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NJ February 2008 Chat

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Betty, I hear ya with the struggling, here are big (((HUGS))), for a lady that's been there for all of us all the way !

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Betty - So sorry to hear about your Uncle....you're in my thoughts and prayers. I do hear ya on the weight thing...I WAS under 200....didn't take much to push me back over. The stress at work is killing me and I seem to have reverted back to my old ways of comfort :regular_smile: Do we ever learn?

Hello everyone...can't stay..just too stinking pooped after work and working on a computer all day. Good news is tomorrow is Friday :tt1: My DH and my friend Donna are going to give me a Reiki treatment this weekend THANK GOODNESS because I've been having a tough time working on myself lately. Long story but, it will all work out in the end. It always does :blushing:

Chrispy and I are putting together a support group for Lapband folks at my house. I wish you lived around us so we can all meet :biggrin: Seems like we have a good size group for a first meet anyway. We'll see how that goes...it's going to be on Saturday, Feb 23rd.

Hugs to you all!

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Hey Betty sorry about your Uncle. I lost mine 2 weeks ago. Didn't someone else loss there Uncle around the same time?

Went to the nutritionist yesterday she told me some really helpful things.

Sorry no personals today work is busy and I have a bunch of people to help.

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Hello girls, its Patty.I'm so sorry for being away for so long. My computer is still messed up and typing this is excrucitatingly slow. First I want to say congrats to Pat for braving surgery. You are beautiful.A brief update: I started work at 24hr Fitness in December. On Jan 6th I started the treadmill & bike. I have lost 16lbs and now weigh less than I did when I concieved my twins! I still have not gotten a fill and when my losing streak stalls I will be ready for my fill. I work 3 days a week and have an "all gym" membership with my employment. That means I can enter any club I desire. All the trainers have become my buddies and they encourage my workouts and want to help with my strength/weight training in the next week. I knew God had a plan for me with all the stuggles with surgery, my district job and parenting. Pray I can get my computer fixed and that I can sign on more easier. Hugs and kissesPatty

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Well girls I'm glad this week is over. It was a long week with loads of dr appt. and test but it all over, at least for now. My allergy test was clear, which is great. My ctscan is also clear, great, but that leaves us still lost on what is causing the congestion and sinus pain. I have to see a Neuro next. I'll call for an appt on monday.

Today is my birthday, it was a nice quite day, just what I wanted. I turned 30 today. Did anyone else have a hard time when they turned 30? This has been a hard milestone to hit for me. Oh well.

I'm off to bed. I had a strong mixed drink with dinner and it's hitting me kinda hard. ~Mandy

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Awww Betty I am so sorry about your Uncle---my heart goes out to you, losing someone you love is never easy...no matter what. Big hugs to you, and I am sure he knew how lucky he was to have a niece like you to love him.

Patty good to see you, was just wondering about you!!! Glad life is being kind to you now!!! You deserve it!


Hope you had a wonderful day....you are very special, and deserve the very best!!

Mandy---I told Pat, our ENT recommended Rick try the Tea Tree Oil for his constant and recurrent sinus infections, and pain even when infection was not present. He told us to get a bottle of nasal saline spray---and add 3 drops of tea tree oil, and for Rick to use 2 sprays per nostril morning and night. He has been infection free, and pain free ever since. We have made several bottles since, and have both Dads using it as well!!!

I turned 30 during a dark time of my life! I was living in abject fear...had well over 60 stitches healing on my body---and a husband on the loose with the intent to kill me. So....I had a few things on my mind! I have to be honest, my biggest issue with the day was that my headstone would have birthdate 08/17.....date of death 08/17....sad but true! That was 17 years ago---and I Celebrate birthdays now, I appreciate them! I earn them!

Chin up Hon, I am here to tell you life could be so bad! You have a loving husband, and a beautiful daughter, a new job, a new exciting position in your neighborhood. What I would not have given to have had my life so together at 30!! Spoil yourself....it is your day!

Will try to get back and finish personals---Sherry, Eileenie, Dianne, Chrispy, Pat----all of you, I think of you often....Hugs~~


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Thanks Kat. The ENT thinks this might be Migraines. I had them before but not like this. He says I need to take my ct scan to the neuro and let him have a look. The sinus drainage is better, but the sinus area headaches are still bad. When I take a deep breath I have a burning sensation in my nose/ sinus. (feels like when you go from a really warm house out to a freezing day without your face covered). I'm going to see how the weekend is, and call on monday.

I know my life could be worse, much worse. I do have my stuf together, I have always been the together one in the family. I think my problem is that I always had education and then family in my plans. I messed that up by getting married at 18 instead of going to collage. Then I couldn't afford to go back to school, and after getting a nasty divorce, and getting remarried I am finally getting my certification to work with kids. I wanted to be tenured by now, not just getting started. Don't get me wrong I love my family, friends, job and home. I guess I just thought I would be further, have more accomplished by now. Dave has been working tons of hours lately and that's not helping either. He did take me for coffee today, and I had a great dinner with my family tonight. We ate mongolian bbq, my fave. We go to a place called bd's mongolian bbq (bd's mongolian barbeque). I also thought I would be at goal by now. I was so close and I gained 10 pounds over the summer with the hysto, and vacation with a wide open band. I got a fill last week and I'm still not losing, I must workout, and with the sinus crap I just don't feel like it right now. Abigale is also being moved into a full time special Ed class. That is a blessing but she is sooooo upset about leaving her teacher and friends. Why didn't the school just listen to me at the beginning of the year???? Now we have to transition her from one room to another, what a PITA.

I know things will get better. I am working on smiling more and stressing less. I also make an effort to take at least one long (45min) soaking bath each week. I'm also joining a book club. I love to read and have gotten away from it. Dave is insisting that I take some time for me, and that I try to rest more if at all possible.

I've gone on long enough. I'll check in later, Mandy

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You know Mandy, arguements can be made for each side, and I am sure when you are living it, your way feels right....but I too married young, and had Manda when I was young----but now, when I look back, I am so glad I did! I have friends my age, dealing with young kids, and I know what they have ahead of them. No matter how good a kid is, there is a certain amount of rebellion they have to go through....and I know all of that is behind me!!! I am young enough I am enjoying the grandbabies 100%! And when Rick and I have time off, we can go and do things together, totally enjoy one another. We love our together time!

I look at how your life is evolving, and think back over what I have done an accomplished in the last 17 years, and it literally brings tears to my eyes. I can remember sitting on a brown fake leather couch on the morning of my 30th birthday wondering what in heavens name I was going to do??? I was scared, and alone and had nothing....I mean nothing! I had 3 boxes of stuff---things I had packed and left at my Moms, for her to give to Manda if something happened to me, and that, and the suitcase of clothes we flew home with was all we had.

I did not marry a wealthy man, in Rick, but together we went on to build one helluva life!!! The years between were tough ones, but they made me strong! My point being, I may be 47---but I do not feel old! If I could overcome that, and go from that point to where I am today---girl you can do anything!!! You are starting at 30 damn near where I am at 47! Imagine the strides your life is going to take! The possibilities are endless! It is not a race to win----you just keep running---you will get your certification, and you will have years of students who remember you as their favorite wild tattooed teacher!!! You are 30 and simply a few pounds from goal----I was 30, and just starting to get fat! I ballooned from there, and spent the next decade and a half huge!

Take those baths, read the books, roll on the floor giggling with your daughter----they are the things you do to make the life you are leading enjoyable. Find a free evening or morning here or there and have coffee with your husband---make time for yourself....you are not in a hurry to get somewhere----you ARE somewhere, now enjoy it, and keep moving forward.

I admire the spunk, and the drive you have, and the braveness you face Abi's issues with....not to mention not only have you sat still for all those tattoos you have even given them to others!!! OUCH!!!!!

30 hit my best friend hard, 40 hit her hard....and she is staring down the barrel at 50, just like me, and she is already stressing it!!

Just wanted you to know, some of us think you already HAVE it together!!!

Happy Birthday!!!


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Happy Birthday Mandy...I have to say.....I wouldn't go back to the 20's for anything. I have to say I truly loved being in my 30's and when the big 40 came I threw myself a party. That's right....invited people, hired a DJ, had it at a hall and all. Told everyone no presents...just come and enjoy family and friends and to this day it was the best dang thing I ever did. I'm really thinking of throwing myself a 50 party :thumbup: I guess I always looked at our birthdays as just numbers. 29 is a number, so is 30 or 31. You can't change it...worrying about it only ruins your day.....look at what you've accomplished not what you haven't because if you truly want it girl, you can still do it. I too thought I would of graduated with a degree and be farther along but, I don't regret anything. I've learned from it all and I can honestly say I really like myself and think I turned out pretty dang good. I've been through alot in my life and I see so many people dwell on the past but, you know......the past can't be changed. My favorite saying "The past is in the past, you can't change it but, the future is what you want it to be." Stop looking in your review mirror girlfriend and look through your windshield. You've come along way and have so much more beautiful road to travel. Glance through your side windows and enjoy the moment but, always turn back to the windshield and only check the rearview occassionally and watch it fade away :angry: Happy Birthday Mandy.....enjoy and remember you've come a long way baby but, theres so much more!


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Reiki Principles that help me....

Just for Today, I will not be angry

Just for today, I will not worry

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings

Just for today, I will do my work honestly

Just for today, I will be kind to everything that has life

Saying that every morning helps...it keeps me in "today". I then go through things I'm thankful for so it reminds me I have alot of good in my life:

I'm thankful and grateful for....

my loving husband and son

my warm home

my car that gets me places

my puppys that have unconditional love

my eyes that let me see the fresh fallen snow

the breath I take, I can see another day

my friends that listen to me and care about me no matter what

There ya go girls.....think about.....list your "gratefuls" so on the days things are kinda down...you can read it and lift yourself up :thumbup:

Love ya!

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Good Morning,

Boy it was a hectic stressful week, I'm glad its over with. Nothing much new here and in my little world thats a good thing.

Betty when it rains it pours huh. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle :( and sorry about the break-ins... I would be scared to death too.

Mandy happy birthday !! I was very depressed when I turned 30...and I didn't think I would be, but I got over it fast. When I hit 40 it was like okay what ever. I dunno, I hear alot of people have a hard time with 30...so your not alone.

Patty... I emailed you. I'm so glad the band is working for you and things seem to be looking up from your post. Hope your PC is fixed soon.

Dianne...good to see yah hon, how's DH and DD ??? Sorry to hear about your uncle :(

Sherry, sorry your back in the twosies.... I've never hit the onesies :( and I'm right there with you...I did good M-T this week and when Friday hit I went ape chit with a bag of Hershey kisses :( wtf????????? Stress really sucks. Hopefully with spring around the corner we will get the ambition to lose again.

Kat darlink.... how's every little thing? how has rick been feeling lately?

Pat...6 doors wow... I think with that new figure of yours you need to hire 6 sexy body guards to guard each door for you naaaaaaaah naaaaaaaah... small price to pay wouldn't you agree ;) How are you feeling?

Crispy, Diane, Cindy, Beanie, Anne, and the rest of you beautiful ladies....hope to see you in here soon.

Have a wonderful weekend..... :tt2:

:tt2: <--- is he doing what I think he's doing or am I fantasizing again?:tt2:

:wub: lookie how cute these are :eek::tt2::tt2::eek::thumbup::angry::tt1:

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Good Morning Girlies!

I'd sure like to catch the person that scrubbed the back of my throat with sandpaper last night, ouch, my throat hurts, what do you all take for a sore throat?

Belated BDay wishes Mandy, hope your day was special :angry:

Sherry, I'm going to pick....I will not worry, LOL, I'm the biggest freakn worry wart.

Eileenie, you surely are feeling frisky this AM, LMAO.

Kat, your posts are always so inspiring, you should do that Riki, what ever, that Sherry does, I'll bet you'd be good at that.

Patty, what a great mildstone, just one of many to come. Glad you're doing well and thanks for the compliments :thumbup:. Sounds like your head is in the right place and it makes such a diff once we start to see any weight loss, large or small...you go girl.

Diane, (sg) where you been? I know you're not packing all this time.

Betty, it would be a great Harley riding day here, almost 60.

Hugs to ev1 even those I missed.

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Hello Peeps...been up since 5:15 am and its Saturday! What the heck is wrong with me? DH says all the stress is making me restless...guess so huh? I'm calmer today because I'm not at work but, tense still. Not sure this will go away for a while but, I'm doing ok. Wish I could explain more but, being on the internet I'm better off not.

Anywhooooo took a class last night and it runs 2 more Friday nights. It helps build your intuition and helps you hone into it more. It will help with my Reiki work on others. I really do enjoy it :thumbup: My friend is coming over Sunday to give me a Reiki Treatment and I'll work on her after. It helps alot especially after a stressful week. We also have to plan our next course for our own students who will be taking a Level III course with us in March. We need to get our manuals prepared and class structure planned. Some day goils I'm going to own my own Holistic healing center....I'm going to call it Passing Tranquility or something close to it :angry: After the course we're taking now we plan on taking an IET (Intergrated Energy Therapy) Level II course soon too. That work is amazing and helps release lots of emotions, tensions etc to help balance a person physically, mentally and spiritually. Reiki does that as well but, IET uses pressure points much like accupuncture but, no needles you use your finger tips. So relaxing :tt1: I'm hooking up with a woman who sells crystals and stones on Sunday too. I'd love to make holistic jewelry for myself and my friends...much like the jewelry I'm sure you've all heard about with the magnets. Each stone has a different healing quality just like magnets help with arthuritis and to help balance the negative ions in your body. It's pretty cool. Aeromatherapy is another way to help relax too. Just starting to peek into that one hahaha. As you can see...this stuff can keep me pretty busy...I just wish I had more time for it.

So what is everyone doing for Valentines? We don't really go out or anything here but, we'll get trinket gifts for each other and cards. I got my son a case to hold his new PSP handheld video game thing instead of candy and I got DH a stainless steel flag pole for his motorcycle and a flag for it. (Must confess I really wanted it too lol) I want to go out today and get something to send to the two soldiers I adopted that are over in Iraq. Dan and Kevin....both have written back to me which was awesome considering I'm sure they have little time. I haven't received a hand written letter in ages but, Dan has sent two so far. Kevin emailed to let us know he received our letter and he'd write again soon. It makes us feel good to know we're helping there day a bit. I'm going to send Dan a care package of candies. He said the guys like to give the candy to the kids in Iraq......many of the people there love our folks being there and really appreciate them. Anyway...I thought I'd give him a hand in making the kids smile a bit :tt2:

Hmmm what else is new...not much...just really busy at work, super stressed there but, I know it will pass and settle down. It always does. I'm very thankful to have a peaceful home to come home to...it helps get rid of alot of the day junk. The puppies are doing great but, hey are in desparate need of a bath!

hee hee thought I might of lost my post.....got side tracked...ended up helping the Earth by staying green...took a shower with DH to conserve Water. Yeap...thats it see what I'm trying to do to conserve hahaha. Feel nice and refreshed now. But I do have to go put my makeup on....might take a ride to Borders for something different to do. You know before having to start the laundry and other weekend crapola :wub:

Betty - Hows the job going down your end of the world? Are you going riding this weekend at all? Looks like we're going to have snow in a few hours here so the motorcycle is staying put.

Eileen - Yeap....it's been hard. I'm trying to pump myself back up to start fresh on Monday. I need to drink that blastid Water and lay off the snacking and when I do eat, make it Protein rich. Yeap gotta get all that in my head for a good start Monday (again...us dieters always say Monday huh?) I have this bodybugg that really does work ummm if I actually key in my food for the day and if I move my ARS sooooo DH and I have already made a promise to both get moving with our walks on Monday again. I actually bought one of the Biggest Loser workout DVDs to try. I read on the bodybugg thread that it's fun so if there is a chance exercise can become fun I guess I'll try it. Hell I've spent money on tons of "lose weight now" things what's one more hahaha How is the Karate guy? hee hee

Kat - You truly are a very upbeat person ya know. You really would be great at Reiki like Pat said. I think you'd get alot out of it if you don't already. Sounds like you already practice it honestly :eek: I hope your DH is feeling good and that things are going well for you.

Mandy - Man....that sinus stuff really sounds like it would get on ones nerves. I don't blame you for being frustrated. I do hope they figure out what's causing you this uncomfortableness/pain and get it fixed for ya. So sorry to hear you're still going through that. Now....regarding your not meeting your goal. GIRLFRIEND you look absolutely fantastic! If I didn't know about your band because of this website, I never would of guessed that you were overweight. You really look great and look like you've always been thin. Cut yourself some slack (I'll knock you around like Chrispy does me and I do her when we get down on ourselves lol) because you've come a long way, you're looking great, you have to be feeling weight wise much lighter and healthier and I can bet when you think about it you're moving with more ease and comfort compared to when you started this process. Right! So Celebrate your birth woman....You deserve it and I'm sure Abby and DH are especially happy you were born. Remember that!

Patty - Sorry to hear you're still having computer issues but, you know what....being off the computer isn't necessarily a bad thing. Means you have more time for YOU. Sounds like working at the gym is a great deal and great for you. Congrats! Have they offered you a discount on the BodyBugg? I'm telling you it's the greatest thing (when you really use it...unlike me right now) because when I used it right I was losing weight and could see the results.

Pat - sounds like you're feel much better. YIPPEE and man you're looking awesome you really are!

Oops hear the mailman outside and I have to get these letters of to my soldiers. BB later on tonight to finish more personals if I can. Sorry I missed some personals my friends....I love ya though :eek:

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Good Morning Girlies!

I'd sure like to catch the person that scrubbed the back of my throat with sandpaper last night, ouch, my throat hurts, what do you all take for a sore throat?

Pat how many times do I have to tell you.... you have to remind DH to take the french tickler OFF :thumbup:

Geeze...kids these days :thumbdown:

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Eileenie!!!, I'm calling your DH and telling him that's ALL you've had on your mind today! I think you need to go jump his bone (s)., ...ok two can play at your game, LOL.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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