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Tom Cruise..scientology...no Comment...

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Below is the transcript of Tom Cruise's infomercial video on Scientology....I don't know enough about Scientology, I've read a couple of books in the early 90's out of curiosity...didn't agree, didn't make sense to me, didn't like it, but I do respect people's religions, but Tom's words and comments about this religion.....well, like I said, no comment....:(


Announcer: Tom Cruise on Tom Cruise Scientologist

Cruise: I think it’s a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist and it is something that you have to earn, and…because a Scientologist does. He, or she has the ability to create new and better realities and improve conditions. Uh, being a Scientologist, you look at somebody and you know absolutely that you can help them. (cut)

So, for me, it really is KSW, and it’s just like, it’s something that, uh, I don’t mince words with that. You know, with anything (unintelligible), but that policy to me has really has gone , boy, there’s a time I went through and I said, “You know what…” When I read it, I just went (noise that sounds like poof), “This is it. That’s exactly it.” (cut)

Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you’re the only one that can really help. (cut)

That’s…that’s what drives me, is that I know we have an opportunity, and uh, to really help for the first time effectively change people’s lives, and uh, I’m dedicated to that. I’m gonna, I’m absolutely, uncompromisingly dedicated to that. (cut)

Org are there to help, okay, but we as (unintelligible) the public, we have a responsibility. It’s not just the Orgs, it’s not just David Miscavige, you know, it’s not just me. It’s you, it’s everyone out there, kinds re-reading KSW and looking at what needs to be done and saying, “Okay! Am I going to do it or am I not going to do it?” Period. Am I going to look at that guy or am I too afraid because I have my own out-ethics, put in someone else’s ethics. That’s all it comes down to. (cut)

And I won’t hesitate to put ethics in someone else, because I put it ruthlessly in myself. And I think that I…uh…I respect that, you know, in others. And, you know, I’m there to help, and we’re here to help, and my opinion is is that, look, either you’re on board or you’re not on board. Okay, it’s just, if you’re on board, you’re on board just like the rest of us. Period. (cut)

We are the authorities in getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. Criminals, we can rehabilitate criminals. Way to happiness, we can bring peace and unite cultures, uh, that once you know these tools and you know that they work, it’s not good enough that I’m just (doing okay?)

Traveling around the world and meeting the people that I’ve met. Talking with these leaders in various fields, they want help, and they are depending on people who know, and who can be effective and do it, and that’s us, that is our responsibility to do that. (cut)

It is the time now. Now is the time, okay? It is, being a Scientologist, people are turning to you, so you better know it. You better know it, and if you don’t, you know, go (sound deleted, appears to be “fucking”) learn it. (Laughs) You know? But don’t pretend you know it and, or whatever. It’s like, we’re here to help. (cut)

If you’re a Scientologist, you see life, you see things the way that they are. In all its glory, you know, all of its complexity. Uh, the more you know as a Scientologist, you don’t become overwhelmed by it. (cut)

(Laughs) And uh, they said, “So, have you been an SP” (big laugh) I looked at them and I thought, “What a beautiful thing,” because maybe one day it will be like that, you know? You know what I’m saying. Maybe one day it will be that “Wow, SP, they just read about those in the history books.” You know? (cut)

I just got through that tech, and it’s literally…it’s not how to run from an SP. It’s (acronym of some sort), how to shatter suppression, confront and shatter suppression. You apply it, and it’s like, boom. (cut)

Because, they don’t come up to be and do that. They don’t do it to me. Not to my face, or anywhere in my vicinity where they feel they can confronted, you know. They just don’t do it. (cut)

I wish the world was a different place. I’d like to go on vacation and go and romp and play and just do that. You know what I mean? I mean, that’s what I want it to be. That’s how, there’s times I want to do that but I can’t because I know. I know. So, you know I have to do something about it. It’s not, you know you can sit here wish it was different and then you look at it and you go “Okay, this is it.” You know, I have to do something, don’t I? I have to do it, because I can’t live with myself if I don’t. That really is it. (cut)

I don’t care if someone thinks it’s hard or easy. You’re either helping and contributing everything you can or you’re not, okay? Because I’m carrying my load, okay? And as much as I’m carrying, I still feel like I have to do more. Alright? There is still a thing of, let’s go. (cut)

You can just see the look in their eyes, you know the ones that are doing it and you know the spectators, the ones who are going, “Well, it’s easy for you” or “What am I doing” and it’s just, that thing is, I’ve canceled that in my area (laughs). It’s like, man, you’re either in or you’re out. That’s spectatorism, and it’s something that we have no time for right now. (cut)

So, it’s our responsibility to educate, create the new reality. We have that responsibility to say, “Hey, this is the way it should be done, because we do it this way and people are actually getting better.” (cut)

And let’s get it done. Let’s really get it done. Have enough love, compassion, and toughness that you’re going to do it and, uh, do it right. (cut)

And I have to tell you something. I really, it is, it’s rough and tumble. It’s wild and wooly. It’s a blast. It’s a blast. It really is fun, because damn it there is nothing better than going out there and fighting the fight and suddenly you see things are better. (cut)

I want to know that I’ve can everything I could everyday and I think about those people out there who depending on us. And I think about that. And it does make me feel like, (laughs) we’ve got more work. I need more help. Get those spectators—you’re in the playing field or out of the arena. (Laughs) You know, really, that’s how I feel about it. (cut)

I do what I can and I do it the way I do everything (laughs). There’s nothing part of the way for me (laughs).

Music: Mission Impossible

Announcer: A Scientologist can be defined by a single question: Would you want others to achieve the knowledge you now have. In answering that question, Tom Cruise has introduced LRH technology to over one billion people on earth, and that’s only the first wave he’s unleashed. Which is why the story of Tom Cruise Scientologist has only just begun.

Graphic: Tom Cruise, IAS, Freedom Medal of Valor, Winner

Labels: Tom Cruise, Tom Cruise Scientology Video, Tom Cruise Scientology Video Transcript, Tom Cruise Video

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Wow! He sounded like he was just saying the same crap over and over but just wording it differently. If they were trying to sell people on being a scientologist by using this they might want to give him a script or something because he sounded like a complete moron. Beam him up Scotty!

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I used to love Tom Cruise, now he just sounds like a tool. He's totally ruined my impression of him and it will never be the same again! Might have to watch Cocktail to make sure - maybe I can make the real Tom and the movie Tom 2 separate people!

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Take out the term Scientology and substitute any other religion name like Christian. I just did and unless I missed something, I respect him for his convictions....not that I agree w/ Scientology.

I've always looked at Scientology as a blanket religion...as in a Christian can be a Scientologist, a xxx can be a Scientologist.

I'm Christian so I don't know much about other religions.

But wow!!!! Being single all these years...I'm thankful to the Lord for putting Tom Cruise on this earth.

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What exactly is Scientology anyway. What makes it different from Christianity? Do they not believe in God or what? I keep hearing about

it, but I really have no knowledge of this religion.

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Scientology is more like a cult than a religion. They try to convert people, even here in Australia. I remember back in the 80s, they used to stand around the streets of Sydney and wait for vulnerable people to come by. They would ask them a couple of questions then ask them to go back to their office / church to give them a more indepth personality assessment. Then of course from there they start reeling them in. They don't believe in psychiatrists, psychiatric medicines such as antidepressants or that there are any psychiatric disorders, eg, schizophrenia. The guy who started this a guy called Ron L Hubbard.

I used to like Tom Cruise but he does go on now. John Travolta is a scientologist as well but doesn't seem to have the same need as Tom to ruin his career. Love Johnny! :(

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L Ron Hubbard is a nutcase. Seriously. Read about him on Wikipedia or wherever you wish. Google. But I found it interesting that he is quoted as saying: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion." LOL Found this info on Wikipedia (Yes, I know it's written by people on the internet, but they have references to back them up):

L. Ron Hubbard's philosophy, Scientology, and the Church of Scientology that he founded are controversial. Some documents written by Hubbard himself suggest he regarded Scientology as a business, not a religion. In one letter dated April 10, 1953, he says calling Scientology a religion solves "a problem of practical business," and status as a religion achieves something "more equitable...with what we've got to sell." In a 1962 official policy letter, he said "Scientology 1970 is being planned on a religious organization basis throughout the world. This will not upset in any way the usual activities of any organization. It is entirely a matter for accountants and solicitors."[75] A Reader's Digest article of May 1980 quoted Hubbard as saying in the 1940s "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."[76]

According to The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. Brian Ash, Harmony Books, 1977: "... [Hubbard] began making statements to the effect that any writer who really wished to make money should stop writing and develop [a] religion, or devise a new psychiatric method. Harlan Ellison's version (Time Out, UK, No 332) is that Hubbard is reputed to have told [John W.] Campbell, 'I'm going to invent a religion that's going to make me a fortune. I'm tired of writing for a penny a word.' Sam Moskowitz, a chronicler of science fiction, has reported that he himself heard Hubbard make a similar statement, but there is no first-hand evidence."

Sounds like who I'd love to follow. Haha.

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I respect Tom Cruise's right to his own opinion, religion, whatever. However, when he goes so far as to tell another person (Brooke Shields, I believe) that she is wrong to take antidepressant medication for post partum depression, he is crossing the line. Mr Cruise needs to keep his religious beliefs and his celebrity separate. It seems that since he has decided to force his religion down people's throats, his popularity has diminished. It would be in the best interest of his career to keep his mouth shut! :)

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I suspect that this Scientology infomercial must have been a Tom Cruise initiative; no expert in the art of spin would have written a script quite this stunningly dumb. It is entirely devoid of anything in the way of factual information.

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I just hope the next time I am in a car accident that a Scientologist is around and not an EMT. :)

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I haven't watched a Tom Cruise movie (not even a rerun of an old one) after his rant about anti-depressants when he attacked Brooke Shields about postpartum depression (what a couch-hopping loon he is). He's welcome to have his own opinion about psychiatric drugs, but he shouldn't run around condemning people about disorders he knows nothing about (when was the last time he gave birth?)...idiot!

His views on disorders like AD/HD, etc. are equally moronic. While not every person needs medication, it is extremely beneficial for some individuals and enables them to lead a successful and fulfilling life. Without meds, my child would be institutionalized by now (or incarcerated). So, I don't want to hear it from Mr. Scientology.

He ought to stick to posing for the covers of glossy magazines and making movies. I feel sorry for his new little wifey and that little kid...whoever her daddy is!

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okay, I knew that scientology does not believe in medicine, but does anyone know what they DO believe in? Besides this crack pot LRon Hubbard?

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Oh boy Derick, you couldn't be more right.

Thats what led me to think, ok, this is totally wacko.

I tried to find an old webpage which had transcipts of a deposition given by a Scientologist to have a more credible record but couldn't find it.

Here are some links which describe the space aliens and Xenu.

Scientology --- Xenu and the Space Aliens: The lies and deception behind the Scientology space opera

Ahh, actually found them.

Operation Clambake present: Scientology Court Files

the xenu site has a lot of info on it.

If there are any Scientologists out there who can explain the space alien "thing" I'm willing to listen.

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That was supposed to be an internal Scientology video. NOTHING is private anymore. I'm not speaking for or against anything here, but sheesh - I detest the media.

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