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OK so I go back to San Diego tommarow and yes I did get my own place in chicago finally . Dont know what will happen but I know good things will come my way. So As i had told you before I had set up at confrence call for next tuesday so they can reconsider my position to transfer to IL . well guess what I got an email yesterday and said the vacancy in Chicago has been filled dont know what going on but I think its weird nor I have called work I will just apear like I dont know anything. I did have an interview yesterday and its a good company I think it went really good and for the first time in wow who know when I felt so confident in my self .

I was telling boo that last time I came to Chicago the dad of my best friend was really nice to me and this time he was like my God you look so good have you lost weight you look marvioulous lol I was like yes a little wow I was so happy that in 5 month you can tell a lot even thou the scale hasnt moved a lot but it sure felt good.

Love life is a drama but I know things will work out I have a feeling its my turn my year my 2008 doors that have been closed on my before started opening and that a big plus getting my own place and things are just sliding will see what happends just keep your fingers crossed for me :cool2:

booooo- I love ya girl thank you for listening to me you know my drama lol but will see hopefully soon you come an visit me :frown:

bev-- take care trust me good things come soon for both brandies.

ok girls well its mega snowing here and I need to get ready I am going to chucky cheese lol yes I am taking my best friend kids ( hopefully my future kids lol ) and I know I will have lots of fun so read you soon .

Pls take care and love you all

Claudia :eek::frown::frown:

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Well sorry I didnt check in earlier. 2 updates

#1 I am pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH ME! and I told dh tonight, b/c of my 2nd update.

#2 I woke up with horrible gas pains last night and very nauseated. NOT morning sickness but stomach flu! AGAIN! I just had it last month but ds had it last weekend. I vomitted like crazy and it is coming out of both ends. I was shaky all over couldnt keep anything down. So afraid I was going to hurt my band. So I have been on gaterade all day. I did feel a little better this after noon, so I wanted a shower so bad. I got in the shower and everything went black I knew I was going out and no one was home except the 3 year and 5 year old. So I quickly dropped down in the tub and sat there. After about 5 min I got out and dd3 brought me a robe. I made it to the couch and waited there for dh to come home. My neighbor came by and brought me some Gatorade. I told dh this evening in case something happened and I needed to go to the hospital. I felt that bad. I am doing somewhat better now, but I am so thirsty I just wish I could gulp and gulp and gulp! I was down to 167 this morning that is 4 pounds lighter than yesterday, LOL I wish it wasnt just b/c I am so dehydrated but I know it is. Dh was very shocked about the baby but he seems happy, I dont think it has sunk in yet. We are going to be outnumbered!

So Nikki when did you get unfilled?? Should I be doing this now or wait till 12-14 weeks or so?

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Jill - 1st - CONGRADULATIONS!!!!! 2nd - girl you are too tight! Even if you weren't pregnant I'd say call and get an unfill. Your fainting episode could be due to baby but I have a strong feeling its bc of not eating, and low blood sugar (you know that, you're a nurse).

Boo - that car needs sold and you need a new Jetta. Some cars do have bad karma. I had a car that I hated from day one. It was an "r" title car, meaning it had been totalled and then repaired. That car had horrible karma, I who had never even slide on ice before, put it in the ditch 3 times and my son put it in the ditch, my daughter was stopped out on the highway to turn onto our road and another guy rear-ended her. That finally total'd it. I believe in cars having karma. I know you love your Jetta but if I were you I'd be taking this as a sign and start looking for a new Jetta.

Nikki - sorry to hear you are getting horrible heartburn. Icky, do you chew on the papaya? they really do help. I hope you feel better today.

Nat - its so good to have you back with us! Sorry to hear the little bear has got the poops. Doesn't it always seem like just about the time you try to potty train they get the poops!

Claud - you got a place in Chicago? wow - thats a step of faith! I hope you get the job you're after. Did you have fun at Chucky cheese :thumbup:

Bman - girl we're here for you.

Va - sounds like you're doing ok with the guy. You'll know what to do and how far to go. Have fun this weekend with him.

We are going to Richmond tonight, we were going to wait and go up tomorrow but geesh its a 4 1/2 hour drive! It'll be fun. I love watching my son compete in anything he does. He's so athletic. I'm pretty proud of him, now lets just see if he can make babies. LOL No news on the Nana front. My birthday is the 12th and my mom, sis, neice, great neices (2 this year) and the new great great nephew are coming in on the 8th. So I think (or hope) they are planning on telling everyone on my birthday. My dil said she wants to have everyone over to her house for cake so maybe. So I think thats like the 5th time I've told you all that. Little excited :party:

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JILLL----WOOO HOOOO!!! Yeah, I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!!! :party: Get unfilled now sweetie!

Steph--I agree with everyone that my baby may just have bad karma. HOWEVER, I will NEVER be able to sell her nor get a new one! We owe $20K on her, and if anyone ever did a Carfax report they would never buy it now. SO maybe I can take her to a priest or something and get a soul cleansening or something? She needs something! Do you all think I could find someone as silly as that sounds? Maybe she just needs some Fenju Shai (I spelled that like shit)..lol...I don't have much of a choice. I have got to keep her. DO I call in Ghostbusters??? ROTFL...

Got to run ladies, I will be back in a bit! Much love and thanks!

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LOL- Boo- Take the car to get it soul cleansed! Well go for it!

I am doing better today. I think it was the dehydration that caused me to nearly pass out yesterday. I am much better today. I am going to call the dr to find out what he says about fill verses unfill I just want to do what is healthy. I dont want to gain a bunch of weight b/c I how bad that is for pg and baby. I have seen alot of people on here do not get unfilled for the first trimester, and I was sorta hoping not too. But I will do whatever my dr says.

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OK girls! Called my OB and my surgeon. My Ob nurse said it may not be necessary to do a complete unfill. My surgeons office said I am their first to be pg and they want to see me. So I go next week to see him I am going to count my calories precisely until then and possibly see a dietician. This sounds like something I can live with, I am going to see how tight I am with all these hormones flying around. I just want to be cautious with all of this. I dont want to go crazy, b/c I know the baby doesnt need that many calories. So I am going to eat as much healthy stuff as I can and drink an extra Protein Shake or 2 a day. And take my Vitamins.< /p>

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Jill...glad to hear you're feeling better!

Steph...Have fun in Richmond! Be careful on the roads, its icy out there! My kids actually go the day off from school today (they are happy!)

Boo....I'm SURE you can find someone to do some kind of 'cleansing' for the car....just look on the internet! ;-) lol

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend....mine will be busy w/my folks coming into town so I'll probably not check in again til Monday.

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Hey Ladies I feel so out of the loop but having a newborn and finding time for anything is hard

I am at a stand still why you ask I am unfilled yikes

I got the flu and my doc made me get my band unfilled so I can eat it is awesome because I have craved so much and I can be naughty a few days. I have only gained about 5 lbs in about a wk and a half which I expected but I am going on v day to have it put all back in

hope all is going well congrats jill check in with you later

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Well sorry I didnt check in earlier. 2 updates

#1 I am pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH ME! and I told dh tonight, b/c of my 2nd update.

#2 I woke up with horrible gas pains last night and very nauseated. NOT morning sickness but stomach flu! AGAIN! I just had it last month but ds had it last weekend. I vomitted like crazy and it is coming out of both ends. I was shaky all over couldnt keep anything down. So afraid I was going to hurt my band. So I have been on gaterade all day. I did feel a little better this after noon, so I wanted a shower so bad. I got in the shower and everything went black I knew I was going out and no one was home except the 3 year and 5 year old. So I quickly dropped down in the tub and sat there. After about 5 min I got out and dd3 brought me a robe. I made it to the couch and waited there for dh to come home. My neighbor came by and brought me some Gatorade. I told dh this evening in case something happened and I needed to go to the hospital. I felt that bad. I am doing somewhat better now, but I am so thirsty I just wish I could gulp and gulp and gulp! I was down to 167 this morning that is 4 pounds lighter than yesterday, LOL I wish it wasnt just b/c I am so dehydrated but I know it is. Dh was very shocked about the baby but he seems happy, I dont think it has sunk in yet. We are going to be outnumbered!

So Nikki when did you get unfilled?? Should I be doing this now or wait till 12-14 weeks or so?

first of all yeah im so happy for you !!!!!!!!!!!

i didnt get unfilled until week 10 i was a little concerned over how much i was eating and weight steadily dropping so got complete unfill ,however i didnt think it changed that much as i still couldnt eat much more and as pregnancy progressed i am getting tighter but i cant do much about it as band empty so no more can be done... i drink alot of shakes and baby growing well added with Vitamins im doing ok probably more tired than average pregnant woman but hard to say how much of problems is band related as tiredness and heartburn common in all wemon and weight went to 12 stone 3lbs i think at lowest (99lb lost )and is at around 12st 5lbs steadily for past few weeks im growing in all the right places so dont care about scales, im expecting an increase over next six weeks and in preparation have given my scales to my friend so i ont have to watch them go up ........lol

i know its just baby doing his thing and after the birth the baby weight will go again and we have so much support here we cant fail !!

enjoy your pregnancy and dont worry about the weight for now its been different for all wemon and you can get loads more experiences to share in pregnant and banded thread will chat babies with you there .

sending huge hugs your way and imagine the first pregnant banded woman in your drs office you will get loads of attention and teach them along the way !!

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Hi all!

BK - we missed you ((((BK)))) - hows that new baby doing! Its so good to hear from you, come back more often. I know with a new baby finding extra time for anything is hard.

Well we went to Richmond for the Jui Jitsui fights. Or whatever they are called - I guess its mixed martial arts. Anyway - my son took 1st in his division, tapped out all his guys. Then in the Open Division he won all his matches, tapped everyone out and the last guy he was fighting he lost by disqualification, he had already submitted the guy in the other division and was winning with a score of 8-0 and then my son did an illegal move (for amateur levels) and got dq'd. So he REALLY won every match. :rolleyes: it was ok tho, just one of those things. It was kinda uncomfortable for everyone. The guy who took first knew he didn't deserve it and kept coming up to ds and saying he was sorry it ended like that and the ref's were both kinda like shrugging their shoulders and saying its just one of the rules. BUT after the fight the ref told him he's too good to be in amateur division, if he would move up to the next division (which gets paided fights) he could use those moves. So all in all it was a reallly nice weekend.

The bad news is daughter in law got her period, Friday! She told me she had gone into the doctor, bc of being late and they said no she wasnt' pregnant and if she didn't get a period by Feb 15 they were going to start it for her. She's been on the pill and just went off in Dec, so I guess its kinda a good thing to give her body a little break before she gets pregnant. BUT the good news is they are still trying!!!

Superbowl today - have fun, don't eat or drink too much!

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Hi Steph - SO sorry DIL got her cycle. :rolleyes: I was really hoping you were going to have a grandbaby! It'll happen.

BK - What's the scoop with the new baby? Foster baby? I am too lazy to go back to the last thread to catch up. :biggrin: Did you post pictures? I love babies!

jilly Jill - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! I'm glad you're feeling better, too. Girlfriend, I'd cry like a 16 year old girl if I found out I was pregnant right now.

Steph, thanks too, for the words of wisdom. It's Superbowl Sunday and I am having a fat bitch moment. I sat and listed all the things I want to eat today. I'm having a craving for Chinese food (And I don't eat Chinee EVER)! I want French onion dip with chips and seven layer dip with tortillas. I'd kill for a pitcher of margaritas. I want a burrito smothered in cheese and sour cream. I have fallen prey to the commercials for those damn pizza rolls. I also want a bowl of tater tots (for some odd reason) with malt vinegar and salt. I want queso dip with sourdough bread. And then I want chocolate - a nice moist chocolate cake with thick fudgy frosting. I am CRAVING FOOD! And I know that I physically can't hold all that, but my fat brain is betraying me.

I ate ice cream last night. A pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia (over a 4 hour period).

I think I'm just stressed, and it's manifesting itself in poor eating and cravings. *sigh* Instead I'm Water loading and am about to go out here and get on my elliptical for a while. I'd love to burn 1,000 calories on it today - that would at least knock off the B&J from last night. What is that, 2 hours on the elliptical? ((laugh)) Fat chance of that happening.

Any words of wisdom girls? Cuz if I don't get this under control, I think I'm going to have a binge!

Fat Nat

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Oh man NAT...you had to go and mention all those yummy foods on Superbowl Sunday huh?? I'm going to a party tonight and am hoping I don't overdo it!! I'll be drinking too, so I know its not gonna be a good day..plus I only made it to the gym 2x this week...NOT good! :=(

Although I'm hoping to get in 4 days this coming week, so it'll even itself out. Anyways, not sure what to say NAT about stopping the "binge"....maybe you need a little bit of each of those things just to get past it? Then you can go back to healthy eating??

STEPH....so sorry you're not a grandma...YET!! But don't worry, I'm sure it'll happen soon!!

GO PATS!! Everyone enjoy their Superbowl Sunday!!

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VA - Great idea. The problem is, I'm not going to a party where I can take a tiny plate and sample bites of food. If I were, it would be totally easy to get the tastes of what I want without going overboard.

But it dawned on me that I'm making too much of this. There's a very easy solution, isn't there? I just won't go to the store and buy all that crappy food! If I don't have it in the house, I can't eat it!

I think I will have Chinese tonight. That will be my "treat" food. Between now and then I'm getting on the elliptical for an hour and drinking TONS of Water. Who knows, maybe I won't want the Chinese later on.

Honestly, I feel better just admitting that I'm feeling weak and bingey today. :rolleyes: Gosh, I have been reading in some other threads around here and given my surgery date and total loss, my surgeon is absolutely correct: I'm doing GREAT! I feel really bad for others who can't overcome their desires to eat all the bad foods and the too-big portions. I think that helped me more than anything else. (I feel bad just saying that.) We really have done splendidly working with our band and using powers of self control and moderation, haven't we?

Once I was driving my sister back to school and we stopped at a Meijer (like a Super Target/Wal*Mart, but not as nice) for Snacks. We were going to buy some candy and chips and stuff like that. Anyhow, we had been talking about the kind of junk food we wanted and had a game plan. Got to the candy aisle and saw this gigantically fat lady picking out different candy. She had to have been 350 lbs or bigger. And it was as if she was standing there, licking her chops and salivating at the idea of laying on her couch in the dark, watching hours of tv and devouring all that candy. My sister and I looked at each other and left without buying a thing.

I felt so bad for that woman. I wonder where she is now and what she's doing with her life. But most of all I'm glad that I'm not in that position anymore. I related to her because she reminded me of myself. Earlier today, that's how I felt. Like I just wanted to sit in a room by myself and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat. I'm glad I've got you guys to lean on! Just being able to talk with you empowers me and makes me stronger. My girlfriends on LBT totally rock!

I feel better already - going to get on the elliptical now!



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I compromised: margaritas and a home-made semi-healthy 5 layer mexican dip. FF sour cream, low fat cheese, onions, tomatoes and refried Beans. Not bad, eh?

Miss Yall!


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Oh my gosh, I just typed out a huge huge reply and it deleted! I hate this laptop.

Ok, so I'm wearing a size 7 today! My goal jeans. they of course have stretch in them. I'm more of a solid 10. I'm patiently awaiting hitting the 160s. 3more lbs. The bodybugg has really kickstarted a steady weight loss. i'm in love with it, it was worth every penny.

Still can't run, knee still very painful, I go to the dr. wednesday. I haven't seen my dr. since I was 252! He's been in Iraq. So I've no carbed it since wednesday. I've lost 6lbs so far and hope to lose one or two more before my appt. We will see.

Glad to see everyone is doing good.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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