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Steady Losers 4ever!

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well heres update.....

went for growth scan to check baby doing okay with me losing all this weight

would you believe it he big hes measuring 33 weeks and 3 days and im 32weeks and 2 days and his estimated weight 4lb 120z,,geez he almost 5lbs already !!!!!!!

he also has great muscle tone and breathing great also very strong heart i dont think there is any worrys about him he going to be just fine which i was so worried as i lost another two pound since last ticker weight so i reached my original goal weight ,which i revised as i thought it too high .

as for me im feeling alot better think its a lot to do with the relief that babs is fine worry can make you so ill .i go back to doc next week about my bloods to see how my body coping with all this but im much more positive time is growing ever nearer til my little man is born then i will build back my strength !!

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Got a job working for CITI -- the bank.

Good job, good vacation, benefits from day one... they have a gym on site too.

It is a 45 minute drive though, but I won't complain too much. It will get me out of my house and away from this little dump of a town. Plus, CITI has many locations in Indianapolis. So, when I want to move up there... I will have a job. Good news.

I went to the DR today. I had 1CC taken OUT of my band.

They are making me go get a colonoscopy as soon as I get my new insurance on the 3rd. I also may have to have an ultra sound on my gall bladder. They think I could have gall stones. I feel a ton better eating now though with the unfill. I could eat meat again.

I think I was way too tight. I can enjoy my food again... but still in small portions. I wont be tempted to eat the mushier, higher calorie choices now that chicken will go down again.

I will keep you all updated... this place is so quiet since they moved us... :mad: I liked our old home.

love you all...

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY B'man! So glad you found something so quickly! YOU GO GIRL! *Big Hugs* I'm glad glad glad for you! I hope you are more appreciated and find greater challenges at CITI. And I hope the people there kick azz! :rolleyes: Glad you're feeling better, too. Go get yourself checked out and let us know how you're doing.

Nikkles - great news on the baby! He is a big strapping boy already!

I am fine - my p'rot came today. I have never been so happy to see her, I swear! I'm off the D for now. :mad:

Going to eat dinner and put ds in bed!



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Awesome B-man!~ That sounds like a great job. I drive 45 min also to work. It can be nice to relax and unwind for a bit , but the gas consumption stinks!

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Brandi!!! YEAY!!! I am so happy! I am so glad things are looking up for you! :cheers2: I understand the driving! I am so happy for you! I don't like our new home too much either...lol...

Nat--I hear ya girl. I just got mine and have never been so happy...lol....was worried about that 'I love you again' sex. ugh....lol...

I go to the PS tommorow, I should be coming out with a date tommorow!! I am so damn excited....wish me luck!

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WOW :ohmy: an unfill is crazy... i cant believe the things I can eat... ha

I am behaving... :unsure: mostly. But it is nice to be able to eat meat again. I think I need to exercise discipline and stay looser... eating hard meat Protein again. I tend to eat less healthy things when I was tighter... because they went down easier.

UGH, weightloss... maybe I can focus on that again soon. My new job starts March 3rd.... so I have a couple weeks to get my apartment back in order. When I get money again, I am looking into hiring a personal trainer.

I need to try to get my life back again. Oh, starting over... how many times will I have to do it? :biggrin: I should be getting good at it by now.

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Hey girlfriends!!! I've missed you!!!

It was a great week with my family all here.. and the baby!! He's 4 months old. Geesh.. time flies! Do you remember this time last year I was telling you all about my great-neice who got pregnant? She was just 16, well it ended up she married the guy (don't get me started) but she's very happy and has this beautiful little boy. I was very proud of her and what a good mama she is. As for the rest of the family, my mom will be 80 next month and she looks wonderful, gets around great and will probably live to be 100. My neice who is 35 has gained weight and wants the lapband so bad but she's no where near qualifying. Its so flipping weird that her and I are the same bmi - but she is in that age where everytime she loses 10 lbs she gains 15 back, I really feel for her - been there!

As for my weight loss - they were all going on everyday how good I look. We'd be in a store and my sis would say, omgoodness I didn't even know that was you, I can't get used to you looking so thin! I came out one morning in my pj's and my neices said you look so small! It was so nice having them here for my ego's sake. Everyone around here is used to my weight loss so it was a week of encouragement for me. They think if I get a Tummy Tuck I shouldn't need to lose anymore weight.

I go next monday for my 2nd ps visit - unfortunately I've only lost one pound this month - yet that might be a good thing bc he said they want to see that my weight is stable. So I guess I'll just go in and tell him I'm at the point where I'm only losing a pound a month. And truth is I'm ok with that, if I lose a pound a month for the next 2 years thats another 24 lbs and I really don't want to get any smaller then that.

So where has everyone been? I thought I'd have 2 pages of posts to read and there were about 5.

Bman - girl you are back on the right track - sounds like you got a good job and maybe there'll be more room for advancement with them. You also are getting a new start with new people who never knew you before wls. Thats got to be cool. I'm just so happy you are back and posting, you are one of our pillars and we really miss you when you are gone.

Nat - you too! We miss ya when you are gone. I'm glad you got the p'rot -:laugh: - how's the little man? Its snowing today, I have to go into work but when I get home I might pull out the skis.

Nikki - sounds like your little man is growing good. Its getting close now, are you ready? The nursery is painted? How was the time with sister, did dh survive without you for a week?

Jill - I was always so tired the first few months too. Take a nap whenever you can. And take those pg vitamins! :( do they make them any smaller now? Yuk I remember these big old horse pills they gave me. But its important. How did things work out with the sitter situation?

Boo - I'm glad things are good on the homefront. Make up sex is always good. :smile2: I can't wait to hear about your ps appointment - fill us in!

Sweet - how's the knee? One of the members at the club is a big runner and he told me that good shoes are a MUST! He gets new ones every 3 months, he jogs everyday.

Va - whats up girl? How's the job hunt, love life, family life? I haven't seen any posts from you for a long time.

Claud - when do you leave for Chicago? You have your apartment already, what about a job? Did you get that one you interviewed for?

All you missing in action steadies - post and let us know how you are doing. We've been here over a year, lets keep it going another year or 5.

My dd had a Fine Arts competition over the weekend, so we were looking at past performances and I came across one when she went to the national convention in Fla, Aug. 2006. On the tape we were at a picnic and I was HUGE - I had the shelf butt and everything! My sister and well everyone watching said NO WAY!!! I can't believe thats you! I don't remember you looking that big. My sister said Steph you really look fat, I don't remember you looking like that, it must just be the video. I said you guys were here for the wedding, which was the month before, I was fat. I was fat. Its so funny how we forget and the people who see us everyday forget just how fat we really were. 65 pounds is alot of weight, if we had to carry 2 - 25 lb bags of dog food around all day we'd be exhausted, but we were doing it. I think anytime we get discouraged we should go back and pull out an old video, pics - whatever and remember how far we've come.

Ok - long post and now I have to get to work. I love ya girls!

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Hey Ladies!!! Sorry I've been MIA....have been busy w/my boys and my social life LOL

BMAN...wow...congrats on finding a job so quickly!!! I'm STILL waiting for a job offer :-( have had a bunch of interviews in the last two weeks, but nothing has come though....ugh!! Hopefully now you can get your life back on track!

NAT....Good to hear from you!Glad to hear you're not preggers! ;-) LOL Any luck on the dating sites?? :( I am still hanging out w/that guy friend of mine....we see each other almost every day, but so far we're just still friends and he's fighting anything more than that. I actually had a psychic reading yesterday and she told me to keep the faith and that he's in conflict right now but that in the end it will be positive...so we'll see! :laugh:

BOO...glad to hear that things are improving on the home front!! I hope you are able to enjoy it, but at the same time plan for the future "just in case" scenario.....

Nikki....Glad to hear you and the baby are doing good!!

STEPH.....glad to hear you had such a good time w/your family! My scale finally budged....but now seems to be stuck again! It seemed to drop like 5 pounds at once, and then sticks there for a while...then drops again...its kind of weird, but whatever...i'll take it! I'm still working out...so I'm guessing it has to do w/water retention, muscle building, etc....

Well, gotta run and look for jobs still.....talk to y'all soon!


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hey girls,

i'm on the run, so just checking in. A quick update.

I am desperate to lose these last twenty something lbs, so I am southbeaching it again until it's gone! Today is day one, so ofcourse I am so gungho. I am still loving my bodybugg, but it's slower than no carbing it. So i'm counting calories still but not eating carbs.

I am hoping i make it just till we go on our cruise we leave the 28th of march. I hope I can make it. I did this a few weeks ago just for a week and lost 6lbs, and I was miserable, but I'm desperate to lose these last lbs and then of course i've already reset my goal to be 124 instead of 145. but i'll focus on that after i get to the 145.

Knee is still terrible, terrible terrrible, i haven't run on it at all! I have hardly even worked out. I saw the chiropractor he adjusted it, my pelvis was really screwed up, one leg was shorter than the other because of it. So i felt better for a few days and not it hurts again. he said it would take maybe up to 10 sessions to feel better, and if that didn't work, then to get an mri if possible.

Luckily this guy is a friend and this chiropractic work is free! I'm so greatful for him.

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Sweet- we are at the exact same weight right now! You are doing so great, but I think you should get an MRI of that knee. You dont want permanent damage in there.

Nat- oh fine leave me and nikki out here preggers by ourselves! J/k congrats on your period!

Steph- so glad you had fun with your family this week. It sounds like a good esteem builder too.

I am seriously thinking about putting my scale away till after baby is born. It is just so depressing to think about it going up. It is soooo hard to make it go down even with this band I have worked my butt off! I just cant take it when the scale goes up. Right now I am maintaining my current weight. I know it is worth it, I am so excited about this baby, but the scale going up is difficult to swallow. Plus I am drinking milk like Water and I know I really dont need alot of extra for the baby right now. But for some reason I need milk, I just need to get over it the scale is going up, accept it and move on. Eat healthy continue to exercise and enjoy the time away from dieting , Right????

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Sweet....so sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you! Definitely get that thing looked at...thats not something you want to mess with!

Jill..Absolutely put the scale away! You shouldn't be thinking about dieting while you're pregnant! You should just be thinking about eating healthy for 2!

We're expecting winter weather here today...I'm hoping for SNOW!!

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Kirsten- Just to clarify I am not dieting, Unfortunately I am eating for 2 or maybe 4-5! LOL I feel guilty like I am being a bad banster, especially all the carbs. But I am trying to keep myself out of ketosis since that is really bad for the baby. I am just venting- about having to gain- ignore me and I am vigilant about health when pregnant . Well I am off to cook some eggs- baby wants an egg over easy! LOL

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wow I can't believe no one has posted since yesterday morning! Where have we gone!

Jill - I thought you had just gotten a real good fill just before you found out you were preggers, we were worried you were too tight. Did they take some out? I wouldn't worry about your weight now, just eat healthy and enjoy being pregnant.

VA - keep us posted on those job interviews. Sounds like your "friend" is quite the steady friend. If he wants to be with you everyday it sounds like it won't be long before he realizes he likes you more then just a friend.

Nat - can you remind me what you put in those "whips" you used to make? I was at support group the other night and they are putting something together for new bandsters with some food options and I thought of your whips.

Sweet - take care of the knee. You are doing so good. I wish I had more drive to exercise.

My oldest daughter who was almost engaged, he had bought the ring in January but never gave it to her, just broke up with him. They had dated a year and she was so crazy about him, I really thought he was the one. But they had some issues that couldn't get worked out and she broke it off, so much better to do it now then later. Theres always drama in my house.

I started an online course for Access - its the only program that I use that I know nothing about. Seriously. I went to work at the club in 2002 and it was the first time I'd ever used it, its our main member database, and I have fumbled around with it for 6 years. So I upgraded to 2007 and signed up for an online course thro the local tech school and had my first lesson yesterday. Wish me luck. Its been a 100 years since I've taken a class other then just workshops so I feel all stupid.

Well I'm off to watch Big Brother - geesh its so good this year and now they have AI on at the same time so we have to tape one to watch the other - and now Survivor tonight! This is my best tv time ever! LOL Yes I'm a reality show junkie!

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Good to hear from you Jill and Steph...yeah, where HAS everyone gone??

No News yet on the job front...still waiting to hear about a possible final interview w/a company I REALLY want to work for! Keep your thoughts and prayers coming for that one!

Yeah...I'm hoping the guy friend comes along eventually! It is frustrating having to wait though...I'm NOT a patient person!

Steph...sorry to hear your daughter broke up w/her BF...but you're right about it being better now rather than later, after they got married! Good luck on your Access Course!

I am going to the gym tonight...I'm really enjoying the regular exercise (finally!) :) We're supposed to get a winter storm tomorrow...woo hoo!

Hope you're all doing well.

BMAN.....have you started the new job yet??

NAT...you still around??

BOO.....how are you doing girl??

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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