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NJ February 2008 Chat

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Good Morning Y'all!

Almost time for me to leave, but wanted to stick my head in and say hello. I started to dress up, wear a skirt and all, got totally dressed and decided to wear slacks! So, used up all my time changing clothes.

Sherry - Sorry you missed your deal yesterday! I cooked the same stuff you did, a pork loin, and a big pot of Soup. Yes, I would love your recipes! I always love getting recipes, so just send them to me when you find a good one! Sherry love the tatoo's, but I bet that was painful at times.

Kat - Glad you are feeling better today, just take it slow.

Mandy - What a cute car!

Pat - I never heard of tums for a back problem! Hmmmm, I'll have to try that one!

Gina - What a beautiful dog!

Well, got to run and get to work. I did get my car cleaned up yesterday!


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Kat, have a safe trip, you're such a great daughter. Enjoy your dad while he's here :).

Betty, it has to be something to do with indegestion or heartburn, because it starts as soon as I've been on my back for a while....OK Eileenie, get your mind out of the gutter, not that long on my back, remember we're old, :).

Mandy, I'll bet you'll get 100 miles per gallon, OMG that's a tiny car, are you sure it's safe? Cute car, but scares me.

Sherry, what a woman....who would have ever thought you had a tattoo of that size :smile2:....12-14 hours of needles, you'r chitting me!

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I think that's what really shocks people the most when they see it lol. They just don't expect me to have one especially that big. I'm hoping to get another one on my other thigh of an angel...just have to find the right one and the money! It's not cheap to get these dang things especially ones this size. He actually cut me a break too. Sometimes it still shocks me that I even have it hahaha. My skin is so pale and that tatoo so bright! My family of course thinks I'm nuts except my brother...he has a huge one on his right calf that goes completely around his leg...it started out with just the Rolling Stones mouth/tongue thing and now there are his kids and wife's names, an angel and a huge cross with Jesus on it. Oh well...at least I like the tatto and the colors. Actually it's not just one needle that pokes ya either....depending on the area sometimes it's 7 or more at once and for the thinner lines 3-4. The only part that was kinda SMART/ouchy was when he was filling in the magenta over the black he had just done. Lots of pokes in the same area but, honestly you get numb to it, you really do.

gotta get back to work! Have a great day everyone!

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No way you get numb to it, notta chance! Hubby and I went and looked a few years back at the albums of choices, but I just couldn't muster up the nerve :).

Kat, I enjoyed the chat and the pictures.

I'm excited, Wed, if all goes well, I will get to see my gson, the one who has the psycho for a mom , it's been almost a month since she's let my son see him or take him, AND, he loves his Daddeeee so much.

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Pat I was just wondering the other day what ever become of the psycho DIL---or whatever. She is still up to her crap?

My DIL is ditzy---no other way to put it. She is not real good at disciplining my grandson, so he is a wild child---but she has a good heart. She is saintly at times for putting up with my "I'm the boss" son---I do NOT know where he got the attitude, Rick is so not that way! And at times I think he is a saint for putting up with her---she loses EVERYTHING! I think she has had to have no less than 5 licenses since I have known her---she blows money like crazy on the stupidest things! BUT she is always home, and she loves my son. So.....maybe they are well matched!

What happened that you no longer get to see the kiddo again?

Tattoos....I have none! My son has a HUGE one on his back. Dark! It began as a small sun, then someone added something to it, and it was horrid, so they covered it up--now it is huge! He also has one on his upper arm....not sure what it is, I don't remember.

Oldest DD has 2----as small butterfly (so original!) on her shoulder blade, she got to show me! She was a senior in high school (well a junior, she graduated her junior year)---rebelling like mad! I saw the ink on her shirt---so looked at her sleeping and yep there it was! Took every ounce of control I had--I never mentioned it! So she hid it from me every day! The day she was trying on wedding gowns she needed to tell me something! You should have seen her face when I told her I knew about it, and described it to her!!! Like I told her, if she thought I knew, I would have had to look at it---as it was she hid it!!! LOL

Then more recently she had a faint plumeria flower done on the nape of her neck. It is beautiful! Very pale and quite real looking---only seen if she wears her hair up.

The youngest DD cannot hide hers so easily! She has BRIGHT, BIG tattoos! A starfish and shells in what they refer to as the tramp stamp--across the lower back. And then a huge octopus on top of her shoulder with the tentacles coming down over her shoulder onto her arm, back, and chest. It is gross. Well done, but in my taste way overdone!!! And bright pink! She has been coloring her hair the last couple of years to this coppery color, and the pink clashes, it is horrid! I can handle the other kids, but hers are not tasteful! The dessert raised girl full of sea symbols!!! Rick hit the roof when he saw her shoulder--he was yelling! WTF do you want a giant pink puss on your shoulder for??? Bad? yes....worse? He was yelling it in Walgreens Drug where he happened to run into her, and she had it showing! NOT a pretty scene!

Rick has none. He keeps saying he is going to go have his open heart surgery incision tattooes----but the skin is still pretty tender, so I don't see it happening!!! We neither one have any, yet all the kids do.

Ok....well I am not going to Albq. the Dr. cancelled, wanted him to come today for the Doplar test, and Friday for an appointment. It is 186 miles each way! And my PS consult is on Friday! But they managed to reschedule them both at a later date in March....whew!

Ok enough rambling!!



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Hello Y'all!


I am so excited, I got the box that Pat sent to me. It has all kinds of Harley shirts in it and a beautiful fringe jacket that matches my bike perfectly!

I saw the box sitting at my front door when I was coming up the street, and I couldn't wait to get out front and get it.

OK, I am going to go look at my stuff again!

Thank you Pat, you are a sweetie!

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I'm so glad you got your box!!! How fun!!!

Now Mandy----you start watching for a box----well.... I need to find one first!! LOL Kinsey and I shopped today--we hit the Dollar store!!! Wooo Hooo she found all kinds of things to make Poor Abi (said with big sad eyes! Like she had known her for years!!!) feel better. Not sure about the age appropriateness on all of it, I had a 3 year old helping! But it was picked out just for her! Will get it in the mail tomorrow. She should have it soon after her surgery. Maybe it will make her afternoon a bit brighter when she gets it. Explain to her the art included is from a barely there 3 year old!!!


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Betty, when I read that you got your box I just grinned from ear to ear! That's great! I can totally relate to changing clothes until I run out of time! Man! how many times I've done THAT!

Mandy, nice car!!! I like the color too! Sorry you had to go through all that stuff with the car that died though....but this one sure looks cool! I'm sorry Abi has to have the sinus surgery, and I'm sure it'll help her a lot too. I'll have you both on my mind and in my prayers on Thursday.

Gina, your Heidi is a pretty gal :cryin: She looks young and spunky (and, yeah, spoiled! LOL!) I remember my Heidi, in her prime was about 110 lbs.!....I found a paw print on a board in our garage....so BIG!!! needless to say , I got all choked up again.......

You know, Kat....I totally agree with you about the support here, and all these great folks! All the people I work with knew that I lost my pet friend...but not a word. I'm thankful for the friendship and counsel here! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better too!

Pat, how's that tan holdin' up gal? :Yawn: I can't hardly wait 'til Saturday!!!! 80 degrees and blue Water "here I come!" (hope to get a tan of my own on this ghostly white bod!) I learned all the important spanish: where's the bathroom? I'd like a margherita on the rocks with double tequila please. Oh yeah, and a few other assorted words like: excuse me? Please, thank-you and Very Good! also: seafood, butter & garlic!:biggrin2:

Sherry, thanks for the pics!!!!!! Petey is a sweety! and Fred's a beauty beta with digs to match! I like that bowl, and love the way the glass rocks compliment his color. And that tatoo!!!! :) Better you than me! LOL! I am so dang fickle! I'd love a tatoo for a few years, then wish I had something else after a few years! and yeah, I enjoyed the long post too!

Folks, I hope that when I get back from vacation, I can get off this slippery slope I've been playing with......chocolate! Ice cream! Good Lord! I had weight loss surgery! WTH am I doing???? GRRRRRRRRRR! It's not all the time, or every day...but it shouldn't be happening at all.....when will I ever learn? I'm not defeated though! Just need some exercise.....any exercise!!!!


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Y'know Diane the only issue I had with that post.....is Pecan Praline ice cream is what is trying to lead me down the forbidden path....I love chocolate, but in my ice cream.....this store brand Praline Crunch----I hear it begging me to eat it!!!

LOL----how pathetic huh???


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Gina, get Dr. T to give you that topical cream to spread on before the fills, I use it every time, he also gave me Valium to take, LOL, but I don't use that any more. I only would take 1/2 before I went.

I hate needles too. The last time I gave blood at the Red Cross, I turned too quick and saw the supposedly point of the needle, looked like the end of a dull pencil, I almost threw up.

No cream -- what does that do? No Valium -- just cold wash rags on my neck and such. Said to drink a Protein Drink before my fills.

:) It is no fun.

Have a good night.

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Kat, thanks for thinking of Abi. I'm sure she will love just getting a package. She loves artwork, no matter who did it. We have hand prints from the baby next door and she loves them. I will wait until the package comes to tell her about it. I'm off to bed. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well I had a great time trying on all my stuff, then when DH got home tried it all on again and showed him! lol

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, it hit the high 80's, and today it's only going to be in the 50's! I just wish it would warm up and stay warm.

Diane - I need to learn those words! I don't speak any spanish at all! I would love to learn it though. As far as Ice Cream, it gets the best of most of us! I know you are getting so excited about going!

Kat - Glad you didn't have to make that trip and miss your appointment. I am anxious to hear what the doctor tells you!

Gina - I don't mind fills at all, but my friend says her doctor hurts her everytime. Hmmmmmm.

Mandy - How is that new car doing? Have you drove it much?

Pat - I am happy for you that you get to see your g-son. Some women can be such bit$hes! Enjoy!

Well, guess I best get off here and start getting ready for work. I came here first this morning, so if I don't get moving I will be late. Time to shower, make my lunch and get dressed!

I wish I could wear one of my Harley shirts this morning! lol

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Betty, I'm so relieved you got the box, especially the coat. It's probably too large for you, as are the shirts, but seems I remember you got big boobies :frown:.

Kat, you crack me up with your eloquent descriptions...the tramp stamp, the pink puss, you're too modest, lmao!

Yes Gson's mom is still at it. She had my son arrested 3 weeks ago for "assault" because he cursed her out and blocked her car with his truck, while baby was in his truck, so then she also pressed charges for child endangerment. He was wrong to have called her a whore in front of gbaby, but he was in a rage of jealousy, they had been together for two weeks, and she had spent the night at his house. While he was cooking Breakfast she got on his computer and found pics of a bunch of girls he'd hung out with on the boat, last summer, so she informed him she was going out with a guy she met on EHarmony. Unfortunately, the following morning, he was on a mission to find her and passed her on a major thorough fare, did a u turn and followed her to her girlfriend's house who witnessed the entire episode. So, he blew it, showed his a$$ and it cost me $4,000 to bail him out. She had him arrested about three days later. The reason it took three days, was because she was waiting for him to take her OFFER of giving her more money per month. She wanted $300 more, but finally after he was arrested, accepted $200, so no he will be paying $1600 per month, because he lost his cool. She did it last time and she'll continue to blackmail him for money or press charges. When I tried to press charges for her assaulting me and pulling a golf club on me, they said it had been over a year and they wouldn't do it. Then when DS tried to press charges for her trying to run him off the road in Dec, they refused, saying he didn't have any witnesses...WTH.

Anyway, hopefully the charges will be dropped and they will both have to take anger classes and child rearing classes. Only 20 more years of drama if he goes to college, 16 if not :).

Gina, just as Dr. T for the cream, it's probably all in my head, but I swear it helps, hard to believe it's almost been a year since my last fill.

Diane, the tan's about gone, :), hubby is already talking about going back to Fl to check out another property, I'm so hating it, truly, the last thing I want is a place in Fl. We could take a heck of a lot of vacations to Fl for the $$$ he's wanting to spend on a place. We're not on the same page for sure.

Well, gotta go shower and get ready for coochie check today, hate those yearly physicals. Hope she doesn't mash the boobs too hard, they're still tender, LOL.

I know TMI :thumbup:.


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Awww Pat I am sorry you are still dealing with all the drama....it truly brings out the worst in all of us when it starts. I have been through hell with the divorce and bad marriage thing, and while I know I never ever deserved the beatings I gtot---there were definitely times my mouth ran away with me, making things worse. Your emotions are so raw, and the old saying of a thin line between love and hate, is never more true than in those particular moments. Sounds like she loves pushing him over that line. Lucky for her she is safe doing it. This tooth I am still dealing with decades later is a reminder of my ex---the root broke from being backhanded! Your DS's woman has it good! She is pulling his chain! My son and his former wife did some of the fighting. Then he wisely left the area to avoid the going to jail thing, but when he did, she severed all contact....he has not seen his DD is years now. He mails a check for CS to her last known POBox every month, and all but one have been returned to sender--the one never showed up, was never cashed, the box owner must have trashed it. He keeps all the checks, and has them in a file in the office---so when she finally decides she wants to be found, and that he should pay----he can show he has tried. It sucks....Ally, my granddaughter is going to be 7 this summer.

My DD on the other hand, and her ex (it is sad---2 of my 3 are already divorced!) they are both children of fairly civilized divorce. And together they divorced with some bitter feuds, but never in front of Kinsey, and together they do pretty well by her. My former sil is a habitual liar, not simple things, he makes up elaborate, wild stories, and he knows he will be found out, and seems to have no conscience over it. We are now worrying what that will do to her. His last story---he declined his weekend with Kinsey so he could go to Phoenix with friends. So he come back and told Manda that the friend is tied in with the MOB and had stolen some money when he flipped a house for them, and had to get the money back before bad things started happening! Yep....the week before he spent 6 hours in the hospital getting a stent put in his lung.....even if that were possible, he works with my DH--we know it isn't! He doesn't care! Crazy!!!

Sucks being unable to make your kids live the life they need to!!!

Mine are all (knocking on wood here) in settled relationships now. Oldest and youngest married, middle living together----hope they are all happy.

Oh and I did not come up with the term Tramp Stamp!!!! And it was my DH yelling in Walgreens about a pink puss not ME! You know how it is, the mom in me just shriveled seeing it!!!

Mandy---box will mail out today. I wanted to kind of wrap things up, but an old shoe box that something come in at Christmas was all I could find to send it in, so it is unwrapped and just piled in!!! There is an envelope in there for you too.

Well I have to go find something to drink, I am doing my best to get back on track here, and that includes drinking enough! Wish me luck!



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OK girlies, I'm bummed, I was having this great time at the doctor's office showing off my new tummy, chatting away with the nurse practitioner that I see, only to be interrupted by her assistant to tell her my stool test came back positive...aka, blood in the stool. Well needless to say, that got my attention! So, I've already been online and self diagnosed myself with at least 22 diseases! Everything from Crohn's, Leukemia, upper and lower GI stuff, this sucks!

We were in the midst of chatting about me finally taking the plunge and getting the colon thing done, well guess that's not an option now, the sooner the better!

Of course, I told DH, who never worries about anything and all he can talk about is buying property in FLA, WTH!

OK, I'm collecting hugs :biggrin:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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