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Hi Everyone

Went to the doc yesterday for my monthly check-up and only lost 1.5 pounds. I was a bit disappointed with myself, as I am getting so close to my goal and was previously losing more each month. They were still happy that I was losing and not gaining. It was a tough month to stick to my regiment with all the stuff isnvoled with moving my Mother to the Senior Living Center, and I know I let thing slip more than a few times. I guess I just have to re-group and try to do better now that things will be getting back to normal (hopefully). I hope everyone else in doing well.


I am sorry you were disappointed by the 1.5 lbs. weight loss but c'mon, look at the amount of weight you have lost. You have done an amazing job and are an inspiration to me. :closedeyes:

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Hi Everyone

Went to the doc yesterday for my monthly check-up and only lost 1.5 pounds. I was a bit disappointed with myself, as I am getting so close to my goal and was previously losing more each month. They were still happy that I was losing and not gaining. It was a tough month to stick to my regiment with all the stuff isnvoled with moving my Mother to the Senior Living Center, and I know I let thing slip more than a few times. I guess I just have to re-group and try to do better now that things will be getting back to normal (hopefully). I hope everyone else in doing well.

My sincerest congratulations on your weight loss of 1.5 lbs for the month. With all the stress you are under you should realize that your efforts over time have paid off. You have NOT GAINED WHILE UNDER STRESS. What an accomplishment that I dream of some day reaching! I am a turtle and am still struggling to conquer my need to eat when alone. Your success certainly encourages me. Good work

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KarinIn, I can sympathize with you and your mother. It is a very hard thing to adjust to the fact that the roles are reversed and basically you are now the "go to" person for all problems and decisions. I went through that tough period a few years ago and yes, I did gain a lot of weight then. Of course, there was no lap band with me then!!!

I am truly impressed by how well you are doing. Keep it up! We are cheering for you!!

Jerseygirl, I am glad you are doing well and must admit that I was surprised that you had 5cc put in the band right off!

I have had 3 fills and am now at 4cc. Sorta holding out here until we see how I do for a while and then the doc says that he will start "tweaking" the band until I find my "sweet spot". Can't wait.

I keep a check on messages in the 60's group and we seem to communicate less than some of the others.

I have reached the conclusion that it is because we are much more involved in our lives and are extremely busy doing fantastic things!!! What do you think???:closedeyes:

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KarinIn, I can sympathize with you and your mother. It is a very hard thing to adjust to the fact that the roles are reversed and basically you are now the "go to" person for all problems and decisions. I went through that tough period a few years ago and yes, I did gain a lot of weight then. Of course, there was no LAP-BAND® with me then!!!

I am truly impressed by how well you are doing. Keep it up! We are cheering for you!!

Jerseygirl, I am glad you are doing well and must admit that I was surprised that you had 5cc put in the band right off!

I have had 3 fills and am now at 4cc. Sorta holding out here until we see how I do for a while and then the doc says that he will start "tweaking" the band until I find my "sweet spot". Can't wait.

I keep a check on messages in the 60's group and we seem to communicate less than some of the others.

I have reached the conclusion that it is because we are much more involved in our lives and are extremely busy doing fantastic things!!! What do you think???:closedeyes:

I think many of us have moved over to Facebook or Twitter. Frankly I don't use either as I don't like them. Particuarly Facebook, they are too intrusive in my personal information plus it is very difficult to delete from their site. I have deleted myself twice and each time I get an e mail telling me that someone was using my site and all I have to do is log on and see who it is. Yeah right!

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Well Doddie, it looks like you and I are in total agreement about Facebook and Twitter. I have not tried Twitter, because frankly I don't care to know if my friends are brushing their teeth, in the grocery, at the doctor's, reading a book, fishing, hiking, etc. on a minute to minute basis!

I signed up for Facebook and promptly "unsigned". I haven't gotten the messages that you did, but just decided it wasn't for me for some of the same reasons you mentioned. Besides, I find that I don't have the time to devote to it, and I much prefer being able to talk to people on this site.

Soooo, do you think we are going to end up being the only ones on this 60's site and only able to talk to each other...surely Jerseygirl,roxie,KarenIn,Bradley,Shar Pei, and some others will join us here!!! It would be bad to be just us 2 and very lonely!:closedeyes:

Hope to talk to you later!!

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I keep a check on messages in the 60's group and we seem to communicate less than some of the others. I have reached the conclusion that it is because we are much more involved in our lives and are extremely busy doing fantastic things!!! What do you think???:closedeyes:

You could be right about that. I know we are busier than ever since we retired. And some are involved with kids and grandkids... babysitting, etc.

We've been on the road for two weeks in our RV, traveling to our winter hideaway! We arrived here this afternoon and will stay put now for a few months. It's nice and warm here in So CA. Cool and rainy at home in WA state!

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Hey Phyll,

Good to see you pop up on here again.:blushing:.I am glad that you are having a good time in the RV and someplace warm for the winter. So sorry I couldn't meet you in New Mexico this year....you know that shortcut to California!!:laugh:

It would have been fun!!

How is your knee doing? Hope you are ready to go dancing by now. Do you go to the same RV park each winter, or do you vary your schedule?

It is getting kinda late here in Arkansas, so I guess I better stop for now and get some sleep.< /p>

Hope to hear from you soon!!

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Hey Phyll, Good to see you pop up on here again.:blushing:.I am glad that you are having a good time in the RV and someplace warm for the winter. So sorry I couldn't meet you in New Mexico this year....you know that shortcut to California!!:laugh: It would have been fun!!

How is your knee doing? Hope you are ready to go dancing by now. Do you go to the same RV park each winter, or do you vary your schedule?

It is getting kinda late here in Arkansas, so I guess I better stop for now and get some sleep. Hope to hear from you soon!!

Yeah, had a great trip down here. Nice and warm here. DH got us all set up in no time and we went to the park restaurant for dinner.< /span>

Knee is doing great and now that we're here, I'm going to get started on the stationary bike and Water aerobics, etc.


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Well Doddie, it looks like you and I are in total agreement about Facebook and Twitter. I have not tried Twitter, because frankly I don't care to know if my friends are brushing their teeth, in the grocery, at the doctor's, reading a book, fishing, hiking, etc. on a minute to minute basis!

I signed up for Facebook and promptly "unsigned". I haven't gotten the messages that you did, but just decided it wasn't for me for some of the same reasons you mentioned. Besides, I find that I don't have the time to devote to it, and I much prefer being able to talk to people on this site.

Soooo, do you think we are going to end up being the only ones on this 60's site and only able to talk to each other...surely Jerseygirl,roxie,KarenIn,Bradley,Shar Pei, and some others will join us here!!! It would be bad to be just us 2 and very lonely!:blushing:

Hope to talk to you later!!

I love this site because I relate, like and respect all of the people and their issues. You guys are my friends and I can be honest and expect that you will get after me if I am doing something wrong and you have. I trust the people and their recommendations on this site. I would be lost without all of you, really. I am sincerely interested in all that goes on with you guys, not just lapband stuff. You are in my prayers. Please don't ever let anything or anyone ruin us. :laugh:

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Thanks everyone for the support! It so great having all of you who are also on the Lap Band program to turn to from time to time. I can be pretty hard on myself at times. In the end I do know that I should be pleased that I still lost weight and did not gain. I would have definately gained weight if all this happen before I had the Lap Band. And, I would have had a really tough time doing all this at my starting weight. I woke up with a cold and laringitis this morning. I know that's because I've been running on empty trying to get my Mom settled and working my full-time job. Thank heavens for my brother and his wife. They came up from Georgia to help and I don't think I could have got all this done without them. Thanks, again!

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Hi! Gee...I happy to see some posting on the over 60! Since I am a newbie with banding...it is so encouraging to see how successful you all have been. It certainly is motivating!

It will be 2 weeks on Tuesday...and honestly..I am doing fine.

I noticed that someone is riding the bike....we have one..started to use but can only do 15 minutes right now. What is the average that you ride? Of course I can not find the instructions! But I know this AM I burned 205 calories...I think that is ok.

Doing my first dinner out.....MD said I could have some wine....guess I will have Soup or something soft. 2/3 will probably come home with me...no cooking for a few days or Joe can have it for dinner on Sunday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Good Morning! Beautiful morning here in the So CA desert! So good to be back. Arrived yesterday afternoon after a 2 week journey from the Pacific NW visiting family and friends along the way. Did I already say that in a previous post??? That's okay! We're getting old!!


It will feel so good to get back to our Water aerobics on Monday morning. And I'm planning to start using the stationary bikes in the exercise room. PT had me on one this month after my knee replacement... good exercise and I MUST strengthen my leg muscles. Though knee is doing great, I have babied it for so many years that I don't have the strength to step up with it... like on to a curb or step, and always have to step up with the other leg first. I need to get my strength back in that leg.

Well, need to get dressed and get out. Street sale today in the RV park, so I'm going to see how far I can walk. These people are used to seeing me cruising around on my electric scooter! I already had a friend not recognize me when he saw me in the restaurant last night... he called me "Skinny Minnie"! Well, I'm definitely not skinny, but I guess I lost enough over the summer to change my appearance. Then I show up walking and not on my scooter and I'm really going to confuse folks!! :Banane20::laugh::lol:

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Well Doddie, it looks like you and I are in total agreement about Facebook and Twitter. I have not tried Twitter, because frankly I don't care to know if my friends are brushing their teeth, in the grocery, at the doctor's, reading a book, fishing, hiking, etc. on a minute to minute basis!

I signed up for Facebook and promptly "unsigned". I haven't gotten the messages that you did, but just decided it wasn't for me for some of the same reasons you mentioned. Besides, I find that I don't have the time to devote to it, and I much prefer being able to talk to people on this site.

Soooo, do you think we are going to end up being the only ones on this 60's site and only able to talk to each other...surely Jerseygirl,roxie,KarenIn,Bradley,Shar Pei, and some others will join us here!!! It would be bad to be just us 2 and very lonely!:blushing:

Hope to talk to you later!!

Hi: Yes, I agree not that your are not good company, but I like to hear everyone's experiences as they make their journey. I have received so many helpful hints over the past that has made my journey easier and I hope I have helped someone with my experiences as well. But as we both know, the technology keeps advancing and people move to the lastest fad. Hopefully, they will return. :laugh:

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Shar Glad to hear you are doing well. I ride a bike for exercise because of a bad knee. I started out a year ago for only about 5 mins and now can do two 30-45 min stints a day. Just keep it up, you will get there also. It sure has helped my knee to lose the weight and get the exercise.

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Good Morning! Beautiful morning here in the So CA desert! So good to be back. Arrived yesterday afternoon after a 2 week journey from the Pacific NW visiting family and friends along the way. Did I already say that in a previous post??? That's okay! We're getting old!!


It will feel so good to get back to our Water aerobics on Monday morning. And I'm planning to start using the stationary bikes in the exercise room. PT had me on one this month after my knee replacement... good exercise and I MUST strengthen my leg muscles. Though knee is doing great, I have babied it for so many years that I don't have the strength to step up with it... like on to a curb or step, and always have to step up with the other leg first. I need to get my strength back in that leg.

Well, need to get dressed and get out. Street sale today in the RV park, so I'm going to see how far I can walk. These people are used to seeing me cruising around on my electric scooter! I already had a friend not recognize me when he saw me in the restaurant last night... he called me "Skinny Minnie"! Well, I'm definitely not skinny, but I guess I lost enough over the summer to change my appearance. Then I show up walking and not on my scooter and I'm really going to confuse folks!! :Banane20::laugh:


Isn't it strange when someone does not recognize you? I have had that happen to me, when it's been a while since someone has seen me.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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