been applying to employment ads, etc. since 6am and must get some things done around the house before I head out.

Talk to and/or see you folks later!!:thumbup:

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Hi Jazzy,

You might want to check with your insurance carrier about weight loss surgery and their own required BMI (with or without comorbidities in order to qualify)...they may have a specific BMI range that could be different from another insurance. I was fortunate to have BCBS which has been great for me. They approved my band surgery right away.

I also got approval for my panni removal the first time submitted but paid for just the "muscle tightening" myself since that is considered cosmetic and not part of the pani surgery by BC. Dr. Lalikos was great and I highly recommend her! I also have insurance approval for a breast reduction and am scheduled for November 14!!! BCBS approved it so I'm going for "plastics-round 2!!" I am opting to do my arms at the same time, but I will have to pay for those myself since they are not covered by insurance as a medical necessity.

you've done a great job losing weight so far! Just be sure to check with your insurance about the BMI qualifications. Hope you're having good luck with your job hunt! :thumbup:

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Hello MP,

Thanks for the input. I have BCBC of Massachusetts which, according to all the paperwork they sent me, will be no problem for approval. Their requirement is a 40BMI and that is why I am a bit concerned, but I told myself that if I get under that and they do not feel it a necessity, I will simply continue toward my goal on my own. I will cross that bridge, etc. That is one reason why I was considering whether I should call for approval B4 that happens. According to the letter they sent me the approval is good for 3 months' time. If it expires, I would have to reapply with a doctor's referral. Well, since you said that UMASS does all the applying, I will just wait until I have my behavioral and nutritional consults. That is only Oct 3rd, then, if necessary, I will schedule another appt with Dr. Gitkind to get his opinion (or that of the appropriate staff member) as to how it should be handled. From what they said before, they are familiar with BCBS of Mass and should know the best way for me to proceed!

Oh, I believe I know what an abdominoplasty is, but what is a "panni"? It is funny you mentioned the breasts, I figure at some point I will want to do something with them...not necessary reduce, but at least uplift a bit. Time will tell! But, you are obviously quite an expert at this point...and will be even moreso! Thanks for your willingness to be a support to those of us that appreciate it so much.

Till next we meet...Love, Yvonne

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I just sent you a reply...left the site...came back, and it is not here. Must have done something weird in my logging. Anyway, I looked up what a panni is and got all the scoop!:redface: Cool, it showed up...

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Here I am!

I've been missing in action on here for a longer time than I thought.

My weight loss hasn't kicked back in, and I'm in need of figuring out what is making me tick. I had another fill, but I haven't lost another pound.

I did pick up the Wii Fit, and that is fun and getting me working out more often.

Miss you all, and hope to see you at the next meeting. Is it next week, or the week after?

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The meeting is on the 25th. Maybe we shall meet, I did meet MaryPetunia and KathrynRose...that is how I got to this site. Things are going very well. I met with Jen Lauretti on Monday. She was so very nice and set me up for my 4 appointments which will begin Oct 29th. She knew they were booked pretty much for all of Oct., and wanted to get me in ASAP. I appreciate her support. Oct. 3 is my appointment with the nutritionist. That is right around the corner. I am psyched. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Tuesday, but went out last night. It was awesome. My husband is doing well also. He has lost about 8 pounds so he would like to lose about 15 more. Wouldn't that be great? Oh well, I am really happy for him, plus is so supportive of my endeavors which makes life easier. Well, gotta run. See you all next week...

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Hi amm! Good to hear from you, it will be nice to see you next week? Don't beat yourself up...if you're doing the Wii fit, THAT is a wonderful combination with your eating!!! Don't get discouraged, if you've really been working out alot, you may be building some muscle and burning fat, but it's not showing on the scale because muscle is heavier than fat. HOwever, if you know you're eating isn't in line with what you should be doing, the addition of exercise and getting back to watching the foods will REALLY make a difference. Have you had anyone take body measurements for you? I found that really helpful when I hit plateaus, my shape was changing, even when my pounds were the same. Looking forward to seeing you again!

Hi Healthy!!

Sounds like you've got some good apointments going on, so glad for you! Glad you found this site too, you;ll get lots of info about just about any question you ever have about the band! LOL! The good, the bad, and the ugly too! LOL! Just keep reading, you'll find what you need, especially encouragement from other's success stories. It helped me alot.

Hey Kathryn Rose!

Do you want to walk some evening? I'm usually available, you can email me here or call anytime! Hope you're okay, remember, things WILL work out, one day at a time. Be good to yourself, you are deserving of all good things!!! Especially happiness and good health!! :thumbup: See you next week?

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Hello there!

Last night's meeting was not too bad. It seems as if at least a couple of people had some interesting questions and, more importantly, got some helpful responses and suggestions. I really felt badly for a couple of people who are clearly encountering a lack of support - actually outright opposition from people in their struggle. But, I believe that they could see that is where the idea of self-prioritization comes into the picture. My husband said he could believe it because people are so selfish and sometimes too wrapped up in affects upon them, that they do not want to bend for someone else. Even the people they supposedly love. They are somehow unhappy and the other person's happiness reminds them of that fact even moreso.

My appointment with the behaviorist went very well and my appointment with the nutritionist is in a week. My skills group appts. are scheduled beginning Oct 29 - Nov 23(?), so things are moving along nicely.

I had not yet had myself measured to track inches lost, changes, etc., but that is something I will do within the week. I am feeling great and very positive.

Hope that you are all doing well. Sorry I was unable to see you MaryP and KathrynRose...Be healthy...

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Hi iam new on hear well, not really new i have been looking into the labband for about three months. I went to umass as i live only a hour away and feel like they could help. I like the doctors i have met so far they seem like they know what they are talking about. I have been top the orientaion meeting and the surgical meeting. I Just got my call for my first meeting with Dr. Gitkin. I have my first intake with him in January. I wish my intake wasn't so far away. I was told after your first intake it could take up to six months before your surgery. I just hope everyhting can go smoothly so i can get in to it quicker. Is there anything anyone can tell me to get more perpared for the intakes? Thanks for listening Amanda:thumbup:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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