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Did anyone stuggle with decision of band vs. bypass?

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:cursing: Did anyone here stuggle with decision of band vs. bypass?

Hi everyone! I'm new to this site. I posted this as part of a thread yesterday and haven't gotten a response, so I'm trying again as a new thread.

I'm sure that all surgeons handle the process differently, but after nearly a year I have finally jumped through my hoops and have been scheduled for surgery on feb. 25, I have 2 appts with my surgeon between now and then as well as a slew of addittional appointments with nurses and classes and pre-opp stuff. I haven't actually met my surgeon yet. Weird in a medical way, but seems to be fairly normal in the weight-loss surgery world I;ve heard. Has anyone else had this experience of not getting through the 'gate keeper' to see an actual doctor at your practice until you've been given the all-clear and scheduled?

Anyway, I originally chose the Lap-Band after researching it for more than a year and then going to my doctor's seminar last Spring. I was mainly afraid of the 'permanace' of the bypass, and of course of complications.

Until I consult with my surgeon on 2/12, I won't know if he thinks I should go with one vs. the other but I'm sort of leaning towards bypass now. That's why I searched for this site tonight. I've done all my research, but I need to hear from more people who are living with the band.

For people who have had an option... why have you chosen one over the other?

I'll be lurking around here, absorbing what I can from what everyone has posted in general (so glad to have such a great forum!), but any specific replies would truly be helpful. I'm a nervous wreck. I hate feeling like this is a 'decision' and that I might make the wrong one, when in fact I know that this is no longer a choice, it's a necessity in order for me to live a healthy happy life and be here fully for my daughter... I know this is such a blessing and have been waiting for sooooo long. Leave it to my human-self to now be freaking out about the very thing I've been wanting so badly!

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It cross my mind for years to have by-pass (didnt even do much research on it) that is until I saw a commercial about banding, I called that day to order the information packet. that was in August of 2007. I was so excited, it meant I didnt have to have my stomach cut in half (what happens to the remainging part?)and whatever else is switched around.

I immediently started researching all the sites on banding. I read the pros and cons. (food getting stuck, slow weight loss, slipage) but I knew right there and then that this was what I have been waiting all these years for.

when I did attend the seminar, the Doc there did not believe in banding, stating it was a waste of time, more bothersome than not, alot of people at that time decided to have bybass, I chose banding with the Docs. partner and am happy with my choice.

Personnaly, I would not have surgery without first meeting my surgeon. I was having elective surgery, otherwise if it was an emergency situation I wouldnt care. I did meet him at my pre-op (my request) and felt better about my choice.

I'm new to this and learning how to eat again. no fills yet. losing weight at a steady pace. only complaint, I'm gassy and have problems with Constipation, knew this would happen with the high protien intake.

good luck on your decision, only you can make the right choice

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I was like you. Didn't know which to chose. Initially I thought Gastric bypass (GB) cause that was all I knew. I went to the education seminar and then saw the survival/complication rates and so I started to lean toward the band. 1 in 100 v. 1 in 1000. That makes a big difference when you are a single mom responsible for 2 girls (11 and 13). So I was leaning toward the band. Then I was told that you can't ever have bread again because of the dreaded breadballs that can fill up the hole.

I went to my surgeon and said that I didn't know which. He asked me what my issues are and I started "I'm single mom with two kids.." And he said, "Stop. I know which one is for you. The band. It is safer and you need to be around for your kids." So that is what I did.

Hope this helps.

BTW, I eat bread all the time, Just not a loaf of sourdough like I used to.

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The idea of re-routing my stomach and intestines, malabsorption and a more risky procedure were the reasons, I decided against GBP.

No matter which procedure, some patients have been successful and some have gained weight back. It takes some work and diligence on the patient's part, no matter which one you choose, so I went for the less risky procedure.

Lap band patients usually lose weight slower than bypass patients, but overall after time can have similar results. A lot depends on the patient's compliance with the rules and both require high Protein, low carb, no drinking right after meals, and highly suggest exercise.

Lap banders lose slower becasue of the "fill" process, it can take time, depending on how often your dr will give fills, (which is a good question to ask the surgeon you choose) to get the right restriction.

Please educate yourself on the fill process (there are some good threads on ths site) because the fill process seems to be one of the least understood parts of the banding, as I see so many questions about it on the forum.

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Hi, Jane.

I wish you luck on your decision as it is a very personal decision you have to make. I don't know if this will help at all with your decision, but if you'll bear with me, I like to share my story thus far and pre-band.

Since I was about 15, I've progessed from chubby, to overweight to heavy, to morbidly obese. Like all of us here on this forum, I've lost weight, gained more weight, cried over my weight and most recently I just simply gave up. I'm 46 years old and at my highest weight 330 lbs! I have hypertension, pre-diabetic, my back hurts after standing or walking for more than 5 minutes, and I'm pulling away from all of my friends and family. I wasn't even trying any more, I lost hope and I've always been an optimist...

I've been researching lapband for almost 5 years. It sounded to good to be true, so I never fully beleived it. I considered bypass surgery for a very little while and even went to a seminar that discussed both bypass and lapband. At this particular seminar, they were pushing the bypass as the surgeon has been performing bypass surgery for over 20 years. He felt that lapband was too new and the weight loss was slow. So, he essentially poo poo'd the entire idea. I left the seminar very discouraged and I knew that I would never be able to choose the bypass, it scared me more than being fat.

Still I kept researching the lapband, it seemed to make sense to me, but I was still feeling a little lost and hopeless. Recently I had a realization that I want to live and I want to live healthy (physically and mentally). However, I still know that no matter how determined I might feel, I know that am human and the amount of weight I need to loose is just too overwhelming. I can't do this alone or without an aide.

I went to another seminar that focused on the lapband procedure. While this surgeon was pro lapband he also discussed the other weight los procedures and noted that, in his opinion, any weight loss surgery, even bypass and it's associated complications and risks, was still a better risk than being obese and suffering from comorbidities.

For me the answer was clear. I have no doubt that I need to change my life, but I also need the tool to help me loose the weight and more importanly, keep the weight off. The bypass was still too radical for me and too scary, so I am choosing the lapband. I've begun the process and just awaiting some final medical test results and hope to be banded in the next month or so.

I know this won't be an easy journey. I will have to make huge adjustments in my life and I will still have to deal with my emotional eating. The weight may not come off as fast, but slow and steady wins the race. Mostly, I know that I will have to work "with" the lapband and not "against" it. It's a wonderful option and if you are honest with yourself and do what your physician tells you, it works and with less risks than the bypass.

I'm full of hope and optimism yet again. :wink2:

Again, I wish you luck. And as others have said here, read and research both procedures and maybe even make a list of pros and cons for both procedures...

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Thanks for the helpful posts everyone!

I think unless my doctor has a compelling argument for why he thinks bypass will be better for me specifically, I will be going with the LapBand, which is the procedure I had gone into this process wanting and the one I have spent the most time and energy researching an preparing for.

Shortgal, Thanks for mentioning the importance of educating myself about fills. That's a good idea so that I can ask plenty of questions pre-band about what to expect in the fill dept later on =) One of the daunting things to me about Lap vs. Bypass is the extra cost and trial and error of the ongoing fill process later on. My insurance will cover my sugery but nothing towards my fills (kind of ironic, isn't it?). I like the idea of having a procedure (BP) and just being DONE, but of course stats say that this is rarely the case due to complications.

lachica- I meet my surgeon 3 times prior to surgery day. The practice just doesn't give you an actual appt with your surgeon until you've gone through the approval process. It's odd in a lot of ways, but when I think of the hundreds of people from all over the country who attend their seminar each month, I can only imagine how many people who would be requesting appts and then not qualifying for surgery for various reasons, and I know that surgeons don't have that kind of time. Now that I think that through, the only reason I have met other surgeons I've had is because -duh!- I needed them to operate on me. So, I should have plenty of time to feel him out before band-day. I believe I was assigned to the doctor in the practice who does the banding. I think they all do RNY, but only this one does LapBand.

SEEBS- I have a 2 year old daughter, so I totally get you there! Right now, at 270lbs and in constant pain, there are so many things that I can't do with her/give her. She is my main motivation for change... she makes me want to be a better person in EVERY way... but I also want to be responsible with 'her mother' and make the best decisions I can since this body I'm messing with belongs to the only mother she has! Good for you for making this decision to live a healthier life!

Lattedah- So uplifting to hear that you again have hope! Good luck with everything!

Everyone... I have decided that my decision cannot be related to anything financial. It's such a blessing to be at this point and to be able to have my procedure covered. We can make the fills work somehow. I have realized after thinking long and hard this week, and being inspired by the success I read about on these boards, that I am so lucky to have not caused any permanent damage yet (okay, I would count the fact that my stretch marks have stretch marks as damage... but) to my health by this weight, so why would I choose a solution that made a permanent change to my organs if I don't have to? I have only been overweight the last 10 years, obese the past 6 1/2 and morbidly obese the past 2 1/2 years. The fact is, we have tried everything and cannot budge this weight. My doctors were the first to actually suggest the procedure. So....back to where I started. Lapband!!!

Sorry if I'm jumbled.... I am trying to think/type and also please a sick toddler, an excited, needy puppy and it's not 7am yet.

Thanks again for all of your replies!

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:rolleyes2: Did anyone here stuggle with decision of band vs. bypass?

For people who have had an option... why have you chosen one over the other?

Yes, I struggled with it until I realized I didn't like the malabsorption of the bypass. I'm still not scheduled for surgery yet but should have my date next week.

Good luck.

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I personally never considered bypass an option. I don't like the idea of being cut and rerouted. If the lap-band didn't exist, I'd probably still be fat.

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I chose LB over GBP based on:

1. You lose the weight slower, which is healthier for your body.

2. LB allows your food to be processed normally, allowing your body to absorb the necessary nutrients by taking its time instead of a quick route to your lower intestines.

3. It's reversible! So if there are any complications, I'm reassured by the fact I can have it reversed, if all else fails. However, with the newest appliance on the market (the AP), the slippage rate has been reduced dramatically - just in the past 4 yrs.

4. I like the idea of having a less-invasive surgery - recovery should be better.

I have 2 aunts that have had the GBP & they've been happy with it, but I just didn't want to take those chances since I'm a mom of 2 young children!

Good luck in your decision & process.

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As far as not seeing the dr before the approval - that's common, or at least that's what they do at Scottsdale Bariatrics in Arizona. Now she did give the info presentation but I haven't seen her since then.

And like many others I didn't want my insides scrambled, either.

Good luck!

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No, bypass is so drastic, and banding is reversible. Also, you have to be 100 pounds overweight to get the bypass. I like the idea of being able to control it by getting fills with the band.

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Hello. I too struggled with the decision of which one to do. Finally I decided on the band. I went with the band because it's minimally invasive, it's reversible and the complications are fewer with this than with bypass. As well, I read somewhere that the difference between the two as far as loss goes is about 15 pounds, and I can live with that. Good luck to you on whichever you decide to do.

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Well, for a week or two I thought it (bypass) was my only option because one of the class's we have to take, the person doing the class said someone with IBS could not have the band. It struck me as odd, since the surgeons first seminar never said anything about the band and IBS, and when I asked he said it is a non issue. He did say something about Crohns and Ulcerative Coilitus though.

So, after I did my research I asked the nutritionist that works with the surgeon, and she said most people with IBS who are banded show a marked improvement, while with bypass they have more issues.

So, I guess what that ramble is saying, I have always wanted the band, bypass with a brief blip in the brain thanks to misinformation but no, bypass is not an option for me.

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Yes. From time to time I still wish I would have had that instead of the band.

My twin had that done. I had the band. We are both size 6.

Twin has to remember to eat. I have to remember NOT to eat.

She eats what she wants, when she wants. I still struggle to avoid foods and can't eat past 6pm.

But on the flip side, mine was much more efficient than hers. When she made the decision for bypass, it was a year before she jumped thru all the hoops and had surgery. Me, 1 month I was in and out.

She has continued visits and labwork, I'm so done!

She took a greater risk, I still have all my organs in tact.

IF, now that IF she starts gaining weight...she's on her own. Me, just get a fill.

Hope this helps. Only you can decide. good luck

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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