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February/March 08 plastics

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oh... me me me!! :cursing:


thanks, TOM! :thumbup::rolleyes2::mad:

Yeah, me too. I swear, I'd be going for a fill right about now if I wouldn't have to get an unfill in a couple of weeks!


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Hi my little band of beauties!!

I had a major food lapse last night, are we all psychically link or what!!LOL I am going to kick my own butt in a bit, I have got loads of housework to do, and then I am on that power plate and lifting those weights til my arms are crying!!!LOL

I have just worked out that TOM will arrived 4/5 days post-op, please god dont let her be early!!!

On the boobs and hips front, I am with Tami, I have always got away with carrying more weight because of me boobs, makes the waist look so much smaller.

Which brings me on to my current stress!!LOL

Bear with me on this, when I went for my consult I noticed that a lot of his patients looked very straight up and down after sx, very flat , very good scars, very chic even, but none the less very straight up and down.

I have NEVER been staright up and down, I have always been an hourglass, at my slimmest after baby 2 I was 35-24-35 and no matter what my weight was all my measurments went up in those proportions with at least 10" between.After baby5 it dropped to about 8" and I noticed it, BUT he is certain that I DONT have separation, so no MR for me.

He has told me that as we get older we do tend to thicken and has gone to great lengths to explain that if he pulls the sides in too much he will be left with excess skin at the front.

My worry is that with the amount of Lipo I am having on my ass and thighs he is going to shave 3" off which will mean that i will look very STRAIGHT ARRRRRGGGGHHH, it is stressing me OUT

I noticed that all of the French women I saw seemed to have that shape, very chic very cosmo.

I dont want COSMO, I want PLAYBOY!!!LOL

He has said that he will lipo my waist as well, but I am now fretting that my body shape will change so much that I wont like it.

What can I say I dont care what I look like IN clothes, I want DH to be thinking about getting me out of them!

I am going back in May to get the boobs done as long as I can get finance sorted and he is doing a lot of lipo then, maybe if I am not happy with the waist he could lipo it into shape?

Sorry about the me me me, I just cant stop thinking about it!

Karey - get the implants hon, as you can tell from my rant I really do believe that it makes you look slimmer, not forgetting sexier! I cant believe that you didnt know about the merry band, I thought you did!! Sorry hon I would have pointed you this way ages ago!!

Tami - That is a nightmare about the 2 week thing, you are kickass healthy though babes, I know that it will be ok! Not what you want hanging over you worrying you though is it (((((hug)))))

Bless your mum, my dad was much the same when I told him, and he did fret, but then he frets all the time anyway, it just gave him something to focus on! lol

Losin- I think that my body is rebelling, I had the raving munchies last night. When are you booked in to see your trainer next?

I will try to get my DH to post and let you know how I am doing, it is such a bummer that they dont have internet access at the hospital I am going to go stir crazy!!

Love and hugs to all

Nina x

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Is anyone else having food issues with ps looming?Tami
I had a major food lapse last night, are we all psychically link or what!!

Nina x

Yeah, me too. I swear, I'd be going for a fill right about now if I wouldn't have to get an unfill in a couple of weeks!


Glad I am not the only one! I am struggling mightily on this one. I have even gained a few. I am going to start today trying to loose a few in the next couple of weeks. My mind keeps telling myself that it will be ok, cause if I gain, they will just cut it off! I know darn good and well I need to loose a few to get maximum results, but the mind a powerfull.

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It soooo hard isnt it neal!! I think it is partly the stress, makes us reach for the old best friend. Also there is that element of 'they will just slice it away anyway' and my personal favorite at the moment ' I will feel so crap afterwards I wont want to eat therefore I will lose weight anyway'

You are not joking that the mind is powerful!!

Nina x

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not, I, want boobies ... trying to talk DH into it... he wants me to wait. i want it now... :cursing:

That was the one aspect of my ps that hubby was behind 100%! I actually have implants already, but with regaining and then losing weight, they ended up lopsided:huh2: So, if you do get implants, you really need to make sure you're at a stable weight!

Hi my little band of beauties!!

I had a major food lapse last night, are we all psychically link or what

I have just worked out that TOM will arrived 4/5 days post-op

My worry is that with the amount of Lipo I am having on my ass and thighs he is going to shave 3" off which will mean that i will look very STRAIGHT ARRRRRGGGGHHH, it is stressing me OUT

Tami - That is a nightmare about the 2 week thing, you are kickass healthy though babes, I know that it will be ok!

I will try to get my DH to post and let you know how I am doing, it is such a bummer that they dont have internet access at the hospital I am going to go stir crazy!!

Nina, we are not only psychically linked, we've got our cycles in synch, too, :thumbup: I'll be due within a week after surgery, and I thought the same thing! Awkward to take care of things with drains hanging, etc. (Sorry, Neal, but at this point you're "one of the girls" here, and we're not holding things back!)

After my belt lipectomy in '95, I had sort of a flat butt at first, but eventually it filled out. If your waist is not as small as you'd like after surgery, one thing you might want to try is a waist cincher, like a corset-type thing. You can actually train your waist to be smaller with consistent, tight restriction. There's a whole fetish community into extreme waist modification. It can be uncomfortable, but it works.

And, yeah, I didn't fret too much about the two-week thing with my pre-ops because I had full labs done in September, and everything was right on target.

Thanks for getting hubby to post for you. We are going to seriously miss you around here.

Glad I am not the only one! I am struggling mightily on this one. I have even gained a few. I am going to start today trying to loose a few in the next couple of weeks. My mind keeps telling myself that it will be ok, cause if I gain, they will just cut it off! I know darn good and well I need to loose a few to get maximum results, but the mind a powerfull.

Oh, man, that's exactly my mind set lately. But, my fear is falling back into old patterns, and then being laid up for several weeks with no exercise, and boredom eating could easily lead to a serious re-gain, and I *DON'T* want that!!! So, starting today, I'm back to weighing, measuring, and journaling my food again.

I will feel so crap afterwards I wont want to eat therefore I will lose weight anyway'

Unfortunately, that will probably only be the case for the first week or so after surgery. But, there will still be several weeks of recovery left, when we'll probably have swelling, a little depression, boredom, and no exercise. But, on the positive side, we *do* have our little aide to fall back on, and if food is an issue after surgery, we can always schedule a fill!

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Its funny how together we are all becoming, even the sneaky cut it off thought had occurred to us all!!

As for the TOM I dont know what bothers me more, the thought of it afterwards or the thought of it during sx, I have even had a discussion with my friend of tampons versus pads and which will be easier/more hygenic!! Its just great being a girl isnt it, think yourself lucky Neal!!LOL

I didnt realise that about the implants though, hmmm, I am going to have to work my ass off between March and May then to make sure that I am as close to goal as poss.Are you having them sorted then hon, is it a lift and fill?

Again with the link!! I had just thought that I might try to get another fill after sx so that I dont eat too much while I am lying around!! OMG *twighlight zone music* LOL

I had heard about the corsets,and to be honest I think that a bit of fetish might be fun anyway!! The fact that it can make my waist smaller is an added bonus and kind of gives me an excuse!! Look out DH!! In fact I may go and look for one now!

Nina x

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I didnt realise that about the implants though, hmmm, I am going to have to work my ass off between March and May then to make sure that I am as close to goal as poss.Are you having them sorted then hon, is it a lift and fill?

Nina x

I have one implant that sort of moved off-center, towards the armpit, which makes my cleavage uneven, even if I'm wearing a good bra. And, when I gained and lost weight with the implants, the implants (which are under the muscle) basically stayed where they were, while my remaining natural breast tissue drifted a bit south. Not pretty. He says he's going to fix all my problems (lift and replacement of implants) and give me the titties of a twenty year old. (Actually he didn't say that...I might have put those words in his mouth. :cursing: )

Of course, you may not have these kinds of issues if you lose more weight after getting implants, they may have been from *gaining* and then losing, which stretched out the skin.

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PMSL @ the titties of a 20 year old comment, to the point and leaves no doubt as to your expectations!!!

I want the body of a porn star, dya think if I just told him that would cut thru the confusion!!LOL

Nina x

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Tami: You're funny, I think I will go for the boobies! We'll see. I thought of a few more things to add to your awesome list. How about bendable straws and a baby monitor, so you and your caregiver can communicate without too much fuss. Maybe you'll want 2, so you can listen in on your mom, too. I'd look on ebay for a cheap one. Thanks for the link for the bromelein.

Eating can be an issue, especially when your nervous. I keep giving myself pep talks about it and exercising my little (so to speak) Buns off! We'll all make it through this!

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You all crack me up. I'm glad this thread was started. I'm just wanting a little feedback from all you experts. My lapband doctor said not to unfill. It seems like most of you are getting unfilled? Is this on the recommendation of your band docs? Also, I'm wondering about the nausea. Seems like the plastic sites certainly say this is a possiblity. Should I be talking to my banddoc about this or just getting a prescription from my plastics guy? I may be getting the lower profile port if the 2 docs get everything coordinated. I have a little aliegn like Tami so I hope it works out! My band doc said she would be putting the exact same fill in, when they take out the Fluid (before they remove the port) and measure. They will then put the lower profile port in and then refill to same level. I don't have alot of confidence in my band doc. She is not the surgeon who did my surgery (he left the state) and I have only seen her a few times for fills. She didn't even know there was a lower profile port until I made her call the company. I guess I'm saying that if there is a good reason for getting an unfil I might just insist that she does that. I'm sure she would if I insisted. Anyway, lots of things to think about, while I walk around grabbing my stomach and boobs and thinking about things. I think I'm beginning to lose my mind...

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I have just worked out that TOM will arrived 4/5 days post-op, please god dont let her be early!!!

BUT he is certain that I DONT have separation, so no MR for me.

I dont want COSMO, I want PLAYBOY!!!LOL

Sorry about the me me me, I just cant stop thinking about it!

Losin- I think that my body is rebelling, I had the raving munchies last night. When are you booked in to see your trainer next?

Nina x

lucky you ... TOM should be visiting me during surgery ... thrilled with that idea! :wink2:

lucky you dont have separation, i have tons... so im going to be nice and sore due to the stitching. just cant wait..

its ok about you you you ... i cant believe how close you are getting! :tongue:

Glad I am not the only one! I am struggling mightily on this one. I have even gained a few. I am going to start today trying to loose a few in the next couple of weeks. My mind keeps telling myself that it will be ok, cause if I gain, they will just cut it off! I know darn good and well I need to loose a few to get maximum results, but the mind a powerfull.

just try to eat as much Protein as you can. if you gain a couple, im thinking it would be ok ... not great, but ok. up your protein and see if you are still hungry ... maybe even up your fat to keep you more satisfied.. ??

So, if you do get implants, you really need to make sure you're at a stable weight!

i guess that's my answer then .. dont want lopsided boobies...

PMSL @ the titties of a 20 year old comment, to the point and leaves no doubt as to your expectations!!!

I want the body of a porn star, dya think if I just told him that would cut thru the confusion!!LOL

Nina x

LMAO ... yeah... that would be nice!! :)

You all crack me up. I'm glad this thread was started. I'm just wanting a little feedback from all you experts. My lapband doctor said not to unfill.

my LB doc suggests an unfill, but depending on my tighness level, i may just stay. dunno. guess i'll schedule it and if not needed cancel. im petrified of getting the unfill though.

for those of you getting unfilled, how far in advance are you getting unfilled? do you plan on getting filled immediately after surgery? im scared.to.death of being unrestricted..

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Amy - I checked out your pictures and stats and I am starting from almost the exact same place you did. I have three kids and am 5'5" tall. I hope to lose 80 pounds. I started at 215 and curently weigh 192 with a goal of 135. So I am really looking forward to seeing your results. You look pretty terrific already so once you get rid of that tummy you are going to look amazing!

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I just wanted to post and say how much of an inspiration and motivation all of you guys have been for me. I have my first consult for plastics on Feb 18 and am nervous and excited. However, I can't even imagine how I will feel when I have an actual date to count down to like you all. You are all going to look absolutely amazing, can't wait to see the after pics (please post as many as you feel ok with after surgery, I know I for one will really appreciate it - I'm trying to prepare dh for the aftermath right after surgery of a TT :eek: and its such a motivation for me).

Good luck and all the best for the next step in your journeys! I'll be thinking of each of you as your date arrives.

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Ok on the unfill situation, when I was in Lyon it wasnt the PS that was bothered about it, it was the ANAETHETIST, she was concerned about me being too tight incase it somehow made her job more difficult in an emergency., didnt manage to get into too much detail what with her being French and all, I think it has something to do with intubation?

My PS didnt care, and he operates on lapband patients all the time.

Apparently there is a chance that it will swell slightly post op, so the advice I was given as I am not too tight at the moment, was dont unfill but dont put any more in either.

Karey - I can understand why her not knowing about the low profile port would bother you, but she sounds really caring which to me is half the battle. I think it is brilliant that she will drain it and put exactly the same amount back in!!

Ask your PS for the anti nausea tablets, they can also give you a jab in the recovery room that works really well, I think it is a definate better safe than sorry situation.I know that I have dry heaved for ages after at least 2 anaesthetics. so get the jab it stops it instantly!

Oh Karey, the hours that I spend at the moment wandering around yanking my stomach out of the way - not a lot I can do with my thighs though, I was trying to drape towels around the edges of them the other day to guess what they would look like.........didnt work!!

Losing - I know it sounds strange but I was hoping that I did have separation so that he would pull me in nice and tight! You forget I am going to have free acces to morphine for the first week so I dont care about the stitching! It is gutting to think that is my natural waist measurement! When are you at the gym next? Tami did say to me afterwards that she thought it might have been the going up in weight that did the damage to the boobies as much as the going down. I will ask my PS!

She smiles - It is soooo exciting even when you take that first step hon, my PS did digital before and afters, and when I walked out of that office I was grinning from ear to ear! Feel free to join us hon, you never know how soon they may be able to schedule you!

Well I have just found out that the friend that was going with us, then not going, then going with us again, has just found out that she is pregnant, so she definatly WONT be going with us, need to change back all the arrangements that I had made, my PS is going to get frigged off if we arent careful!

Love and hugs to all

Nina x

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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