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Steady Losers 4ever!

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oh no Ms. Steph!!! :smile: you didnt sound negative at all... I just wanted everyone to know that they are not alone... I am right there in the mess with you all :wink: no matter what you keep telling me :hurray:

I figured, "I know what I look like under those clothes." So, why not show you all. You've seen just about everything else. ha

if you've looked at the pic... you can see my legs are soooo much smaller than my tummy it hangs in the front AND on the sides... it keeps hanging more and more as I lose the fat out from under it.

I'd be 3 pants sizes smaller without the skin there.

THAT is why I am sooooo envious of the TT and lower body lifts I see on the other threads... no matter how much I've lost... I still cant wear a bathing suit and feel normal. I don't feel good naked. It sucks.

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Ok I just looked at your pic and I bet you'll qualify too. Have you ever gotten a rash under the flap? (a little dawn dish soap will do the trick) then you have to document it, either take a pic or go to the dr. When you find the ps you want to go with just tell him you get rashes that you need to use athletes feet cream to get rid off, tell him it feels like the skin is tearing when you roll over at night and that its hard to jog bc the skin slaps. Let them send it in to the insurance and see what happens. I'll be praying for you. I totally believe my approval was an answer to prayer.

Since I can't sleep I'll tell you all the story. A few weeks ago the pastor preached about God answering prayer and he had us write down some things we needed answers to. So I wrote down my youngest dd and her relationship (long story but I don't like him) and my oldest dd for her break-up and then I felt as if God said what about you? You are important too. I told dh that I felt kind of selfish asking God to make a way for this tt but I also said God if you say no and the insurance says no I'll accept it and know if wasn't your will. But I kept praying and believing that God gives us the desires of our heart. So this tt is really a miracle in itself. I think I told you all the same thing happened with the band approval. My dh's insurance wouldn't cover any wls so I picked up the insurance on my job and I prayed about it, for the whole 6 months I was doing the pre-op consults. Everything worked out with the band so when I started praying about the tt I knew that God could do this for me.

Hey Claudia - I saw you on last night, I was hoping you'd post. How's chicago? The man? We miss you hon, check in and let us know whats going on with you. Are you home sick, how's momma and dad with their babygirl leaving? Fill us in!

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Steph!! Congratulations Girl!!! I'm so happy for you!!! No progress on the job offer....the company said they wanted me, but don't have any clients for me to support at this point, so the search continues :-(

Although I did get to see 'my guy' last night!! It had been 2 weeks, so even though he's still not all better from having the flu and streph....it was still so nice to see him and hang out w/him!

BMAN...hopefully your insurance will cover you for a TT too!!!

I still have many pounds to lose before I get close to my goal weight...so no PS for me anytime in the near future!

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I had a bad call today on my answering machine. The dr's office was calling to set up a date when they realized the ins. co put the wrong code down so now they have a call in to the ins. and I'm on hold until they hear from them. She said it would be a day or 2 but Lord knows I have no patience at this point. I was so excited and now I'm scared something isn't gonna happen. :tongue2:

Pray for me!

btw - thanks VA - I'm glad the guy was around, sounds like you had missed him. :drool: I'm still praying for your job.

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Ok so first of all I am so happy because our band baby is coming because we (bev, va ) have new jobs because of the TT (maybe someday lol i get mine but i dont stress it it will come lol) Well i have miss ya all but finally I can post for some reason I would only be able to read your posting but it would not let me post.

ok so let me tell you I been living her in Il for two weeks and I am so so happy good things are in and good things will come my aparment is set so kool so nice i have eveything in place my funiture ect. I been spending a lot of time with my best friend it been wonderful . I actually babysitted for him on monday . today i went to a temp agency and I had talk to the girl since last sep and she said she will help me well lets hope . Also I have an interview on Friday and i need to do testing for typing and word and data but even thou i know the stuff it stresses me I hate testing lol so pls girls i need your prayers at 10 30 am pls pls pls .

I am doing good mom and dad are happy know dad is in Mexico to deal with it lol and have fun with my family and mom stayed in San Diego and calls me everyday its nice to be alone . I actually had a date last saturday it was the guy that brougt my car from the movng company lol but it gave me bad bibes and so i told him to leave he only wanted butty call and he was a total looser he had no home he stayed with his sister or in the truck or were ever is married in his own country and to be honest it reminded me of bev husband so I kicked him to the curve asap thanks for your story bev really helps .:drool: (in a good way I say it ok ) but anyways I need your prayers for good things to keep coming my way .

about weightloss well i dont know sometimes i see my self a litle thiner but i been having dinner and lunch on a daily basis and that not good going out but its because my bestfriend askes me to go and sometimes i only have Soup but i have been eating lots of Cookies and milk and its not good at all so i need to go back in track so pls tell me off lol

booo- i want to talk to you so much but sorry i just look at the time and it to late when i want to call you but soon hope your doing really good.

ok girls I read you later

nikki -- i am so excited for u :teeth_smile:

love ya all


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Claud - good to hear from you! I'm glad life is going good and you are happy.

The dr's office called yesterday while I was out... of course!... they got everything straight with the ins.co and she said everything is covered! So good to hear that but then she said the dr wants to talk to me about losing additional weight before we schedule. WTH! I'm so mad, I told him I have time constraints, so I have to call today - I'm going to tell him I'll do a pre-op diet if he wants me to but that I'm happy with my size right now and if it takes me 3 years to lose the last 20 lbs then so be it. I'm just so frustrated, I couldn't sleep last night, I'm just praying for good news today.

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Claud...good to hear from you! Glad to hear things are going well.....

Steph....I'm sure the Doc will be fine w/you where you are...don't stress too much! Hang in there! :angry_smile:

Not much to report here...except I got complimented last night by a friend that told me I was looking good, which is funny b/c I have been slacking in the gym dept! Need to get my butt back in gear.

No job news either :-( the company I interviewed with last week said they want to hire me as a contractor as soon as they have a client for me, but who knows when that will be! No other interviews scheduled...ugh.

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Started the Couch to 5K today! been running all week and decided to start it. Was easy for day one! Cant wait to get to 5K

I am still low carbing. Still doing well. havent weighed myself all week. afraid I wont see the scale move dispite my effort and THAT sooooooo discourages me...

soooo, I am not looking for awhile. just going to keep working my ass off.


Hi claud!! so glad you are happy with the move and loving chicago! I have to come visit you some time this summer! We can go to some kick ass Chicago clubs... you do the investigating and then, you and I will go break some Chicago hearts!

Steph - woo hoo! soo glad the insurance was resolved. This DR is a plastic surgeon... they ALWAYS see places they want to convince you that you need to improve... that is how they make more money of repeat clients and more procedures.... they will point out every little thing if you let them... they are crazy... ha

vaband - congrats on the compliment

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bman - can you send me the site for the C25K - I've found different sites but I can't get the stupid thing to download, I downloaded them on my computer at work, from way back but dd just gave me her old mp3 player so I'd like to put them on this and get started.

I have had such a roller coaster of emotions with this flipping tt! They told me yesterday I have to go in again for another consult visit and they won't schedule me until then, so it'll be the end of April before I get it done. They also switched hospitals on me, which some of my friends have said is good, that its a better hospital, and so I was VERY disappointed bc of being back to work full time by then. But when I got the call I was at work and my "boss" was there and I told him I need to have a "female" surgery and they cant' get me in until the end of April. That I would need a whole week off and then the 2nd week I'll just be half days. He said that was fine, we can handle it. That took a load off my mind. I told him I really tried to get it done over the winter when I was off but they couldn't get me in. He said don't worry about it, we're still slow in April, especially here you never know if it'll snow one more time or not.

I am really going to try to get another 10 lbs off before the surgery. I called yesterday for a tweek fill, so hopefully I can get that on Wed. and I'm going to start tracking today.

Va - I'm glad you got a compliment, it makes a girl feel good. How much have you lost since your last fill?

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Hi all......Just wanted to say HAPPY WEEKEND!!!! woo hoo

Steph....congrats on your surgery date. I'm sure everything will go fine. lol I'm going for my fill on Tuesday.....too bad our appts couldn't have been flip flopped....we could have gone for a liquid lunch haha :thumbup:

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Hey Jackie! Actually Jackie at the office hasn't gotten back to me, maybe since you're getting a fill on Tues. she'll fit me in there too. If she does I'll definitely do a liquid lunch! Margaritas at Re Azteca's? LOL just kidding! But coffee would be great!

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well im still with child ...went into hospital on monday night after going and paying for that new leather suite ,i was having pains and when i went in they died down but on examination they thought i might be ready too ,but....i was dehydrated and after pumping me with iv fluids it all settled down ,i looked so funny as the more Fluid they gave me the more my body was plumping out i really was like deflated tyre ......pmsl my hands swoll my legs and face i kind of liked extra puff in face i looked youthful !!

i only got out yesterday afternoon after been seen by two consultants a proffesor of surgery and a nutritionalist who after alot of debate decided i was doing ok, i think they thought i was bulemic because i get so sick but they are now assured its pressure of baby pushing on tummy that making my restriction so bad and that soon it be over.

im 36 week & 5 days now and still having stretching and cramping pains so they think il be soon too but have decided that letting me home and letting nature take its course is best plan ,they did another scan and baby in position he has gained about another 1lb in last month and it measuring around 5lb 12 oz but sonographer reckons he be slightly bigger as there is enough fluid around him but not masses and its harder to measure weight when there is not tons of fluid he seems to be doing really well and only concerns seems to be for me that he is not draining me too much .

anyway im hopeful that at most be two more weeks( im on liquid only diet now) as reflux so bad cant wait for a nice meal oh and worse than that GOD ID LOVE A COLD BEER its all i can think about i dont drink much at all and not often but im craving that isnt it mad but i suppose it been 8 months since i had one....lol

will pop in again soon hopefully to introduce my new son take care nikki xx

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So good to hear from you Nikki! Stay strong and healthy, no more dehydrating. Its so exciting to think we've been here together through a whole pregnancy. And now Jill - how ya doing Jill?

I haven't drank a beer since I got banded. I was afraid of the carbonation, soda makes me burp burp burp. When I was prego with #2 I craved beer too, but she was born in Aug. and it was the hottest summer in history..lol (excuses)...one once in a while won't hurt the baby but it might hurt your tummy.

We went to the annual St Pats party last night, we had a BLAST -- theres a group of us who are all.. well they are all 51 y/o... I'm the baby of the group and dh always get the robbing the cradle ribbing. We "old" ones were the last to leave at 1 am - I just woke up at 7 with a throbbing headache. I really wanted to go back to bed but took fast acting tylonel and I'm afraid I'll get heartburn if I lay down. So I made a cup of hot tea and hope the pills dissolve soon.

I took my acrylic nails off yesterday, first time since I was banded. I feel naked without them and keep looking at my hands, weird. It feels so weird typing, I can type so much faster now with them short. I needed a fill and figured why bother when I'll have to take them off for the surgery next month.

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Nikki...glad to hear you're doing ok...that's kinda funny that you're craving beer, not chocolate or seafood or ice cream! :( We can't wait to "meet" the little one!

Steph...glad to hear you had fun at your St. Patties Day! You asked how much I'd lost since my last fill and frankly...not that much (and am thinking I need a slight fill now actually). Only about 8 pounds....BUT...I seem to be changing shape b/c I'm getting all sorts of compliments! Weird....

Speaking of Band Stuff...Question for you all: Do you ever feel like your port is moving around?? I was noticing mine seemed kind of protruded the other day in my stomach, but now it seem like its back where its supposed to me?? Maybe it's all in my head...maybe it's b/c I'm a lot lighter than I used to be?? I dunno....just thought i'd throw it out there and see what you all think!

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Hey girls!

Just wanted to let you all know that my new neice, Haley Elizabeth came this morning! I am so excited, I want to go see her SOOO bad. BUT I have strep throat, so no chance I can see her anytime soon.....wahhh...

I am going to Dr this AM to get more drugs for it, other ones didn't work.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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