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Steady Losers 4ever!

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First of all EARTHQUAKE! What the heck! I wondered what woke me up this morning!?? Apparently, we had an earthquake! They hardly EVER happen here. We even had an after shock a few minutes ago. Weird!

Steph - :thumbup: With all of these long weekends, I have to increase my stamina!!! hehehehe! Well, more like he needs to increase HIS stamina to keep up with this insatiable woman, but I won't tell him that. hehe :)

He just called and woke me up this morning. I am in such a good mood now. :frown: I will be going to his house tonight after work. (I took Saturday off from work! ha) Wont be back until Tuesday. I should be online this weekend though. It is going to be a lazy weekend at him home on the couch.

He is cooking me dinner tomorrow night too! yum

It is nice being happy. All of this driving each week and the gas prices are KILLING my checkbook. But I think that if I am happy that it shouldn't matter if I am spending the money. True it could be going toward paying down bills faster BUT I think I deserve a little fun and happiness in my life.

So, bye bye pay check... hello expensive gasoline. It is worth it.

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Steph congrats on the Tummy Tuck coming up so excited for you

boo you are so hot on the first page imagine my shock when I see one of our gurls on the homepage

Bman I am so happy for you and your marine

Ginger welcome glad to see some lap band steadies

I go next tuesday for a fill for the first time in 4 months hooray

the baby is great 5 and 1/2 months old he is so precious

I have never loved anything that small so much!!!!

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B man wow earthquake where do you live I forgot

Oh I forgot to tell you guys I got 6 inches cut off my hair.. free at last ha ha

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Bman!! Hey lady! How are you doing in love?? :) I am so happy for you, youi deserve happiness! What the hell you mean an earthquake?? lol...I thought you lived by me! WOW! Keep up the great work!

Steph--getting so close eh? I am getting more nerovus everyday! lol....blah...big changes are scary! lol...

Jill--so glad to hear from you baby! How is it going? Are you wanting a boy or girl this time?

Ginger--welcome! SO nice to meet you! That is my pin up name!

BK--6 inches girl! lol.. how does it feel? How s your little man?

I can tell you being the "face" of lapband has been weird. I am getting tons of pm's a day, some very random and strange. I honestly am not trying to let my OCD get the best of me about it. lol...But it is such an honor. I am very happy about being a internet model...rotfl....glad I have got my clothes on! lol...just kidding!

But I am working with a website designer on my pinup site. I have 2 photographers who want to book me after my surgery. Actually they wanted to shoot me now, but I want to wait. SO I am going to have my own website... it will be gingerrayne.com! I will tell you when we get it up!

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hola chicas

boooooo yay you loooooooook so so so so good good for you sorroy I have not called but I am so tired latley i ok . things are the same :cry_smile: ok

hola chicas i doing good .. congrats to all the Tummy Tuck girls ..dates are coming up soon .

well I am going home for a weekend and will see what happens

read you later

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Claud -sweetie whats going on? Are you going home to CA for the weekend? How's things in Chicago? Is everything ok, you sound kinda down, did you get a job? Fill us in sweetie we care.

Boo - so exciting for you and all the attention with the photos. Thats so cool. You are one hot mama, just wait til you get that tt - you'll be smoking!

Bman - Earthquake - whoa! In Indiana? LOL is that possible? I know it is, its possible in every state but its just hard to think of Indiana having earthquakes. Have fun with the sexy man this weekend, don't wear him out too much. Its so much fun to fall in love. Its been 30 years for me but I remember the passion .. vaguely.

My oldest dd has a new boyfriend and he is so different from the other guy, did I tell you all about that breakup? He had bought the ring, thought they were in love, and then he cheated on her... with another guy! Yep - guy. The whole time they dated I thought he just wasn't passionate enough about her and I worried. He had their whole future planned out - everything was planned - they even had a "date night" - wth - I told her that was just stupid bc when you are in love you don't need to plan to be together, you just WANT to be together all the time (like Bman) and he called her a leech, and needy, bc she wanted to be with him everyday. RED FLAG! Well this new guy is just the opposite and its been so good for her. He wants to see her everyday, 5x a day - and then it takes him an hour to say goodbye. She calls me up all giddy and giggling - all in love.

Have a good weekend girlfriends!

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Boo Boo Kitty, your pictures are beautiful!! LOL, you are beautiful and the pictures show it, that is what I meant!! I want to hear more about all the tummy tucks. What is the recovery time for that?

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ok requested by steph lol update on claudia


I am in chicago still very happy and yes I got a job I started working two weeks ago por State Farm so if anyone need .. car loan , bank account life insurance (pls get it for your kids pls ) car insurance ect I am your girl . I had worked for insurance for 8 years and I am back in the field but its good I am accomplishing little by little I was so so stressed the first week I dont like sales what so over and I felt like I was being pushed not by the owner/manager but by one of the agents but took care of that but i am happy the owner/manager/boss same person is awsome . The other day she brought lunch from one of our clients restaurants and I was not shy to say sorry cant eat that . so oviously she question me lol so I never said nothing about the band just said dont eat bread and dont drink soda nor junk well some junk food . she was suprised but said she was glad for me she is kind of thick her self . Anyways that my story at work I am happy for now . On my romantic side well things are the same we send lots of time with the kids I take care of them on mondays and just weird because its been several times the kids call me mom and realize I am not the mom and act shy they are only 2 and 4 but its so nice . I take it slow because I know one thing is having something online and on the phone and another being in the same city and going out so will see. On my blind date weeks ago I had a blast actually he keeps calling me and he wants us to pend time together but he ionly has sundays available he works all week will see i dont close my doors lol you never know lol

An on me I been really bad latley I feel I gained but I fit into my clothes an they fit big so dont know if it just my imagination or what I dont have a scale so number wise dont know either ..

I am going back home the first weekend of may I really need more clothes lol and i need to see mom and dad and my godchild who i miss so much and just say a prayer for my dad he is not doing good but is good he had prostate cancer while back and had surgery and it seems the cancer is back not a big degree but its there and I worrie lots ..so just keep him in your prayers pls ..

otherwise I am doing really good have lots to do and i really need to start meeting more people and I know it will happen with work :cry_smile: so again if you need life insurance pls let me know not a sales pitch but just something to think about specailly know for your kids .

love you all and have a great weekend

booo i call you soon i promise i miss you so much .. you look good girl .

bev so happy to know your so happy see things passed and you moved on to a big smile and that awsome.

steph thank you so much for always caring :crying: as well as all and boo

jill=cant wait to see pic of the baby


love you all


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Ginger - the Tummy Tuck for me is considered out patient (23 hour stay) but my dr said be prepared to stay 3 days. On the one hand I'm cool with that and think it'll be a good time to just rest. On the other hand theres a few things that I want to be out for. My youngest daughters sr prom - ok so she's going to 2 proms, her bf goes to a different school so she has one the week after too - but still its just hard for me not to be there for her. The whole grand march and taking her for her hair and nails, getting her dressed - it just one of the things a mom looks forward to doing with her girls. So bummed about that. So that is Sat and Sun is her atheletic banquet - I'm figuring on going to it but may be miserable. We'll see how I'm feeling and if I'm allowed to shower by then. The answer to your question, the recovery time is a few weeks. I'm taking one whole week off and then maybe half days the second week unless I feel up to whole days. If I get my work done I'll just leave. But work is another stress for me. I have payroll to do that first week so I'm going to try to go in on Monday while the place is closed and get my work done real fast and then I might have to pop in again later in the week, but again I'm just going to see what happens. Once I get the payroll done I'm not going to worry about it. ugh - you opened a can of worms .. sorry you all had to read all that AGAIN - needless to say its on my mind.

Claud - thanks for the update. Sounds like you're doing great.

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Steph, that is a bummer but it will be worth it in the end. Do you plan to post recovery pictures? Or is that a little too much? LOL. I plan on doing the 'mommy tuck' when I turn 40 in 6 years. I want the breast lift/augmentation, Tummy Tuck, and I would not mind having those things that hang off the sides of my thighs lipo'd out. I dont know where they came from, I know I didn't invite them to the party so they HAVE to go!!

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:rolleyes2: I never invited this hunkachunk I have hanging around my belly either!!! Yeah I'll post pics. I already posted of my jelly belly on the cosmetic surgery thread. I'll do before/afters. My neice wants the mommy makeover too. Now that I'm getting the tt done I'm thinking how'd I'd like my boobs perked up too. And a little Lipo in the inner thigh area, maybe a little nip and tuck in the eye area. :scared2: Good thing I'm not married to a rich man!

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I'm back home ladies.... (sigh)

I am happy still. But... my marine has been hurt badly before. This I know.

He told me this weekend that he does not want a relationship. However, he does not want to date anyone else and he does not want me to date anyone else... and we CAN date. BUT he doesn't want a relationship...

ok. Here is my confused question. Is it ok that I AM ok with this... because that IS a relationship?? At least that is the definition of one to me... I just don't want to get wrapped up around some guy that will never "see the light" I think this one will though. He is just going to need time and patience.

For example, I fell asleep last night watching a movie and woke up this morning still wrapped up in his arms... ( and no ladies, no funny business... just being held).

He fixed the brakes on my car this weekend for me.

Last night, we were out driving the car around at 10pm at night. He see's this small, local park and decides that he wants to pull over to play on the playground. He looks like a cage fighter mind you... NOT the kind of guy that goes to play on the swings at the park! ha

He is so funny (and ultimately charming (to me)) because he is NOT smooth at all. haha. He just pulls over and hops out of the car and says he wants to play. Ha. So, I hopped out and me and the little dog went and slid down the slide and he pushed me on the swing for awhile. Then, we played on the basketball court and looked at the stars for a few minutes. Then, as quick as he came to the park... he hopped up and walked back to the car. Didn't say another word about it.

I loved it.

He called me just about an hour ago too... just to talk.

He never says much. He is the kind of guy that "doesn't do pretty, flowery words and sayings" He is a man's man. He sometimes doesn't say a thing at all. So, the fact that he is calling at midnight just to talk to me after work.... when I'd only left his house about 12 hours before that... he is going to parks after dark to look at stars....

Either he is crazy... or he likes me just as much too... it is just going to take a LONG while to get it out of him.

But it does worry me that he keeps telling me he doesn't want a relationship. I think though that he is just scared and I just need to be persistent and patient.

I asked him tonight if I was doing things the right way. If I was over doing it by coming to see him so much... if there was anything that I was doing wrong... He said "no" that I was doing just fine... and that I worried too much. (I could tell he was smiling when he said it though)

I told him that I didn't know if I would ever figure him out and he told me that he knew I could do it... it just might take awhile and once I figure him out I would be thinking "wow, that was easy"

I told him I was glad he had more faith in me than I did. I think that was his way of letting me know I was doing things right. He believes in me. He just needs time.

I had a wonderful weekend.... I loved his little attempt at being romantic at the park. It was my favorite part! ha. He and I are both so awkward at this whole thing. It is any wonder we ever started talking to each other.

I do think you all might be right though. I do think I am falling for the guy. In fact, if I let myself admit to it. I fell for him a long time ago. I never thought I would have someone make me feel this happy again. It has been two long years alone. I've talked to guys, but not like him. There was something about this one that REALLY caught my attention from the start. I haven't even so much looked at other guys since. I tried to. I really really did. I just kept coming back to him.

Since last November, I haven't even thought about dating anyone else. I was waiting on my Darrell to get home... even though I'd have lied to anyone who asked.

I do worry though. It is scary trying to trust someone else again. Especially when he was hurt so badly before... and so was I.

Damn, I hope I am not wrong because he sure seems like a good one. It is just going to take him and I twice as long as a normal couple to figure that out.

Ok, done rambling.... I just dont have anyone else to talk to about all the things in my head. Ignore what you want :thumbup: I just had to get some of it out there. There is SOOOO much more. I don't have another living soul to talk about it with... so all you ladies get to hear it :lol:


P.S. Skipped the gym because I knew he was going to call = I SUCK :tt2:

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ohhhhhhhhhh (((((((BMAN)))))))) you are in LOVE!

Enjoy every moment of it. Enjoy trying to figure him out and all the little subtle romantic things he does. I think its very much a relationship. If he's been hurt in the past (as our own little bman has) you know it takes time to heal and although he may not want to commit at the moment (which I think is the real issue... commitment not relationship) he does want the relationship, its clear as day, its the committment that he's scared of. Typical man - most have that fear. I know with my dh, he loved me to peices but the commitment scared him because with commitment comes responsiblity. Needless to say he's been committed to me for the past 30 years!

One week from today, actually to the hour I should be coming out of surgery. I'm getting so stinking excited! WooHoo! Flatlands here I come!

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Brandi---we have all been there, scared but happy. Silly isn't it? I think it is better to look before you leap. I guess my question is, are either of you dating anyone else? If not, then hell ya it is a relationship. Maybe he doesn't like labels? If non labeling comforts him then hey! I am happy for you, we all know you put yourself out there! :cursing:

Steph--I am getting SOOOOO SCARED....I need a valium for the day of surgery for sure....ugh....

I am in finals this week...I am going nuts....please help me......:thumbs_down:

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I think so men just ant always make that leap into defining a relationship. In my mind, I define a relationship as neither are seeing other people. Does he treat you well? Is he nice to you in front of his friends? My only concern would be that he was avoiding the relationship label so he could play the field. By your description it sure seems to me that he is in a relationship, whether he likes the label or not! Some men just need more time to get with the program.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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