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WARNING BIG TIME OT--Having a bad day today, I had an awful day at work. Went to get my kids and the baby sitter informed me, 1- My son was a terror today. 2 She is quitting, her dh job is slow and she got a job offer she cant pass up. Then on my way home I got stopped by a police officer for failure to use my turn signal. I just lost it. My pg hormones are raging. I just bawled and bawled and bawled. I didnt get a ticket. He was very nice. My 2 kids didnt even wake up. LOL He took my license and stayed in his car about 30 seconds, then he came back and told me he hoped my day got better. I didnt cry to get out of the ticket. I really didnt care at that point. I am so stressed, Ive only had this sitter a month. My sitter before that only 4 months or so and she got cancer, and had to stop watching them. I loved my sitter before that but she increased her fees so high I cant afford her. I am extremely picky about whom I leave my kids with. I work 12 hour shifts and need someone only 2 days a week so I cant do traditional day cares they are not open late enough. I have to find a private sitter. Last time I interviewed 14 people before I could find someone.

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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been in and a BIG sorry to steph for not emailing her back. You can all kick me :tongue2: I deserve it.

I am still job hunting. I've had so many ups and downs I dont know where to even begin. I am interviewing to work as a telecommunications office through the Dept of Natural Resources... working with cops... doing dispatch along with managing the Conservation Office.

I've had 6 interviews this week... I;ve applied for over 70 jobs...

I got one working for the Casino here... as a cage cashier... it sucks. It is night work, no holidays, i work every weekend... 10 hour days... 475.00 in licensing fees just to work for them... but it is a job and I am not to good to do it. So, I said yes for now and pray to find something that pays better that I would be happy doing.

I am a mess :drool: had other bad news - my grandmother told me she doesn't want me living with her. mom said it is because of her illness and the medication she is on... that she isn't thinking clearly. It really hurt though. She just told me last week I could stay with her. Then, she just changed her mind. So... I have no where to go. I feel very unwanted and I feel like a burden. I haven't seen a sole since I left my job... .other than my mom and dad. I just apply to jobs and go to interviews and wait for the world stop spinning.

Everyone please say a prayer for me. I need to find a better job soon. I need to get back to living life instead of what I am doing right now.

Thank you all for thinking about me. I still come and read when I can. I miss you all. I will be back to normal some day.

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bman .........sorry you having rough time hun we missed you ,dont worry anyone with your determination can suceed in anything they do this just a little bump in the road and i know down deep in my heart that it going to be alright and i promise to say a prayer for it to happen soon .......feel blessed i dont often pray but will for you xx

jill ........thats a bummer about sitter ,as for pg hormones i know just how you feel i spent last two days feeling like i was on edge

of tears .......no reason just felt worried about anything and everything ......try to get some time for yourself to relax i know it isnt easy but your body going through big changes even though nothing that can be seen

va ..........hope job interviews went well

sweethot........hows the knee mine keeps giving way and hurts like hell but thankfully only for a short while then after resting it fine thought carrying less weight would fix things but i guess getting pregnant and joints relaxing cancels that out.........lol

and way to go on tt im saving for mine have added extra months because of surprise pregnancy and i want to allow myself at least 6 months to get well after pregnancy before wobbles go but i imagine they going to look really bad minus bump to hold them up ...ewwwwwwwwww

bk........congrats on new baby il be joining you soon in the no time to scratch my butt never mind post but its great when you call in and let us know you doing ok xx

claudia.............you sound so great and so positive you really are a new woman !!im so proud of you

where is boo & nat or have i been too lazy and not checked back enough posts hope your both doing great

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I am SO happy it's the weekend! I'm here for confessionals and personals and to share my NSV...

Personals first:

SweetHot: YOU GO GIRL! If it's not too personal to ask, how far does your dunlap fall? Yeast infections are NO GOOD! My tummy is just now starting to hang, but I'm also still over 200 lbs. By the time I'm down to 170, I'm sure it'll just be a lump of soft flesh. Good luck with the loss! I'd be motivated, too!

B'man: Keep your chin up. I know I asked before, but have you ever thought about anti-depressants? The're not a permanent solution, but girl, they could help to bouy your spirits during this tough time. I'm sorry your Gramma is tripping. We love you. Just keep in touch periodically. *hugs*

Jill: I know all about daycare woes! You poor thing! Does your city have a county agency you can call for licensed child care referrals? Does your job have any kind of Employee Assistance Center/Program (EAC or EAP)? If so, call them and see if they can't help. If not, I can call my company for you to see if I can't get some direction. Bless your heart. And give your tummy a love rub for me! SO excited about our 2nd band baby! I assure you, if you eat sensibly, the baby will continue to grow even if you're losing weight. I lost a TON of weight when I was pregnant! I had huge fibroid tumors (14cm and 16cm) while I was pregnant! I could barely eat. Still managed to give birth to an 8lb 4oz healthy, bouncing baby boy! :thumbup:

Nikki: How's our first band baby doing, you sexy mama? It's summer for you, right? How's the weather? How far along are you? You crack me up talking about your wobblies. Give yourself a love rub for me, too! Sending positive energy to you and that baby!

Steph: What are you doing with your time these days? Are you doing any skiing this year at all? I remember how much you enjoyed it last year. You have company this weekend, I think. Did you get all your cleaning done? Wish you could come over and help with MY cleaning! :angry: My house is okay, but my room is a friggin disaster area! I have clothes. everywhere. *sigh* I just need to stop bullshitting and get busy! ...maybe later.

VaB: How did the job interviews go? *fingers crossed* How's the exercising coming along? I haven't exercised a single day all year long. Well, not since I got back from FL. I have been sooooo tired! Well, today I am determined to get up onto that elliptical for an hour - even if I have to break it into 4 sessions of 15 minutes each. I'm so close to crossing the continental divide, I am ready and willing to WORK for it! :tt1: How's the man situation? Meeting any new cuties at all? Did I tell y'all I joined some online dating sites? *giggling* I DID! No luck yet...

Claudia: So you moved to Chicago? I'm confused, I'm sorry. I can't remember if you were moving or visiting. And do you have a job there yet? If you are in Chicago, how are you finding the weather? Chicago is one of my favorite cities! I'm a huge Bear fan, too! I live across the lake in SW Michigan, about a 2 hour drive. Next time I'm headed that way, I'll let you know. Maybe we can meet up for a cup of coffee or something. :tt2:

So I'm hoping to fill yall in without writing a novel. I have a raging case of PMS. Well, it's either PMS or I'm pregnant, too. And I swear to y'all I'm praying for PMS. It hasn't been this bad in months. I'm irritable, bloated, my nipples are really tender, I've got a headache, and I've got some (TMI) discharge that is making me itch. It's not yeast. If there's no motion in the ocean by 2/15, I'll be getting a HPT. Again, I am praying for my p'rot to fall. Until then, I'm struggling to keep my mood swings under control.

I took measurements today! I have lost a total of 55.875" since 12/1/2006 (when I started my pre-op diet). I measure neck, bust, ribs, waist, hips, arms (2), thighs (2) and calves (2). I have lost 9.75" from my hips alone! Can you believe that? Almost 10 inches! And I've taken off 7.5" from each thigh. My thighs are under 30" around for the first time in 15 years, I bet. It's just amazing. AMAZING! I'm determined to be under 200 by 1 March.

To help me with my loss I gave up sugar and alcohol for Lent. I think part of my headache and moodiness is from sugar withdrawal.

So while I was taking measurements and changing clothes, DS was in my living room scribbling on the arm of my sofa with a permanent marker. OMG! I completely lost my mind! I spanked him and threw him in his room. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed - the marker came out of the sofa. I thought the couch was ruined. Anyhow, he's still in his room. This happened about 2 hours ago. I can't even deal with him now. I feel like BAD MOMMY, but I need a break.

Not much else to report. About to get on my elliptical for a while to work off some of this frustration and weight!



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Hey guys!

Bman--I am so sorry things are so bad hun. I think you are completely overwhelmed. I am sorry about your grams too. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I know that isn't much.

Jill--That totally sucks about your sitter, I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean. My kids have NEVER been with a sitter because I can trust no one. Do I have issues or what? SO we go out maybe once a year when I can convience my mom to take them both. She won't do it.

Sweet--glad your insurance will cover it! WOO HOO!! How is the knee doing?

Nat--congrats on the GREAT loss!! WOO HOOO!!

Steph--have fun with mom!

I am doing ok. David left me for awhile, but now he is back. Surprisingly I was ok. Was a VERY short time. He is bit better now, with a bit of reality check I think, I would be fine without him but it is not visa versa!

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Bev, Hang in there. There will be a silver lining to this dark cloud!

Boo-I just want to tell you I love your siggy again. It inspires me every post I see from you, even if I cant really lose weight right now.

Nat- 55 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWEE! You are awesome!

Sweet- only a few more pounds for you so you can get your TT! That is such good incentive.

Nikki- Do you know what you are having? I cant remember? I have this feeling I am having a boy for some reason. I told all of the family last night. Actually dd3 told them LOL! They were excited but there were alot of questions about my band and weight loss. Hopefully I wont get too hard of a time. How often do they give you Ultrasounds??

Claudia- I grew up an hour outside of Chicago, fun city to visit but I dont know if I would be as brave as you as to move there. I am a country girl! =)

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in answer to your questions jill.....i am having a boy ds number 5

i get such a hard time over weight and until only recently i have been so defensive( now im a little worried) ,i hope i dont worry you but my weight been steadily going down and with only 8 more weeks to go ive become concerned and im going tomorrow to ante natal and will be requesting a growth scan to make sure he doing ok ,it has only occured to me that i may have slipped as appetite really low and i cant keep alot of food down ,,though i have days were it easier than others ???

it could be hormonal ,baby pressure but since nothing can be done til after im just keeping fingers crossed that i come out of labour ward starving.and able to eat.....lol

will add weight ticker to bottom of message !!

also last night i got pains like siatica running from middle of ass cheek right down my right leg and it became so painful i couldnt even walk and felt so helpless thankfully it eased off today but i have lots of low pressure ,think im so unfit that muscles not holding baby up off my pelvis and its unstable feels awful ,ive been blooming for most of pregnancy now i look like panda and achy and feeling really drained so i do think lack of nutrition aiding all these things so please consider how much you take in you need those extra cals !!



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nikki - thank you I could honestly feel excited and proud of my self for once in my life time besides weightloss :)

bev- good things will come trust me just be positive :eek: I will also soon join you in the jobless situation but I know something good will come I just know it for you and for me :thumbup:

b00- think about you noone else you are the main person !!

Nath- I moving to chicago I have my appartment already I leave the 26 of feb yay!!! yay!!! and of course you need to call me so we can have a cup of wine lol :glare:

Well girls as you know I leving california its not that hard but I do see the struggle for my parents but its fine I know good things are coming and as I see it day by day god blesses me more :present: Job wise well I dont know I am not happy here for everything they have done to me in the last 6 month but Like i told my manager at the end eveyone get paid what they deserve and who fucked with me will get fucked lol sorry but that what I said ! :}. You know I help him get started when he moved here to calif extended my hand he didnt know anyone what soever . but o well things happen . I just cant wait to be in chicago and get a my new things and my apartment ready :w00t:

Read you later :cake:


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NAT-the "dunlap" hangs down and covers a portion of my pubic area, which is why it is covered it guess. i hope with losing a few more lbs it still hangs! it's gross.

claud-good luck with your move, i hope you find the happiness that you seek there.

boo- do you think him moving back in will last? How are your girls, they are most important here.

bev-girl, I am so sorry that life just keep throwing hard balls. Gosh, i feel so bad for you. It seems like you were doing all the right things and bam, everything falls out from under you. I pray that things get better really fast. They have to.

Nikki-wow, you have lost a lot of weight! Let us know how baby is! I can't wait to see pics after he is born.


i went to pt for my knee yesterday, and a big muscle on my outside thigh is extremely tight, so for two weeks i'm going to try to stretch it out and see if that helps. I got new running shoes $80! expensive habit. i hope this helps my knee.

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hey girlfriends!

Just a quick hi - I woke up at 4:30 this morning, wide awake - so thought I'd get on and read ya. I'm having fun with the family, too much eating going on tho. We do this everytime we get together, we go out to eat (almost everyday), snack and play cards. But I will say I've been a pretty good girl. They all leave Friday so I hope to get moving then. Nat - no I haven't even pulled the skis out of the shed. And you're right I really loved it last year, we got snow today (schools are closed) but I won't go out when everyone is here - if the snow stays a while maybe I'll get out there and ski.

I'm not doing personals today but I'll catch up with ya all soon. Love ya!

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hi girls

went for ante -natal appointment ..consultant not happy about weight loss :unsure:but says baby feels right size for dates :thumbup:but to be absolutely sure ,im having growth scan on thursday to determine babs weight and how hes doing in there ...strong heart beat so its all reassuring.

as for me ........arggggggh i have.....:scared2:

wait for it.....heartburn.piles,thrush,uti,siatica and im bloody exhausted

i feel so uncomfortable,agitated and like im drowning as im keeping on top of nothing and house like a tip ....hubby and kids so bloody lazy feel like im talking to the wall when i try to get across i really need their help not just want it or even expect it !!!!!!!!

on the plus side .their is a plus side blood pressure great and im pissing off this weekend to stay with my sister (just me )and leaving them all to it and hubby going to paint nursery while i relax away from them all :thumbup:so as they say every cloud has silver lining .

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Well nikki have a good relaxing weekend and let us know how it goes Thursday. Hope he is doing well. Hope you feel better. I know what you mean about the house. I cant stand mine right now! I need a maid. I just am SOOOO tired! I cant get motivated to do anything!

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Hey ladies, I was posting and this just dissappeared...wth??

Anyways....I am doing well. Went to Surgeon, and saw PA this week. The pain is soft tissue swelling and damage from the car accident! THere isn't a whole lot that can be done and it takes a long while to heal. I am on anti-inflamtories and heating it at night. At least I didn't tear anything!

Things are going well at home. He has made alot of changes and the meds are really helping. I am trying not to wait for the bottom to fall out and enjoy happiness again. Very strange for me! :mellow:

Jill--HI I am here! lol...

Sweet--I am not sure what the best thing, but we are all doing well and safe, so we will see!

Claud--call me!


How is Brandi doing? Anyone here lately? She worries me!

Hello Nikki to our band mommy & baby! :cursing:

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