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I'm in hell...band too tight

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Hey Lizzie, just wondering how you're doing now. After you had to "go backwards" were you able to get more fill again or are you sticking with the unfill?

I had my first sliming experience with my last fill. I'd have to spit up everything into a cup (didn't actually puke, but couldn't swallow spit without it hurting) for about half an hour almost every day for a week. It must have been swelling, because a week later it feels fine.

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Hey Linda! I'm back on this board after a long period of avoiding it..lol

Is that what sliming is? lol I still get confused with the terminology. I definitely feel your pain. Did you have too tight of a fill or did it just naturally loosen a little? Great job with your weight progress by the way! Over half way there...that's amazing. I feel like my lap band journey is just getting started really, which is ok. I'm just glad to finally be losing again.

I went from 7.2 to 5.6 and then to 3.6. I was on puree foods for a good week and then the restriction went down gradually over the next 2 weeks, but not nearly as much as I would have thought. I got 1cc put in 3 weeks ago bringing me to 4.6 and it's the perfect tightness. I'm expecting to need more fills as the swelling goes down because 4.6 is no where near the amount of saline I had in my band before being too tight. I also joined a gym and try to go daily and I absolutely LOVE it...which is strange for me..lol. You can't tell from my ticker but I had gained a LOT of weight over the last couple of months and have lost about 14lbs in the past month or so.

Anyways..how are you doing with your journey?? Have you reached restriction yet?

To any of the other November Nymphs who are reading this....congrats on your great success with the band! I've been looking at everyones amazing weight loss and it puts me to shame but definitely makes me want to work harder.

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Hey Lizzie. It sounds like you're finally there. I am not! I'm still very confused and not sure what's going on with my stomach. I think I need a slight fill and then see where I'm at. I'm glad you're doing so well. You sound so positive!

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Hi there. Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? I'm so sorry about your Grandmother, I sure hope you have family support while you grieve your loss... It sounds like your band has calmed down, I'm so glad! I've had the band for almost two years, and in the last three months my band has started completely closing up on me on the day my period starts??? The first two months I had to go get a slight unfill, but this month I could tell it wasn't quite as bad so I called and got advice from my doctor's staff and rode it out. It was not fun the first two days, but I COULD swallow my spit so not anywhere near where you were!!! I'm going to try just really easy foods the week before my cycle starts next month and see if that helps? If anyone has pointers on this experience please share! :wink2:

Ok, back on topic...your weight loss is wonderful! Every single pound down counts, and the band isn't a quick fix...it's a great tool that you need time to learn how to use. So give yourself time and patience and keep at it...YOU ARE DOING GREAT!

Take care!


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Hey Kelli,

Thanks for taking the time to care so much about a perfect stranger =) I'm doing much better, thank you.

Wow, I didn't know your period could trigger the band to get tighter. My fill nurse said stress could, so maybe it's the result of your body being in a bit of stress due to the changes during your period? I guess you'll have to stick to having warm liquids on the days it closes up on you. I wonder why it just recently started doing that though. Very strange. Hopefully you'll start to figure out what works best for you to ease the tightness.

Congrats on your weight loss by the way! That's amazing. People like you are so inspiring.

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Hey Elizabeth! Hope you are doing well. From what I can tell the tightness during TOM seems to be caused by several factors (stress, Fluid retention and swelling), but I think it also seems to be related to how long I've had the band (almost two years). Anyway I'm doing fine now. It seems unreal that I have lost that much weight, and even more unreal that I am this close to goal. Definitely something I need to try to get my head wrapped around, as mentally I seem to be fighting it. Doesn't make sense I know, but it's almost like I'm more comfortable atleast being a bit overweight as that's all I've ever known really. Anyway, I hope you are finding your sweet spot with that fill, and that you are hanging in there!

Take care,


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Hey Lizzie-

This week I just went through basically the same thing you did. A little history: I was banded 11/2/07 and had fills in Jan. & Feb. which put me at 5cc in a 10cc band. I had gone in on March 5th to get a 3rd fill. My surgeon didn't give me one because, in his words, my weight loss thus far was "off the charts". Fine. I had an appt. with him on Monday (4/7) and told him I still didn't think I had very good restriction. He gave me a 1cc fill and had me drink Water, etc. before I left his office. No problem. I ate a little supper. No problem. Tuesday morning I was uncomfortable when I'd sip Water, and couldn't even imagine trying to eat anything. By evening I couldn't get down my own spit. I spent a rotten night, and called my surgeon's office right away when they opened. He couldn't fit me in until 1:50! Geez! When I finally saw him, he said he wanted to take out 4cc for a few days to let things settle down a bit. So, I'm left with 2 cc and will go back next week for the other 3cc to bring me back up to where I was before the fill! He said that at 5cc I was tighter than I thought I was, because 1cc would not take me from too loose to completely closed off. I think he thinks I'm an idiot now and that I expect more out of the band than I should or something. That's not the case - I just didn't know if the restriction I had was enough or the right amount, you know? Anyhoo...lesson learned! Take care everyone!


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Isn't it crazy that a little fill can push you over the edge? I know just how you felt! It's good that you are giving your tummy a rest. Best of luck with the refill, let us know how it goes!

Take care,


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Thanks for the good thoughts! I go to get "re-filled" this Wednesday. Did you have surgery in Nov. 2007 and lose 125 pounds since then????


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Hey Lizzie and everyone else. This is what I posted out on the "complications" thread the other day. Lizzie, I can sooooo relate. The not being able, more like not wanting to at all, swallow your own spit thing. Augh. The burp that stays in the back of your throat that you have to swallow. It's all foamy which in turn is air that gets in the pouch and no way out. Talk about pain! OW! Then another burp and swallow. Then the throwing up the Fluid, then the dry heaves! OMG!! Here is my story.... sorry so graphic everyone but it is the truth and the only way I could explain it.

I must tell you all that I went to the emergency room the other night, Wed the 9th after a 1 cc fill on the 8th. My fill took me from 6.5cc to 7.5cc's in a 10cc band. I had had this much in my band before and it seemed to be fine.

I went in for a fill because I felt like I was eating too much and hadn't lost any weight in 3 weeks. When he withdrew the Fluid there was only 6.5 cc's in it. He said that sometimes the body absorbs the fluid and they are not sure as to why that happens but it does. He said that there is no leaks and not to be concerned about that.

Anyway... the next day I could barely get down 3/4 of a can of slim fast and about 2 ounces of Water. I got home that night from work and wanted some Tomato Soup (made with water). I had about 2 tablespoons and couldn't do anymore. I then started sliming. I couldn't keep anything down including my saliva. It would foam up when I burped and when I swallowed it would have air bubbles in the saliva and build up in my pouch, I'd get a terrible baseball sized air pocket feeling in my chest, then burp with the saliva coming up like foam. Yuck. It really, really hurt.

I ended up having to go to the emergency room which was 45 minutes away. So with bucket in hand my husband drove me to the hospital. All I needed mind you was some fluid taken out.

I got there and had to sit in the waiting room with several other people - looking at me with my bucket in hand, foaming and spitting into it.

My name was called and off to see a doc I went. Waiting....waiting...waiting... in that cubicle of a room, curtain half drawn. Finally the doc comes in and I'm thinking... there's no way in hell I'm going to let this man try to attempt to take any fluid from my port....which by the way was tilted sideways.

The staff and doctor really didn't have a clue as to how or even what the lapband was. I had them call my doctors office. Around 2 in the morning my surgeon's associate came in. He tried and tried and tried and tried to draw some fluid from my port but couldn't. Thank God for novocaine!! He had a nurse bring in an ultra sound machine to see if he could find where to insert the needle. Guess what? No one knew how to run the machine. They just pushed button after button after button until it worked. He rolled it over my port and tried again. I've had about 6 novocain injections by now.

My husband had a fit. He said, "If you don't know what you're doing then don't you think you should stop"? It must have been a terrible sight for him to see. Laying down and having him pushing and poking on my port wasn't so wonderful either. I had to sit up many times to spew the phlem. He couldn't do anything for me and said,l "in the morning we'll have to get an ultrasound done to find exactly where to insert the needle". (He's new to this lapband world). Good surgeon but not very helpful for my issue.

All I wanted was my "own" doctor. The one I go to for fills and the doctor who did my surgery and knew that the port was twisted. Soooo.. there I was all night long in distress, retching and spitting and vomiting, no sleep, no rest, no blanket, no pillow. Very sad and depressed. And to know that it would only take my doctor 2 minutes to help me. Stunk.

In the morning, at change of nurses shift a really nice older nurse came in to see me. I told her, I need to have my own doctor come and help me. Can you pleeease help me. She said that she would try to track him down. And you know what??? SHE DID!!! Oh, happy day!! When is he coming, when is he coming I say. She said that he said to tell me that he would be there soon. SOON?? When will that be? It's 8:00am.

Well bless his heart he came in within 45 minutes. He had had the nurse have the needles, novocaine and syringes ready. He took out about 1 cc and had me sit up to try to drink. I was petrified to even swallow any Water since after all, I was spitting all night long to avoid anything going in my pouch. I took a sip.... then another tiny, tiny sip. I could still feel it in my throat. You know like you have to burp kinda feeling? He had me lay down to take out some more. I told him to just suck it all out. I don't mind starting over from the get go. So he did. He left in 2cc's.

It was an immediate relief!! Oh, thank God, thank God!! I love this man! I said, "you can never leave me". He is a wonderful doctor and he knows his stuff. He said that he'll have to teach his nurse practioner how to fill and unfill my port. It's tricky. Not to mention that maybe his associate should maybe come in 1 or 2 times for my next fills to see exactly what he would have to do in order to get into my port correctly.

My husband came to pick me up.. (he went home at 2:00 to get like 3 hours of sleep before having to go to work).

He drove me home and I crashed out for about 4 hours. I was totally exhausted from this experience. Mentally as well as physically. I'm still feeling the effects of the retching this morning in my shoulders, chest and throat but feel almost 100% better lapband wise.

Soo... I'm so sorry about being so graphic and long but just wanted to vent and voice my most resent episode. I want this lapband to work for me but I surely cannot go through Hell in order to accomplish it. I won't really. I've decided that. I have lost 27 pounds since Nov. 5th and feel wonderful. I would like to lose another 50 and really hope that I do.

My doc and I decided to take this very slowly going forward. I go back to see him on the 23rd for my "first" new fill. I'm really hoping to not gain any weight before then. I'm going to try to follow how I have been eating for the past couple of months. Just try to stay conscious about it.

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Hey Dianne, Sorry you had to go through the same thing. You described it way better than I did! lol It's hard to explain the pain, discomfort, and panic you feel but it's definitely something I never want to experience again. One benefit: You'll need much less saline in your band to reach restriction. I'm at 4.8cc and the band is perfectly tight. Before my overfill I was at 6cc and wasn't restricted at all. So hang in there. It won't set you as far back as you may think.

Good luck!

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The closer it gets to the 23rd the more thinking I'm doing about how much to let him put back in. I think I may ask him to just put another 2.5cc's? That will take me up to 4.5cc's total. Then go back in a couple of weeks if I feel I need more. Sounds like a plan to me. Slow and steady as she goes. lol Thanks for writing back Lizzie, it's so good to know that we are not alone in this "adventure". ;-)

Take care, Dianne

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Hi Everyone!

I have not posted on this site in some time, but everyday I sign on to see how everyone is doing. I was banded on Nov. 7th, on Jan. 8th I had a fill of 2cc's. On Feb 19th I had another fill of 1cc and still had little restriction. April 10th I went to my dr. and he gave me a fill of 2cc's. I drank Water before I left his office and I had a little burping going on, my dr. said the band was doing it's job. On my way back to work I started to feel like I had a golf ball in my throat. I figured this would pass. By the time I was back at my desk, I couldn't even keep my saliva down. I called my doctor and he said, wait till morning and see how I feel. Well after 2 hours of not keeping anything in, I went back to my doctor for an unfill. He did not numb me, I was so uncomfortable it did not matter. He took out 1cc and I had instant relief!!But before he took out the fill he asked me was I sure I wanted him to take out some, he said I will lose a lot more weight if he left it in. :smile: Of course I would lose a lot more weight, I couldn't eat anything...I laughed it off, but I keep thinking was he really serious. I have read so many post about people going to the hospital. What was my doctor thinking? I am glad I had him take it out. I find it strange that so many of us had the same problem in the same week. Good luck to all of you. :thumbup:

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Hi Minidee! You were soooo lucky you did go back in before having to go through the night in agony. What was you doc thinking anyway by telling you that you'd lose faster if you kept the fill. What the? You couldn't even keep your own saliva down. What's up with these people anyway? I think they think we all want instant gradification with the weight loss. If we wanted it instantly then we surely would have opted for the gastric bypass, right? Geeeez Good luck to you and go slow with your future fills. Maybe have your appointments in the morning so you'll have the rest of the day to see how it goes? Just in case you have to make a mad dash back to the office.

Keep us posted... I was banded 2 days before you. Dianne

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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