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help me narrow down mexico surgeon choice

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Warning !!! according to patrons of this form, all lapbands ( Mexican & USA ) are hazardous and will probably self-destruct, fuel global warming and wipe out all forms of humanity, shortly after thier paid for in full.

Sometimes I am afraid you are right. I haven't had any problems with mine, but sometimes I wonder if it's just a matter of time.

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To be honest with you I fully expect to have to have my band replaced at some point in time in my life. I do not expect it to last a life time.

I look at it like breast implants. They last about 10 -15 yrs and need to be replaced. So if that happens I wont be shocked !


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I agree Mindy. My friend had a 5 by pass heart surgery and they told her it would only last 5-10 years. Her husband had a knee replaced and he was told the same thing.

The weight loss is wonderful but it scares me when I think about having something wrapped around my stomach.

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I would like to respond to this thread. Please do not take offense but with you being on the US side to have the surgery and me being on the Mexico side I think it only fair that I express my situation. When you say you should think more about having it...please know that this has been years coming...I didn't wake up yesterday and say you know I think I want to have lap band in a foreigh country. Now I will say that in the beginning I searched the states for a way to get the band. Our insurance makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get it done and then they cap what they cover..so I have a 10k lifetime payout..well HELLO it costs more then that so I would have to cover the extra 6-7k for the band and all the requirements they put on it..not to mention the year they make you wait and the hoops you have to jump through. I have 4 kids and we live in a rural part of Texas so seeing these specialist continually isn't possible for me as they require it. Now does that mean I am ignorant to the risks and that I am being careless with going to MX. NO. I made an appt. w/my general prac. and told him my plans. I had him to a complete physical and run all my blood work. He talked to me in depth about my decision and wants to see me after the band is placed. I am taking all the precautions I can to make sure I am safe. For some the adiitional couple of thousand dollars might not be a lot..for me being a stay at home mom of 4 kids, single income family it is nearly impossible and my family is sacraficing for me to have this surgery. I am just grateful to my husband for allowing me this opportunity. There is NO room in our budget to finance the surgery for the states....trust me I have looked into it before we researched MX. The monthly rates are like a mortgage payment...again not a possibility. I have 2 personal friends that have been banded in MX..one was 4 yrs ago and one was this March. I have also had 2 friends banded in the states. All are doing good. I think RESEARCH is the key. There are many drs with bad reputations.....and it's your job to find that out. So it really doesn't matter where because you still have to research. As far as cash pay in the states and negociating the $$$$ haven't found any that are even close to my cost that Dr. Rod is giving me, and I don't know I would even want them touching me. Just a little info on me. I was raised in South America for many of my child years. I am fluent in Spanish. My father was a entrepaneur and had many ventures...so I know the bad wrap of some of these countries we visited and sometimes lived in...just like in the states there are slums and bad areas. Although I know you can't sue your MX dr. know that their practice is geared towards Americans, and they know how big our mouths are. For me finding a Dr. wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I first disqualified the ones I wouldn't use or researched and found to many negative postings on...and then went forward with my search. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading posts after posts and websites after websites on peopls opinions and experiences. I have spoken to Inamed, Dr. Rod himself, and hospital Angeles. I just don't feel guilty for making the choices I did and did my research. I have aftercare set up and am doing everything I can to make sure I have a great outcome...now does this mean I am not nervous as HELL? Well no it makes me human...and yes I am scared to have this procedure and yes I hope my choice was the correct one for me...and I will answer that ????? in 2 weeks. I know you only mean good, but please don't assume we haven't researched because we are going to MEXICO and that if we researched more we wouldn't go there. I have and I am still going there.


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I had my surgery in Monterrey Mexico by Dr. Zapata in April. The doctor and his anesthesiologist were very professional. The surgery was done on MOnday morning, he came by to see me in the hospital that evening and again the following morning before my discharge. During his visits, he answered all my questions and added additional information that he thought I needed to know. The hospital was clean and my care was impeccable. I would do it again in a minute.

The most impressive part came after I got home. I developed a bad case of diaahrea. I called his US facilitator and she told me to call the doctor directly. I had his cell phone number so I called. I left a brief message and within 5 minutes he called back and told me what to do. I don't know, but when I call my doctor's office here in the states, it sometimes takes over 24 hours for a call back.

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I would like to respond to this thread. Please do not take offense but with you being on the US side to have the surgery and me being on the Mexico side I think it only fair that I express my situation. When you say you should think more about having it...please know that this has been years coming...I didn't wake up yesterday and say you know I think I want to have lap band in a foreigh country. Now I will say that in the beginning I searched the states for a way to get the band. Our insurance makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get it done and then they cap what they cover..so I have a 10k lifetime payout..well HELLO it costs more then that so I would have to cover the extra 6-7k for the band and all the requirements they put on it..not to mention the year they make you wait and the hoops you have to jump through. I have 4 kids and we live in a rural part of Texas so seeing these specialist continually isn't possible for me as they require it. Now does that mean I am ignorant to the risks and that I am being careless with going to MX. NO. I made an appt. w/my general prac. and told him my plans. I had him to a complete physical and run all my blood work. He talked to me in depth about my decision and wants to see me after the band is placed. I am taking all the precautions I can to make sure I am safe. For some the adiitional couple of thousand dollars might not be a lot..for me being a stay at home mom of 4 kids, single income family it is nearly impossible and my family is sacraficing for me to have this surgery. I am just grateful to my husband for allowing me this opportunity. There is NO room in our budget to finance the surgery for the states....trust me I have looked into it before we researched MX. The monthly rates are like a mortgage payment...again not a possibility. I have 2 personal friends that have been banded in MX..one was 4 yrs ago and one was this March. I have also had 2 friends banded in the states. All are doing good. I think RESEARCH is the key. There are many drs with bad reputations.....and it's your job to find that out. So it really doesn't matter where because you still have to research. As far as cash pay in the states and negociating the $$$$ haven't found any that are even close to my cost that Dr. Rod is giving me, and I don't know I would even want them touching me. Just a little info on me. I was raised in South America for many of my child years. I am fluent in Spanish. My father was a entrepaneur and had many ventures...so I know the bad wrap of some of these countries we visited and sometimes lived in...just like in the states there are slums and bad areas. Although I know you can't sue your MX dr. know that their practice is geared towards Americans, and they know how big our mouths are. For me finding a Dr. wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I first disqualified the ones I wouldn't use or researched and found to many negative postings on...and then went forward with my search. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading posts after posts and websites after websites on peopls opinions and experiences. I have spoken to Inamed, Dr. Rod himself, and hospital Angeles. I just don't feel guilty for making the choices I did and did my research. I have aftercare set up and am doing everything I can to make sure I have a great outcome...now does this mean I am not nervous as HELL? Well no it makes me human...and yes I am scared to have this procedure and yes I hope my choice was the correct one for me...and I will answer that ????? in 2 weeks. I know you only mean good, but please don't assume we haven't researched because we are going to MEXICO and that if we researched more we wouldn't go there. I have and I am still going there.


This is a point I have made many times, this is why I a pro-Mexico. There are many (most?) that if they don't go to Mexico they can't have surgery at all. $3K - $5K can mean the difference of someone getting a band vs. not getting a band. Cosmos, is that what you want? Since you are in the minority that eroded (which could have happened in the US just as well) then nobody should go to Mexico and many should not have surgery at all?

Cosmos, what you are suggesting is that people should die of obesity related issues instead of going to Mexico because you can't drink their Water. Does that really make sense to you? Seriously, logically speaking, is that what you want?

Considering there are excellent doctors in Mexico and they probably all have lower erosion stats than your doctor, why shouldn't someone go to a good doctor? People erode in the US too, and they have to pay a lot more money to have the band removed in the US so according to your logic nobody should have surgery in the US either because they can't sue for a known side effect of the band. I have news for you, from what you write here you wouldn't have stood a chance of winning a medical malpractice case in the US.

Just keep in mind, when you say all of Mexico is bad because you didn't go to a great surgeon, you really are suggesting that others die of obesity related conditions. You sure you want to live with that one?

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Dear Bubble

I researched Auturo Rodriguez to the point of having a company in California that finances some of his clients, give them my Ph #. None of them actually called me. I couldn't find any stats that showed he couldn't walk on Water at the time.

KPenny sounds just like me. Financially.

Ok, come join me in the loosers circle. No band, No Money, pass the Oreo Cookies please.

All I'm saying is think about it. If you gotta do it, then you gotta. I hope nobody else winds up like me. Good luck

Edited by cosmos110
Mis-Spelled words

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Dear Bubble

I researched Auturo Rodriguez to the point of having a company in California that finances some of his clients, give them my Ph #. None of them actually called me. I couldn't find any stats that showed he couldn't walk on Water at the time.

KPenny sounds just like me. Financially.

Ok, come join me in the loosers circle. No band, No Money, pass the Oreo Cookies please.

All I'm saying is think about it. If you gotta do it, then you gotta. I hope nobody else winds up like me. Good luck

Cosmos....I am not going to Arturo...I am going to Jose Rodriguez...I have heard a lot of negative things about Arturo...and I know there was some confussion on previous posts with both of them. Just wanted to make sure we were both talking about the same Dr.

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Dear Bubble

I researched Auturo Rodriguez to the point of having a company in California that finances some of his clients, give them my Ph #. None of them actually called me. I couldn't find any stats that showed he couldn't walk on Water at the time.

KPenny sounds just like me. Financially.

Ok, come join me in the loosers circle. No band, No Money, pass the Oreo Cookies please.

All I'm saying is think about it. If you gotta do it, then you gotta. I hope nobody else winds up like me. Good luck

I'm not saying you didn't do your research and I'm not saying what is known today, was known then. What I am saying is that there are people that if they don't get a band in Mexico, they won't get a band at all. With your crusade to get people to avoid the GOOD doctors in Mexico, you could be preventing people from getting life saving surgery.

That's some mega serious karma, you know? Do you sincerely want to be responsible for someone not having life saving surgery because your band eroded? Com'on, you don't seem like that type of person.

There are good doctors and bad, you have to do the best you can with research. The good docs are well known and have long standing reps. The bad ones (of the popular names) are also well known. If people do their research there isn't a bit of difference between going to Mexico and the US except that one is a place that people can afford.

There are really bad things that happen in the US too, I've listed some of them. I've seen them for 25 years in my profession. You aren't going to be promised perfect medical care without potential complications regardless of which doctor in which country.

Instead of chasing people away from Mexico, why not show them how to research and find a good doctor?

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I think Wasa Is coming from the right place. From what I have read she just knows alot more than most and tries to help us overweight people get/access; good, safe, affordable care. Cosmos I appreciatte your suffering and ordeal I wish that never happened to you and I pray that you will be made whole but keep an open mind and beleive in the good in people, people even in the country that hurt you. Remember I too was the victom of a Mexican Surgury gone Bad. And it just may end up being another Mexican Surgeon to Correct the damage. So what I am trying to say is It is good to put it out there but remember some people can't afford american Doctors. I think it is important to talk about how to really check the credentials and track records of these mexican doctors who just may be saving the lives of those who would otherwise be left behind by our broken American medical system.

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I would just like to say from working in the hospital for 12 years that doctors are human just like us. In the U.S. or Mexico, there are gonna be imperfections in their work. It's reality. They are not robots. People's bodies react differently to things. There are very specific guidelines to follow about your diet after banding. How many of you have overeaten and vomitted? I know I have. That in itself can cause slippage and or erosion. We are not perfect, just as they are not. Please evaluate the whole situation, because banding is a long difficult process.It has not been easy for me at all. Mentally, emotionally or physically, but I have a goal and am still working towards it. Things worth having you have to work for. No one ever said lapbanding was a quick easy fix to weight loss. There are risks and complications that can occur. In the small town I live in in Texas, 12 of us have gone to Tijuana betwenn two different doctors and only one has had serious complications with removal of her band after 6 months. The same doctor at Bajanor did hers that did the rest of ours and we are all great. That's just the way the ball bouces, just like when you get your tubes tied or a vasectomy-it's not 100%. Life's really a game of chances, and making general statements about Mexico surgery is really a little out of bounds. I love my surgeon and thank God for him everyday. Thank God I had the option of the cheaper surgery or I wouldn't have been able to do it.It's been 4 months and I am down 30 pounds!!! I would go back to Bajanor again if I had it to do ALL OVER! There are good and bad in the U.S and Mexico.LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES!!!

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Well Jessica thank you for your reply.

I would only say that I had surgery in T.J. with a doctor who I learned only after I developed severe disabilities; has a very, very, very questionable reputation. I would only say congratulations to everyone who has been able to get WLS in the U.S. or Mexico. For me it was a life saver as well as the worst medical crisis I have ever had. I know I followed all the strict eating diet guidlines, However I did fail myself in the very begining by not carefully checking out my surgeons reputation. I am Mexican American and take pride in the fact that most mexican's are very Honarable hard working caring people including my uncles aunt's and grandparents and my freinds in Mexico from Los Mochis to Mexico City. I simply think my case is important for others to understand; I went with who I felt comfortable with and could afford, I didn't do my "DUE DILAGANCE" Because of my niev belief that all Mexicans are "BUena jente" and now I am paying for it with extreme pain in my tailbone everytime I sit, since the Band Removal Surgery. Wassabublebutt has a thread on Researching Mexican Lap-Band Doctors 101. I wish I would have known this prior to my initial surgery with the "surgical weight loss center which left me permently crippled for life. Incedentaly I had had a good surgery several years prior in Mexico with a different surgeon, and I had very good results. So what I am saying is "you really need to understand that checking your Doctors Track record is vital to your decsion. And part of that check should include extensive back and forth consistancies.

I agree that mexican doctors play a role in making the surgery even a possiblity for some of us, why do you think I did my band in Mexico in the first place and not at Cedar's? My point is the clinic, the Surgeon, and all or any doctor associated with the clinic needs to be a factor in your desiscion.

God Bless

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WasA really cares about Weight Loss Patients. She really tries hard to make sure that those people who can not afford a US doctor chooses a doctor in Mexico who she trusts enough that she would put her own life in their care.

I have to say I admire her for being so passionate and caring for people she doesn't even know.

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I have to agree, obviously. And it is so frusterating as it is being overweight, and being denied by insurance companies who are basicly saying, "we don't care if you are 40bmi and could drop dead of a heart attack" . Who would ever want to have a major surgery if the did not need it as a tool to help them battle the weight problem. Some people need to have this life saving surgery and thats all there is to it. And for some it will have to be in Mexico. And thats just the reality. People like her help people avoid the Dr's who are not as forthcoming as the should be. I really enjoy this web site because you really get to talk about the specific isues that matter to you.

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WasA really cares about Weight Loss Patients. She really tries hard to make sure that those people who can not afford a US doctor chooses a doctor in Mexico who she trusts enough that she would put her own life in their care.

I have to say I admire her for being so passionate and caring for people she doesn't even know.

Thank you, Denise. Thank you very much. Yes, I do care a great deal. I want the whole world to be thin!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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