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February/March 08 plastics

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Tami, can I say that it is reassuring for me to read that you are having some doubts - let me explain - I am SO sorry that you are in this situation at all, but knowing that its not just my wacky mind swinging and swaying on my *almost* decision to have a TT is a comfort. I'm glad to know that other people, like yourself have second, third, fourth etc thoughts.

So - what I keep telling myself is that I have a whole lot more living to do in this body and will I really be happy looking like this for the rest of my days? Yes, it might be for vanity, but for me its also about my mental health. Like you, I didn't work my a$$ off, literally, exercising to have this body. I want the body I feel like I deserve.

Thats just my 2 cents - ultimately, you need to do whats right for you. I've had mixed reactions from friends too, its always going to be that way. Try not to let them sway you (easier said than done).

As an aside - to all of the PS inpirations on this thread - I've posted some before pics of my tum on my blog (link is in my sig below). Now I know none of you are Surgeons but you've seen a few befores and afters in the PS's that you've visited, I predict. In your opinion, have you seen befores that look like me? Am I going to be laughed out of the surgery and told that I need to lose more weight? What are your thoughts from a lay mans point of view? (sorry to hijack the thread a little for a moment).

I think you would do great! Comparing your pics with others on makemeheal.com, you are in the shape than more than a couple of us are with great results. I think you may suffer from what I do. I keep thinking I am heavier than I really am because of the "skin" I see when I look in the mirror.

Hi people!!

I have only got tomorrow, and then I am off to Manchester!! I get there Friday night and then Sunday morning I am on the flight to LYON!!

Ousooner - I am sat here at the moment vowing to myself that I am going to finish packing, but I just know that I wont do it until tomorrow!!LOL I have only got tomorrow at home and then I am flying to Manchester!! I have got one day with my sister then I fly to Lyon on sunday and have my pre-op when I get there, then 8.00am Monday I am in theatre. Has the anaethetist rung you yet?

Its Thursday now, and still have not heard fromt he anesthesiologist. I am following up today. Not real worried about it, but would like to tie up the loose ends asap. I am wishing you safe travels and a speedy recovery. If I don't see you on, we'll see you on the other side :)

Tami: You have a lot of decisions to make and I sympathize with you. I've been quesitoning myself along the same vein. Is it just vanity and at what cost to myself in pain, time and money? Not to mention the potential danger involved. Luckily my DH, who by the way, hates to spend money, has encouraged me to do it, not because he wants my body any better, but because he understands how hard I have worked and how in a fundamental way this will change my body and my self image. You have worked and been very focused to get where you are. And why won't you keep the weight off? Yes, you've gained weight back in the past, but, just like a reformed alcoholic, these slips are part of the process. You have changed. You exercise now and you have the lapband to back you up. Unless you become clinically depressed, I think you have a good chance of keeping it off and stastics for the band back this up. You've just been through an exhausting mental and emotional roller coaster ride this past week. It will be alright. Also, looking at your photos, I would say, at least in clothes, that your upper body looks pretty damn good. I definetly think from your before and after pictures that the lower body lift would make the most difference in your body and would change your fat distribution and metabolism the most. Pretty boobies are great, but for a fundamental difference in your body, I would go for the lower body stuff. It's just my opinion, of course. I'm still trying to decide on augmentation. I'm also looking at 2 procedures because they can't get it all done in one. I'm really not sure if I'll have 2, so I've had to prioritize. There does come a point where we have to accept our bodies and we definetly have to learn to love ourselves regardless of our little flaws, but just maybe part of loving ourselves is taking care of some of the things that we can improve. You've done most of the work already through diet and exercise, now it's just a matter of choice. You're a great gal, I wish you the very best!

Your getting closer all the time. Sounds like we all struggle with the same things when it comes to vanity and our weight loss

Nina, have a great trip! We'll miss you! Best of luck with the surgery and for a quick recovery. Keep that morphine a drippin'!

Thanks, ya'll, for your supportive messages and suggestions about my surgery. It means a lot to me to have people to share all this with who understand it. Nina & Karey, you both make some excellent points to consider, and in a way you're making this decision much harder for me, :laugh: I almost decided to give up getting *any* surgery, because until reading your messages, I was feeling like everyone I know was against me getting surgery! My husband tries to be supportive, but keeps reminding me to be realistic, at least about the lower body lift, and he's right. I know that even if I get the lower body lift and medial thigh lift, I'm still not going to be happy with my legs (happier, yes). I keep trying to weigh the all the risks and expense against the outcome that I can reasonably expect.

My best friend was downright ugly about it yesterday. I *briefly* told her about canceling my surgery, and that I was re-considering all my options. She said "no one else wants me to get the surgery", that it's all "about me", that I'm "skinnier than everyone" now, and don't need surgery, that I should accept my flaws and get on with life, yadda yadda yadda. I know there's some jealousy there, but still...

And, the simple fact is that the reason I got the lap band is because I wanted to be healthy and physically fit, especially with menopause and middle age looming. I honestly didn't think that my appearance was a huge factor, until the weight started coming off and I started looking better! So, here I am now, considering *major* plastic surgery, which is all about looks, and the process of getting the surgery will potentially impact my original goals (health/fitness), at least temporarily.

Earlier today, I finally decided to just go ahead and have the bariatric doc replace the port, figuring that at least that would be done, and if I decided to go forward with the lower body lift, that I'd be set to go. Then, I read a message on another plastic surgery forum from a lap bander who simply had her original port recessed into the muscle, and she said her port is completely invisible, and that it is not affected by exercise (one of my concerns).

Ahhhhhhh! I've "made my decision" about how I'm gonna proceed about a dozen times so far. My husband keeps saying, "OK, so that's your decision of the hour. I'll ask you again the next time I call." It doesn't help that I'm a Libra...sign of the scales...I have to keep weighing my options over and over.

I went through all this for *months*, and once I had the surgery booked, I let it all go, because the decision was made. Aren't ya'll glad you're booked, and ready to go??


Tami, wishing you the best :) I think you hit it on the head that others may be jealous. In the end, I think it comes down to what is going to make us happy. If that is selfish and vein, then so be it. :)


wow. i cant believe your friend said that. does she have a green tint? :rolleyes: i can understand the back and forth ... this is a huge decision. do you still have the original surgery booked? would the PS be comfortable tucking the port away? i didnt realize that could be an option. wish Dr. P could do that for me, but he wont touch anything to do w/ lap band :eek:

Neal and Nina,

i am so excited for you guys! Neal, what time is your sx? we'll be waking up and Nina should be almost finished!! :drool:

she smiles,

OMG your pictures look great! trust me, if i didnt get laughed out of the office, you will be welcomed with open arms. you have done a fabulous job and i think you'll see a totally flat tummy with plastics!

ok, i've been up since 4am. wide.freaking.awake :cursing: no clue how i am going to survive 3 more weeks til my surgery!!!

My surgery is at noon. I have to be at the hospital at 10:00 am. I will be staying one night and will post asap :)

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Tami: My best friend almost stopped being my friend because of my weight loss. The night before my LB surgery, her and her husband came over and tried to talk me out of it. She said you are beautiful the way you are, just except yourself. (Like she has accepted herself). Then when I started to lose weight, she went on a diet and lost about 40 pounds. I was happy for her, unfortunately she has gained it all back plus some and for a while she would hardly talk to me. We have been best friends for 24 years. We use to go out with her and her husband nearly every weekend. Now my friend is finally forgiving me for losing weight and we go out as a couple about once a month. She doesn't call me all the time like she use to, but I finally concluded that she has to fight her own demons. I couldn't and wouldn't change back for her. I have not told her about my plastic surgery. I feel awful in a way, because she knows so many of my secrets (we were friends), but I don't want to upset the delicate balance that we have going right now. I know she won't approve. It's not like me to not tell her, but I just think it's better. Now, Tami, I know when you read this that you will feel a little indignant for me and that my girl is how, I'm feeling for you right now. Unless your friend has walked in your shoes and your body, she doesn't truly know how you feel! Your friends don't have to have the loose skin and they are not the ones who will have to feel the pain of having it removed. I know it's scary to stop exercising for a while and that is one of my concerns, but you seem like a determined person. I am. JulieNYC said it does set your strength back a little, but she ran a marathon 3 months after her surgery. Our bodies our amazing things and they will heal and we can get back to our exercise. The question is really how much can they do for you and is it enough? Will you be happy with the results. Now, that is the big IF for me also. I'm going to share what my OB doc told me. She is the one who encouraged me to get the TT. She said that having the fat removed and the excess skin from my stomach will fundamentally change my body chemistry. I will not be at as a high risk for type 2 diabetes or heart disease, which stomach fat is an indicator of. Having the fat removed from the stomach and your thighs means that that fat is gone, it will not come back to those areas. Now, if you gain weight again, your other fat cells in our parts of your body could get larger and you might find yourself with a different looking fat body, but if you keep your weight down, you'll never have fat issues on those parts of your body again! I think that is amazing. My doc also told me that it will help my metabolism. My body spends a lot of energy trying to take take of that part of my body. In short, the Tummy Tuck is not just for looks, but even if it was, there is nothing wrong with getting rid of that skin and trying to look better. We feel so vulnerable when it comes to comments about our bodies. We are so use to feeling negative about them and getting negative remarks from others. Today, I had an appointment with my internist. He wanted to see me and check my thyroid before my PS. I was so nervous to see him, I thought he might tell me to lose more weight first or that I shouldn't do it for health reasons, etc. I was floored when he was totally supportive, very complimentary and said that if it was him, he would get the implants. Can you imagine? For years, even six months ago, he was telling me to try a little hard, get a trainer, etc. I'm so conditioned to this that it never occured to me that he would be suportive. I know that I have really rambled, but really Tami, the question should and can only be. What do you want to do? Keep us posted. We'l love you even if you don't do the PS. Let us know how the port change goes.

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She Smiles: Go see some plastic surgeons and get their advice. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Neal: I will be thinking of you at Noon on the 11th. My prayers go with you. You'll do fantastic!

Nina: Speedy recover and safe journey!

LJM: Do like me and take a sleeping pill! It's going to be alright!

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Thanks for all your thoughts guys, I appreciate your time. I have had a consult appointment made for the 18th for a few weeks now, but as I am sure you can all relate am incredibly indecisive about this for a myriad of reasons. I'll just go ahead with the consult and see what the professional says.

Neal, good luck for your surgery! Its so soon now!

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very interesting in what your OB said about body chem changing. it makes total sense since there are so many hormones in fat... very interesting!!

i will ask my surgeon for maybe an Rx for sleeping pills soon. i did sleep til about 515 this morning, so it was an improvement.


you look great already, just wait til you get in the flatlands!!! oh dear!!!! :eek:


you are in my thoughts quite a bit lately with your dilemma ... i hope you can find something that you are happy with....

Nina and Neal,

to say i am green with envy is an understatment ... :glare: i am wishing you speedy and successful surgeries and even speedier recoveries.

sorry to hear that you gals are having friend problems. i have a few people who have been very gossip-y and try to help, but i really wouldnt consider them friends anyway... i have one coworker who apparently just found out this morning im having surgery and she wanted to make sure i did my research and im going to a reputable doctor and wants to know all about it.

im sorry, you never come to 'chat' with me ... now all of a sudden the nosy-ass bug has bitten you and you must find everything out.... i dont think so (sorry for the mini rant, just frustrates the hell outta me!!)

i had my consult with Dr. P for my boobie issue yesterday. he said not to worry about it right now and that we can take care of it after the tuck. he said that he felt the silicone (shudder) in my breast tissue, so it wasnt going anywhere so i guess that's a good thing.

we talked about the additional Lipo on my back... he is going to do my "entire trunk" including back/side boobies!!!!! but it is more than the coordinator initially quoted me (sight unseen). its going to be an additional 2500 for the surgeon's fees and anesthesia and hospital fees... **sigh** not really what i wanted to hear, but im going to do this, i might as well do it properly, ya know. he is also going to essentially give me a 'back tuck' pull things down so its nice and smooooooth...

oh dear god i cant even imagine how much this Sx is going to hurt!!!! :eek: yup, im a huge baby and hate pain.

what is everyone going to do about the pain pump. i am really getting wishy washy on it. i've heard a few stories lately where it makes me rethink getting it.... its $350.. will it be worth it?

anyone getting it? if so, please report in when you have a minute. it sucks, Karey and I are later in the group and we'll pretty much be by our lonesome in here while you are all recovering. of course, i will probably be bored stiff when i am off work after and will be on the boards a lot... either that or drugged up so much that i will need to put a disclamer in my signature :w00t:

ok ... writing a book here.

you are all in my thoughts.


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First of all, let me wish everyone who's having PS this month good luck! You'll definitely need to post before/afters.

I have to say that the nosiness/ass-ishness is what I'm really dreading. It was painful enough while I was getting ready to be banded, so I can just imagine what's going to happen when I let it slip that I'm wanting PS. And I'll HAVE to let it slip eventually, since I'm going to be forced to either stay with my parents or with my brother/SIL after surgery. I kinda-sorta introduced the topic to my mom this last week when my weightloss managed to come up in the conversation, telling her that I wanted to get all the skin removed when I hit goal. She was not very receptive. But she's the "SURGERY?! NO!" type, too. Before I got banded, she even tried to tell me that I should just pretend I had surgery and lose the weight that way. I have a feeling that I'm just going to have to bulldoze my way through it, just like I did with banding, and tell them all that while I do care about what they think, I AM doing this regardless of their objections. Of course, that would probably have a bit more impact if I wasn't having to finance my ass off to have surgery in the first place. :eek: Stupid grad school salary. :glare:

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well, mom... just pretend i didnt have this huge blob of skin removed and it magically just disappeared ... but i still need help, mmmmKay?? :glare:

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well, mom... just pretend i didnt have this huge blob of skin removed and it magically just disappeared ... but i still need help, mmmmKay?? :glare:
I've always wondered if she realized how moronic she sounded right after she said that to me. I mean, she's an intelligent woman, and that statement was just, well, NOT. :eek:

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LJM: I wondered what your PS would say about your breast problem. You know I think, as long as its safe, its probably a good idea to wait, because you are going to lose even more weight and you'll probably want a little adjustment on the tummy when you get to goal. I'm envious that you are getting your back done. That's fantastic! I think I have decided to go for the breast augmentation along with my lift. I've talked to my internist about it and he alleviated a lot of my concerns and told me I'd do fine with all the surgery, which was a relief for me because I thought he might say lose the last 20 first or with your heart problems I don't think its a good idea. Instead, he said, I was doing fantastic. Now coming from this doc, that was a real NSV! I am having the pain pump and I hope it's worth the $350. Ghost sure said it was on her thread. I've heard this from others as well. I, too, am dreading the pain. Sorry I won't be going before you, so I could tell you my opinion from experience. Hopefully, Neal and Nina get back on here quickly!

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My PS never mentioned anything about a pain pump, so I am not sure about it. One of those questions I should have asked, but forgot.

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I am Eugenia and fairly new to LBT, I would like to join in. I am having brachioplasty on Feb 14, yep Valentines day. This is my gift to myself.


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Eugenia: Welcome. No one on this thread is having a brachioplasty, yet anyway, so it will be nice to have you to represent the arms! Tell us a little about yourself!

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Hi all! I stumbled on this site by accident, and I'm so happy I did! Just want to wish you all well on your upcoming surgeries! I had an arm lift 2 years ago...while it was more painful than I ever thought possible (and I've had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction, as well as a tummy tuck), I am thrilled with my results. I need a thigh lift, but cannot muster up the courage to do so.

Be well, and best! :thumbdown:

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I am the only brachioplasty here? Well I guess I have to represent :thumbdown:

I was banded 3/15/2007 and I have lost 136 lbs so far. I have about 5 more to goal. I stumbled on this website and I really am starting to like it. The folks here have been so friendly.

I will be setting up my profile and adding pictures in the next couple of days.

Also, I will be posting before and afters of my plastics as soon as I am up and about. I look forward to being a part of such a wonderful group of Lap Banders!!!

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