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Anyone Else fear That Hillary Has No Chance?

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i'm not sure who i'm more scared of winning

I think I'm more frightened of McCain. He doesn't seem mentally stable. I think he dreams of seeing a big mushroom cloud in the Mid-East and being referred to as "Fuehrer McCain."

I think Hillary will be a push-over as president. There will be just a lot of spinning wheels in Washington and not a lot getting accomplished. She's a great public speaker (as far as robots are concerned), but I don't think she can back it up with action.

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I think I'm more frightened of McCain. He doesn't seem mentally stable. I think he dreams of seeing a big mushroom cloud in the Mid-East and being referred to as "Fuehrer McCain."

I think Hillary will be a push-over as president. There will be just a lot of spinning wheels in Washington and not a lot getting accomplished. She's a great public speaker (as far as robots are concerned), but I don't think she can back it up with action.

McCain is mentally unstable? how's that?

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No chance? Seems like she does.

I wouldn't vote for her, though. Any person who 'allows' their husband to do what he did....and still remain.... that person would not make a good president or commander in chief.

But that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.

Huckabee...what a surprise! With the bad judgement he exercised and other people were hurt (the criminal he let go and then more crimes were committed)... nope. Not going to be president in my book.

Romny...everyone seems to be voting for him around here...but not me. His state was one of the first, if not the first to have gay marriages. Nope, not a president for me.

McCain and Obama...I know nothing about. And watch them two be the ones!

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My confussion comes from morality police who criticize Hillary for staying w/her husband cause he got a BJ vs. leaving the SOB. And it is for that I get somewhat annoyed, specifically with the "religious right" that on one hand wants to use that "lapse in judgement" by her husband against her, rather than appreciate the fact she got through a rough time in her marriage..With "Forgiveness" which is preached upside down by the Evangelicals of this country.

She is so polarized that it does not matter if she left him or stayed with him - people are going to find ways to knock her, period.

I bet she'd be as tough as any other candidate - if not more, she has the Most to prove.

And Grace this is not so much directed at you per se' but in general (and also MO).

I'm personally still on the fence between her and Obama, and probably will be till my March 4th primary....,

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Perhaps I shouldn't be saying this but Obama is the most Canadian* (and not in the nouveau racist use of the term) of your candidates. His values and his personal style are very much in touch with our own style and set of values. In short, speaking in terms of the Canuck Gestalt, he is the most easily understood of your candidates....

And I think that's what scares me. Canada is largely a socialist country. I don't believe in that. I beleive in small government and people helping each other through charity and such. Socialism penalizes those who overachieve and do well for themselves. I am far from rich now, but would love to be someday and don't want to be penalized for it.

A good example of that is the current tax refund proposal. If I read it right, individuals who make up to a certain income will receive a $600 rebate. Those who didn't make enough to pay taxes will only get $300. WTF, why are they getting any rebate. They didn't contribute anything!

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And I think that's what scares me. Canada is largely a socialist country. I don't believe in that. I beleive in small government and people helping each other through charity and such. Socialism penalizes those who overachieve and do well for themselves. I am far from rich now, but would love to be someday and don't want to be penalized for it.

A good example of that is the current tax refund proposal. If I read it right, individuals who make up to a certain income will receive a $600 rebate. Those who didn't make enough to pay taxes will only get $300. WTF, why are they getting any rebate. They didn't contribute anything!

Completely agree.

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I wouldn't vote for her, though. Any person who 'allows' their husband to do what he did....and still remain.... that person would not make a good president or commander in chief.

But that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.

Are you for real? IMHO it takes a very strong person to forgive someone for something like that.

When I was younger I always said that if my husband ever cheated on me I would leave him in a heartbeat. Now, that I"m older and hopefully wiser, I don't believe I could just walk away. I love my husband and even though that would be a huge betrayal, I would fight to save my marriage. We have three wonderful children and unless he didn't love me anymore, I would work at saving the relationship.

Even God forgives us for our sins and he is perfect, why wouldn't I a mere unperfect mortal not be able to forgive the man I love. :biggrin:

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And I think that's what scares me. Canada is largely a socialist country. I don't believe in that. I beleive in small government and people helping each other through charity and such. Socialism penalizes those who overachieve and do well for themselves. I am far from rich now, but would love to be someday and don't want to be penalized for it.

A good example of that is the current tax refund proposal. If I read it right, individuals who make up to a certain income will receive a $600 rebate. Those who didn't make enough to pay taxes will only get $300. WTF, why are they getting any rebate. They didn't contribute anything!

So Ousooner , I get and respect that position, have many family that have that same opionion..Can I ask, do you really think Charity & Such works, outside the "Charity Begins at Home Theory"?

I don't see charity working the way many would like to rely upon it. I volunteer (nursing home & local ASPCA) and the people who give more are the ones who need "assistance" the most. Contribution goes a whole lot further than writing a check, it could be cooking a meal, sheltering a dog in need of a permanent home, or just sitting and spending time with an elderly person who hasn't seen a family member in wks.

I'm not sure the $300 would go to any "abuse" - like maybe a War...Guess you can tell what offiliation I am...Again respect your thoughts,

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In talking with others about this election I have been frankly shocked at the level of vitriol expressed by virtually everyone about Hillary. The sentiment seems to range from mild distaste ("She's not my cup of tea") to outright outrage/hatred (I'd vote for Jeffrey Dahmer before I'd vote for Hillary"). What shocks me the most is that the most strident comments seem to emanate from women.

Anyway, with McCain seeming to have locked up the Re-puke-lican nomination, I fear that he's a formidable opponent who Hillary probably can't beat in a general election. I think Obama makes a much more compelling candidate but I really doubt the backroom Democratic bigwigs will allow him to get the nod.

What's really sad is that the faux populist "I'm one of the people" scummy personal injury lawyer, Edwards would probably have the best chance against McCain but [thankfully] he'll never get the nomination.

McCain's biggest negatives will be his stances on the Iraq war and immigration. One wonders if he can overcome those negatives. And, of course, his age and health will also be big factors. The Re-pukes better watch carefully who his VP nominee is. There's a good chance we'd see him in the Oval Office before the end of McCain's term in the unhappy event that he'd be elected.

I guess what I'm trying to say is here we have an election that the Repukes basically gave to the Dems and it looks to me like we blew it.

I'm very disheartened.

Being an Arkansan~I can only see the good that the Clintons did for us.I will die supporting them!

We need her in there-If not~Mike Huckabee is a GOOD man and I think he d be my second choice.

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And I think that's what scares me. Canada is largely a socialist country. I don't believe in that. I beleive in small government and people helping each other through charity and such. Socialism penalizes those who overachieve and do well for themselves. I am far from rich now, but would love to be someday and don't want to be penalized for it.

A good example of that is the current tax refund proposal. If I read it right, individuals who make up to a certain income will receive a $600 rebate. Those who didn't make enough to pay taxes will only get $300. WTF, why are they getting any rebate. They didn't contribute anything!

Oh my friend, ousooner! Yup, Canada finds herself following those countries which form the bulk of the western, post-industrial, democratic block of nations.

And yes, Canada has opted for her own form of modified socialism or, depending upon how you are going to choose to view it, her own form of modified capitalism. My hunch is that we Canadians sure are happy living within the framework of this particular social and economic environment.

The big truth is that the Canadian economy is doing just fine, and that the exremely modified communism or, um, er, socialism practised in this country throughout many decades now, has done little to rein in the financial energy of this country and yet at the same time there is a prevailing philosophy that we must work hard to maintain the social safety net for those who belong to the middle, the lower middle and the working classes.

Now you should take care to note that these are not folks who fall into the category of being yer welfare bums. These are yer decent folk but let us subtract their health benefits and the rights of their children to gain access to a decent education - priviledges which all of us Canucksters assume to be part of our rights - and you have what? The underpinings of yet another generation of socially marginalized class? Folks like yourself are talking about agreeing upon a loss of recognition of work value and of emotional engagement in your society from yet another group of individuals? I know that I may sound like an idealistic Canadian but I do feel that our investment in the health and the education care of all of our citizens is always the wisest move. Look at it this way, eh: stupid and unhealthy critters are unlikely to survive, don't ya think?

I say that it is better for us to invest the bucks, to chose to engage in the future of our cities, states/provinces and nations. We can't drag the damn $$ into the grave, can we?

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Oh my friend, ousooner! Yup, Canada finds herself following those countries which form the bulk of the western, post-industrial, democratic block of nations.

And yes, Canada has opted for her own form of modified socialism or, depending upon how you are going to choose to view it, her own form of modified capitalism. My hunch is that we Canadians sure are happy living within the framework of this particular social and economic environment.

The big truth is that the Canadian economy is doing just fine, and that the exremely modified communism or, um, er, socialism practised in this country throughout many decades now, has done little to rein in the financial energy of this country and yet at the same time there is a prevailing philosophy that we must work hard to maintain the social safety net for those who belong to the middle, the lower middle and the working classes.

Now you should take care to note that these are not folks who fall into the category of being yer welfare bums. These are yer decent folk but let us subtract their health benefits and the rights of their children to gain access to a decent education - priviledges which all of us Canucksters assume to be part of our rights - and you have what? The underpinings of yet another generation of socially marginalized class? Folks like yourself are talking about agreeing upon a loss of recognition of work value and of emotional engagement in your society from yet another group of individuals? I know that I may sound like an idealistic Canadian but I do feel that our investment in the health and the education care of all of our citizens is always the wisest move. Look at it this way, eh: stupid and unhealthy critters are unlikely to survive, don't ya think?

I say that it is better for us to invest the bucks, to chose to engage in the future of our cities, states/provinces and nations. We can't drag the damn $$ into the grave, can we?

Green, I certainly respect your opinions. We have both been here a while now and your post are always well thought out and intelligent. I understand there is a vast difference between socialism and communism. Socialism is strictly economical. We will have to agree to disagree on our view of government rolls. Maybe I am the paranoid one. I have posted this before, but a quote I read a long time ago (it was on the memo pad of my pediatrician). "Any government big enought o give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have" I tend to beleive that.

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Green, I certainly respect your opinions. We have both been here a while now and your post are always well thought out and intelligent. I understand there is a vast difference between socialism and communism. Socialism is strictly economical. We will have to agree to disagree on our view of government rolls. Maybe I am the paranoid one. I have posted this before, but a quote I read a long time ago (it was on the memo pad of my pediatrician). "Any government big enought o give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have" I tend to beleive that.

To tell you the truth, ousooner, I really do see where you are coming from. Your nation and my nation have had very different histories. Our roots are different. This difference has led us to have a different relationship to government. And remember, too, that we are a very small country population-wise. I believe that most Canadians do tend to believe that we really do have a voice in our governmental affairs at all levels. It is for this reason that it does not occur to us to mistrust our government. We really do believe that the state is us.

And so far this has worked pretty well for us Canucks. Where there is the stench of corruption there is also a clutch of whistle-blowers. And our party leaders, including our current Prime Minister, regularly make appearances on our national satirical TV shows only to be shown up as fools. They do this voluntarily and with good humour.

Sometimes I forget that you folk relate differently to your government. This is my mistake.

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Interesting that you should mention Truman. I have only just finished reading his daughter's obituary. Seems like she was a very talented woman. She was a singer and she wrote a successful series of crime novels.

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I've been off-line for the past coupla pages of posts. I've sure enjoyed catching up!

It is always interesting to me to learn that people who are not wealthy support Republicans.

Jack too I have had trouble finding a candidate in this election that I can wholly embrace. But I defnitely find that my choice is darned easy if it is a McCain/Huckabee vs. Clinton/Obama ticket because the lines are so clearly defined.

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Seems some disagree with what I said about Ms. Clinton. And of course I said we all can disagree...that's what makes our country great.

Point is, that behavior doesn't make a good Commander in Chief.

How much stronger she would have been if she would have kicked him to the curb. The supposed "no sexual contact...with that woman" some think that's the ONLY thing he did against the marriage. Are you kidding? He's been cheating on Hilary for years and years...wasn't the first time and surely won't be the last.

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