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Checking in.

I posted pics in Yahoo a few days ago. I should have told yall that.

Not much to report. Work is hard. Home is hard. I am eating Cookies. I am sleepy.

Love you all!


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hey my ladies,

Well- The knee is still terrible! worse than ever. i can only walk for about 1/2 mile now, no running at all. I'm so upset. I was going to get a personal trainer for 10 sessions this next week too, but i think i should wait until my knee is better. i have a physical therepy appt. next monday.

Boo Boo- OMGoodness!! your pics are fantastic. The one with the cherry necklace is soooo cute! I just love love love your style you are such a hottie!

Brandi- Good luck with th e job interview. i hope you get it!

VA- Sorry about the job. i hope something comes your way soon.

steph- I'm so jealous of your PS! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see the updates. I sure do hope my plan comes through for this summer. my fingers are crossed!

VA- friends w/benefits can be fun, i had one in highschool, I was like the guy on your end. I didn't like the guy well enough to date him, but I liked the attention, so i used to tell him I wasn't ready for a relationship, blah blah blah. But the moment my husband came around, I dropped that guy so fast and never looked back and broke his heart! Gosh i still feel bad for being so shallow and mean! I'm much more mature now, but i hope this guys isn't playing you like I played the other guy. The poor guy waited around for 3 years for me all highschool almost for me to want a relationship. I fooled around with him and hung out with him almost everyday, but dated on the side too and he never knew, even had boyfriends that he didn't know about. Terrible.

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Whoops! I think I have news. I dont know for sure and PLEASE no one PM me regarding this I dont want dh to know yet! I think I am pregnant! I have mixed emotions about this as I have worked so hard and have still have 36 pounds to go. I am on a roll the last few weeks too! BUT a baby is such a blessing and really one of my main reasons for banding anyway. I am just so scared to gain the weight back. I am wondering if I need to get unfilled or what. I am really too tight right now anyway. I will be consuming extra liquid calories if I am. I took a pg test this morning and there were 2 lines but the test line was very light. I am going to retest tomorrow morning or the next day. I have 2 kids but never conceived with out fertility meds. My periods started back about 4 months ago. Before that I hadnt had one for years on my own unless the Dr induced it. I know I started ovulating again from weight loss. I guess I shouldnt be shocked if I am pg, but I still am. Anyone think of some sweet ways to tell dh he is gonna be a daddy again. I am not telling him till I get a few positive tests! (Just to be certain!)

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NAT Girl!!! Love the highlights in your hair!! Lookin good chicka! :tongue:

Get some sleep and STEP AWAY From the cookies!!! ;-)

Sweet...Sorry to hear about the knee!!! Thanks for sharing your story about your FWB...I know there are pitfalls...but we'll see. I'm having a psychic reading next Friday, so maybe I'll see what she has to say about it! :biggrin:

Jill!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you for some good news!!!! Congrats Honey!! How about you buy a baby outfit or toy and put it on your DHs pillow or something? ;-)

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hi girls

popping in to say hi and let you know apart from my chronic heartburn and feeling soooooo tired im doing great and so chuffed i maybe joined in my baby bandster journey whoo hoo jill dont worry about weight mines great with only 10 weeks to go ,though funnily i have lovely bump at night but disappears during sleep and pops in and out during day getting to bowling ball b4 bed.....lol soon he stick out and stay out no room to hide anymore,i posted two new pics of me on yahoo as i bought sexy dress in sales and wore it last saturday night at my friends daughters 21st and got alot of attention hubby was so jealous ....lol makes a nice change,he has been all over me lately gushing about how glowing, slim ,gorgeous i am... jeez i think he fallen for me again or afraid someone going to run away with me..lol.

b4 you see pics ....1 .i apologise for mess of house..lol im lazy cow

2...i was minus tit tape,make up and someone to tell me it wasnt sitting right(all adjusted b4 i left) but you get general idea and i looked much better b4 i left for party but forgot to redo pics........lol

3....i think i amazed myself because i never imagined i would wear a dress like that and i did and judging by reaction i shouldnt have worried.

will read back on posts and come in tomorrow to say personal hi's but as usual im ready to crawl into bed before junior decides to start trampolining on my bladder ..why do babys want to play when we need to sleep ?

night xxxxxxxxx

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i know i said personals tomorrow but just had to sat nat so glad to see you back missed you loads and you look great honey,,loving those highlights xxxxxx

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nikki- so did you have an unfill for your pg? Have you continued to lose for the pg, and how did you know the baby and you were getting enough?? Thanks Jill

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um nikki- are you sure you are preggo? are you positive? That dress is so beautiful on you.

Jill-a baby! My husband would be so jealous! Congrats to you.

Nat- I loved your pics, you highlights look good and your little boy is just soooo handsome!!

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um nikki- are you sure you are preggo? are you positive? That dress is so beautiful on you.

Jill-a baby! My husband would be so jealous! Congrats to you.

Nat- I loved your pics, you highlights look good and your little boy is just soooo handsome!!

lol sweethot...yep very sure im pregnant either that or theres an alien wiggling in my tum.....lol yep pregnant with what docs describe as good size baby im measuring perfectly for 30 week pregnant (10 more weeks its flying by ,cant wait til next week then its single figures )though i do get comments about size of bump as until i lie down it looks so small but i didnt get big til nearer end of pregnancy with other four.think i have cavern in my tummy where baby hides out .

jill.....yep im totally unfilled but i do have restriction and as baby growing is getting tighter which is hard to get enough in and i have lost weight all the way through which ive been concerned about but docs just check size of baby and my bloods and say all is well but im worried that ten weeks growth and i wont be eating at all,also had two scans and baby growing well,my friend made good point babys being born to woman in famine countries where mother very badly nourished ,im not that bad but could do with getting more in ,i gave up on meat and eat mainly veg drink alot of milk and milky products and take Vitamins ,my biggest problem is the heart burn its really really bad and im finding it hard, its running up into my throat all day and night and makes me feel so sick ,was vomitting this morning very forcefully and thought band and baby going to come up through my throat as baby moves higher up the more uncomfortable im getting ,am going to talk to doctor at next ante natal which is in 12 days time about my concerns but so far so good .

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Jill and Nikki you girls are so cute! You both look beautiful. I guess I should add Nat in there too but I already told her that on yahoo. You all look so good and beautiful I'm just so proud of you all! And YES Jill I can tell!

And BABIES!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhh I love babies, I'm still crossing my fingers for my grandbaby. I think they are holding out on telling me until my birthday, its just something I think they would do. Give me the little hint and then the big hoorah as a present.

Jill if you can wait to tell him until Valentines day that would be sweet. They have those m&m's that have messages on them. WWW.MYMMS.COM > CUSTOM PRINTING

You have to order today to get them by 2/13 and they are expensive I think the cheapest ones are $60. OHH I just thought of another idea!!!! You could get the other kids t-shirts that say "I'm the big sister" and "I'm the big brother" and have them wear them when he's coming home. Then see how long it takes for him to notice. Its so exciting to hear you may be pregnant without taking fert.drugs. Thats one for the band! woohoo!

Nikki I agree you don't look prego at all! I was the biggest pregnant woman you ever saw. Seriously at 6 months people were telling me that I looked like I could deliver at any moment. Huge. Which I guess is why I have this extra skin flapping around. Even if I had kept small I still would've had that extra skin hanging. BTW the dress is beautiful and I love the shoes! And it wasn't the bouncing around when I'd lay down, it was the hiccups! My oldest son had the hiccups every night - drove me insane!

Sweet - hon, keep off that knee! If walking is bothering it you need to let it heal. I know its hard and you've done so good with all your exercising, but you really need to take it easy and let it heal. You don't want to have surgery which would mean alot longer healing time. Are you wearing a brace? Just be careful.

Boo - your pics are beautiful - as always - you have to feel wonderful with your weight loss. You look marrrrrrrrrvolous.

Va - keep us posted on FWB - I think even if you don't push the benefit side of it to the "max" you could still enjoy it in a limited capacity. Like the snuggling and stuff. That can be just as nice as the whole deal.

(((((((((((((((BMAN))))))))))))))))))))))) - thinking of you.

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Checking in for real this time. Last one was a drive by posting. (tee hee)

Nikkles - you look GORGEOUS! Not like a big preggo at all, but truly beautiful! You were workin that dress girl!!!

Jill - lovely family, and yes, I can tell a difference. The sideways 7 month shot shows off your curves like WOW! Did you post more recent pictures? I think I'm going to take some 13 month pictures today. and do the ole comparison thing. We'll see. I'm not motivated to do much.

Steph - still no news on the baby front? I've got my fingers crossed for you, Nana! I love babies, too! Unless they have diarrhea for 10 days (like DS) and the doctor tells you to keep him home until it clears up (like DS' doc did this morning). So I'm stuck in the house with a typhoid booty baby til Monday.

VA - Ignore him. Tell him you understand he's not ready, and then say "I'm going to pursue some other options" and ignore the sh*t outta that man. He'll be back. Trust me. Remember the guy from work I was seeing? The one I constantly argue with? The one who gets on my LAST nerve? I gave him the ole "I am pursuing other options" routine and ignored him for 3 weeks. He told me he loves me on Tuesday night. Too little too late. But not being so eager/available works wonders. Men like to chase a woman. Give him something to chase. Be a little mysterious.

sweethot - rest the knee. Your running ass has gone from one extreme (couch potato) to quite the other (blowing out your knee from exercise)! I'm so proud of you, girlfriend! I wish I had more motivation to exercise. Being a single mother in the middle of Michigan winter with a hard job is no joke. I'm always exhausted. I think I am going to ask my doc about taking a prescription Vitamin. Maybe even pre-natals. We'll see. But rest the knee. The more you stay off of it, the faster it'll heal. Like you don't know that already! :biggrin:

Not much else to report. I bought some knee high boots. First time in EVER that I could find some to fit. I got a black pair and a brown pair. TOO CUTE! I have about 10 pounds to lose and then I'm going to wear the brown boots with a tan skirt (slit up the back) and a cream colored sweater. I also have a denim skirt I am going to wear the black ones with. I am turning into a lil fashionista! The admin in my department asked me how much weight I've lost and told me how fabulous I look! I told her the truth about the weight, but not about the HOW. I feel bad for lying, but it's not her business. I just said "Weight Watchers." I can't wait to cross the great divide. Only 11 pounds away. I want to cross it by the end of February. That's 28 days away.

Do we have any other team goals set up? I really am trying to hit 185 by April (when I see my gorgeous ex-bf, DS' father). I'd be happy as a kid in a candy store to be 170 by my b'day (July). Maybe I need to JOIN WW to make it happen! LOL Oh, and exercising can only help get me to those goals.

HOpe all is well. Where is Kaydoll? Where is B'man? Where is Annie? OOOH! When I was in Seattle in November, I met Annie - did she tell you? I have a picture of us. it's so funny because neither of us looks like that anymore. AHHAHA I'll check with her and if she agrees one of us will post it in Yahoo. That news is all late. LOL Comedy.

Oh, also, as soon as I get under 200 lbs, I am going to join a local dating service. One of the in person dating services. That way I can say I'm a few pounds overweight. Not BBW or LARGE or any of those other euphamisms for FAT AS F*CK. ((laugh))

Love yall!


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Ok girls I am going to start my freaking pitty party before I start my personals! You aren't even going to believe it anyways....

This morning some b*tch hit my car while I was in a business meeting. NO JOKE! She came in and asked me if I had a Jetta, I told her yeah. She then proceeded to tell me that she hit in the parking lot while pulling out, but it was a "little bump". BULLSHIT....she tore up the whole right freaking side. SO far first estimate is OVER $6k. Btw, as you all know I jsut got her BACK LAST WEEK. I am so freaking upset. WTF is wrong with my karma?? Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong in life to deserve all this?? Maybe it is my name, I think Brandi might agree...

Brandi--where are you diva? I miss you!

Jill---WOO HOOO!! I am excited, but I may have to jump off this board. Seems to be too mnay of you ladies getting preggers! lol...I don't want it to be contagious!

Nikki--LOOKING hot baby! How is our little man?

NAT!!! Miss you!!! HUGS HUGS HUGS! Glad you are doing well!

Claud--How is the job hunting? I am gonna spill the Beans and tell everyone you got a place in Chi town!! WOO HOOO!

VA--how is it going my lovely lady?

Steph--thanks sweetie! :frown: Step away from the M&Ms...lol...love ya! :frown:

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hi girls

tummy huge tonight having braxton hicks and heartburn like volcano so going for bath then into pjs .......im sure this too early for practise contractions does my body not realise i dont need rehearsal.....lol im an old pro !!!

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Nikki...GREAT Pics! You are such a hottie, even preggers! :frown:

Steph....I like the idea of not taking the benefits all the way, just part of the way...I don't know, I'm still up in the air about everything, trying to figure out if I 'fight for what I want' Or 'Play it cool' (like Nat suggested) :frown: Right now I'm kind of on the 'cool' side....so we'll see what happens! I'm going to see him Saturday at a Mardi Gras wine party and then Sunday for a Superbowl party (he's picking me up)...so stay tuned! :eek:

NAT...thanks for the advice girl! :cool2: I'm playing it cool right now, but we'll see what happens! Congrats on getting the knee high boots!! I still can't fit into those yet...but someday!! I am working out a lot more now..and its almost routine!

BOO....OMG! I'm soo sorry to hear about the Car! Maybe its just got back CARMa ;-) and you need to get a new one!?

Well, I've got a bunch of job interviews today and tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Catch ya lovely ladies later! :frown:

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