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February/March 08 plastics

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I know, I am getting paranoid about it. I work in a call center and we have a LOT of people sick right now. I went and purchased Lysol spray and wifes and hand sanitizer for the whole department on my company card yesterday. I told everyone that I refused to let them get me sick and postpone things LOL

LOL ... i am the same way here... i even finally broke down and got a flu shot yesterday cause i dont want to get sick. i am finally feeling decent now and want to keep it that way!!

HI All,

I just want to jump in here because I just got insurance approval for my panniculectomy! Surgry Date is March 7!! I can't believe it's really happening and I'm so excited!! I enjoy reading everyone's posts, it's so helpful to be part of a group that is going through much of the same issues you have! Thanks for being here!!

Blessings, Mary

Hi Mary, welcome to our crazy thread! :eek: March 7th .. YAY!!! it makes it seem so real when you have a date, doesnt it?

Hi guys and gals!!!

OMG I am getting sooooooo excited ITS FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!

Losing - my hunny, how are you? You should come and jump on the MMH thread with me and Neal, it will be a hoot, the first feb lady is in today so we are all willing her on at the moment. PMSL at the going airbourne comment, its about the only way to guarantee that you dont get a bug isnt it!! How is the diet and exercise going? I have been working my tush off, but I was STARVING yesterday, I think it is linked with my cycle, seems to be when I have just ov'd?

OMG OMG ... it's FEBRUARY!!!!! :angry::lol::lol:

i am over at MMH, just not as Losingjusme ... want to remain relatively incognito cause i'm going to be posting my pics there.. :tongue:

my diet and exercise have been shit (sorry)... i've been very very VERY stressed and i'll post about it when i get some work done around here (ya know, ummm, work :smile:) but, we'll see. i've got a lot of decisions to make in a short amount of time. yup, this is something new....

Tami & everyone: I was just reading so info on makemeheal. There is an article about what to eat before and after surgery. The article specifically mentions green tea and caffeine as things to avoid. I'm sure there are other opinions, but I wanted to give you the link so you could decide for yourself. Nourishing Don’ts: What Not To Eat Before & After - Make Me Heal

WOW, great info there Karey. thanks for sharing it. guess i'll poke around MMH even more now.

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Tami & everyone: I was just reading so info on makemeheal. There is an article about what to eat before and after surgery. The article specifically mentions green tea and caffeine as things to avoid. I'm sure there are other opinions, but I wanted to give you the link so you could decide for yourself. Nourishing Don’ts: What Not To Eat Before & After - Make Me Heal

I do NOT like that list. No almonds? Give up my glass of red wine in the evening, and my Breakfast Cereal? NO Peanut Butter? ? Uh uh. Nope. Not gonna do it. Thanks for sharing, that, Karey, but I'll stick with my doc's list! :smile:

Nina, Lasix is surgery to correct vision, so you don't have to wear glasses (but I'm not really going to get it, at least not any time soon!) I might get contacts, though! I haven't had my blood work done yet, but will see the doc and get the labs done Tuesday of next week.

I'm going out of town for the weekend, and have a ton to do today to get ready. So, I'm outta here for the next several days! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


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Bad news from the plastic surgeon. He can't seem to obtain a low-profile port. He said that the manufacturer will only sell the port to a bariatric doc, and when the ps called my bariatric surgeon, he said he won't order one for another doctor. I have a call in to my bariatric doc to try to persuade him otherwise. He told me himself that any surgeon would be qualified to replace a port. Dang it, this just pisses me off. :smile: I don't want to go through all this surgery, just to have this big bulge still sticking out, and then have to go through another surgery later, and add yet another scar (since the existing port scar will be moved during the lower body lift). I am sorely tempted to just tell him to just take the port out, and clamp off the end of the tubing. I wonder if he'd do that? I haven't needed an adjustment since May.


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a new twist..

<history first>

when i was young (15/16??) i was quite umm, lopsided in the breast department... think C cup to an A cup. had it fixed with a saline* implant... its never been perfect, but yah know, the are relatively symetrical... no problems.

*or so i thought.... :tongue:


this past Monday, i found a lump in my left brest (non-implant side)... freaked me out since my mom was my age when she found her first (cancerous) lump. since i was sick with a cold, went to see my primary and she did an exam, yup, it's a lump... actually, there are 2. :eek: oh dear.

i went for my mammogram today and they had to actually take it to a sonogram cause it wasnt really clear.

the good news - lump is fatty tissue / non cancerous - mostly likely just a lipoma. yay!! no real issues unless they grow..

bad news - what i thought for the past 20 years was a saline implant, is in reality a silicone!! implant and it has ruptured. so i have silicone in my rt breast. :smile: based on the ultrasound, it appears to have contained itself inside my breast tissue ... but... I.WANT.IT.OUT...

the thought of having silicone in my body freaks me out. yes, i've had it in there for 20-odd years, but now that i know its in there, dont want it.

soooooo... i have yet another appointment with my PS for a consult of sorts for my breast(s). good news - more than likely insurance will cover the removal and any associated costs... not so good news, more than likely will not cover the cost of the new implant or any related costs...

i dont even know if my PS will do my breast(s) at the same time as everything else on the 29th... i dunno if i want him to due to what Tami said about weight loss... plus, i honestly have no idea how much this is going to cost. i dunno how much implants cost, not sure what my surgeon is going to charge...

gahhhhh, slightly freaking out here.

but... not cancer. which is a very good thing! at least there is a bright side.

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LJM, thank God it's not cancer, but I can understand your concern about the silicone. Best to get it taken care of as soon as you can, even if that means going ahead and doing your full breast work a little earlier than you planned. At least you'll have some insurance help with the cost. Good you found all this out now, and have the possibility of combining the surgery with the Tummy Tuck. Let us know what the PS says!


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Sounds like I'm going to have to postpone plastic surgery. :smile:

Can't just clamp off the tube due to risk of infection.

And, the bariatric doc says the port really needs to be replaced first, before plastic surgery. They could schedule me in next week, but I have to figure out all those details like how I'm going to get to and from the hospital, and my hubby is out of town next week, naturally. Then, I'll have to wait 3-4 weeks after the port replacement before proceeding with the plastics. And, it's gonna cost me another $1250 for the facility fee and anesthesia. The bariatric doc isn't charging me for his time, which is great, but it's still costing me more.

I'm so bummed you guys. I'm actually in tears, even though LJM's message reminds me that there are certainly worse things in this world than a little surgery delay.


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OMG!! LOSING!!!! Talk about heart stopping moments!!

I dont know whether it is good news or bad news, it is good that the lumps were harmless, but bad news that you must have nearly had a frickin heart attack when you found them.As for the implants, jeez hon I dont know what to say other than better that you found them now,at least this way you can get it sorted, maybe the insurance will cover most of the cost and you just pay for the new implants?

Oh feck hon, are you going to be able to get all of this sorted in time?

I am crossing everything for you that it all gets sorted.

Let us know what your PS says!

Nina x

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Oh nooooo Tami, Oh frick frick frick, is there any way that you can pull this off??? Why do you have to wait 3/4 weeks? Is it a medical reason or just a reccomendation.

Oh crap hon I am so so sorry.

I cant belive this has happened to both of you :smile: :eek:

Huge ((((((((hugs)))))))) to you both

Nina x

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is there any way that you can pull this off??? Why do you have to wait 3/4 weeks? Is it a medical reason or just a reccomendation.

Still working on it, Nina, but I have so much to do this afternoon to go out of town tomorrow first thing, that I just don't have time to sit on the phone to get this all straightened out. So, I have officially cancelled my ps. :biggrin: I just wanted more time to figure this all out.

But, it looks like I either have the port replacement, wait the 3-4 weeks (for the incision to heal, before the ps tugs that skin down for the lower body lift), and then have the plastic surgery as planned. OR, I may actually consider switching plastic surgeons to the doc who is affiliated with my bariatric doc, *IF* they can coordinate the port replacement with the ps. That's still up in the air, though, because that plastic surgeon (my second choice, and actually more experienced with WLS patients) does his surgery in his own clinic, and I'm likely to run into the same problem getting the port, even if my bariatric doc is willing to go to his clinic (right outside the hospital) to do the surgery. I might be able to get this plastic surgeon to do the surgery at the hospital (where both have privileges), but I just know that's going to cost more. So, anyway, I have a lot of thinking and a lot of phone calls to make before I get this figured out.


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Oh Holy Moly I didnt think about them pulling the skin down.........shizzle!!

Is it so bad to have the port done after?As it is just the port and they dont have to move the liver out of the way, surely they can do it with a tiny incision?

I am probably not helping here....... is your port visible now? Is it something that you could live with for a bit?

Why did you not chose the 2nd choice first? Can they do it on the same date that you had origionally?

Hope you get it sorted hon ((hug))

Nina x

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Well, I just got my pre-ops back and everything looked great. He ran my cholesteral as an aside and it was a little off. Good cholesteral was a little low (35, should be >45) and bad cholesteral was a little high (113, should be <99) but that has nothing to do with the test for pre op. SO looks like all is a go! I feel a little better now :biggrin:

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LJM - What a couple of days. :biggrin: Glad you don't have cancer. That is the most important thing. I hope everything else works out for you. Pulling for you :eek:

Tami - that really sucks. Can't believe it worked out like that. Just remember everything happens for a reason and this will too. Keep us updated, ok?

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Is it so bad to have the port done after?

is your port visible now?

Why did you not chose the 2nd choice first? Can they do it on the same date that you had origionally?

The bariatric doc says that if the port isn't replaced during the other surgery, that the port replacement really should be done before the rest of the ps. His nurse suggested that I find a doc with privileges at the same hospital. I wouldn't mind switching, but the plastic surgeon who is closely associated with my bariatric doc does his surgery in his clinic, just outside of the hospital, and I figure he's going to have the same issues getting the port as the other plastic surgeon, unless we switch the surgery to the hospital, which I'm sure will mean more $$. But, I'm gonna at least ask.

And, yes, my port is *very* visible. I'd have to say that of all the procedures I have planned, that's probably my biggest priority. Because I *can* have decent looking boobies with the right bra and top, and I *can* have a decent looking bum/thighs with the right support garment/pants, but there's just no way to hide that alien-looking bulge if I wear any kind of snug fitting, tucked in top (which, by the way, otherwise look DAM* good on me!)

The reason I chose the other doc is because of word-of-mouth recommendations, and the fact that the first surgeon I chose does his surgery in the hospital rather than in a clinic setting. For that much surgery, I'd really feel better with all the amenities of a full hospital. But, if I switch surgeons, I'm sure it will mean switching all the plans, because I couldn't even get in to talk to surgeon #2 until next Friday. I doubt he would then schedule surgery for a week later.

Well, I just got my pre-ops back and everything looked great. He ran my cholesteral as an aside and it was a little off. Good cholesteral was a little low (35, should be >45) and bad cholesteral was a little high (113, should be <99) but that has nothing to do with the test for pre op. SO looks like all is a go! I feel a little better now :biggrin:

That's great, Neal! I'm glad things are moving along for you!

Tami - that really sucks. Can't believe it worked out like that. Just remember everything happens for a reason and this will too. Keep us updated, ok?

You know, Neal, that's what's been running through my mind all afternoon. I have a deep down belief in things happening for a reason. I'm just trying to figure out what that "reason" is!

I posted a separate thread on the cosmetic surgery board about this, just because I hope for advice from a wider pool of people than just our tidy little bunch. It's all just so confusing to me right now. I was so comfortable with the plans that were in place, and now I'm questioning every little thing!


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LJM, thank God it's not cancer, but I can understand your concern about the silicone. Best to get it taken care of as soon as you can, even if that means going ahead and doing your full breast work a little earlier than you planned. At least you'll have some insurance help with the cost. Good you found all this out now, and have the possibility of combining the surgery with the Tummy Tuck. Let us know what the PS says!


it really comes down to cost right now. :lol: i am not going to ask my father to borrow even more money (asked already so i could have additional lipo). i just cant do that.... we'll see though.

Sounds like I'm going to have to postpone plastic surgery. :eek:

Can't just clamp off the tube due to risk of infection.

And, the bariatric doc says the port really needs to be replaced first, before plastic surgery. They could schedule me in next week, but I have to figure out all those details like how I'm going to get to and from the hospital, and my hubby is out of town next week, naturally. Then, I'll have to wait 3-4 weeks after the port replacement before proceeding with the plastics. And, it's gonna cost me another $1250 for the facility fee and anesthesia. The bariatric doc isn't charging me for his time, which is great, but it's still costing me more.

I'm so bummed you guys. I'm actually in tears, even though LJM's message reminds me that there are certainly worse things in this world than a little surgery delay.


this was quite a blow for you. i completely understand your frustrations, especially since your port is already bulging out of your clothing. you will get this done, just may not be in your original timeframe unfortunately.

OMG!! LOSING!!!! Talk about heart stopping moments!!

I dont know whether it is good news or bad news, it is good that the lumps were harmless, but bad news that you must have nearly had a frickin heart attack when you found them.As for the implants, jeez hon I dont know what to say other than better that you found them now,at least this way you can get it sorted, maybe the insurance will cover most of the cost and you just pay for the new implants?

Oh feck hon, are you going to be able to get all of this sorted in time?

I am crossing everything for you that it all gets sorted.

Let us know what your PS says!

Nina x

i doubt that i will get it sorted out in time. i spoke with my insurance company yesterday and they said that i need a 'letter of necessity' from my doctor for both removal and replacement. i thought removal of toxic substance would be automatic (what was i thinking - it's insurance company that we're dealing with here!! :biggrin:)

i am relieved about the lumps, but the silicone ... wow. the radiologist told me that as i was lying on the table, so matter of factly - the silicone implant has ruptured. i just looked at him like he was crazy, "but I have saline"... ummm, nope. ****sigh**** shock and disbelief.

Well, I just got my pre-ops back and everything looked great. He ran my cholesteral as an aside and it was a little off. Good cholesteral was a little low (35, should be >45) and bad cholesteral was a little high (113, should be <99) but that has nothing to do with the test for pre op. SO looks like all is a go! I feel a little better now :)

that is great news!!

LJM - What a couple of days. :lol: Glad you don't have cancer. That is the most important thing. I hope everything else works out for you. Pulling for you :)


You know, Neal, that's what's been running through my mind all afternoon. I have a deep down belief in things happening for a reason. I'm just trying to figure out what that "reason" is!


and you may not know what that reason may be, but im a strong believer in that as well. of course, if someone were to tell me that if i was in your situation, i'd probably want to smack them. :eek: i cant even begin to understand your frustration and disappointment. i am so sorry.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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