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I'm thinking about getting LapBand. Is it really worth it?

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I was worried before the surgery too. I can't say you will not have complications, but I did not.

The good and the bad about a forum like this is that in a short span you can learn a great deal of information (good). But because each report stands alone, it can be hard to figure out the chances of complications.

I am glad I went through with it, and wish you luck regardless of the choice you make.

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I've only had the band for 6 weeks & I go for my first fill today, yey! I've lost 35 pounds so far. I have not honestly been hungry once yet. I think when people say that they are "starving" they are exaggerating. I have not thrown up yet. I was nauseous once after the surgery but got better after I took an antinausea pill. I only needed it that once. I don't feel like it's a forced diet. I feel like I'm eating like a normal person now instead of like a pig. I used to go out to eat with people who would get a taco while I got a big value meal. Now I also only eat a taco. After the post surgery diet you can eat whatever you like with a couple of exceptions. I don't miss soda anymore & not chewing gum isnt that bad either. My life is already completely changed and I would do the whole thing over again every three months for the rest of life if I had to in order to lose all the weight.

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I've only had the band for 6 weeks & I go for my first fill today, yey! I've lost 35 pounds so far. I have not honestly been hungry once yet. I think when people say that they are "starving" they are exaggerating. I have not thrown up yet. I was nauseous once after the surgery but got better after I took an antinausea pill. I only needed it that once. I don't feel like it's a forced diet. I feel like I'm eating like a normal person now instead of like a pig. I used to go out to eat with people who would get a taco while I got a big value meal. Now I also only eat a taco. After the post surgery diet you can eat whatever you like with a couple of exceptions. I don't miss soda anymore & not chewing gum isnt that bad either. My life is already completely changed and I would do the whole thing over again every three months for the rest of life if I had to in order to lose all the weight.


You are one of the lucky ones that was not hungry and that is great but please remember that everyone is different. There are different size bands that give a different amount of restriction immediately. Some people heal faster than others. I was truly hungry 3 days after surgery. I have a 10cc band and that band allows for a fill during surgery. However my doctor does not allow for that fill so I had zero restriction after surgery until my 1st fill and I was starving. I know you didn't mean anything by your comment but I just wanted to remind you that everyone is very different. I still followed ther rules and I lost weight but I was hungry and it was very hard. Now I have some restriction and I am rarely hungry and it is great.

Good luck to you!

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I was just sharing my experience. I didn't mean anything against anyone else & I don't think it sounded that way. Sure it depends on what size band you get- I'm not sure what mine is.

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You are one of the lucky ones that was not hungry and that is great but please remember that everyone is different. There are different size bands that give a different amount of restriction immediately. Some people heal faster than others. I was truly hungry 3 days after surgery. I have a 10cc band and that band allows for a fill during surgery. However my doctor does not allow for that fill so I had zero restriction after surgery until my 1st fill and I was starving. I know you didn't mean anything by your comment but I just wanted to remind you that everyone is very different. I still followed ther rules and I lost weight but I was hungry and it was very hard. Now I have some restriction and I am rarely hungry and it is great.

Good luck to you!

Were you actually "starving"? My experience has been totally different than that. I used to feel like I was starving all the time before the band. I would get horrible stomach pain and nausea if I didn't eat. That is completely gone with the band. I haven't felt it even once in 6 weeks.

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Sadly, I was and my doctor said that is normal before you get fills. Some people have absolutely no restriction without fills. I controlled what I ate because I wanted it to work but I can't eat any of the foods I was eating back then. I am actually starving right now too. I didn't have time to eat solid Protein and the Protein shake only lasts so long. I can't wait for lunch. The good thing is after lunch I won't be hungry for 6 hours or longer.

By the way, I know you didn't mean anything negative by your comment. I just wanted to point how different everyone is.

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The nerves that send the signal of fullness to the brain, are located at the top of the stomach. Which is why pre band, we had to eat a HUGE amount of food to feel totally FULL! Remember the diet advice to drink a large glass of Water just before eating---it was so your food come up high enough to trigger that nerve!

According to the surgeon, there are times, that just the simple placement of the band comes into enough contact with those nerves, applying pressure in the way the band is wrapped around the stomach, that it signals the brain it is full at all times, therefore you feel no hunger. Mine personally is not in that much contact, but I fully believe it has put distinct pressure on it, as I have not felt actual hunger since my second fill which was 18 months ago!

If you reach a proper fill level---not too tight, and yet restricted, you can eat good Protein, hard Protein, that will stay with you, slowly working through your pouch without being stuck for hours---thereby keeping in contact with those nerves.

The best way my surgeon feels to acheive that perfect spot is with slow small fills, and faithfully following the bandster rules. Being too tight, or failing to eat properly causing multiple PB's causes swelling, which leads to unfills-----and makes it very difficult to get to the sweet spot. It is a team effort with your Dr.

I do not starve.

I do not vomit. I have had 3 true PB's ---I have made many mistakes eating, but have avoided the actual losing of it all but those 3 times.

I am not dieting. I eat the same things my family eats. In a smaller portion.

I do eat more than 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food. I don't measure, but know it is more than that! I make most of my meal from the protein source, then vegetables, and finally a few bites of a starchy side if we have it. Where as before, I would for instance eat the entire baked potato---loaded....now I can only fit a bite or 2 of it in, so I seldom bother. If we are celebrating a birthday, I eat a small piece of cake, but no longer even want to eat half of it.

In my own case it was SO worth it! I have my life back, I am in control of my own hunger again! I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Anytime you go through these forums, you have to keep in mind that while there are what seems to be a huge amount of people with issues, there is a reason! The ones without issues are not begining new threads everyday stating that they are having another problem free day! Those of us not starving are not opening our posts with the statement....Not hungry again today....

When you do have a problem you come to find help. One of the biggest advantages to the band is if you do have problems, there are ways to fix it, or work with it. Nothing has been re rerouted, and everything is in there! But the over all complication rates are very low. Most who have the surgery and go on, simply never are here. Of the 5 people I know personally in my area who are banded, none of them have problems....and none of them are here posting everyday either!

It is something very worth it, if you are willing to do what it takes to work with the band and your Dr, to make it worthwhile.

I would do it again in a heartbeat!


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Sadly, I was and my doctor said that is normal before you get fills. Some people have absolutely no restriction without fills. I controlled what I ate because I wanted it to work but I can't eat any of the foods I was eating back then. I am actually starving right now too. I didn't have time to eat solid Protein and the Protein shake only lasts so long. I can't wait for lunch. The good thing is after lunch I won't be hungry for 6 hours or longer.

By the way, I know you didn't mean anything negative by your comment. I just wanted to point how different everyone is.

But the point is, you were starving because you limited how much you ate and I commend you for that! However, if you ate more (within the rules, of course) or drank Protein shakes all day, you wouldn't be starving but you also might not lose as much.

You chose to forgo food because you wanted to lose more quickly -- nothing wrong with that! I chose not to forgo food, with my doctor's blessing, so I didn't starve but I also didn't lose much -- nothing wrong with that, either! :wink2: (I've always wanted to use that "cool" smilie!)

Some people get restriction with no fills; others need several. As you pointed out, that's another difference. And some folks are learning the difference between head hunger and physical hunger. There are so many variables that it's amazing that any of us have anything in common! :Dancing_biggrin:

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Having the Lap Band was the best thing I have ever done. I was banded 7 weeks ago and I have lost 27 pounds so far and I feel great. I had my first adjustment last week. I have a 4cc band and they did 1.5 cc's. So far so good! The pain and discomfort after the surgery is best described as doing 200 sit-ups. I really wouldn't call it pain. It only hurt when trying to transition from lying to sitting or vice versa. As long as I have followed my dietary directions completely, I have had no issues at all with digestion at all. I can't believe how wonderful I feel.

I think it's vitally important to attend the support groups and speak to other people who have had this done as well as this thread. all the help we can get is important.

All my best to you as you make you decision and if you decide to go this route, I hope that all goes well with your surgery

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I was just sharing my experience. I didn't mean anything against anyone else & I don't think it sounded that way. Sure it depends on what size band you get- I'm not sure what mine is.

Hey- I just figured out at my fill today that I have the 10cc band & now it is filled to 3cc's.

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I've only had the band for 6 weeks & I go for my first fill today, yey! I've lost 35 pounds so far. I have not honestly been hungry once yet. I think when people say that they are "starving" they are exaggerating.


You are very lucky that you've had it that easy. I was banded 5+ weeks ago and have lost 15 pounds since banding. I can say without a doubt that since being banded, for the first time in my life, when I say I'm starving I mean it. I have been dieting my way through the first several weeks until I get restriction. Eating 1200 or less calories a day. For some reason, since surgery, I can go from being fine to "starving" in about 30 seconds. I actually have physical hunger pains... something I can not remember having in my lifetime. So please, just because you are not experiencing something, don't expect everyone else to be exaggerating.

Congrats on your great loss!

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My Dr. told me if I am feeling hunger, to have something---whether I was on liquids or full diet, but to make a concious choice what I ate. I believe there is a reason for this.

Many years ago, my brother was critically injured in a car accident, he had been through surgery, and they had to stop due to the amount of swelling in his brain. During the time they waited to do more surgery, he had IV's--but nothing of course by mouth. First of all he was in a coma...so eating would have been pretty amazing! But the point being, he was young, and VERY thin. I would sit by his bed in the ICU, and I could hear his stomach growl, and then I could actually SEE his stomach clench, and tighten then loosen---as it growled, you could see the stomach itself looking for food! He eventually recovered for the most part, and beast that he is---is still that thin!

So when my Dr. said do not allow the hunger, I saw that in my memory! If they do not want us to eat too soon because the stitches are trying to heal the band in place and allow scar tissue to begin forming, then it writhing from hunger would be damaging as well!

I ask and he said "exactly".

That is one of the reasons they tell you this time is for healing, not weight loss, they want that band set in the spot they put it, and want your stomach to be still as possible for awhile, while that is accomplished.

So if you are having hunger pains----drink something, eat something you are allowed---whatever! When you begin your fills, it will ease it, and not risk your band moving.

This is what I did, and what I would do again, but as with everything, each Dr. has their own way of doing things, and I would ask!

It is not easy to continue dieting when you got this band to avoid that! Good for you! Restriction WILL come, and make your life easier!!!


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I was just reading through this thread and thought Wow many of you guys were cleared to eat all the mushies that you needed to be comfortable during your post –op phase! By week 3 my swelling had gone done and my stomach was rumbling all the time I honestly had dreams about food (something that never happened before) my surgeon and nutritionist told me to keep it to my 3 ,¼ cup mushy meals a day, a Protein Shake and all the Water I could drink That was so hard !!

For the OP I’m so glad that I was banded, though I have been lucky, with every fill I have had I have good restriction for about 4 weeks at least.

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frost1 and BobbieDoll,

Everyone here has given a lot of awesome advice! When I was close to making my final decision for lap-band, I made the mistake of focusing on the negative things I was reading on the internet. Hell, the risks and possible scenarios are scary. I had high confidence in my surgeon, which really made a difference. You will develop a lifelong relationship (or partnership?) with your surgeon. I think going to the support group meetings is a key part of your long-term success. My surgeon offers meetings as part of his program.

I was a nervous wreck the morning of surgery. I didn't expect to cry, but I did. I have no regrets though! I have more pep in my step, and the knee pain is practically gone. I agree with those who have said it's the hardest thing you may ever do, but it's also the best choice for your health and the quality of your life. I had a difficult recovery, but it seems like most of the folks at my meetings had much easier recoveries and got back into life within a week. It took me 3 weeks for a problem with a burning sensation to go away. After that, I still had healing to do. I think everyone needs to be careful with lifting, bending, etc. for at least 6 weeks.

I was a nervous wreck for my first fill. You know what... there was nothing to it! I didn't even feel the needle. Just remember, as everyone is saying, the band is a tool. It won't make any poor eating habits go away. Many of us still have that desire to go for the sweets or the salty Snacks. God bless those who can stay away from it all.

I had my first "sliming" experience. The pain and pressure from the stuck food is unpleasant to say the least. Now that I know what to expect, it's not so bad. Plus, I learned a valuable lesson about eating too quickly (I wasn't focused on the food. Rather, I was thinking about work).

Good Luck

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I would do it again in a heartbeat....tried too many "diets" over the years and this is the only tool that lets me change my lifestyle and lose the weight without giving up. I've yet to have a fill and it's been over 4 months, just don't feel I need it yet.

Remember, on this site you are only reading about people who have posted, there are many sucessful lapbanders that don't bother with websites, or are just readers.

Remember, you are an individual....your story and success is up to you.

Good luck!

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