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Faith - hon, I struggle with the same "head" hunger. I also love the taste of food and just enjoy eating - but I've come to the point of not denying myself something that I really want - usually I find that a bite or two will bring me satisfaction if I allow it too and still follow the bandster rules. For instance. Today I had a cup of coffee, went to church, got home and of course everyone is always starved after church - so I made chili, which is something that I can eat very well. I was stuffed but just needed something sweet, so I took 2 bites of a debbie cake. I was fine with that. First of all if I ate anymore then that I knew it would probably ball up in there and I'd get sick, 2ndly I looked at the calorie count and 230 is alot for a brief moment of pleasure. :smile: I know I won't be hungry for at least 4 hours, if I feel like snacking in between I will drink hot tea - I have a favorite that works for me - I also stopped tracking but if I add things up in my head I'm keeping in the 1200 range, and if I would exercise like I know I should I'd lose faster - but right now I'm still losing a pound or 2 a week and I'm ok with that. I think one of the reasons its ok is bc I have lost 65 lbs and I do feel "normal" again - wore a size 10 skirt to church this morning - and although I know to look really good I should lose another 20-30 I just kinda feel its ok now to lose slowly.

The bottom line is that it really is up to us how we want this band to work for us. If we use it agressively we can lose alot faster, with exercise and tracking - really work at. But if we are letting the band work for us we will probably still lose but much slower. The choice has got to be yours and how you want it to work.

As for needing a fill? I would say you most likely do need one. The sliming and pb's are probably bad food choices - not necessarily unhealthy - but bad band choices - and remember each one of our bands acts differently to different foods - so I've learned if I choose to eat that food then I better be prepared to be sick or miserable. The other thing is how well I really chew my food. I think the reason I can't tolerate Pasta and breads is bc I don't really chew them as well as I should.

I probably didn't answer any of your questions and you probably have heard it all before, but Faith my point is we all struggle with the same things, don't feel as if you are alone. And remember all those bad eating habits took years to develope, why should we expect that they'll just disappear bc we are banded? I think it'll probably take years until we are in the real band habit.

I have to confess that I've been so hungry for a McD's burger for so long, and its been forever since I've had one, well since my very first pb - so the other day I decided dang it I want a cheeseburger, bun and all! I got the little cheapo burger and I ate about 2/3 of it and I was stuffed! The whole while I was eating it I kept reminding myself to chew it really well and it took me a while to eat it. I never got sick, I didn't pb and I wasn't hungry for 4 hours! I was so proud of myself, I was able to drive through McD's and not order fries or soda, just a greasy little cheeseburger. LOL Who'd a thought I could eat like a bandster?!

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Step, I have heard it, but I VERY much appreciate you writing it again.

I slime or get stuck on turkey breast or chicken or roast beef. Grrrrr! Healthy, protein-filled foods, but dry. So I guess as you said, bad band choices! In a sandwich I can eat them fine, or with mayo on them. But bare and naked (the way I like them), they are hard to swallow.

I try to avoid much bread, it gets stuck, too. As does too much rice (and I LOVE sushi, so I'll pick most of the rice off it-not a shashimi fan yet). pizza and Pasta go down just fine, LOL. But I think I may have had four slices of pizza in the past year (total). I don't eat regular Pasta anymore, I only eat the Barilla Plus Protein pasta (occasionally) or spaghetti squash instead of pasta. Who knew with a Tomato sauce on it, it would be so good?

Lately I've been challenged with a string desire for sweets. You would think that having gotten to 371 lbs I would have loved sweets? Nope, not really, but now I do. I want chocolate (never a big fan before), Oreos, cake, etc. My monthly support group is full of folks in the past few weeks that are going through the same thing (June 07).

Did you experience anything like this about 6 mos out?

Did anyone else here experience an increase in cravings for sweets/bad carbs at about five to seven months out?

Steph, I thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful (and thought-provoking) response. It does help!

I'm going to try to start Water loading as well. If I'm hungry, I'll go for a bottle of Water (or a cup of tea). I have gotten away from water too much. I am lucky if I get 32 oz in within a 24hr period.

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:bananalama:Faith--I am so sorry things are rough for you, but you can get back to where you want to be! Have you tried the Power Bars I told you about? When I want chocolate or sweets I cut them up and eat them. I love the Triple Threat Carmel Peanut. 1 step up from a candy bar really. 20 Mg of protien though! :wink: They taste devine, trust me.

I am here whenever you need me. My gym now has one in Ypsi, so if you ever want to go I am there. You would get in with me for free! :biggrin:

I think you are dealing with head more than real hunger, and that is a bitch. One thing definately more Water. But also, eat slow and STOP at 1 cup or less even if you THINK you are still hungry. I have found if I do that the hunger does pass in 5 or so. Then I know I didn't overeat. Maybe you are one that needs smaller meals closer together rather than 3. Have you tried that?

Whatever you need, I am here sister! Helll I will drive down to see you and get you back on it, whatever you need! Want me to call and get you in for fill? Carolyn loves me! I will do it!


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Are we going to stay here or go back to the original thread that was unlocked?

Either way, I'm doing fine. I did an hour of cardio yesterday (I NEVER went that long before) and some weights. I just need to kick this freakin' sugar habit so I can start losing. I feel like I've re-committed myself and I'm going to take it one day at a time. I get embarrassed over how little I've lost, but then I remind myself I still have my band and just need to work with it.

You all are great. I may not always post but I do read to get inspiration.

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Well, you all know how much I love ya --- even when you do just pop in from time to time. I know you are all there. I had great success at first and the past 3 months have lost relatively nothing. So, don't fret. Some other of this group started out slow and have sped right past me... so it is different for everyone :welldoneclap:

I have spent the last two days feeling like someone kicked me in the stomach. I think it is gas pain, but it has me very worried. i can't even stand up straight to walk... I have put myself on fluids only and am hoping it some kind of a stomach virus. I just feel like someone beat me in the gut. Even to have someone touch my stomach anywhere... hurts terribly. It seems to be letting up tonight. I hope it goes away. My insurance doesnt cover anything to do with the band... so these things worry me a great deal.

welcome faith... we told you before (on the other thread) you are more than welcome... all new comers are welcome. We just have a group that has managed to stick together for over a year now. Certainly doesn't mean we can't have more :wink:

As long as you can put up with all of our drama and emotional ups and downs. :biggrin: I don't know what we would all do without one another to kick the others butt when we get down :)

I guess we should stick to this thread now. Just keep bumping the other thread i started so if anyone like nat or kaydot come around they will be able to find us... some don't check in as often and I do NOT want to lose my girls!

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Bman girl you are scaring me! I hope its just a flu but don't let it go, does it feel band related?

I agree I think we should just stay here now. I think maybe it will encourage others to join in if they want. Like Faith - we love having ya here with us. Maybe we sounded a little too clicky on the other thread. We can have a bit of drama now and then - but thats what I love about all of you. It doesn't have to be band related.

Maurdan - wtg on the cardio - I need to get my butt moving too. In fact I've been sitting here looking out the window - at the newly fallen snow - thinking all those nice days and I didn't go for one walk! Theres not enough snow to ski but I did get a new pair of boots for Christmas, maybe I should put them on and get out there. Its crazy but when the weather was nice I was walking 3x a day, in the am 1mile, after work 1 mile and then neice and I walked the track 2 miles - now I have that treadmill all cleaned off and have only gotten on it a few times.

Faith - sugar and sweets - I agree with you. I said it before about the darn Christmas Cookies, for years I baked dozens of them and only at about 3 or 4 all season, this year I ate about 3-4 a day! I finally got to the point that I picked up the tray and threw the whole dang thing in the trash! But I do find myself craving something sweet alot more then I did. I was like you, I gained my weight without eating sweets. My big thing was french fries and chips - crunchy and salty. I still struggle with chips - but don't keep them in the house so its not an every day fight. French fries are not allowed by my band. If I eat any its maybe 2-3 and thats it. No matter how well I chew them they get stuck so I just don't bother now. I've never been a Pasta eater either and still don't very often. Last night dh made some raviloi and I ate a few but I cut each one into 1/4's and chewed well. I'm learning.

Guess I have to get going. I think I'll take that walk before I go to work.

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maurdan- nice to hear from you!

Faith-I have huge head hunger problems too. And just noticed a few months ago that the sweets cravings are overwhelming! it's crazy. So I've been using the body bugg for almost a month now and eat sweets everyday pretty much. i just work the calories in and manage to stay between 1000-1200 calories. The difference is that i used to eat 3 or 4 200 calorie Cookies and now i eat just one or half of one. Today i had half a Peanut Butter bar thing that i made and that was enough. I may have a bowl of Cereal later though for more sweet tooth giving in. I hope that by eating sweets I can keep losing as well as i am with the bug. i've lost about 8 lbs in a month. My best month yet pretty much.

bman-my goodness that sounds awful! maybe it's not band related at all, do you think you should call your dr.?

booboo-I so wish you lived by me! You could keep my booty on track too! I can't wait to be a size 8 like you.

So guess what, I was chatting with my friend who is getting a boob job. Her uncle is a fabulous plastic surgeon and he is doing hers for almost free. She just has to pay for anist. So I was just joking and said, tell him you have a friend blah blah blah. And she said, of course i can! My mom and her Best friend got Tummy tucks together and recovered at his house for a week with his wife taking care of them. Her mom was free and her friend only had to pay 1/4 of the normal price. So she is asking him if he can extend the same offer to me and do us the same day or close to it and we can recover together. The good thing is that he is in NC which i can fly to for free from here! Of course I don't want boobs, i want a lower body lift. I have plenty plenty of boobs. at 36 D! I know boo boo, nothing compared to your rack, lol.

So she is thinking about doing it around July. That will give me enough time to lose this last bit of weight. I am really praying that this isn't too good to be true. If she said it would be free i would, but just discounted seems more believable. She's a great friend that i know really well so I don't think that she would lead me on.

Ran 5k again today! my knee is still bothering me. I did something to it in Rome.

This time it took me 38 minutes.

I still cannot believe i can run 40 minutes without stopping! just a few months ago I could only run 30 seconds! crazy.

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Sweet--That is amazing that you know someone that can help you with your PS!! WOOO HOOOO!!! He sounds like a truly great man! AND I wasn't gonna say anything about the tatas....lol....sorry your knees are bothering you, do you wear knee braces? They help me alot! AND I can keep you on it from here as well...just ask me....lol.....

Maud--good job on the workout! Keep it up! It pays off!

Brandi--Where does your hurt? It scares me that we are feeling the same damn thing. Mine is boucing from side to side now in the gut area. Nothing from the Dr as to wtf it is.

I for one liked the other thread....lol...my thoughts felt protected...lol....but DerrickM proved that wasn't so more than once. SO I will get over it and stay here! :Banane42:

Hugs to all, it is snowing here and I am sick. Not only the tummy but a terrible cold....ugh....this Michigan weather bites.. :smile:

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ugh i replied earlier and it didnt show up... i am not having a good day. :smile:

Mine is all over my stomach but I have a strong pain up above my stomach where my band is located... I am wondering if I havent go it irritated from the gas pain or something. I'd taken some laxative pills the other day... because I sometimes have trouble "getting things moving" THAT was when my trouble started. Saturday evening after i took them. I got horrible gas pains and I did finally go, but not that much. I don't want to have to go to the doc, but on the chance I've irritated something I'd rather get it fixed.

Everything is going down ok. But I can't hardly move because of the pain, and I am normally a pretty active girl. I feel tired and worn out from not sleeping properly because of it. I feel it all night and it keeps me awake.

I called my doc and am waiting on a return call. i will see what they suggest. In the mean time, I got gas-x and pepto to see if I can't calm my tummy down on my own.

the gas feels like it is trapped in the upper part of my intestines. It won't um... "come out" either up nor down... it is just causing me a ton of pain. although it has subsided since yesterday. i can stand it when something touches my stomach today which is an improvement.

hopefully it will just go away...

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brandi and brandy- you guys are scaring me with the tummy issues! I sure hope you guys figure this out. Your both too young to be in constant pain! NOt fair. You guys have worked too hard to have to suffer tummy problems. I"m so sorry to hear of your pains.

brandy- no I don't wear a knee brace, but I was actually thinking about getting one tomorrow. It seems to feel better when I wrap it in an ace bandage so maybe it will feel better running with a bit of support on it. It hurts the most when I walk down stairs. I hope I don't have anything torn in there. I'm making an appointment for it next week. My schedule this week is chock full and the hubby is on 7pm-7am shift! uggh. yuck. which means I will never see him. He'll be sleeping the day away. And he has school too.

I'm so bad! I'm sitting here sipping a diet rootbeer. I haven't wanted a soda for an entire year now and all of the sudden I'm in the mood for rootbeer. My husband cas a case of them, they are his drink of choice so I put on the freezer to make it slushy and i'm sipping it. bad bad bandster.

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sweet---you are NOT a bad girl! IT is OK once in awhile to have a pop. More than that, is NOT good! You are ok unless you are doing it all the time.

Brandi--man girl, get checked out! Mine is on the left side today. Please take care.

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Sweet - girl that would have me burping up a storm! I take a small sip of someones soda every once in a while - just cause I miss the fizzy - and oh man watch out cuz I'll be burping for an hour. My dd says it really grosses her out - my burps stink - lol tmi! I figure if you can tolerate it why not? I really miss the fountain soda - :eek: not all the time but every now and then I wish I could tolerate it.

I walked!

None of the running 40 minutes stuff like our sweethot girl but I got my butt outside and went a mile. You should have seen the dogs - my shi tzu's - I put these little red booties on them, they did the "wth's on my feet" dance. It was a very nice invigorating walk. I think I might just do another when I get home.

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good for you for walking steph! I used to have a shi tzu. Cute!

Ok, I am wasting so much time online today. I should be going to bed. I'm so tired!

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I had to edit that and I noticed that we don't have all that enscripted bs anymore.

I had a long day - I'm not used to working 8 hours.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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