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help me narrow down mexico surgeon choice

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You'd have to get that from your doctor, he is the one that told me this. He told me this last November 30th when he invited me to his Christmas fiesta on 12/6. Obviously, I declined.

He said he used to work with Dr. Sanchez and Sanchez is the one that was making the infamous "Mexican Band" (ever see a horrible and eroded band on US doctor's websites? THAT is the Mexican Band). Arturo was his lead surgeon. Arturo told me that they were putting the band in and they were eroding over 50% of the time. Yet.... they kept putting it in anyway.

He said he removed over 350 of his own surgically placed bands due to erosion. I doubt any surgeon has seen that many band erosions. He's had more erosions than many doctors have bands placed!

If you take into consideration the 350 bands he removed, the 1.3% erosion stat that is the global stat, that comes out to about 20% erosion for Arturo.

He even called my doctor asking my doctor to request that I stop telling people about that conversation. Of course, my doctor has no way to tape my mouth shut or tape my typing fingers so that conversation did him little good. Perhaps if Arturo wants me to stop telling the truth he should call me back and explain why he kept placing this band when he knew they were going to erode.

Until that conversation I was fairly pro-Rodriguez. But those days are over.

I will ask Dr. Rodriguez myself because I have serious doubts about your "claims" Unless you have documented proof that Dr. Rodriguez "probably has the highest erosion stat in the industry" I wouldn't be posting it on forums. It's just hearsay and you're just putting doubt and incorrect information out there without any facts to back you up. Dr. Sanchez has been dead for a few years now and even when he was alive it's been years (like 12 years ago) that Dr. Rodriguez did any work with him. So even if what you say is true (which it isn't) it was 12 years ago.

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I'm sorry Tricia.

I am totally with you. I'd like to know where Wasa gets this Mexican Intelligence. I don't think the CIA has better connections.

Aaahh I see

It's not real hard. If someone is going to throw out "stats" and accusations, they need to back them up with proof. Otherwise it just comes off as someone who has an axe to grind and is trying to tarnish someone's reputation because of it.

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I wanted to mention that I have heard "interesting" things about you from people that have traveled with you to your doctor for fills. I've heard things about you from other people on this forum, but does that mean that I post those not so nice things about you on this forum? No... The reason being? It's hearsay.

I think you profess to be the research guru, which would be great if you would post facts and real stats (with documented proof) instead of claiming that your research is true without proof. You could help a lot of people and I think for the most part your intentions are good, but you're also doing harm with your false accusations and false reporting of what you believe are accurate stats based on what you're heard.

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I will ask Dr. Rodriguez myself because I have serious doubts about your "claims" Unless you have documented proof that Dr. Rodriguez "probably has the highest erosion stat in the industry" I wouldn't be posting it on forums. It's just hearsay and you're just putting doubt and incorrect information out there without any facts to back you up. Dr. Sanchez has been dead for a few years now and even when he was alive it's been years (like 12 years ago) that Dr. Rodriguez did any work with him. So even if what you say is true (which it isn't) it was 12 years ago.

Well, I was there during the conversation, you weren't. To tell me what I experienced in this telephone conversation and what I was told is kinda silly, you have to admit.

Either your doctor has a high erosion stat or he's a liar. Can't have it both ways. You really don't know what is true or not, you don't even know about your own doctor. You simply don't want to believe it, that doesn't make it untrue.

Ask Mellis, she asked me about Rodriguez last year and I was totally pro-Arturo. I told her everything I knew about him. Then Arturo called me 11/30 and I changed my mind about him and until I have facts to dispute what he told me, I'm sticking to my guns on this whether or not you agree.

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Aaahh I see

It's not real hard. If someone is going to throw out "stats" and accusations, they need to back them up with proof. Otherwise it just comes off as someone who has an axe to grind and is trying to tarnish someone's reputation because of it.

I have no axe to grind, I am just telling what YOUR doctor told me. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to believe it. Doesn't mean I'm not going to post it.

I wanted to mention that I have heard "interesting" things about you from people that have traveled with you to your doctor for fills. I've heard things about you from other people on this forum, but does that mean that I post those not so nice things about you on this forum? No... The reason being? It's hearsay.

I think you profess to be the research guru, which would be great if you would post facts and real stats (with documented proof) instead of claiming that your research is true without proof. You could help a lot of people and I think for the most part your intentions are good, but you're also doing harm with your false accusations and false reporting of what you believe are accurate stats based on what you're heard.

LOL! I know exactly who you are talking about! She happens to be an Arturo patient. She's the only person in Phoenix that is not welcome to go with us for fills anymore. She sat in the back seat and whined non stop the entire way back home. She couldn't follow the post fill diet for 3 hours! She was eating crunchy veggies hours after the fill when she was supposed to be on Clear Liquids, she was eating creamed Soup that evening for clears, coffee in the AM, we told her not to take her tablets in the AM after a fill and to wait a few hours or crush them but nooooo, she knew better. She took the tablets, got stuck (shocking, I know), and then whined that her fill was too tight. She didn't follow a single instruction of the doctor. She was the biggest pain in the butt we ever had in the car. Everyone in the car that day said that if she came back they would not be in the same car with her. There were three other people in the car, shall I bring them over here? I'm happy to do so. They all thought she was the biggest, most whiny pain in the butt they had ever experienced.

She also went on to tell me that Arturo was nothing but a flirt, didn't want to discuss the band but wanted to flirt with her the entire time.... I can go on. Shall I? She said it to all of us, not just me. And this is your only source btw, of our fill trips to Mexicali. HAHA!

I'll post about that time, it was the longest, most annoying, miserable Mexico trip I ever experienced. She's emailed me several times afterwards and I deleted the emails unread. But you know what? It doesn't matter. I don't care where you get your info or what you want to claim, your doctor told me what he did and you can't change that fact or the fact that when asked, I'm going to post it. It's just one of those things you'll have to work through.

Your source is S, mine is your doctor. Who has the better source?

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Well, I was there during the conversation, you weren't. To tell me what I experienced in this telephone conversation and what I was told is kinda silly, you have to admit.

Either your doctor has a high erosion stat or he's a liar. Can't have it both ways. You really don't know what is true or not, you don't even know about your own doctor. You simply don't want to believe it, that doesn't make it untrue.

Ask Mellis, she asked me about Rodriguez last year and I was totally pro-Arturo. I told her everything I knew about him. Then Arturo called me 11/30 and I changed my mind about him and until I have facts to dispute what he told me, I'm sticking to my guns on this whether or not you agree.

Well I have spoken with Dr. Rodriguez about your accusations. First off, maybe you thought he was inviting you to the Patient Reunion, but you must have misunderstood.

Also, Dr. Sanchez placed 350 bands and did end up removing a large quantity of them, but not due to erosion. If you would like to try and get the real facts and since you're so close to all of these doctors and companies, you can call Dr. Ponce in Dalton. He was also a surgeon that worked with Dr. Rodriguez and Sanchez.

So basically you're making incorrect accusations and you're sticking to it. Sounds "good" to me. It's a shame that you claim to help people when you are actually doing harm in some ways. I think you really could help people but for some reason you have grudges against some bariatric surgeons for whatever reason and you are trying to tarnish their reputations on a public forum.

I guess I need to start saying that your Bariatric Surgeon is no good because your band was a failure? I guess I'll choose not to say anything bad about your surgeon because he isn't my surgeon and I didn't have a bad experience with him personally. We would all be better off if we wouldn't post things that we have no clue about or based on inaccurate hearsay.

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I think you have some serious misunderstandings, but you have convinced yourself that what you say is gospel.

Before making accusations about surgeons, like having the highest erosion rate it would be prudent to back it up with documented proof.

Why would Dr. Rodriguez call you and say "Hey Bubblebutt, I have the most erosions in the industry! Please go post that on the public forums!"

Just doesn't make much sense.....

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I have no axe to grind, I am just telling what YOUR doctor told me. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to believe it. Doesn't mean I'm not going to post it.

LOL! I know exactly who you are talking about! She happens to be an Arturo patient. She's the only person in Phoenix that is not welcome to go with us for fills anymore. She sat in the back seat and whined non stop the entire way back home. She couldn't follow the post fill diet for 3 hours! She was eating crunchy veggies hours after the fill when she was supposed to be on clear liquids, she was eating creamed Soup that evening for clears, coffee in the AM, we told her not to take her tablets in the AM after a fill and to wait a few hours or crush them but nooooo, she knew better. She took the tablets, got stuck (shocking, I know), and then whined that her fill was too tight. She didn't follow a single instruction of the doctor. She was the biggest pain in the butt we ever had in the car. Everyone in the car that day said that if she came back they would not be in the same car with her. There were three other people in the car, shall I bring them over here? I'm happy to do so. They all thought she was the biggest, most whiny pain in the butt they had ever experienced.

She also went on to tell me that Arturo was nothing but a flirt, didn't want to discuss the band but wanted to flirt with her the entire time.... I can go on. Shall I? She said it to all of us, not just me. And this is your only source btw, of our fill trips to Mexicali. HAHA!

I'll post about that time, it was the longest, most annoying, miserable Mexico trip I ever experienced. She's emailed me several times afterwards and I deleted the emails unread. But you know what? It doesn't matter. I don't care where you get your info or what you want to claim, your doctor told me what he did and you can't change that fact or the fact that when asked, I'm going to post it. It's just one of those things you'll have to work through.

Your source is S, mine is your doctor. Who has the better source?

Wow.... there are 3 people that I'm referring to, but the one you describe here sounds interesting, but again it's hearsay. Sorry you had such an enjoyable trip with this person.

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Chingao, You'all

Stop everything, hold the preses mamasita'.

For the record > I have never said that I have any Stats for any of the Mexican Surgeons. I have absolutly no info on Mexican Surgeons. The only things I can find are from questionable sources. Furthermore I have no intel on any Mexican Doctor except what I can find free on the internet which is guaranteed to be infected with thier own advertisement.

We can pay $45.** for a report on Doctors here in the US, and get some information. Not what I'd call the real dirt. I have talked to doctors here in the USA that can't find any good info on Mexican doctors. How does one differentiate from self advertisement, fact and 2 dimensional BS that is completely unprovable ?

A lot of the problems I had researching a doctor in Mexico is this 2 dimensional screen is saturatd with Coyotes that will mislead us. They exist and they are paid to do so. I make that statement knowing that it is extremeand I understand it, and I have no desire to impune any real life testimonies. A lot of people have been blessed by thier Mexican surgeons. They are a good thing.

Bottom line > The BS walks & the fact with resources talk. Period

To me thats what this web site should offer to people looking to make a critical decision. Good sound advise , backed by verifiable information.

I stand with Tricia. Give me only what I can verify.

Hit me

My suggestion is if anyone has some some stats to offer, please include your source.

Buenos Noche'

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Well I have spoken with Dr. Rodriguez about your accusations. First off, maybe you thought he was inviting you to the Patient Reunion, but you must have misunderstood.

Also, Dr. Sanchez placed 350 bands and did end up removing a large quantity of them, but not due to erosion. If you would like to try and get the real facts and since you're so close to all of these doctors and companies, you can call Dr. Ponce in Dalton. He was also a surgeon that worked with Dr. Rodriguez and Sanchez.

So basically you're making incorrect accusations and you're sticking to it. Sounds "good" to me. It's a shame that you claim to help people when you are actually doing harm in some ways. I think you really could help people but for some reason you have grudges against some bariatric surgeons for whatever reason and you are trying to tarnish their reputations on a public forum.

I guess I need to start saying that your Bariatric Surgeon is no good because your band was a failure? I guess I'll choose not to say anything bad about your surgeon because he isn't my surgeon and I didn't have a bad experience with him personally. We would all be better off if we wouldn't post things that we have no clue about or based on inaccurate hearsay.

OK IF HE Placed the bands himself WHY in the HELL would one doc remove Even 10 % of his own Bands ?? Do you NOT find that a LITTLE Suspect ?


Something is not right there. Secondly you keep saying things are "hearsay" , you MIGHT want to look up the definition of hearsay . Hear say is " Gossip" or something that someone does not have DIRECT knowledge of . If WASA was TOLD Something from that person THAT IS NOT HEARSAY !

That is direct knowledge of a conversation . you cant say something is hearsay just because YOU Did not hear it or you chose not to belive it. It does not work that way . And IF the other party says "Things did not go that way " STILL Does not make it hear say " Means a party in the conversation is LYING !! Which one do you think will lie ? the one that MIGHT look bad ? :rolleyes2:

Just to clarify here is the definition of hearsay . I have no dog in this fight but People REALLY need to take a step back and realize who has something to gain in conversations when they are makign accusations. JUST because someone wants to make sure people get safe surgeriers people bash those people frankly im quite sick of it . Docs are not perfect , they are human , People need to realize the DIFFERENCE between bad ones and good ones , are the BAD ONES Lie about their mistakes !!!

hear·say thinsp.pngspeaker.gif Audio Help /ˈhɪərˌseɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[heer-sey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1.unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay. 2.an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: a malicious hearsay. –adjective 3.of, pertaining to, or characterized by hearsay: hearsay knowledge; a hearsay report.

[Origin: 1525–35; orig. in phrase by hear say, trans. of MF par ouïr direthinsp.png]

—Synonyms 1. talk, scuttlebutt, babble, tittle-tattle.

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If you're going to make accusations or claim something like a surgeon probably has the highest erosion rate in the industry then back it up with documented proof

The thing is, bubblebutt says that Dr. Rodriguez told her this outrageous "stat" about bands that he didn't place. She just misunderstood or for a better term "misremembers" << have fun looking that one up and giving us all a "lesson"

I also spoke to the Dr. about this issue and was told something very different then she remembers.

Nice to have you join in the conversation.....

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If you're going to make accusations or claim something like a surgeon probably has the highest erosion rate in the industry then back it up with documented proof

The thing is, bubblebutt says that Dr. Rodriguez told her this outrageous "stat" about bands that he didn't place. She just misunderstood or for a better term "misremembers" << have fun looking that one up and giving us all a "lesson"

I also spoke to the Dr. about this issue and was told something very different then she remembers.

Nice to have you join in the conversation.....

I have been on this thread for quite some time . If you look back .

:rolleyes2: People can certainly not recall things the same way . But if Dr Rods stats are that bad do you REALLY think he's doing to tell you that ?


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If you're going to make accusations or claim something like a surgeon probably has the highest erosion rate in the industry then back it up with documented proof

The thing is, bubblebutt says that Dr. Rodriguez told her this outrageous "stat" about bands that he didn't place. She just misunderstood or for a better term "misremembers" << have fun looking that one up and giving us all a "lesson"

I also spoke to the Dr. about this issue and was told something very different then she remembers.

Nice to have you join in the conversation.....

Oops sorry ... Since you asked here you go :rolleyes2:

misremember Averb

1 misremember

remember incorrectly; "I misremembered the date"

Category Tree:err; mistake; slipmisremember

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Boy am I glad my surgery is over with! If I was on here researching where to go I would be so confused and scared! Really does any doctor have a 100% success rate? Probably not and in many cases it is probably hard to prove it was the doctors fault. The band does not work for everyone, heck bypass doesn't work for everyone either. At least this is reversible!

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I have been on this thread for quite some time . If you look back .

:rolleyes2: People can certainly not recall things the same way . But if Dr Rods stats are that bad do you REALLY think he's doing to tell you that ?


You just proved my point

You see, Dr. Rodriguez' stats aren't bad. My point is that you don't post "stats" without documented proof to back it up. Wasa claims that he has one of the highest erosion rates in the industry, well if he does, then where does this "data" come from? She claims that he told her that he and Dr. Sanchez used to work together (yes 12 years ago) and placed 350 bands that a lot had to be removed. There were several Bariatric Surgeons that worked together in Monterrey several years ago including Dr. Ponce. Dr. Sanchez had difficulties with a band that he used to place and did end up removing a lot of them, but it wasn't due to erosion.

It's just a simple case that if you're going to try and tarnish a doctor's reputation by claiming a high erosion rate then back it up with documented proof, not by something you heard, it should be very simple.

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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