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Ceradad - I'm so sorry about your legs, but it sounds like you are going to be well taken care of. Please keep us posted. You are in my prayers for a top notch recovery! SWAT team?!?!? Your a cop? How cool! You must be one tough cookie! :thumbup:

Karey - How scary! And isn't is a mixed bag of emotions about your son...your proud for his bravery and yet you want to knock him in the head for being so dumb as to chase a criminal over worldly possessions! I hope they are punished to the max allowed. You are in my prayers, also. I hope this doesn't drag out too long for you...two years getting here is more than enough for anyone to bear!

Karey-that had to have been scary as h#ll! Your son was very lucky. Hope all goes well with the trial.

Stef-I am a police officer. Not sure if I would call myself a tough cookie, but I guarantee a criminal doesn't want to see me coming at them.:eek: I was on the SWAT team previously, but had to drop due to weight issues. I'm now down to where they wanted me to be when I had to drop. Feeling good about the whole thing right now.

Now then, upper body and cardio combined today as I am working the late shift for one of my officers (I'm actually a Sgt. here). So here is what I did:

40 minutes of strength training-upper body.

30 minutes on treadmill, including 1.6 miles @ 5.5 mph.

35 minutes of interval training on elliptical machine.

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Okay, you all I hit the gym today, been pretty crazy this week with all my tests. But I did finally get some gym time..I am looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow again..Love all the pics, with the babies Stef! Too cute. I like those shots of the sun coming up too! I haven't seen the sun since last Friday in Ohio. Okay well everyone have a good weekend!!

Ceraded-Hope everything goes okay...

Whosyadaddy-Everyone is asking where you have been on chat so they are missing you to say the least, just thought I would let you know...

Take care!

Stef- I would love to have a trail like that to ride on! And it sounds like you have some awesome tunes to ride too! I actually like a lot of that music especially Fleetwood Mac!

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Ok, I've got to share this story here. Yesterday was DD's Valentines Day party at kindergarten, obviously. But, when she and DW were discussing it a couple of weeks ago, DD asked if I could volunteer to help out at the party instead of DW. I, of course, said yes.

When I showed up yesterday afternoon, she was extremely excited to see me there. Came running over to give me a hug and had to show me everything. Went we the class to the library to check out books. Then back to the classroom for the party.

When the teacher started explaining each of the three stations the kids would be doing projects, DD immediately yelled out I would do the cookie decorating project. Two of the girls told DD in front of me that they really liked her dad. Her smile could not have been bigger. It was great to see her excited to see me at her school yesterday. So glad I didn't just say no (especially since I had to fight a little to get the afternoon off)

Today, her school was out for teachers seminars and I am working the late shift. So, I got to spend the day with her today. I really enjoy those times.

Ok, I know I'm becoming a big (not so much anymore :eek:) softie, but I had to share.

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30 min run this morning

You RAN in that?!?!? I bow at your feet!

45 min ElliptiKILL

45 min Wt. Training

200 Crunches

Back to work tonight after 2 months off.:Dancing_wub:

You are rockin' it steady, Angel! Keep it up...you're doing great!

Stef-I am a police officer. Not sure if I would call myself a tough cookie, but I guarantee a criminal doesn't want to see me coming at them.:thumbup: I was on the SWAT team previously, but had to drop due to weight issues. I'm now down to where they wanted me to be when I had to drop. Feeling good about the whole thing right now.

Oh, boy! I bet you ARE feeling good about that all! As well you should! You'll be back, I'm sure! And we'll have a SWAT guy on our forum! How cool! Hey, it's cool to have you here no matter what!

Okay, you all I hit the gym today, been pretty crazy this week with all my tests. But I did finally get some gym time..I am looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow again..Love all the pics, with the babies Stef! Too cute. I like those shots of the sun coming up too! I haven't seen the sun since last Friday in Ohio. Okay well everyone have a good weekend!!

Ceraded-Hope everything goes okay...

Whosyadaddy-Everyone is asking where you have been on chat so they are missing you to say the least, just thought I would let you know...

Take care!

Stef- I would love to have a trail like that to ride on! And it sounds like you have some awesome tunes to ride too! I actually like a lot of that music especially Fleetwood Mac!

I'm so glad you made it to the gym! Yeah, the babies are pretty darn cute, aren't they? :Dancing_wub: You guys go on chat? I just went there for the first time today...pretty cool! You like my music? Cool! It's such a wide array, I know! LOL I didn't get to make it to Trinity Trails, but here's a slide show I made of my regular trail. I have shared some of these in different places on here a couple times, so if I'm duplicating, forgive me! :biggrin: River Legacy Park by robbieandstef

Funny how that 15 mile trail has become my "short run" if I'm pressed for time. It used to be that I would fight to finish it, and now I do it twice and then go out of that park on trails to another park all in one ride! From there you can see two other slide shows I've made, too. One is all before lapband (obvious, since I'm HUGE) and the other is from Vegas last November. Even in that one I look a lot different than I do now.

Ok, I've got to share this story here. Yesterday was DD's Valentines Day party at kindergarten, obviously. But, when she and DW were discussing it a couple of weeks ago, DD asked if I could volunteer to help out at the party instead of DW. I, of course, said yes.

When I showed up yesterday afternoon, she was extremely excited to see me there. Came running over to give me a hug and had to show me everything. Went we the class to the library to check out books. Then back to the classroom for the party.

When the teacher started explaining each of the three stations the kids would be doing projects, DD immediately yelled out I would do the cookie decorating project. Two of the girls told DD in front of me that they really liked her dad. Her smile could not have been bigger. It was great to see her excited to see me at her school yesterday. So glad I didn't just say no (especially since I had to fight a little to get the afternoon off)

Today, her school was out for teachers seminars and I am working the late shift. So, I got to spend the day with her today. I really enjoy those times.

Ok, I know I'm becoming a big (not so much anymore :lol:) softie, but I had to share.

Oh my goodness! That is the BEST story I have heard in a long, long time! I'm so glad she made you feel so special! Just by sharing that story, I know you deserved it! :cool2:

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Alynne: Your times are creeping up! You're doing really well. So glad to hear that. A few people are having problems over on the Feb/March plastics site. It's beginning to psych me out! You should post an update on your thread!

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Where is everyone? crying.gif


45 minutes on my bike trainer today.

It's so rainy, cold and disgusting outside...UGH.

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Okay Everyone,

I hit the gym hard today and enjoyed every single minute of it!!! I did zumba, and I was so excited because I am not even the biggest girl in my class anymore, which feels pretty darn good!!!! I saw some people having trouble to day, and I felt bad because the class is hard..Even now when they change up the routine but it's just such a great work out...I worked 40 minutes elliptical, 60 min class, strength training, abs, legs, and arms. I also included some free weights on my arms today!!! I also found out that lat pull downs are great for the back so I work that to the bone..I know I will be sore tomorrow but it's all good!!!

So today I went back on liquids, full liquids but liquids because I need a fill and I just feel like I am head hungry and need to fine tune some habits..You all know what I realized...How bad I still hate full liquids..I swear it is like detox but I need to battle this out for myself so...I gotta do it!

Stef- I absolutely love those pictures!!! Wow that must be so nice to ride on a trail like that!! They were beautiful!!

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WOW, Jess! cheerleader.gif

Sounds like you had an awesome day! Lat pulldowns are GREAT! Getting rid of that "back fat" was my first vacuous goal (I'm stuck on that word since it was discussed on the biking thread recently...can't get it out of my head now), and those are what did it for me. I love them!

I'm confused about what you said about needing a fill and going on liquids? Could you explain that again? I ask because I'm in limbo about getting a fill right now and wonder if it might relate.

I'm glad you liked the trail slide show! It is a nice place to ride. I'm finding more and more trails like that around here that I never knew existed. It's nice because there is no motor traffic....strictly cyclists/runners/walkers.

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Stef~ No problem

My weight loss is slowing down, and I am getting more hungry..So my doc wanted me to wait to get a fill almost two weeks ago, so I decided the other day that I would do liquids with another friend from chat on LBT. So we are on full liquids, to help get head hunger straightened out. Sometimes I get so used to eating that I forget how much food I really need to live, so it's important for me to revisit that every once in a while, to help me remember that my body needs food but not a whole lot of it..So it is my way of maintaining and trying to get a handle before I go back to the doc's for a fill. Even though I have the band, I still sometimes don't feel full even though I know I must be..I never try to over do it..But I have felt lately that I have been getting carried away, so I am just trying to take it easy for this week, and see if I can get my portion size under control, and not the eating because of head hunger..

I hope this makes sense..I just realize that at some point my band will almost be full and I will have to learn to control this on my own so I am trying to be more accountable for it now..But I am starving...for chewable food!! LOL!!

Take Care!

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Ah, gotcha, Jess...thanx. I THOUGHT that is what you meant, but wasn't sure.

I think I'm pretty much in the same place...starting to need a fill but trying to hold off. It's just so confusing for me this time because I'm starting to be able to pack away the food, yet it takes me forever because I get stuck by the second or third bite. Before this last fill...and I think I got it the beginning of October, can't really recall...it was VERY clear when I needed a fill. Now it's not. I've been getting stuck all the time now for months and I'm not losing anymore, really. Or at least not enough. I keep waiting for a clear-cut sign, but it just isn't coming. I'm starting to think that the lack of weight-loss is going to win out and I will get a fill. I just don't want to be miserable and have to get an unfill.

ARGH! :)

WHAT TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Okay, went to the fill forum for research. Based on the owners manual for the lapband, I am way overdue for a fill based on my progress and eating.

So it is decided! I am going to make an appointment on Monday to get a fill as soon as possible. It has been over four months since my last one, so I don't think it will be an issue on getting one. Maybe even an aggressive one. I keep telling myself that they only do them under flouro, so I am not too concerned with an unfill any longer. I'm going to run with this logic and see how it pans out. :)

Also, a couple of NSV's to share. 1) I was at Walmart grocery shopping when I asked a gentleman where I could find yogurt covered raisins. He looked and looked and looked, but they just don't carry them. He finally said, "Well, as healthy as you look, I know you want exactly what you are asking for. I'd try Tom Thumb." I told him that saying I look healthy was the best compliment I'd ever received! And it's TRUE! It feels good to know that it meant so much to me. It's confirmation that I am not just doing this for asthetics. The asthetics are the gravy! 2) I took my measurements today and I lost half an inch off my bust (which I really think came from further fat loss in my back), half an inch off my hips, an inch off my abdomen...and I GAINED a half an inch in each bicep! (All other measurements were identical to January 15th.) So while I didn't lose as much as I like, I'm happy that I gained in my biceps, lost where I did, and happy that I didn't gain where I shouldn't.

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Great to see everyone doing so well on their workouts. It's nice to have you guys here to make me keep up with all of you. I don't want to start falling behind you guys.:)

Yesterday, I did my 12 rep lower body workout to finish off this 3 week cycle. Here is what I did:

Leg Press: 540 x 12

Calf raise: 540 x 12 (on the hip sled)

Strt leg deadlifts: 155 x 12

Leg Ext: 180 x 12

Abductor: 140 x 12

Adductor: 140 x 12

Repeat that two more times for a total of 3 circuits. Then, went into Cardio Cinema and did 30 minutes on the treadmill, including running 1.8 miles @ 5.5 mph. Then, 35 minutes of interval training on the elliptical.

This morning before work, I hit cardio cinema again for the same times. Only difference was that I ran 2 miles this morning @ 5.5. mph.

For those interested in my workouts, you could look at my blog (2/17/08 - Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support.) I'm posting my workouts today. It's an ass kicker sometimes, but worth it.

Stef, great NSV's:thumbup:. It's always nice when a stranger makes comments like that.

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Okay well after my two day liquid diet so far, I am positive I need another fill too! I am going to call my doc on Monday..I am going to continue the liquids because I would like to keep some weight moving..I stayed still this week and the doc told me if I didn't lose to give him a call so I will in the morning that is for sure...At first I thought it was just me having bad habits, but I think I am positive I am needing the fill.

Ceraded and Stef!!!! Great job you guys are doing awesome...I hope your fill makes it better...Ceraded what a workout!!! Holy cow...

Okay everyone have a great new week of exercise!!!!

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Ceraded and Stef!!!! Great job you guys are doing awesome...I hope your fill makes it better...Ceraded what a workout!!! Holy cow...

Thanks, Jess. Like I said, it can kick my butt hard when I get to the 11 and 12 rep week.

Good luck on the fill. I hope it works for you. I've been considering throwing in one day a week for just whole liquids during the day and then, maybe, a small dinner at night. Like you said, to keep the weight moving. I just have to ponder whether that is right for me.

Also, I've yet to have a fill. I am considering requesting one this month when I go in. I've been holding steady in the 290 range for a couple of weeks and not sure what is the reason. Quick question, does it hurt or do you feel anything at all?

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Naw, Ceradad...fills don't hurt as a general rule. It can take a lot of pressure to get the needle into the port, but that's no big deal. The needle entering your skin is no different than any other shot. That was my experience with my first four fills, anyhow.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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