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help me narrow down mexico surgeon choice

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Boy am I glad my surgery is over with! If I was on here researching where to go I would be so confused and scared! Really does any doctor have a 100% success rate? Probably not and in many cases it is probably hard to prove it was the doctors fault. The band does not work for everyone, heck bypass doesn't work for everyone either. At least this is reversible!

NO NO doc has 100% success rate , it does not exist , complications arise for a # of reason . Any doc that tells you they have 0 complications is LYING! And its not "Success" its a complication rate. Band, bypass ect in my opinion is going to be successful from 2 things 50% has to do w/ your surgeon and the other 50% has to do w/ you . If you start off having a good surgeon who know's what they are doing , places the band correctly then your starting off 50% in the good , the other 50% is up to you to follow the rules and do what you need to do to be successful .

Your right research that is accurate , and unbiased is hard to get.

Espically when people (No one specific ) can not accept that docs are human and their own docs might make a mistake or Have a complication from a surgery . Its something that I knwo from working in the medical field. Its something I will admit, acknowledge if i am aware of it from my doc! it happens. But the ones that Stand their ground and dig their heals in that swear their doc does nothing wrong are the ones that make research hard on people.


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I have been on this thread for quite some time . If you look back .

:rolleyes2: People can certainly not recall things the same way . But if Dr Rods stats are that bad do you REALLY think he's doing to tell you that ?


Doing to tell me that?

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You just proved my point

You see, Dr. Rodriguez' stats aren't bad. My point is that you don't post "stats" without documented proof to back it up. Wasa claims that he has one of the highest erosion rates in the industry, well if he does, then where does this "data" come from? She claims that he told her that he and Dr. Sanchez used to work together (yes 12 years ago) and placed 350 bands that a lot had to be removed. There were several Bariatric Surgeons that worked together in Monterrey several years ago including Dr. Ponce. Dr. Sanchez had difficulties with a band that he used to place and did end up removing a lot of them, but it wasn't due to erosion.

It's just a simple case that if you're going to try and tarnish a doctor's reputation by claiming a high erosion rate then back it up with documented proof, not by something you heard, it should be very simple.

I Do not think he would tell his PATIENTS that NO . That's all i will say about that ! What is his reason for removing A LOT of his bands ? How many other docs do you know had to remove A LOT OF their bands ? I just find it hard to see that you dont find anything suspicious about that ? If you read that about ANY OTHER Doc but yours would you not find that fishy ?


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Boy am I glad my surgery is over with! If I was on here researching where to go I would be so confused and scared! Really does any doctor have a 100% success rate? Probably not and in many cases it is probably hard to prove it was the doctors fault. The band does not work for everyone, heck bypass doesn't work for everyone either. At least this is reversible!

Christal, it was the same here when I was banded almost 4 years ago. Reading this board was driving me crazy because of all the conflicting reports. I learned to not pay attention to the rumors and people who had an obvious axe to grind about a surgeon. Someone gave me some good advice and told me to take everything I read on this board with a grain of salt and go with what you feel inside.

And you're right, at least the band is reversible. :rolleyes2:

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I Do not think he would tell his PATIENTS that NO . That's all i will say about that ! What is his reason for removing A LOT of his bands ? How many other docs do you know had to remove A LOT OF their bands ? I just find it hard to see that you dont find anything suspicious about that ? If you read that about ANY OTHER Doc but yours would you not find that fishy ?


Again..... *sigh*

Bubblebutt claims that when Dr. Rodriguez worked with Dr. Sanchez 12 years ago, that they removed a lot of bands due to erosion. Dr. Sanchez (not Dr. Rodriguez) placed a band that he had a lot of problems with (not erosion problems)

Bubblebutt claims that Dr. Rodriguez himself told her that he had to remove several bands due to erosion. I agree with you, why would he say something like that? It's because he didn't.

I'm not claiming that any Bariatric surgeon is perfect. Never have, never will. Just back up your "stats" with documented proof.

Gosh, I feel like I've typed this like 20 times..... nothing like beating a dead horse, then kicking it again to make sure

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cosmos, you make it sound like researching band surgeons is some sort of mysterious process full of secret signs and handshakes. It really isn't. There are plenty of places where real people post their real experiences on the web. You can also ask the coordinators of the various surgeons some questions. You can go to support groups and talk to patients in person. You can ask the surgeon for references.

I did that for surgeons in my area on my insurance plan. I discovered fairly quickly by searching LBT that there is one entire group that has unhappy customers and a high infection rate. Another surgeon is a pompous ass, a good surgeon, but does what works for him, not what you want. Another one has placed less than 100 bands. Etc. Etc.

There were a few surgeons I couldn't really get a read on and a few surgeons who were consistently raved about and had good stats. So I'm sticking to the ones I can get a good read on and that don't have problems that pop up online on a regular basis. Maybe one of those surgeons people say bad things about is actually fantastic and I'm missing out by not going to them. But it's unlikely if you hear consistent stories from a variety of sources about a particular surgeon or office that they are all lies and, besides, why take a chance with your health.

Yes, it's true that every surgeon has patients with complications. But if you have a choice, why knowingly pick a surgeon who has many more complications than the others? Or one who won't give you their stats? Or one whose references won't call you back?

As for screaming to the heavens that people should avoid Mexico if they value their health, it's not logical. If I had a bad experience with a band surgeon in my area and came on here screaming "Don't get banded in California!" people would laugh their asses off at me and I wouldn't blame them. It would be different if you were screaming "Avoid Arturo Rodriguez -- he almost killed me" because that's telling people about your experience. It's not condemning every doctor in an entire country based on your experience with one doctor.

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Dear Wasa & Tricia

Your posts are beginning to look like a Sunday edition of the New York Times. They're great stuff, but you might want to work on that.

Just a quick male prospective here. I'm not sure who made the accusation but it's confusing.

This lady says Rodriguez hit on her.

Rodriguez is a rich man in Mexico. If he made a move on this gal, I'd conclude that she dosen't need to loose weight.

Isn't that why we get lapbands, so we can be thin and sexxie ? Sorry Ladies, I'd need some strong proof for that one.

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Dear Wasa & Tricia

Your posts are beginning to look like a Sunday edition of the New York Times. They're great stuff, but you might want to work on that.

Just a quick male prospective here. I'm not sure who made the accusation but it's confusing.

This lady says Rodriguez hit on her.

Rodriguez is a rich man in Mexico. If he made a move on this gal, I'd conclude that she dosen't need to loose weight.

Isn't that why we get lapbands, so we can be thin and sexxie ? Sorry Ladies, I'd need some strong proof for that one.

THAT does not EVEN JUSTIFY A comment. !!!!

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Pardon my lack of finesse', I certainly didn't mean to be offensive.

But >>> Accusing a Surgeon of putting the move on one of his female patients is strong stuff. I'm sure it would cost him his ticket here in the USA.

I've been accused of slamming Mexican Doctors. I never made such a remark as that. If you missed it, it's just above in some of the post. I'd go find it for you but those are some fairly lenghtly literary excerts.

Now, does that merrit a reply ?

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I took offense to your post ... TO ME you were saying " he is a rich man , why in the HELL would he hit on FAT WOMAN ? Or that woman must not have been FAT ENOUGH to get a lap band or he would not have hit on her ?

You said " Rodriguez is a rich man in Mexico. If he made a move on this gal, I'd conclude that she dosen't need to loose weight.

Isn't that why we get lapbands, so we can be thin and sexxie ? " WHAT else does that mean ? If a Doctor hit on her she did NOT need to lose weight cause she was NOT FAT ? GIVE ME A FLIPPING BREAK !!!

was I The ONLY One who took this that way ?

Is it bad if a doctor hit on a patient YES. Does it make it "OK" the comments that were just made ? NO ... A doctor is a professional . He should keep it that way . PERIOD !!



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Good grief people. Please don't take everything you read on this forum as gospel.

Bubblebutt made a comment that someone that went with her to get a fill made a comment that Dr. Rodriguez flirted with her. Geesh! Does that mean that he did? Who knows?! It's just hearsay and gossip so don't take it so seriously.

Also, maybe this person that thought the doctor flirted with her actually thought that he did when he didn't. People perceive things very differently. Maybe she was just bragging or boasting that a doc put the moves on her, maybe she made the whole thing up.... Who knows, and who really cares?

Edited by Tricia

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Okay guys this has to stop...everyone has the right to say what they feel and share their experiences. Nobody has personally any connections with one another so to say that that person did or did not have a conversation with another person is CRAP. Only they or the other person know that. I feel like we are on here to share our experiences about our banding and with our doctors. Cosmos has a right to also share their experience with the Mexican system and what they suffered and we have the choice to listen or to not. This thing started because people don't agree...that is fine they dont' have to and Tricia you can keep going to Dr. A. Rod. and Wassa can choose to not and you can promote him Tricia and Wassa can state her stand and individuals can take it or leave it. I would assume also that if infact Dr. Aturo Rod. did not say those things then he would be in personal contact with her in order to stop the slamming. As far as offense...being overweight does not make one ugly and not attractive...who knows maybe Dr. Arturo Rod has a thing for fat chicks..JUST KIDDING..nobody scream at me for this...I just think everyone is entitled to their opinion and Tricia I must say in researching my docs I did come across individuals that complained about Dr. Arturo and the problems that they had with him...this was from approx 5 or 6 previous patients that wouldn't go back to him or had issues pertaining to the band. At that point I quit looking at him for my choice surgeon because of what I was hearing. Now does that mean that he isn't a good Dr. I don't know, but if more then not people were telling me they weren't happy with him I am not going to try my odds...I crossed him off and kept going. I wish now that I would have kept all the emails and contact with them so that I could show them...Or better yet lets make a forum for his patients that have not been happy to post so that you can see that it isn't all in our heads and misunderstandings. I know there are a few that do not like my Dr. Jose Rod. and that is okay as well. I listened to what they had to say and took it into consideration when I made my choice....when I finally came to the conclusion that he was infact my Dr. of choice I went forward with even more research. When I called Inamed about my list of Dr.'s Inamed stated that Dr. Arturo Rod was one of 2 that I looked into that they said was not a proctor of the band...I had a list of Dr.'s trying to find out which one I would use. I think emotions have gone rampid here and I know that every person banded thinks that their Dr. is THE BOMB...because infact they have given us our lives back....but I know my Dr. J. Rod is not perfect and that things happen...I am just happy that thing didn't happen on me..and sorry for those that it did. I am just wondering how much PRIDE is playing a role in this conversation than anything else...and pride never gets us anywhere. I think both of you should start a thread on each of your stance and let everyone chime in on their experiences and then go from there...because us all bickering about it isn't going to get us anywhere...it isn't until the patients themselves speak that it will be settled. We aren't helping eachother...we aren't making it easier on newbies like me to make a decision because frankly if I hadn't been on here before this to see how helpful these forums were I would have said no thanks..I can get enough drama elsewhere. I am here to get clarity and help me decide on a life altering procedure...and to maintain and share with others in my same situation. It isn't productive.

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You say this has got to stop yet you promote people voicing their opinions?

The bottom line of me posting in this thread is very simple and I'm not sure why I'm trying to explain it again but here it goes

If someone states that a doctor has one of the highest erosion rates in the industry, they need to back it up with documented proof. I don't want to hear that "so and so told me" that's why it's true.

I have never promoted any doctor in my posts. Nor have I knocked any doctor in my posts. I have plenty of negative things to say about several bariatric surgeons in Mexico and in the U.S. from research that I have done over the years, but I chose not to because I didn't have a negative experience with them personally. I've also heard negative things about your doctor, but you won't see me posting about them. To each their own IMO.

The other crapola about flirting is just that....crapola..... But if gossip and gushie stuff is your thing then have at it.

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You say this has got to stop yet you promote people voicing their opinions?

The bottom line of me posting in this thread is very simple and I'm not sure why I'm trying to explain it again but here it goes

If someone states that a doctor has one of the highest erosion rates in the industry, they need to back it up with documented proof. I don't want to hear that "so and so told me" that's why it's true.

I have never promoted any doctor in my posts. Nor have I knocked any doctor in my posts. I have plenty of negative things to say about several bariatric surgeons in Mexico and in the U.S. from research that I have done over the years, but I chose not to because I didn't have a negative experience with them personally. I've also heard negative things about your doctor, but you won't see me posting about them. To each their own IMO.

The other crapola about flirting is just that....crapola..... But if gossip and gushie stuff is your thing then have at it.

You are right I stated that everyone should voice their opinon but not keep it on Auto Pilot and keep going on and on about the same thing. You stated that you didn't like the fact that she didn't have the stats to back it up..OKAY..does it mean that she has to stop feeling the way she does no...does it mean when asked or on posts to not put her opinion in on Dr. Rod no...likewise for you as well...but put it and leave it. It appears from his website that you are pretty close to him...pictures with you and him and so forth. I would assume you think of him as more then a Dr. but a friend...or so it would seem. What I am saying is that PRIDE sometimes causes a person to only see one side. Theirs...and I say this for both sides here. If I was banded and had major complications due to the surgeons negligence do you think that I would say great things about that surgeon...HELL NO I wouldn't. Do I want to hear all the good and bad about my Dr. HELL YES...will I take it in stride base my decision on many factors of course I will. What I am trying to say is that you are emotionally involved it would seem because you become so volatile about protecting his image and anything negative that is said about him. I know of a few people that had bad issues with Dr. Jose Rod...you drop that like you are going to hurt my feelings...I did my research and have heard from them..am I mad at them for not being happy or having a bad experience..NO that would be down right STUPID. We don't have to like everyones surgeon..and you aren't his protector...he's a big boy...if he doesn't like it let him deal with it directly to the person that is saying it. You said that you talked to him personally well then he knows about it and let him handle it.

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I came to a reckoning years ago. And I apologise for being so callous as such.

I was wearing 36" X 36" blue jeans 10 years ago. I quit smoking and started to enlargeing exponentially. I was a hit with the ladies. Period.

I now wear 48" pants, 325 lbs ( and counting ). My reckoning was the eventual truth. A list of the wemen who look at me as sexy would fit on the back of a postage stamp and leave room for the Lords Prayer. A list of the women who look at me in disgust would fill a library.

I'm sorry for being so callous, but you are correct, that is what I'm saying. It's just the truth.

I'll take better care in the future. Your right, there's no need to rub it in on myself or anybody else.

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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