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Va- Congrats on the job! Good for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on the man thing. I hope if he does come around, he treats you like a princess!

sassy welcome back! - now stick around this time girlie! How has everything been. I've seen you've done well on weight loss.

STeph!- I"m so excited for you! You are going to be a great grandma! i'm jealous, I wish that our Moms and Dads were excited for their grandchildren. They couldn't care less! Seriously.

nat- 87lbs! my goodness. YOu go girl. That's great.

bman- Where are you sweetie? Are you ok?

Boo- are you doing ok?

My knee is still bad! I went to run yesterday made it about 3/4 of a mile and then sharp pains. uggh. it fell fine all weekend too, so i thought it was better. It started hurting in Rome. Then I did the bike which doesn't hurt the knee at all and the crosstrianer machine. So I burned about 300 calories in 40 minutes, not nearly as good as my runs but ok.

my fill is not working. I hope my band is good. i at 1300 calories yesterday and went to bed starving. it was so tiny on the fluouro machine! so so tiny. The stuff i swallow that shows up, took about 6 seconds to start going through the tiny hole. The dr. was worried i was too tight. So this morning i ate an entire piece of toast. and that was about 30 mins ago and I'm starving, the stomach is rumbling, the bread went down fine. I hope I don't have a leak!

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Sweet - I'm beginning to think I need another fill too. Its been a while but I really felt I was at my sweetspot and wouldn't be needing another fill - in fact I really thought I was too tight at one point and I worry about the same thing, I hope my band is ok and I haven't slipped. You know I was pretty bad when I was too tight, I would pb pretty often. But I haven't pb'd for a few weeks now and so I wonder if I've loosened up. Sorry to hear the knee is hurting again. Take it slow.

Nat - I guess I'd start out as Gramma and if they throw in a little nickname that'll be ok too. We were in Walmart last night and my youngest dd said I should just buy her a test and take it to her. LOL I guess we are all looking forward to this baby - IF there is a baby.

I'm proud of you too - 87 pounds is awesome! You need to post some pics again.

Sassy - welcome back girlfriend! Up date us on life.

Va - I'm not really a Chargers fan, I'm from Steeler Country. But with my boys out I was rooting for the chargers. I'm sorry to all the NE fans but after they cheated I can't cheer for them anymore. I actually used to like them, but they brought my respect way down.

I hope the guy moves forward - he's a friend now? Thats the best way to start, if you like him as a friend then the romantic feelings won't get in the way of who he really is. (does that make any sense?)

I'm sick again. I had this blowout cold on Sunday - felt better Mon, Tues - last night I started feeling crappy again and today its even worse. I don't even know what to take, I kinda feel like I may as well keep the nose blowed so I don't get congested so I guess I'll just take tylonel for the head ache. And I'll lay around all day, as if today is any different then any other day. And why is it that we can have 500 channels on tv and theres not a movie on that I want to watch? Yet I'll watch Gilbert Grape again for the 20th time?

Have a good day :frown:

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Steph...sorry to hear you're sick! :-( Hope you feel better soon!! Yes, the guy is a good friend now...part of his hesitation on moving forward I think is b/c he doesn't want to ruin that....but we'll see! We're both going to be at a party on Saturday, so maybe once the wine gets flowin.... ;-)

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I'm ok. just scrambling... have an interview for tomorrow. I am just really down and haven't been myself. I am feeling a bit better about things. I don't miss my old job. I am just trying to find something that pays enough to cover my bills. My grandmother that I lived with and took care of for months is bad again. I am thinking about giving up my apartment and moving back in with her to get her straightened out. I am tired of hearing the family argue about what to do when I could just go move in and take care of it. (sigh)

I haven't even been at my house. I've camped out at my parents. I dont know why I dont want to be there. Maybe it is because it is so close to my old work. I just havent wanted to be alone. (ugh) I need to get straightened out. I haven't been able to sleep (my insomnia is back). So, i've been taking benedryl every night to go to sleep.

Anyway, life could be worse. I am ok. I am not doing good, but don't worry. I will find something. I just may be losing my apartment in order to get back on financial track. I don't have a savings thanks to my surgery. I spent every penny I had on it.

Thank you so much for thinking about me. I am reading and keeping up with all of you (hugs) I promise. I just dont have much time to get on here, and haven't really been in the mood to do much chatting. Love you all though!

Claud have fun in Chicago hon!

Hello to everyone!

jill - i blend everything up... you are sooooo not any weirder than me

sassy! long time no see!

steph - another fill wouldnt hurt :lol: might as well since you got the band - we all forget to us it sometimes (i think) I hope you get feeling better!

sweethot - watch that knee girl! i messed mine up last year and it took 8 months to heal completely...

BOOBOO - (hugs) love you girl. Get professional help on this one girl. Sometimes life hands us things that are just too big for us to deal with on our own and there is nothing wrong with having someone else step in to help sort everything out. I totally understand what you mean by MORE problems now that your weight is gone. I have the same thought. It DID just uncover more issues for me too. Like everyone has said, if there is anything that I can do. just let me know.

VAband - I have my fingers crossed for you. One of us has to get some good news sooner or later!! ha. So, I am hoping it is YOU! Good luck with the gentleman :(

Nat - Im here honey :eek: so glad you are still checking in. I am just so down in the dumps. I promise to be back more once I get through this mess of a life I have right now. I will be back in full force as soon as things get sorted. I promise!

faith - I totally have pureed baked Beans too... ha. they were yummy - I ain't afraid to say it! looked like puke, but tasted like heaven... HAHA

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Bman - well girl it sounds like you're doing ok, hanging in there and taking the punches. Sucks I know but you'll come out of this ok and all the better for it. I think it wouldn't be such a bad thing moving in with Gram for a while. My first reason being that you would have something and someone else to think about instead of your own problems - and I don't mean that in a bad way, just that when you have to put someone else first then its easier to forget whats bothering you. And it also sounds like she needs you, even if for a little while. It may be the most rewarding experience of your life, in 20 years (when you are my age) you'll look back on this time with her and cherish it. I hope you find the perfect job, and until then something that will pay the bills :rolleyes2: We love ya hon and wish you the best. As for the advice you gave me about my band needing a fill? I do believe you quoted me from an earlier post. LOL you are right about that!

No time to write, dh is home and we are going to watch wrestling - woo hoo

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Hey girls,

I am doing ok. Have lots to tell you! I am sick too Steph, you must have spread your germs around. THANKS! lol...

I am ok though. Thanks so much, I love you all!

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Took my kids to an indoor waterpark today. Had lots of fun, I got in the lazy river. (my favorite) but I walked and pushed my 3 year old around in it. Trying not to be too lazy. I feel like I got alot of exercise. We had pizza for lunch, as it was the usual fast food choices. I am so tight I knew I couldnt eat it, but it looked so good. I ended up eating a little cheese on the top of a piece. It wouldnt stay down though. I am very very tight today for some reason. I slimed up my Protein Shake for bkfast, slimed up the cheese, then I had a few bites of an ice cream sunday the 4 of us were suppose to split, and that of course stayed down fine! LOL We came home and took a nap, something I never do, when I woke up later I was starving and excited b/c I can always eat more in the evening. I warmed up some creamy Soup, no chunks and I couldnt eat it! Errr the scale better be down tomorrow. The only thing I can think of is the nap made it tight like the morning time, or maybe I am just very tight today. Who knows. I am going to keep this extra tight fill for hopefully about 3 monts then get a slight unfill before my cruise.

Bev- glad to see you around!

Boo- How things with dh?

Steph- I agree totally about what you said about changing our focas to be others when life is sucky! It works for me too!

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WOw it is pretty bad when it has been 24 hour almost and you chatty girls havent been on! Must be a busy w/e! So what did you all do this weekend???

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I went to a big wrestling tourney. My dh and I go every year bc its sure to have the best wrestlers in the state there. I guess once its in your blood its always there. I can't wait til its my grandkids wrestling. We are going down to Richmond on Friday (we decided to stay the night) for the mission submission tournament. My son is competing in that one.

Sunday we laid around after church - I read a book. I mean I read the whole book. I was about 100 pages into it and started reading and just kept reading until it was done. I had asked my dh what he was going to do since there wasn't any football on tv, of course he had chores around the house but I didnt' do a darn thing, other then make blt's for lunch and burgers for supper - left the dishes pile up and did all that this morning. It was kinda a nice lazy Sunday.

Well ladies I go to the ps today at 3:00. Say a prayer that he'll submit me to the insurance. I have a feeling he's going to tell me I need to lose 20 more pounds. I hope not. I was really hoping I'd be down to 150 by now but I guess I didn't work at it hard enough. :eek:

I'll check in with you later and let you know how it went.

Jill the waterpark sounds like a blast in the middle of winter! What a cool idea!

Boo - sorry you caught my cold.

Oh I saw a friend at the wrestling, he was the chef at the club a couple years ago. He had gained weight and he said wow steph you lost alot of weight, you look great, and then he points at his belly and says I found what you lost. I said well it looks like married life agrees with you. He's just a young guy, maybe 26 or 27 and just got married last spring, which was the last time I saw him.

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Well, the job I thought I had fell through on Friday! :-( Apparently corporate had never approved the req...UGH!!! Things on the man front aren't much better...we spent most of the day together on Saturday, which was great, but he still tells me that although he's attracted to me, he doesn't feel like he's ready to date anyone right now...and I told him I didn't want to be a 'friend with benefits'....double UGH! So now I don't know what to do w/him, other than just stay friends and see if I can get over him and somehow move on.

BOO...glad to hear you're doing OK post over on yahoo if you can to let us know whats going on.

Steph...glad to hear you had a good weekend. Good luck at the PS!

Jill...Glad you had fun at the waterpark!

On a nice note...both my Ex husband and a ex BF commented to me w/in the past week on how it looks like I"m losing weight! I'm on week 3 of working out regularly, so I guess it's finally paying off, even though my scale still doesn't seem to want to budge! :D

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My ps appointment went really well. He sounded like insurance would approve me but first he'd like me to try to lose as much as I can in the next 4 weeks. I said like 10 lbs? And he said wow that would be great! He is submitting it as an Abdominoplasty and see if the insurance will pay for that, he sounded like they will, and if not that then the panniculectomy. He said the main thing we want them to do is pay for the hospital stay bc you will be under general anthesia. He had asked me all the questions and I had told him I get like an athletes foot fungus and blah blah and he said that was all good bc we want to prove to the insurance that its not just a cosmetic thing that I need it medically. This dr was way better then that other one I had gone to see. He was all about the money and this guy today never once brought up money, today he was all about insurance. Afterward I ran to the store and bought a bunch of frozen dinners - and I plan on doing the pre-op diet as much as I can this month to get my scale moving again. I go back on Feb. 25, I feel good about this.:tt1:

Va - sorry to hear the job fell through. Bummer :frown: I don't know about the guy, friends with benefits isnt' so bad :lol: kidding! Did you have fun skiing? And wow - to have ex's comment on the wl is the best!! Good for you!

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Steph...glad to hear the PS Appt. went well! I'll keep my fingers crossed that Insurance covers it for you!!

As for the guy...I know Friends w/benefits wouldn't be bad...my concern is that it would never grow past that which is kine of what happened w/the last guy I was with. I just don't want to get my heart broken again...but I know he doesn't either, thus his hesitation w/dating in general. Relationships are just so hard! So I haven't decided what to do about it all yet, I guess time will tell....

Hope you're all having a good day! I'm back to job hunting...ttyl!

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Steph, glad the ps went well! That is so awesome. I am so excited for you. I hope someday I can afford to the girls put back up where they belong and my arms and tummy are going to needs some help. I have have a few more kids first though. I dont want to stretch all out with nursing. LOL Youre weight loss is so great! You really have kicked it into high gear.

BOO- Love your new siggy you gorgous girl! Where's your update?? Hope you are feeling better.

Gotta go will post more later!

Kirsten- I feel the same way. There is so much more to the relationship then just the benefits. Guard you heart, your mans out there somewhere waiting for you to ROCK his world! =)

Mine is still slow but it has been more steady.

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VA--I am so sorry sweetie the job fell through. That stinks, majorly. Friends with benefits always sounds sticky to me...lol..but I have never had one so what would I know??

Steph--so glad the PS went well! WOO HOO!! I am so happy for you!!

Jill-thanks! I made it because alot of people were asking how I did it...lol....like 20 a day. I am hoping this will help. I had one person not believe it wasn't me....lol...silly people!

I will post on yahoo soon so ya'll know what is going on with me. I am doing ok. Things are better.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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