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I just had my first visit with the doctors at Duke in Durham, NC today. I knew going in to it that the doc would recommend bypass since I have so much weight to lose (about 150 lbs). But she was supportive of whatever it is I want to do. Also had dietician consult and bloodwork.

However, my visit with the psychologist did not go as I had anticipated. I thought that they would be more interested in why I overate, not what I ate. I was told that because of my eating habits and amount of weight I need to lose I won't be successful with the lapband. I left the appointment in tears.

I was so proud of myself for finally going to see someone about my weight and felt rejected when I left. I am conflicted over what to do and was hoping someone out there might have some advice. I really, really don't want to have bypass but am now questioning whether or not I have what it would take to be successful with the band.

Any thoughts?


I lost 148 pounds, 38 before my banding, and 110 after banding. I lost 125 of it in one year. So, if they think the band won't work because you need to loose more than 100 pounds, would seem like it can work, and there are alot of people on this website that would agree with that.

However, I was a very big meal eater. I could eat 2 to 3 platefuls at supper time. I could eat big at every meal. I wasn't a grazer (spelling??). I think it would be hard to be successful with a band if you're the type that eats smaller amounts at a time, but all day long. If that is your style, please speak with your surgeon about how you eat and see if he agrees that the band might not be your best choice for weight loss surgery.

I'm glad that I never had to see the psychologist after the initial consult, because I didn't feel comfortable with him. He did approve me though, thank goodness.

I hope things turn out the best for you and that you conquer your weight problem. I'm so much happier since I conquered mine.

I love my band and my new flat tummy!


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I was so proud of myself for finally going to see someone about my weight and felt rejected when I left. I am conflicted over what to do and was hoping someone out there might have some advice. I really, really don't want to have bypass but am now questioning whether or not I have what it would take to be successful with the band.

Any thoughts?

I am so sorry you were made to feel rejected. I firmly believe deciding between bypass and lapband is a personal decision...not something to be pushed on you by your doctor/surgeon.

I started with almost 200 to lose. It has been 14 months and I am at 79 pounds lost today.

Do I sometimes regret having the band instead of a bypass?? Yes, I do. Do I ever regret being banded?? No, I don't (if that makes any sense to you) The reason for those moments of regret is knowing that I would probably be down closer to 150 pounds by now. But..... I know being banded was the correct decision for me.

If you feel this is the right decision for you, stick to your guns, and know there are LOTS of people who have had more weight to lose than you and have been a success at it (or are still in the process of working toward that success)

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I am a grazer. I am losing weight slowly...But I don’t feel deprived. I don’t eat as much as I used to...and the Band is at its point where I am at full restriction...probably too much...but I am working thru it.

As a grazer I have to think about the food I have sitting around. And to remember no drinking 1hr after eating and 30 min before eating...this helps me cut down on all the grazing.

I hope this helps you. Even thru the rough times I have NEVER regretted getting the band. I just wish I had gotten it sooner.

And I am super tight right now because of my monthly cycle. So if I can say I dont regret it being as tight as I am today...then you know I must mean it lol

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Thanks so much for your responses. I am feeling a bit better about it since I first posted on Tuesday. While I know I would lose more weight faster with bypass, I just know that it is not right for me. I would be thrilled with any weight loss!

I decided to consult with another doctor in the area to see if he is as adamant about bypass vs. lapband as the folks at Duke were.

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See my General doctor was all for me having lap band. She didnt want me to lose the weight quickly. Because she knew the risk of NOT learning better eatting habits when you lose quickly. I was disapointed in my weight loss of 76 lbs in a year and a half and she pointed out to me how much weight I would have gained if I had NOT had the band...I was gaining about 20lbs a year...so she told me that in her eyes I have lost 106. And that is weight that I will NEVER gain again...Where with bypass she tells me patients typicaly start gaining back in 3 years. where if band patients start to gain we can get an adjustment.

And I felt better about all of that...I am glad your going to talk to someone else.

Like I said I am a grazer...but I eat a lot less then I used to...and I chose Protein first

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I just had my first visit with the doctors at Duke in Durham, NC today. I knew going in to it that the doc would recommend bypass since I have so much weight to lose (about 150 lbs). But she was supportive of whatever it is I want to do. Also had dietitian consult and bloodwork.

However, my visit with the psychologist did not go as I had anticipated. I thought that they would be more interested in why I overate, not what I ate. I was told that because of my eating habits and amount of weight I need to lose I won't be successful with the lapband. I left the appointment in tears.

I was so proud of myself for finally going to see someone about my weight and felt rejected when I left. I am conflicted over what to do and was hoping someone out there might have some advice. I really, really don't want to have bypass but am now questioning whether or not I have what it would take to be successful with the band. Any thoughts?

I think I have to count to TEN before I respond!!


I am so sorry you were made to feel rejected. I firmly believe deciding between bypass and lapband is a personal decision...not something to be pushed on you by your doctor/surgeon.

I started with almost 200 to lose. It has been 14 months and I am at 79 pounds lost today.

Do I sometimes regret having the band instead of a bypass?? Yes, I do. Do I ever regret being banded?? No, I don't (if that makes any sense to you) The reason for those moments of regret is knowing that I would probably be down closer to 150 pounds by now. But..... I know being banded was the correct decision for me.

If you feel this is the right decision for you, stick to your guns, and know there are LOTS of people who have had more weight to lose than you and have been a success at it (or are still in the process of working toward that success)


Thanks so much for your responses. I am feeling a bit better about it since I first posted on Tuesday. While I know I would lose more weight faster with bypass, I just know that it is not right for me. I would be thrilled with any weight loss! I decided to consult with another doctor in the area to see if he is as adamant about bypass vs. lapband as the folks at Duke were.

I absolutely agree that physician/surgeon should not try to persuade you one way or the other. Mine presented all the pros and cons of each and left the decision to me. I was probably not a "good" candidate for LapBand because I had over 175 lb to lose... and that still won't get me to a "normal" BMI. Also, because of my age... and restricted mobility due to arthritis in both knees.

HOWEVER, as you can see, I've lost almost 120 lb...it's been a little over 2 years... so it's slow, but steady. And, I had knee replacement on the left knee last week so as soon as I get through the recovery phase

I will be able to ramp up my exercise.

Your success is based on how bad YOU want it!

If you're willing to change your lifestyle by completely changing how you eat,

what you eat and implement some exercise,


I'm so glad you are going to see someone else.

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So, I was able to secure an appointment with another doctor in the area, Dr. Enochs. I have only spoken with one person on the phone and she has been super helpful. She was able to get me in next Tuesday and I am excited about the appointment. We will wait and see what this doctor has to say. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

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So, I was able to secure an appointment with another doctor in the area, Dr. Enochs. I have only spoken with one person on the phone and she has been super helpful. She was able to get me in next Tuesday and I am excited about the appointment. We will wait and see what this doctor has to say. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

So did you have your appointment with Dr. Enochs yesterday??

Wondering how it went. Hope it was better than the appt with the other doctor!

I'm doing great...3 wks post knee replacement, down about another 5 lb, rehab/recovery going very well.

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Hello everyone...I haven't been on this thread in a while been hanging out on another thread with some of my local bandster buddies....but I have a question tha tI am hoping someoen here can help me with.....especially someone who has been banded a while...

I got a fill about 2 weeks ago. I feel like I have been doing well. I had a few episodes of food getting stuck and coming back up but not everytime. I was on my TOM just a few days after my fill and that made it a little tighter and harder to eat anything but my Protein Shots and Water or Decaf tea throughout the day; that is until about 9 at night when I could usually eat something real small. I have been feeling good lost 12lbs in 12 days! Buutttt......

I feel like out the blue (maybe stress) I got super tight yesterday. I can drink my hot tea or my chicken broth pretty much okay.....but cold fluids don't agree with me right now.

Yesterday I had....

1 Protein shot

1 -16oz hot tea

10 oz Chicken broth

Tried 2 small bites of ground beef at 11 pm last night and 30 minutes later it came back up.....then in the middle of the night while I was sleeping more came up in my mouth but I thought I was dreaming and I guess I tried to swallow it....yuck!!! Well it woke me up and I threw up more...it felt like it had been sitting in my pouch the whole 5 hours!!! I have NEVER had that happen to me before.

Then this morning Even my hot tea was gurgling down soooo slooowwwly that it took me 2 hours to drink 8 oz.

I finally got my protein shot down and at lunch time I had 10 oz of chicken broth again....that seemed to go down easier than the tea this morning.

I guess what I am getting at is I would like some opinions....I am losing soooo well that I don't want to get an unfill again. I am wondering as I lose more weight over the next couple of weeks if it will lossen up some. I am just terrified of getting another unfill of some of the fluid!!!! I've had 3 of them over the last year. And that is why I have been on a plataeu for soooooo long.

Sorry this is such a long message but I need advice.:thumbup:

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Hi Smilin_Apple:

I'm afraid you're not getting enough nutrition to be healthy. You should probably discuss it with your surgeon because you probably need to get a slight unfill. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but your health is more important long term than a short term unhealthy megaloss. Malnutrition is a very serious issue.

Hope things improve soon.

I love my band and my new flat tummy!


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Hello everyone! This is my first post, and I must say that this forum really inspired me to go with the banding. You are all very encouraging.

I'm a single/male 31yo Filipino based in Manila. I am 470lbs, and my current BMI is 57. All this I found out when I visited a local Lap-Band Information Center a few days ago. I was informed of all the options I have, including bypass. But I decided to go with the lap-band. My tentative sked is this coming January, so I'm really excited.

I really want to do this not because I was forced by my friends/family, but because I want to have a great life, and because i want to live longer to see my children and grandchildren grow up. Life is just too wonderful to be cut short.

I have a question though regarding post-surgery. I travel a lot for my work. I usually go to different countries, and stay between 3 days to a month. My surgery is scheduled mid-January, and I have scheduled monthly trips starting mid-February. So basically I have 1 month to recover til my first trip. Do you think this is enough time, or should I allot more time to recover?

Your reply will be greatly appreciated.


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Hello everyone! This is my first post, and I must say that this forum really inspired me to go with the banding. You are all very encouraging.

I'm a single/male 31yo Filipino based in Manila. I am 470lbs, and my current BMI is 57. All this I found out when I visited a local Lap-Band® Information Center a few days ago. I was informed of all the options I have, including bypass. But I decided to go with the lap-band®. My tentative sked is this coming January, so I'm really excited.

I really want to do this not because I was forced by my friends/family, but because I want to have a great life, and because i want to live longer to see my children and grandchildren grow up. Life is just too wonderful to be cut short.

I have a question though regarding post-surgery. I travel a lot for my work. I usually go to different countries, and stay between 3 days to a month. My surgery is scheduled mid-January, and I have scheduled monthly trips starting mid-February. So basically I have 1 month to recover til my first trip. Do you think this is enough time, or should I allot more time to recover? Your reply will be greatly appreciated.




You should be pretty much back to normal by one month out. But your first fill will probably be at about the six week point, so you'll want to be home for that and not travel for a couple of days afterward. Best of luck to you.

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I am glad I found this group. My surgery is January 14, 2010. My biggest worryhad been that my BMI was so high that I might not be successful as I am hoping to loose over 150 pounds--I see that is a very reachable goal. My doctor mentioned it my BMI, but did not say I was not at candidate for banding, but said clearly that I needed to change my relationship with food or a lap-band or gastric bypass will not matter. This site has been very helpful!!

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I am glad I found this group. My surgery is January 14, 2010. My biggest worryhad been that my BMI was so high that I might not be successful as I am hoping to loose over 150 pounds--I see that is a very reachable goal. My doctor mentioned it my BMI, but did not say I was not at candidate for banding, but said clearly that I needed to change my relationship with food or a lap-band® or gastric bypass will not matter. This site has been very helpful!!

YEP!! LapBand is not a cure-all. You have to completely change the way you eat, and you MUST incorporate exercise.


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YEP!! LAP-BAND® is not a cure-all. You have to completely change the way you eat, and you MUST incorporate exercise.


Thanks for the encouragement!:smile: Since my decision to have the surgery--I have dropped about 30lbs--EXERCISE is the key. I am big champion of "The Firm" workout tapes--results after 10 workouts--they really work by incorporating cardio and weights--love it!!:tongue: I try to do five times a week--just finished--kicked my butt after a 2 week hiatus! lol

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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