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When is your surgery scheduled?

I would definitely make the extra effort to be extremely good when it comes to carbs this next week so Dr. B can see that you are making a concerted effort to comply with their instructions. They will not hesitate to make an example of you when you do your group pre-op meeting.

Post band people tolerate different foods differently. Some people can still eat bread. Some can't. Some people can eat scrambled eggs. Others can't. Some people can eat shrimp, others can't. You really just have to try things out for yourself.

I still eat rice and potatoes. I avoid bread as I really don't want to take the chance of getting stuck. When I eat rice, I usually don't have any more than a quarter cup. I may have a few bites of potatoes. I try to keep it to a minimum just because they are carbs, but I love my rice and potatoes so I allow myself to have them every now and then. I certainly don't eat them the way I used to!!!

You will be on the low carb diet until two days before your surgery, then you will go on Clear Liquids for the remaining two days then nothing by mouth after midnight the day before surgery.

Dr. C and I get along great. But I'm also not the kind to take crap. I'll dish it right back especially if I feel I'm being accused of not following the rules. This weekend, after four months of really being good, my daughter made these huge icing covered sugar Cookies and I had really been having serious sweet cravings. I decided I was going to have one, I was going to enjoy the hell out of it, then I was going to resume being good. I ate it. I got the craving out of my system. It was wonderful and yummy but now I'm satisfied and I'm not going to need to have anything like that for a while again. I may pay for it by gaining a couple of pounds for a few days, but I know that if I deprive myself too much that I will eventually fail. If Dr. C wants to yell at me for having one large cookie in four months then I will yell right back at him. I'm doing really good, but I know me and know that if I don't give in to my sweet tooth every so often, that it will eventually beat me and I will begin to binge. This way, if I decide to indulge, then I am the one who is in control. But having said that, 99% of the time, I do follows the rules by the book.

So, do what you are supposed to do. When you go into that office, you want to be able to hold your head high and not cower in because you haven't been following the rules.

Very well said Karen. KKG

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I need help, I was banded on the 17th and i dont get my 1st fill till 5/20 , i believe I'm going thru bandster HELL now. I'm getting hungry and notice I can eat more too.I've been having to watch it carefully because anything will go down. I'm not sure if some is head hunger or if I am really hungry,probley both.What is the best way to get through this stage? Any ideas would greatly help. Oh, sorry I missed the meeting Thurs. night,my sons ENT appt. ran late.but maybe we all can meet on our own one evening.I'm pretty much free anytime..Thanks

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Lots of Protein, lots of fluids. I know they tell you to only eat three times a day but at this point it's really more about healing than it is about weight loss. Try eating meat and/or cheese Snacks between meals. Make sure when you eat your meals to eat your meat first, veggies second and starches last if you have room. Make sure you also recognize your new full sign. If your nose starts running, you feel pressure in your chest, you hiccup, burp or anything else, stop eating.

Drink lots of fluids as they will help alleviate your hunger. Drink your Protein shakes.

Hope this helps.

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I'd like to get some thoughts from some of my fellow band-friends. My husband and I have both been banded by Dr. Cywes and my 19-year old son is gaining, gaining, gaining (college kid...lots of fast food, late night Steak & shake, IHOP, etc.) I had hoped our weight loss would motivate him but he never said anything so we asked him if he would be interested in Lap Band and he said yes.

I took him in for a consultation yesterday and Dana agrees that he will most likely meet the insurance requirements since he is pretty much at the 40+ BMI range. I've discussed with him that he should not consider this a "quick fix" and this is a lifestyle change and he says he gets it but I just don't get much feedback from him.

I feel like I need some assurance this is the right road for him. Our insurance covers the procedure and he's only covered for another 2 years and not knowing what type of insurance he'll end up with is another factor in this equation to get the procedure done now.

Any thoughts, feedback, encouragement?


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Man I'm definitely in your boat. My 22 year old son lives with us and he eats the same way. In fact, he's an eating machine. He says that he never gets full and that worries me a lot. He is 6'4 and probably weighs almost 400 (Our scale only goes to 350 and he pegs it out) He makes feeble attempts to eat right, but he still eats massive quantities. I too have considered getting him banded but it would be self pay for us (unless one of us gets a job that covers WLS) but like you, I wonder if he is able to get in the right head space to be successful. He is very stubborn and hard headed (wonder where he got that from :)) and I don't know if his addiction to food will sabotage his band, i.e. stretching his pouch, etc.

Is it possible too have Dr. C do a consult with him instead of Dana? You know how Dr. C is. He will call a spade a spade and if he feels your son's head isn't into it he will say so. I think he can also make your son see the light of day and that this isn't just a weight loss solution, this is a way to be healthy, fit and active again.

I know that if I had the means right now that I would seriously consider it for my son. His weight really worries me not only from a health perspective but from a social perspective as well. He doesn't have many friends and I don't know that he's ever dated. I'm quite certain that's because no one wants to date a fat guy. He just wants someone to love him and it makes my heart break.

Let me know how it turns out will you?

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I know what you maen about the few friends, no g/f. My son is almost 16 y/o, and is overweight, since he was little. He had lived with his dad for the past 5 yrs, but has now been with me since 12/07. He is all of a sudden in a rush to lose weight, I don't know if it's a girl at school, or all the talk of lapband from me. I wish I could get him the band too, as it's not likely to go away as he ages, but only get worse, I am afraid for him, I try to enc, him to make healthy choices, and he tries sometimes, but gets easily discouraged, I would love to keep this ins until he's 18 so he could get the band

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Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone with my son's weight issues. Karen, you're probably right...having Dr. C talk to him would probably be a real eye-opener; I know it was for me. I was pretty taken back the first time he spoke to me :frown: but I realized that it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear because thinking of him helps keep me on the straight and narrow. Whenever I think of falling off the wagon, I hear his voice calling me a food addict.

At 19, my son also has never really had a girlfriend although I never really thought it was his weight because he has lots of friends and doesn't seem to have any self-esteem problems. I guess he could be harboring some of these feelings without my realizing it.

I have an appointment with Dr. C on the 16th and maybe I'll see if I can bring my son with me. Thanks for the support, ladies!


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Hi Lori, I am in the process of trying to get approved. I was told by Memorial that she believes Dr. Webb takes my insurance, medicare advantage plan. Did you have to wait the 6 months and being on a program? I wish I could bypass that. I wonder if there is a way. But, I gather you were happy with Dr. Webb?

I love this forum, gets me really anxious to get it done and lose this weight. The only part that scared me was the people losing so much hair. But you know, when I went to ths Bariatric clinic for a diet they said to have at least 1 tablespoon of oil a day, they told us safflower but I guess any oil. So I will do that.



Hi Karen

I've been away for a while with some family issues, but have been trying to catch up. I absolutely LOVE Dr. Webb. I too had to wait the 6 months (Aetna), I was going crazy....I wish it wasn't that long but you do have a lot of things to do during that time (like pre-op tests, LWLSC counselors/dieticians) and it's all worth it. Let me know how things are progressing with you. i had my surgery 1/14/08 and am down about 52 lbs. Having a few struggles, but I am taking things day by day. I'm just impatient, that has a lot to do with it!

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Where did all our Jax people go??? Probably like me and always forget to check this thread when on site. Oh well, hope everyone is doing great. I'm having some ups and downs this month...not losing very much; only 6 lbs. down since last month and feeling very much like I need another fill. Scheduled for two weeks from now. Peace and love to all. Would love to hear from some of my fellow Jax Bandsters!!! KKG

Just wanted to say HI to everyone, I have been away and trying to catch up. Had some family issues, doing okay with the band. Down 52 lbs, but still having daily struggles...although they are very manageable. I am really getting to know my band now after the 2nd fill so I think that will make a huge difference. I went too long in between fills and felt like a failure, but I have more restriction now... so I also have added confidence in doing this sucessfully.

I am sure its posted somewhere, but has anyone gotten together to meet yet? I am in Mandarin, fairly flexible on days. I really need to start sharing some of this, you can't do it alone or you drive yourself crazy with questions and doubts! Sounds like everyone is doing well, there are a lot more people then when Jax group first started!

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Hi Lori,

Wow, congratulations! You have done great!

Now I find out Dr. Webb doesn't take my insurance. Everyone I call says no. I have medicare advantage plan called Quality Health Plan. I am very aggrivated with it all as I called them to find out what the process is for the lap band. The girl would not tell me anything. She said ask your doctor what you have to do. I said people tell me I need to go to a seminar , then find a surgeon. Yet my doctor's office said to go on the 6 month of watching my weight and will see a shrink also. The girl in office on a different day said her husband is doing it too and he has to go to seminar,they will find a surgeon, that I should do that.Noone seems to know the exact process for me. This insurance is a medicare hmo and it is good for me but this upsets me to no end. Do you know anyone on this plan? Thanks and keep up the good work!


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Hi Lori,my name is Tina and my surgery was 4-17-08.I've lost 17lbs so for but nothing in about 2wks. I'm going through bandster HELL!! No restriction at all. It's all will power and boy thats hard as hell. My 1st fill is Monday 5/19,can't wait.I'm a little nervous cause its my 1st. Great job on the 50 lbs! Let me know when everyone would like to meet cause I would like to go too.Everyone take care!

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Hi Lori,

Wow, congratulations! You have done great!

Now I find out Dr. Webb doesn't take my insurance. Everyone I call says no. I have medicare advantage plan called Quality Health Plan. I am very aggrivated with it all as I called them to find out what the process is for the lap band. The girl would not tell me anything. She said ask your doctor what you have to do. I said people tell me I need to go to a seminar , then find a surgeon. Yet my doctor's office said to go on the 6 month of watching my weight and will see a shrink also. The girl in office on a different day said her husband is doing it too and he has to go to seminar,they will find a surgeon, that I should do that.Noone seems to know the exact process for me. This insurance is a medicare hmo and it is good for me but this upsets me to no end. Do you know anyone on this plan? Thanks and keep up the good work!



I can only speak for Dr. Cywes' office but I know with them that you have to attend either the seminar they hold at Memorial Hospital or an orientation appt they have at the Dr.'s office which is done by Dana. They can tell you at that time if they will accept your insurance and what your insurance will require you to do before your surgery. Not all insurance providers require the doctor supervised six month diet, but most do. The important thing to know is that the diet MUST be doctor supervised. The insurance company (if they require a six month diet) will not accept you saying that you tried to lose weight for six months. Everything must be documented. It doesn't really matter how much weight you lose during this time although it is always good to lose some, but you definitely don't want to gain. The insurance companies are wanting to make sure you are committed to the process and this is one of the hoops they make you jump through. I know you are thinking to yourself that you haven't been able to lose weight on your own so far, what makes them think you are going to be able to do it now, and I agree with your thinking. Unfortunately, the insurance companies make the rules and we have to play by them.

The psychology evaluation is usually only one appt and that is usually to make sure you don't have any eating disorders or other mental health issues which could adversely affect your health once you get the band. Some doctors will also suggest bypass for you if they feel you are not a good candidate for the band based on your prior history with food. i.e if you are a major sweet junkie the band may not help you if you are not willing to give them up or at the very least severely restrict them thus the bypass is sometimes better for sweetaholics.

You may also want to check with your insurance provider to see if they can recommend a doctor to you. It may mean having to travel to another city for the surgery, but believe me, it's worth it (even with the price of fuel these days!)

Good luck!

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Hi Lori,my name is Tina and my surgery was 4-17-08.I've lost 17lbs so for but nothing in about 2wks. I'm going through bandster HELL!! No restriction at all. It's all will power and boy thats hard as hell. My 1st fill is Monday 5/19,can't wait.I'm a little nervous cause its my 1st. Great job on the 50 lbs! Let me know when everyone would like to meet cause I would like to go too.Everyone take care!


Fills are usually a breeze!!! It's a little weird at first (the idea of getting filled up through a port in your stomach) but by your third one you just lay back and let them do their thing. My first one didn't hurt at all. The second one I had some discomfort as the doctor didn't hit my scar exactly right (where it's numb) but it wasn't untolerable, and my third one was done by the dr's assistant. She had a little difficult finding my port and had to search around for it but it didn't hurt at all, just pressure from her pushing on my stomach with her fingers trying to find the stupid thing.

So while it's a little strange, it usually doesn't hurt at all.

You will do fine! Let us know how it goes!

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Just wanted to say HI to everyone, I have been away and trying to catch up. Had some family issues, doing okay with the band. Down 52 lbs, but still having daily struggles...although they are very manageable. I am really getting to know my band now after the 2nd fill so I think that will make a huge difference. I went too long in between fills and felt like a failure, but I have more restriction now... so I also have added confidence in doing this sucessfully.

I am sure its posted somewhere, but has anyone gotten together to meet yet? I am in Mandarin, fairly flexible on days. I really need to start sharing some of this, you can't do it alone or you drive yourself crazy with questions and doubts! Sounds like everyone is doing well, there are a lot more people then when Jax group first started!

Welcome back Lola!!!! You are looking great! What a wonderful picture!

No we haven't gotten together to meet yet and that's partly my fault. I was supposed to scope out places and just haven't gotten around to it. I'm busy as heck through the end of the month as well but will try to see what I can find after that. In the meantime, if anyone has suggestions, feel free to post them. I did do a poll about which evening was best but forgot the outcome. Will have to go back and look. I think that Wednesday was looking promising but I can't really remember. (It sucks getting old!)

Glad you are back!!!

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Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone with my son's weight issues. Karen, you're probably right...having Dr. C talk to him would probably be a real eye-opener; I know it was for me. I was pretty taken back the first time he spoke to me :thumbup: but I realized that it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear because thinking of him helps keep me on the straight and narrow. Whenever I think of falling off the wagon, I hear his voice calling me a food addict.

At 19, my son also has never really had a girlfriend although I never really thought it was his weight because he has lots of friends and doesn't seem to have any self-esteem problems. I guess he could be harboring some of these feelings without my realizing it.

I have an appointment with Dr. C on the 16th and maybe I'll see if I can bring my son with me. Thanks for the support, ladies!


Hey Sue!

Did you get to ask Dr. C about your son?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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