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Steady Losers 4ever!

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Checking in.....my update is I've lost 8 pounds since i started this biggest loser competition in January and am down2% body fat as well!!! I still have a long way to go though, I'm so proud of you all that are already at or close to your goals!!!

Steph...that is awesome that you got all that ego boosting! You deserve it gal!! I can't believe you're son is just now doing district wrestling! My son has been done w/his wrestling season for a few weeks now!

Boo...or should we call you ginger from now on?? ;-) congrats on getting the PS date and getting the photo shoot! Hope you'll share the pics!

Claud....I know how hard it is to be jobless!!! I've now gone 6 months w/out a job and I'm losing my mind! I'm getting really depressed and having a hard time financially....it sucks!! But know that it will all work out and have faith! Your parents will be ok and so will you!

Jill...Let us know how you feel after you get the unfill...Hopefully it will help!!

Nikki....Hang in there girl! You're in the homestretch now! Can't wait to meet your little one! :biggrin:

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Nikki-the steroids are a wonder drug for the baby if you do deliver early (I'm in neonatology), but you're down to the last little bit here, hang in there!

Jill-hope the unfill helps you

Claudia-welcome to the warm and sunny Midwest! (LOL) I kid, I LOVE Chitown!

Steph-what a GREAT compliment!

BBK-I really like Ginger Butler! How about Ginger Greer or Grier? You could have the nickname GG if your new persona becomes mega popular! Greer and Grier are really great pin-up names in history. Just a thought.

I read this thread almost daily but I don't have much to talk about lately so I haven't said anything...

Oh yes, bman, congrats on the new job!

VAB-WOOHOO on the loss!

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Faith--How are you doing though?? You never answered me. :biggrin:

I like Greer....something to think about!

Va---YEAH!!! Congrats!! You so deserve it!

Jill--so sorry hun! I hope it gets better!

Nikki--I ditto Faith, hang on you can do it! :smile2:

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LOL Nikki- I have the same bowel problem.

Well I got an unfill today! .8cc WOW that seems like such a lot! but I CAN EAT! Praise the LORD! I thought I was going to starve to death! LOL and baby too! My surgeon said he kinda expects this and I still have 1.5 cc in my band so it may do it again as the baby grows and he said just come back and we will take more out. I also found out he does not charge for unfills! Wow I didnt know that. Well lets hope I dont pile on the pounds yet. I would like to maintain for a while yet. I am going to pick up on the work outs some. I have only been going about 20 min or so I am going to try and bump it to 30. Sometimes I am just too tired all together.

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Well its about darn time some of you posted! I was beginning to think I was the only one around anymore! I get on everyday and don't see any new posts so I figure why bother with my boring sheet? Seriously, nothing new here. I went to the 2nd ps visit, sounds good, he's sending everything in to insurance and then its all on timing and of course approval. But if the timing doesn't work out so that I can get it done before mid-april then I'll just have to wait until Nov. when I'm off work again - bummer but the up side of that is that it'll give me the summer to lose these last 15-20 lbs. before the tt.

I've been doing an online course on Access - its going good but dull. I often think of the old stereotyped accountants - alot more to it then you'd think. :tongue2:

Nikki hang in there baby - the little man is bursting to see the world hu?

Jill - I'm glad you got a little unfill, you need to eat. And baby will take so much from you anyway, be sure to drink that milk!

Oh girls the Constipation of pregnancy! My first one, I thought I was dying! My belly hurt so bad, I called my mom and she had the nerve to laugh at me. I said when it finally broke I had to flush about 2-3 times. My mom said with her first one she had to use an outhouse - in Northern Minnesota! LOL So life could be worse. But I feel for ya girls, I really do.

Claud - hon, wishing you the best of luck with life and job in Chicago!

Faith - good to hear from ya!

Boo- Ginger is cute (its my dogs name) and the Ginger Greer aka Gigi - (my other dogs name) - seriously they say to make a sexy name take your dogs name and your street name. For instance, Ginger Lane or Gigi Elm - just a thought. :smile2:

Va - no my son isn't wrestling - he's long ago graduated - but we still go watch the highschool wrestling - this weekend is regionals. I got an email from the cage fighting assoc. that he did last year and they need someone his weight to fight in March, they said they'd pay his travel and hotel - so I don't know if he'll do it or not. Kinda cool that they are asking him to fight.

Ok I'm off to watch Oprah. I'm a lazyarse dog these days girls. I'm so into tv. AI, BB, Survivor - and AI and BB are 3 nights! Between all that I'm reading a book about every 4 days. I just read Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah - READ IT! Its soooo good - alot like Beaches - I bawled! So I went to the library and got her first 2 books. I also just read The Other Boylen Girl - its in the theaters this week with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansen - the book was great so the movie should be good too. But my lazy life will be over in just another 6 weeks. Then I'll be crazy because I always have such a hard time getting back into the swing of the 9 to 5 life. Oprah's calling!

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Hello everyone... I will write more later. I am back at my apartment and I am going to try to go catch up on everything that has happened during my time away.

Claud - I am praying for you girl! I know you are following your heart and that is so brave. To make such a big move and start a new job. I know you will do fantastic and just think! You are close enough for me to come visit! I LOVE Chicago and have not had any reason to go for years! So, now I have a reason to go back. The last time I was there was when my husband arrived in this country at the airport. I need to get back and make some new memories in that city. I don't no why but I LOVE it. GOOD LUCK HONEY!

Nikki! How exciting! He is going to be here before we know it! I can't believe that we have all been together long enough to experience an entire pregnancy with you! Seems like we were all just getting so excited because of our first band baby... now, we have another band baby on the way and this one ready to break his way out!

Steph - I understand being lazy :smile2: I have been REALLY lazy for months now. Job starts MONDAY. So, I am hopeing to get out of my funk.

I cleaned my entire apartment today. I mean gutted and reorganized and cleaned/dusted/swept everything in sight. It has already made me feel better.

I too am addicted to TV though... all of my favorite shows on TV. Some of then already done due to the short season and the writers strike... ggggrrrr. Cant wait for more new episodes!

Jill - so happy to hear the baby is doing so well! I had an unfill recently too. and yes WOW it makes a differences doesn't it?!?!? I couldnt believe the difference. Enjoy the food. I love being able to eat more meat and hard Protein again. I think I was too tight some times. Pat that little baby on the head for me :tongue2: hehe

VAband - awesome on the 8 lbs girl! I am on day one of my LOW CARB and back to EXERCISE plan. I am trying to go back to the basics and get rid of this weight.

ON a Personal Note: I've been eating like a freakin' idiot lately! Seriously, sweets... high calorie food... UGH... so stupid! I think it was just me feelin sorry for myself and not caring. Then, I saw some pictures of me from college... in 2001, I was probably 80 heavier than I am now. I couldn't believe how big I was.

I thought "God, how couldn't I have seen how huge I was?"

So, I can't go back there... and i can't stop now. I have no excuses. I have to get on track. So, here we go girls... the never ending battle continues!

Job starts Monday... I am officially in HUGE debt :huh2: I couldnt have gone another day without the job. Hope I like it. Hope my little dog doesn't go crazy while I am gone.

Talk to you all soon!


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Steph---I know that too! My first dog was Ginger, so I said in my thread Ginger Tamarac but it didn't get a good response...lol....

Jill--glad you are feeling better sweetie! Eat up! :smile2:

Brandi--I am there with ya babe! UGH, I f*ing hate these girl scout cookies.....UGH!! Good luck on the new job! You will rock em!

BTW Steph--I missed BB last night what happened???

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hey girlies-

long time no post.

lots of stuff happening in your lives! Not much here, which is why i've read and not posted in a few.

i am just trying to lose these 20lbs to qualify for that Tummy Tuck.

last week we all got the stomach bug again! So life was crap.

I'm trying to low carb until our cruise on the 28th of March! I'm on day 3 so i'm not sure I will make it yet, i'm just taking it one day at a time. I hope I can lose 10-15lbs in this month by low carbing.

I am so sick of thinking about my weight constantly. Constantly! I just want to lose 30-40 more lbs and be done with it already.

I obsess over it every minute of my life. It's so stressful. I feel so close but so far away.

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Faith...good to hear from you!

Boo...how are things going at home?? Still ok I hope!

Jill...Sooo glad to hear the unfill helped!! YEAH!

Steph....That's right, I knew your son was older, but must have had a brain fart! ;-) LOL That is cool that they have asked him to participate in a fight!! My son would kill to get an invitation like that, but he's still got a few years to go before he can do that I think, but he's definitely going to keep up w/the Wrestling and JuJitsu when he goes to college!

I'm with you on the being lazy and watching TV thing...being unemployed for so long does that to ya!! At least you know you have a job in sight to go back to....I'm just feeling so frustrated w/my job search right now :blushing:

BMAN...congrats on the job girl!! Can you get me one?? ;-) LOL Good for you for cleaning up your Apt...it will help you clean up everything else in the process hopefully!! Hang in there, you can get back on track! We're here to kick you in the arse if you need it! ;-)

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Now thats what I like to see! Everyone posting away just like old times!

Boo - BB is good this season! Did you see when the 2 girls got sick? Allison and Amanda. Amanda had low sugar and needed to eat, she went into a .... convulsion.. something like that - the nurse came out and gave her something and they gave her some juice, but they didn't have any glasses or cups, then at the same time, actually right before Amanda went down, Allison had been out jogging, then she ran into the house to the diary room and said she was having an allergic reaction. So the nurse was giving her a shot when Amanda went down. Last night Alex and Amanda went home. I wonder if they'll keep doing the slop thing bc thats why Amanda got sick, she just wasn't eating and she should eat several times a day. The gay guy Josh and Sharon got HOH last night. I think they're my favs for this year. I like James and Chels too.

And tonights SURVIVOR!!!! I had to tape AI, too much going on at one time! Wish I had the tivo. AI doesn't have me as sucked in just yet anyway, its still too early for me to care a whole lot.

Sweet - I feel the same way as you, I want to lose 20 more pounds before the ps.

I was laying in bed this morning thinking I really need to make an effort to do it. I've been eating way too much junk, and just not trying, my exercise is zero. I know what my problem is, I get comfortable where I'm at. I get a few compliments and some size 10's and I think I'm fine where I'm at. But truthfully I'm still 20lbs over the "normal" bmi. So yes I am comfortable where I am, but I'd still like to be in the normal chart. And dang we've all come so far what the heck is another 20 lbs!

You all think I'm nuts I know - one day I'm like whatever if it takes me 2 years to lose these last 20 so be it, and then the next day I'm all gungho on getting the last 20 off.

Bman - cleaning is a VERY good way to get control of your life. Did you see the new book out (he was on Oprah) Does this Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? I believe it too. I think when we get control of one part of our life it helps us to gain control of those other areas. Besides we all like a clean house, LOL just hard to keep it that way. I personally have no excuses since I'm laying around all day.

I read in another thread where someone sets her timer so she doesn't sit on the computer all day, or whatever she gets into, so she sets it for 15 minutes. She cleans for 15 then studies for 15 then chats for 15, so on - I thought that was a good idea.

Va - does your son do Jui Jitzu now? Theres another tourney in March. I don't think we're going, he hurt his back so he needs to heal that first. Hows things with the guy friend? Do you still see him everyday? And btw - WTG on the weight loss! Sounds like you're the only one who's really getting anywhere with it!

My dd comes in tomorrow, she has spring break. She's doing pretty good over the whole break up thing. But she was worried about sitting home for a week so dh bought her a plane ticket for FL - my mil lives down there so she's going to stay with her but a couple of her friends from her freshman yr transfered and they are just a few miles away so she has plans for a couple days with them too. So she comes home tomorrow and leaves Sat and will be back thursday and leave again on Sunday. I love having her home but you know when your kids are ready to leave the nest. I think it becomes mutual on both sides.

Ok - time to get outta the pjs and into some real clothes so I can sit around in do nothing in them!

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Booboo - UGH cookies... when the hell did I get a sweet tooth!?!? I NEVER ate sweets before and now the sound of ice cream is sooooooo appealing. I normally have no desire for sugar and in the last month, I have sure been craving it.

Sweet Hot - I know what you mean about so far away. I know I've come so far, but I look in the mirror and I am still fat! UGH. So, frustrating. I think part of my problem is that I've lost some muscle tone becuase I've been sitting around like a bump on a log. I haven't exercised. I need to get back to it.

I too am low carbing. I am on day 2 (should be day 4 but I had to start over) I am doing wel.

I STARTED UP WITH FITDAY.com again! I havent tracked my food in months. So, it is time to get back to the basics.

VAband - I am sending you positive "get hired" vibes. I simply didn't have a choice. My employer denied my unemployment... I have my surgery bill to pay for every month... rent... bills... I simply had to have a job... any job. I would have worked at McDonalds or pumped gas... I didn't care. I had to have income. Thank goodness, I found a great job that was in my field, but it is not my dream job. Sooooo, I am continuing to look even though I have something for now.

Steph - thats right Steph. It is good to see everyone back to posting. I have fixating on the weightloss too but I am like you. I got semi-comfortable for awhile. Then, lately... I've realized like you. "I"VE COME T HIS FAR!" So, what the heck am I doing?!?! I have the tool. I spent the money. I've worked this hard! Why am I not taking FULL advantage of this?

It is nice to just eat normally... not gain weight and enjoy all of those good foods in moderation.. BUT I need to lose the rest of this weight THEN enjoy things in moderation.

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Steph--I LOVE LOVE LOVE BB this season. I just fell asleep the other night and woke up at like 2 am very upset that I missed all the drama. I want the cutesy couple to get it... I love his hair!

Va--things are going really well thanks! He has realized how much the meds have made a difference in his life, maybe he will stay on them!

Sweet--even at goal you will still obsess every minute, at least I do. I am worried everyday I will gain back. It sucks....but you will get to goal! The last part is the hardest! YOU CAN DO IT!

Brandi--you know how to get back to business, you had a nice break but time to get it done now! :thumbup:

I thought I had a name then come to find out it's a porn star's name...rotfl...I am a DORK!

It just came to me this am while I was driving at 4 am....lol....

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Yeah, I finished cleaning today... wow, my apartment has never been this clean. I am almost done with a whole day of low carbing... I've had 22 carbs today. So, that is my limit. I will have to eat some meat later if I get hungry.

A porn star name!?!? hahahaha - that figures!

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Bman - good for you! Nice to have a clean house isn't it? It always makes me want to just sit and enjoy the moment. LOL bc around here thats about how long it lasts.. a moment.

Boo - I like that couple too. I read on the BB blog that he was in some gay porn tho, I wonder how true that it is? They also said the other gay guy that had to leave the show was bc his sister was murdered. Its hard believing any of it, so I decided not to check in on the boards and just enjoy the show, that way they don't ruin it for me.

Whats everyones plans for the weekend? It looks like tonight we are going for dinner with the kids and then watch some wrestling. Tomorrow I have to take my daughter to the airport and then I'll hook up with dh for more wrestling.

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I am doing NOTHING! haha... wild life, I know.

I think I am going to go take a walk in a bit, and I need to open a new checking account. wow, hold me back... pretty intense plans

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