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I Have a Dream . . .

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I have a dream . . .

If I were to come to these forums as a black person, and someone called me a n!gger, there would be outrage.

If I were to come to these forums as a homosexual, and someone called me a faggot, there would be outrage.

If I were to come to these forums as an overweight individual, and someone called me a fat lazy slob, there would be outrage.

If I were to come to these forums as Hispanic, and someone called me a "spic", there would be outrage.

If I were to come to these forums as a Native American, and you called me a redskin, there would be outrage.

If I were to come to these forums as a woman, and someone said I was worth less then a man, there would be outrage.

But if I come to these forums and say that I am Christian, it's open season on me to bash, criticize, and otherwise act as if I were a lesser individual, a person without feelings, someone not worthy to be treated with any respect.

In my short time here on these forums, and I'm not even banded yet, I have seen people bash Christianity like I've never seen it anywhere before. (And I've been in nursing for over 20 years, and on the internet since it started, so I'm no new kid on the block.) You've called us wacky, you say our ideas are rubbish, you tore apart the reasons for Christmas, you mock the Bible, you mock our belief in God as nothing but a crutch, and you do all of this under the guise of "stimulating conversation".

In many ways, Jesus Christ is still being crucified. Not this time with a cross and nails, but with cruel, thoughtless words and deliberate intent to harm the beliefs of others.

Christians have been treated here, as if there were not PEOPLE behind the keyboards. But they are - hello everyone, we are people with as much intelligence and feelings as you yourselves claim to have.

This is a free country. You have the right to be atheist, agnostic, whatever . . . and I have the right to be a Christian. You don't have to accept my beliefs, you don't have to accept my God, you don't have to accept any aspect of Christianity. You don't want me to insult you for your beliefs, and all I ask is that you do the same - we are all here with a common goal, to lose weight with a device called a lap-band. Why can we NOT treat one another with some respect?

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He had a dream. A great American man with a dream, someone I deeply admire:

" . . . I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . ."

" . . . I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character . . ."

" . . . I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers . . ."

" . . .And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

I have a dream too . . . when can we, as atheists, Christians and all others of different beliefs, agree to disagree on our spiritually, learn to respect our differences, sit down together, join hands and share conversations without insults?

I shall step forward and be the first . . . I accept all of you as you are, I respect you as individuals with different beliefs.

Now can you please accept me as I am - just a another overweight individual seeking release from this prison of obesity, who happens to believe in Jesus Christ? I am not better than you. Nor are you better than me. The dream is to see each other and treat each other with respect. Isn't there enough stress and strain in this confusing and often angry world of ours?

I have a dream . . . Thank-you Mr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for your brave words and inspiration. You have my love and deepest respect. I know God holds you close.

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I try to stay out of the "religion" threads because it's "not my cup of tea", but I have only seen one thread that was really bashing Christians and that was the thread by the person who has only made 7 posts on LBT and a moderator said something as soon as it was done. I really don't see exactly what you are talking about. I know there have been some Athiest debate threads, but I think they were left at that: debates. I guess I never expect the world to be a perfect place, therefore I am not disappointed when it isn't. I agree with you that everyone should be accepted for who they are, but that doesn't mean you can't constructively debate about it. Maybe I have just been oblivious to what you are referring to. :lol:

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Maybe I have just been oblivious to what you are referring to. :tongue:

Perhaps, Pippinje. That thread you mentioned just happens to be the worst, and should be removed, I agree with you there. But there have been plenty of other threads/posts, and I'm not the only Christian who has felt this way. I just happen to be more vocal, lol. It's why I admire Martin Luther King Jr., he stood up for what he believed in.

Peace :smile:

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I try to stay out of the "religion" threads because it's "not my cup of tea", but I have only seen one thread that was really bashing Christians and that was the thread by the person who has only made 7 posts on LBT and a moderator said something as soon as it was done. I really don't see exactly what you are talking about. I know there have been some Athiest debate threads, but I think they were left at that: debates. I guess I never expect the world to be a perfect place, therefore I am not disappointed when it isn't. I agree with you that everyone should be accepted for who they are, but that doesn't mean you can't constructively debate about it. Maybe I have just been oblivious to what you are referring to. :tongue:

I do think that you have probably been oblivious to it, mostly because you don't care about the issue one way or another, so you're not sensitive to it.

I've been around quite awhile, and there's enough people here that are anti-Christian that I have chosen to stay mostly out of those discussions, because MY personal faith is not up for discussion, and I won't have someone bashing my faith. I can defend it if I choose, but for me, this forum isn't the place for that.

Rose, thank you. Your post was very eloquent and well said.

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I've been around quite awhile, and there's enough people here that are anti-Christian that I have chosen to stay mostly out of those discussions, because MY personal faith is not up for discussion, and I won't have someone bashing my faith. I can defend it if I choose, but for me, this forum isn't the place for that.

Rose, thank you. Your post was very eloquent and well said.

You are welcome Travelgirl, and thank-you for your very kind words. You shouldn't have to stay out of any discussion because of your faith, or for worry of someone bashing you. It's wrong.

Peace :tongue:

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Gee, I must have missed something. I'm sorry that you experienced this though.

I would like to think that everybody is accepted here - we've all experienced the attitudes towards being overweight and I would have though that we were more open-minded.

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I do think that you have probably been oblivious to it, mostly because you don't care about the issue one way or another, so you're not sensitive to it.

I've been around quite awhile, and there's enough people here that are anti-Christian that I have chosen to stay mostly out of those discussions, because MY personal faith is not up for discussion, and I won't have someone bashing my faith. I can defend it if I choose, but for me, this forum isn't the place for that.

Rose, thank you. Your post was very eloquent and well said.

Why should anyone be sensitive to it? You believe what you believe no matter what anyone does or says. Personally to me, people can believe whatever they want to believe until they find themselves trying to "convert" me. Then I have lost all respect for that person. If anyone has been bashed because of their beliefs, then I am truley sorry that you experienced that. However, I find alot of times people get defensive just because someone has a view that is not similar to theirs. I am not saying that's the case in this situation, but I have seen it and I find that just as repulsive as bashing someone because of their beliefs.

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I have been surprised at the amount of 'Christan bashing' I have seen, some more subtle than others. I think what irks me more than the morons like, well you know who, are those non-believers who swear they know the Bible better than any Christian. You can read the words, or you can understand and accept the words. There is a grand difference, and I will never tell an atheist that they are wrong in their beliefs. OR that I know more than they do about their own beliefs. Faith is unique in this world. I, for one, am very comfortable in my own faith. Just don't condescend to those who see life differently. It's ok. We were made the same. We do have free will.

And one thing about free will.... People mock that and say if there were truly a God then he would prevent all the bad things in the world. When that happens humanity is gone. Free will, mistakes, risks, faith, love, hatred....so many different attributes have shaped humanity. As parents we may know when our children will make mistakes, and yet we don't lock them in the home. We allow them to spread their wings and learn. I am glad we have had the opportunity to learn and grow as people. And I am exceptionally happy that we are unique and different as people. So much to learn through life, and I appreciate each lesson.

And for the most part, I appreciate all those who can defend their views without trashing others.

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Gee, I must have missed something. I'm sorry that you experienced this though.

I would like to think that everybody is accepted here - we've all experienced the attitudes towards being overweight and I would have though that we were more open-minded.

I think sometimes we forget that we did all come here with the same baggage of weight. Heehee that makes us all alike in at least one aspect! :tongue:

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I have been surprised at the amount of 'Christan bashing' I have seen, some more subtle than others. I think what irks me more than the morons like, well you know who, are those non-believers who swear they know the Bible better than any Christian. You can read the words, or you can understand and accept the words. There is a grand difference, and I will never tell an atheist that they are wrong in their beliefs. OR that I know more than they do about their own beliefs. Faith is unique in this world. I, for one, am very comfortable in my own faith. Just don't condescend to those who see life differently. It's ok. We were made the same. We do have free will.

And one thing about free will.... People mock that and say if there were truly a God then he would prevent all the bad things in the world. When that happens humanity is gone. Free will, mistakes, risks, faith, love, hatred....so many different attributes have shaped humanity. As parents we may know when our children will make mistakes, and yet we don't lock them in the home. We allow them to spread their wings and learn. I am glad we have had the opportunity to learn and grow as people. And I am exceptionally happy that we are unique and different as people. So much to learn through life, and I appreciate each lesson.

And for the most part, I appreciate all those who can defend their views without trashing others.

Just beautifully written Chelle. You have a talent of writing that fills me with peace. What you wrote about free will and bad things happening is so true. I have a son with autism, and for a long time I struggled with the "why me" attitude. Once I let go of that, I was able to truly see my son in a whole new way. As humans, we may see nothing but a child with a disability. But in God's eyes, he is perfect. My son has taught me so much about life and accepting others just as they are. He still continues to amaze me with his talents and simple beauty every day. I am blessed.

Each of us, with our different beliefs, is like a flower in a field. There's not one type of flower growing there, but many. How boring would it be if there were only flower, one color in the world? I think the same is true with people. Each of us is a different flower, and each of us brings something into the world. Each of us deserves to be cherished.

Peace :tongue:

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One of the things that gets me is that a few times when someone tried to start a new Christian themed thread, a non-Christian felt the overwhelming need to point them in the direction of an existing thread. This one is a prime example. The 3rd post on this one is directing them to the other thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/christian-bandsters-42609/

That poster might have felt that they were only being helpful, but it seemed almost to say "You need to just keep posting in your own thread, and quit trying to start new ones." Especially since this thread is not the only example of this. I just get tired of seeing it.

I hope I am not giving the impression that I'm a poor little wounded soul over this, I'm just tired of it. I frequently visit another site that shall remain nameless that doesn't have this undercurrent. I just wish this site could have the same feel to it.

And pippinje: I just have no comment for your last post.

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Rose, your "I have a dream" is beautiful. When I first came to this site, I didn't know how to find things so I would just go to "new Posts" everyday. I was just shocked and hurt at the amount of nastiness and left the site for awhile. Then after a couple weeks I came back and found that most of the nastiness was in "rants and raves" and I didn't have to go there. But this last thread has the hate right in the title and that is just unacceptable. I think your response said it all. If they won't take it off the site, I think we should just try to ignore it from here on out. Travel girl, I also visit the other site where everyone seems so supportive and loving. I only wish this could be like that because this one is more active and more informative.

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I agree, I like this site better, with this one exception. *shrugs*

No matter, though, because Alex has been so kind as to agree to adding a sub-forum just for Christians. He's awesome like that. :rolleyes2:

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Why should anyone be sensitive to it? You believe what you believe no matter what anyone does or says. Personally to me, people can believe whatever they want to believe until they find themselves trying to "convert" me. Then I have lost all respect for that person. If anyone has been bashed because of their beliefs, then I am truley sorry that you experienced that. However, I find alot of times people get defensive just because someone has a view that is not similar to theirs. I am not saying that's the case in this situation, but I have seen it and I find that just as repulsive as bashing someone because of their beliefs.

If someone should not be sensitive to their religious beliefs why should others be senstive to the other comments she mentioned? Guess I just don't understand why it is okay for others to be senstive to other comments, but once again Christians can't be. There are many mor e groups out there that try to force their beliefs on me other than Christians.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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