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Hi all,

My previous PCP told me "you suffer from obesity and at your age (I was 57 at the time) there is really nothing you can do about it---you are NOT an appropriate candidate for a lap band and I will not assist you in that direction". Needless to say, I quickly found another PCP, did lots of research, followed my doctor and insurance companies rules and June 10 I finally got my band.

I struggled to lose every ounce before the band. It didn't matter how perfect I was on a diet, or how much I exercised. If I was lucky, I would lose a pound now and then. Frustrating. Now with the band, I still lose fairly slowly, but it is coming off and it will. As Dr. Rehnke said, does it matter if it takes a year or two or even more? Slow loss is supposed to be better for your skin and your body has time to adjust (I keep telling myself this), but any loss is wonderful.

I am now off 14 meds (I had shocking bp before the band, along with arthritis and countless other problems) and feel like a new woman. At this point, I would recommend the band for anyone who struggles with weight issues and has a significant amount to lose; age should not really be an issue here.

Good luck everyone!


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Katie: You can get a lot of support subscribing to this link of Lapbandtalk.com. I live in BC, but some of the best advice i have received has been from bandsters all over the USA and Canada. What you have to remember this is not a weight race. You are using the band as a tool when you have healed properly. The reason fill is not put in the bad right away, is to allow scar tissue to develop around the band to hold it snugly in place. So patience should be your theme. Stay on the liquids, mushies regime until your doctor advises you to start whole foods. Then, eat wisely by practising only eating a cup of measured food. That way, when you get a fill, you will be in the routine. Good luck and keep on posting

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I guess I'll jump in here. I'm margie. I'm 61 and have lap band surgery scheduled for September 16 - Dr. Posner in Buffalo. It's been quite a journey - the decision (I was told emphatically by a director of a support group that she would NEVER recommend it for me. Only for very young people with not too much to lose who had not been fat very long.) I was really surprised when my doc recommended it - but he will let me choose. Anyway, I am 99% sure it will be lapband. The more I read here and in other threads, the more certain I am that I CAN do this with lapband. Right now he has me on the South Beach so I will learn how to eat (I already know how to eat...and I like eating this way...why the heck have I not done it consistently all my life???) So now I am just waiting, waiting, waiting. STarted the process in February so it seems like a loooong time. I have enjoyed reading your posts...stupid question: what is PBing? I can guess but what does it stand for? Just wanted to say hey.

I know what you mean by "waiting & waiting & waiting". I started looking into it sense about Sept. 2007. Finally decided on going with CMMC in Jackson, MS. I'm now waiting for Medicare to approve them for the "Seal of Excellents". Should be any time now. At lest I hope so. I'll be 66 yrs old Sept. 1st. 2008. I don't feel I'm TOO old to have this done.

Good luck, Don

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My dear friend, who is 63, also has Medicare and had to wait "forever" it seemed and they put her through so many hoops, she began to get discouraged. Finally, mid-July, she got her bypass (she had too many medical issues for a band), and has lost about 45 pounds (or more) already! She is thrilled and is doing really well. Just hang in there, if you are still waiting. Do what your doctor tells you, and the procedure will go well and you will be successful and get healthy.


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I know what you mean by "waiting & waiting & waiting". I started looking into it sense about Sept. 2007. Finally decided on going with CMMC in Jackson, MS. I'm now waiting for Medicare to approve them for the "Seal of Excellents". Should be any time now. At lest I hope so. I'll be 66 yrs old Sept. 1st. 2008. I don't feel I'm TOO old to have this done.

Good luck, Don

Hi Don,

You have been waiting so long - I know you have your heart set on CMMC, but in checking out the various Centers of Excellence in my area, I have found that the final designation, Medicare billing number, etc., can be many, many months of waiting. Not necessarily the facility's fault, but government wheels move very slowly and there are several parts of the puzzle that have to be in place. My first choice of facilities has also been told "any day now" for a long time. My second choice got the designation, then had billing issues with Medicare and it took 6 months to get it straightened out. Meanwhile the waiting list just kept growing. It would not hurt to check with other facilities that already have everything in place to see if you could get this done sooner. I am 66 and will do anything I have to do to get this done before any other health problems creep in. As it is I need a knee replacement now, but I know I will gain even more if I have it done at my current weight. The lapband and good weight loss has to come first! We have to be the managers of our own health and I will do what it takes to see as good an outcome as possible.

Good luck to you, Don, whatever your decision. I know how frustrating it can be. I wish you the best.

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Don, I completely agree with JoannMarie. When I first inquired about lap band surgery over a year ago I was told the nearby hospital (Memorial in South Bend, IN - 15 miles away) was in the process of getting Medicare approval as a Center of Excellence. Well, when they still didn't have it this spring, I decided I couldn't wait. I made arrangements to have the surgery in Detroit (about 200 miles away) and took the train there and back for the surgery. I was only there a few days and won't be going back. I was lucky to find a great doctor (Dr. Schuhknecht in Niles, MI) at another nearby hospital (even closer) who understood that I needed to go to a Center of Excellence, and thus couldn't have the surgery done by him at his non-COE facility. But he was willing to do my fills and followup care.

You are very patient, much more so than I. But it could be a long while yet. Memorial still doesn't have the COE designation, and now they admit they don't expect to get it anytime soon. Apparently Medicare requires that there be at least two physicians at the hospital who do bariatric surgery in order for the hospital to be a COE. And they have only one and really only have need for one. This is probably true of most hospitals in medium size towns.

I have not regretted my decision at all. I think it likely that I would still be waiting a year from now if I hadn't gone to a larger city.

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I need help! I am 67 and had my first fill two weeks ago. I have not lost a pound since, and I am very hungry at meal time. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Sue - thanks for clearing something up. My first choice of facilities has only one surgeon doing bariatric surgery right now. I understand they are wanting to hire two more, but that could explain why it is taking so long for them to get their final okie-dokie. hmmmm.

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I need help! I am 67 and had my first fill two weeks ago. I have not lost a pound since, and I am very hungry at meal time. Anyone have any suggestions?

sblue, Try writing down everything you have been eating, drinking, and your exercise. If confident you are doing everything you should be doing, call the doctor and ask them for suggestions/guidance. From the information on this thread I believe it often takes more than one fill to start feeling good restriction - sometimes 2 or 3 fills. If you are not losing and you are hungry all the time maybe you need a tweak. Also, make sure you are getting plenty of hard Protein. That fills you better and keeps you from getting hungry right away.

All this from someone who has not been banded yet - but reads these posts faithfully! I think this is the advice the successful bandsters on this thread would give you. You can get great advice here, but ultimately the doctor's office should be able to help you out.

Good luck!

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Don, I completely agree with JoannMarie. When I first inquired about lap band surgery over a year ago I was told the nearby hospital (Memorial in South Bend, IN - 15 miles away) was in the process of getting Medicare approval as a Center of Excellence. Well, when they still didn't have it this spring, I decided I couldn't wait. I made arrangements to have the surgery in Detroit (about 200 miles away) and took the train there and back for the surgery. I was only there a few days and won't be going back. I was lucky to find a great doctor (Dr. Schuhknecht in Niles, MI) at another nearby hospital (even closer) who understood that I needed to go to a Center of Excellence, and thus couldn't have the surgery done by him at his non-COE facility. But he was willing to do my fills and followup care.

You are very patient, much more so than I. But it could be a long while yet. Memorial still doesn't have the COE designation, and now they admit they don't expect to get it anytime soon. Apparently Medicare requires that there be at least two physicians at the hospital who do bariatric surgery in order for the hospital to be a COE. And they have only one and really only have need for one. This is probably true of most hospitals in medium size towns.

I have not regretted my decision at all. I think it likely that I would still be waiting a year from now if I hadn't gone to a larger city.

Thank you Joann,

CMMC does have two(2) Doctores that do the surgery. They said that the last time they "RESUBMITTED" their finding to Medicare, it was just a couple of minor corrections. I checked with the hospital in northen MS that does have the "center of excellents" and they have a one(1) year waiting list. I am now checking with Huntsville AL. to see if they have a waiting list and how long it might be. I'll keep looking around.


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Thank you Joann,

CMMC does have two(2) Doctores that do the surgery. They said that the last time they "RESUBMITTED" their finding to Medicare, it was just a couple of minor corrections. I checked with the hospital in northen MS that does have the "center of excellents" and they have a one(1) year waiting list. I am now checking with Huntsville AL. to see if they have a waiting list and how long it might be. I'll keep looking around.


OOOPS, it should have "SUE", Not Joann.

Thanks to everyone. That should cover it. (LOL)


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I thought I was the only one over 60 to have this surgery! So many of my friends told me how crazy I was. A few told me just to live with myself at this age.

AND then I found out I had diabetes. That scared the living daylights out of me and I lost 35 pounds on my own with an Atkins type diet. But my own doctor said, "Ellen, you've gained and lost so much weight over the years, isn't it about time?" He was right. I had done everything to lose weight, every diet known to man (or woman, as the case may be), even wiring my mouth shut and appearing on the Dr. Phil show. Nothing worked for any extended period of time.

Until 3 AM the day of my surgery I was ready to cancel, but I knew he was right. So on July 21st I had my surgery. I asked my doctor if I were his oldest patient and he laughed as he told me that he had patients in their 70's. That made me feel a bit better.

Finding this board is so reassuring, especially listening to people who are losing it slowly, like I am. I don't have the metabolism of a 20 or 30 year old and truthfully, I'm not trying to look like one. I would, however, like to be healthy, like to see my grandchildren grow up and like to be able to keep up with them as long as possible. I say that and I sound assured, don't I? Truth be told, the sluggish rate of my loss is a little distressing. I went through this and I guess I want a miracle right away!

I'm also 4 weeks out of surgery and starting to feel "head hunger." Before this I was too busy healing from the lap band and hernia surgeries that hunger never became part of the mix. Now, all of a sudden, those old feelings of wanting to eat when I'm distressed or sad or lonely, or heaven forbid, angry have returned and if I'm going to "do this" I am going to have to face those emotions in order to get healthy.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, how much exercise are you all getting? I read on other forums about people walking 4 and 5 miles a day. I would love to, but I'm not able to do that yet. Also, I take care of my 93 year old father and my 86 year old mother, who live with me, my 3 year old grandson, who's here 5 days a week, my husband when there's time in between and myself, sadly, last!

Well, it's nice meeting you all!!!! I love reading your posts. Thanks for letting me vent.



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Hi Ellen,

You have lost 46 pounds in barely a month and you think that is slow??? Your definition of slow and mine are miles apart! I've only lost 46 pounds and my surgery was June 10! LOL!

Congratulations for finally doing something good for yourself. You deserve to be healthy and take the time you need to get there. Your parents, grandchildren and husband will have you around a lot longer if you are healthy and happy.

Keep up the good work!


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I thought I was the only one over 60 to have this surgery! So many of my friends told me how crazy I was. A few told me just to live with myself at this age.

Finding this board is so reassuring, especially listening to people who are losing it slowly, like I am. I don't have the metabolism of a 20 or 30 year old and truthfully, I'm not trying to look like one. I would, however, like to be healthy, like to see my grandchildren grow up and like to be able to keep up with them as long as possible. I say that and I sound assured, don't I? Truth be told, the sluggish rate of my loss is a little distressing. I went through this and I guess I want a miracle right away!

I'm also 4 weeks out of surgery and starting to feel "head hunger." Before this I was too busy healing from the lap band and hernia surgeries that hunger never became part of the mix. Now, all of a sudden, those old feelings of wanting to eat when I'm distressed or sad or lonely, or heaven forbid, angry have returned and if I'm going to "do this" I am going to have to face those emotions in order to get healthy.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, how much exercise are you all getting? I read on other forums about people walking 4 and 5 miles a day. I would love to, but I'm not able to do that yet. Also, I take care of my 93 year old father and my 86 year old mother, who live with me, my 3 year old grandson, who's here 5 days a week, my husband when there's time in between and myself, sadly, last!

Well, it's nice meeting you all!!!! I love reading your posts. Thanks for letting me vent. Love, Ellen

Welcome, Ellen!

So glad you found us!

I had my surgery almost exactly a year before you... 7/20/2007.

Don't get discouraged... you probably haven't had a fill yet, have you?? It may take you several fills before you really feel some restriction and get some control over the hunger. The head hunger is something we all have to deal with, but it's easier when you have good restriction.

It sounds like you have a FULL PLATE with all your family obligations,

but you must try to find time for yourself as well!

I know... easier said than done!

I have arthritis issues that keep me from very vigorous exercise,

but this spring we bought a Nintendo Wii & a Wii Fit, and for the time being, that's my exercise. A lot of the exercises I just can't do, but I do the ones I can just about every day for at least 20 minutes, often an hour. It gets me out of my chair and moving and working up a sweat.

In the winter we go to an RV resort in Desert Hot Springs where I do Water aerobics 4-5 mornings a week.

So, bottom line, do what you can, when you can as far as exercise goes.

Do you have a support group locally?? I don't, but my friends here on LapBandTalk are the best support group ever!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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