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Here I gooo... I can do this! Bring on the nerves! lol... I am so freakin' nervous I'm shaking... Hopefully when I get there they'll hook me up with the "happy shot" and I'll calm a bit! I've never had a surgery and just can't get over the anesthesia bit.. I can do this, I can do this! lol...

I'm off to be a bandster:)


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Hello all:) I'm home.. and amazed at how little pain I feel at the moment! I went in around 9am, ( I was bumped this morning when I got there lol..my lick again!.. Told u Sarah ! lol..) They loaded me up on some happy meds while waiting, which made me doze off quite a bit. Before I knew it Dr. Trieu came in, and they were readyto rock and roll! I remember about 2 minutes of the OR room.. Then they were waking me up! The worst was the recovery room while coming out of everything, but even that wasn't bad.... All in all I had a wonderful experience, am super happy to FINALLY BE A BANDSTER!!!!!!!! Yay! Sorry for typos, I do have some pain meds in me:)... Their is a bit of pain from some gas, but NOTHING like I expected:) *knocking on wood* ..As soon as I can get up easier I will post some incision pics:)


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Yeh Kerri!! I'm so happy for you! Is 2-3 days post op as bad as you thought?? Ooh, man, just hearing about your banding has made reality really set in for me!! A little nervous. Not about the surgery as much as the changes! I had lap surgery 4 years ago for my gall bladder, and had alot of complications, and an oupatient surgery landed me in the hospital for over a week! I think that is the only reason I'm really nervous- No date yet, Psyc eval should be in their hands in a week or so...

Question for you- after psyc eval, and 3rd nutrition appt, how long between sessions with Nick and ins approval did you really have to wait? I've heard BCBS has 30 days to reply, but I have heard from a ton of people that they were approved in 2 days! Sorry to go on- I'm so happy you finally got banded! So, relax, drink that Isopure, and have a great quick healing!! Talk to ya later!!


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Hey Sarah:)

YAH! I am so excited to be a bandster:) It still doesn't seem real! Today has been okay, I am a bit sore under my ribs and abdomen. I have no pain in my shoulder still?? I walked quite a bit today, but I'm not so sure how much it helped.. Dr. Trieu said that Gas X strips probably won't work as the gas is not in the bowels, but said I could try it... So I did, and it didn't work:( He also said that I can't use the heating pad near my incisions, which is where my gas pain is.. So I guess it's just down to walking for now! I hope tomorrow I'll feel a bit better. Still though, on a pain scale of 1-10 I'm about a 3 or 4, and that's just discomfort from the gas, and slight port pain from using my muscles (which it is sooooo hard not to!) I will be sleeping on my couch again tonight, as my bed is too tall, and I need to be sitting up to sleep right now:)

As for insurance... It was about week and a half after they recieved my psych eval that they called with the approval from "team" and insurance. I think they said it took about a 2 days to approve me?? From the approval to the first fitness appointment and nurse consult was about 2 weeks, then the following week was fitness appt number 2 and final consult with the surgeon, and then submitted for my date. Hope you got that ok, I keep reading over it to see if I make sense lol.. I'm under the influence of some pain meds tonight, so sorry if Ijust plain ol' confused you! lol.. When I can move around a bit better I will find my planner with the exact dates, and give you a better timeline.. You are almost there!! YAY! I hope things keep moving quickly for you!


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Kerri- I'm so glad you are feeling well!! I think the scariest part for everyone is the days post op- you are making it seem so easy!! I hope the gas pain on the incisions goes away soon! You would think that the gas could seep out around those darn stitches, or something! lol. I'm really glad you are doing so well. Thanks for the time info- that helps me alot! I'm just being impatient...I know this is a process for a reason- to make us all go mad!!! I hope your post op liquid stage is working well. Don't let DH eat your favorites in front of you :embaressed_smile: There is a quote from someone on this site, and I can't remember who, but it's " Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels". I'll never forget that one!!

Going to bed now- been on the phone for 4 hrs with DBF- tired!

Have a great day tomorrow- chat later! Congrats, again!


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Hey Sarah:)

YAH! I am so excited to be a bandster:) It still doesn't seem real! Today has been okay, I am a bit sore under my ribs and abdomen. I have no pain in my shoulder still?? I walked quite a bit today, but I'm not so sure how much it helped.. Dr. Trieu said that Gas X strips probably won't work as the gas is not in the bowels, but said I could try it... So I did, and it didn't work:( He also said that I can't use the heating pad near my incisions, which is where my gas pain is.. So I guess it's just down to walking for now! I hope tomorrow I'll feel a bit better. Still though, on a pain scale of 1-10 I'm about a 3 or 4, and that's just discomfort from the gas, and slight port pain from using my muscles (which it is sooooo hard not to!) I will be sleeping on my couch again tonight, as my bed is too tall, and I need to be sitting up to sleep right now:)

As for insurance... It was about week and a half after they recieved my psych eval that they called with the approval from "team" and insurance. I think they said it took about a 2 days to approve me?? From the approval to the first fitness appointment and nurse consult was about 2 weeks, then the following week was fitness appt number 2 and final consult with the surgeon, and then submitted for my date. Hope you got that ok, I keep reading over it to see if I make sense lol.. I'm under the influence of some pain meds tonight, so sorry if Ijust plain ol' confused you! lol.. When I can move around a bit better I will find my planner with the exact dates, and give you a better timeline.. You are almost there!! YAY! I hope things keep moving quickly for you!


Hi Kerri, Glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are doing great. I haven't been on lately but have been keeping up with your post. I still haven't had my first appt. with team yet. How long did it take after your doctor sent your request to surgeon before you got your first appt.?

I know that you are busy now, but when you get a chance could you write and kinda' talk me through this. I am getting alittle antsy about my first appt.

Again glad everything went ok for you. Sallie

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Hey Kerri- How are you feeling today? I hope you are feeling better every day! Hey- just noticed your new avitar! What a cute couple! Are you newlyweds???

Sallie- I don't mean to intrude on your question to Kerri, but I can tell you that I had my pcp fax the referral to the Surgical center. It took about a week for that to happen, with me bugging them all the time!:shades_smile: Once they had the referral in hand, my first consult w/ Dr. was 5 days from that. Dr McKee had just begun to see pt's for referrals on Fridays that week, so it may have just been a coincidence...One thing you can do, if it works for you and you are available timewize to do so, is to get on every cancellation list you can! For the consult, nutritionist, psyc eval, all take so much waiting time! Get on that list, and some things can go quicker than normal. You will have to wait 4 weeks between nutritionist appts, becuase that's the time they want to have between appt to see how you are doing.. Hope that helps!

Talk to you guys later!!


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Hey Sarah:) I am doing alright.. Last night and this morning I had some issues with nausea, I came sooo close to throwing up this morning! It scared me half to death! I called the nurse again today.. She said I need to get beyond the popsicles and ice chips, and onto some thicker Soups and my slim fast.. So I'm working on it:) Good news is- no gas pains today!:shades_smile: Just some port pain.. That's it! Yay.. I just need to keep working on the liquid stuff, and I'll be up to par!

Thanks about the avatar.. We have been married for about a year and a half, and together for 7 years:) He's been good to me so far through all of this, and I warned him before that eating junk in front of me will NOT go over well lol.. So far he has respected my wishes:) hehe

Hi Elaine:)

It took about a week for my PCP to get everything faxed over to the Bariatric Center. From there it was about 2 weeks before I met my surgeon, and got the show on the road.. I would definitely keep on top of them, give your PCP a call, and see where your referral is at, as well as the Bariatric office, and see where they are at, and how far out they are scheduling appointments. Also as Sarah said, try to get on any cancellation lists possible, it helps things move along!

I really wouldn't hesitate to call them still, though. You have that right to know where things are at, and it seems that you have been waiting wayy to long! Good luck to you! And be sure to let us know how things go!

:success1: Kerri

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Before my first app w/ surgeon, I had been on the phone every 4 hrs for 3 days with Pat at the surgucial center, asking if my pcp referral had been faxed to them yet. Then my PCP had faxed it to the wrong office!! So, as much of a pain in the a$$ I was sure I was, I made sure to apologize to Pat at my first meeting. Her response to my apology for being such a pain, was:" You dont need to apologize. When we see someone so persistant, we look at that as a good indicator that they are going to do well with the process.". So, one piece of advice I may lend- don't be afraid to be persistant!

Kerri- I'm sorry you are having trouble with the liquids! Is it that you arent' hungry, or is the naseau getting in the way? If the naseau gets too bad, I would ask if an anti-naseau med like Zophran would help you. It's by prescription, but it's a tablet that dissolves in your mouth- nothing to swallow. I'm not sure if that would help you at all, because the naseau could be phisiological ( caused physically by the band, not systemic naseau like you get with the flu). At any rate, it would help you keep those precious liquids down! Good luck, and I hope you are feeling much better really soon!!


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HI All

So nice to see there are more people from Maine on here. I am also going to Maine General....Dr True...yes he is AWSOME.

I have been through the whole process & have had my FINAL consult with him. AM now waiting for a surgery date...he says 2-3 weeks.

Would love to chat with anyone that is going through this process.

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Hi there, Basketgirl!:wub: I was banded last wednesday, 3/19 by Dr.Trieu.. Congrats on getting through all of the requirements, it seems like it's never going to end, huh?!

Hey Sarah, I am doing a bit better today.. Day 4, and I feel much more like myself. I am working on a Slim Fast low carb right now.. They have 20g of Protein, which isn't bad.. I just wish I could choke down the Isopure.. 2 bottles, and have all of my Protein for the day! UUGGHH.. Anyhoo, the gas pain is mostly gone, all that's left is the port site, which really isn't bad, I'm just reminded that it's there:)

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Eat some ham and potatoes for me!! mmmmmmmmm!!


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Kerri- I'm so glad you are doing so well post op! Sip the isopure- make sure it's cold, or even put it on crushed Ice- never hurts to get more fluids! Regarding the Ham and taters- done!! Sorry- Don't worry, I'll be on the bandwagon with you soon! Gotta go- talk 2 u l8r!


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Hey all, sorry I have not been online lately, we lost our computer to a virus, Just an update, I am down 6.5 lbs since the 14th of this month. I did not disapere and should have a computer by Saturday or Monday at the latest. Happy Loosing to you all!:)

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Hey Sarah, glad you ate some Easter dinner for me. I didn't cook this year so there was no dinner here.. I just couldn't do it. I was shocked that my mother in law didn't do anything?? She came by to visit me and said "it's too bad you're not up to cooking, I was craving your ham".. Hmmm.. I just left well enough alone lol.. I wasn't extremely impressed to say the least.. I don't think she meant to be rude, she's just a blunt person, but it just got to me:)

So today I am down 10lbs! yay for that! The day of surgery I was 242, this morning I was 232:).. I gained 5 lbs before surgery after giving up on the low carb bit, I figured it was well deserved! lol..

Anyhoo, the Protein deal is getting a little easier, I got 60g in today:) I'm still working on 80g- guess I'll get there someday:)

Ok, sorry to blab.. I'm done for now:)

Congratulations Jennifer!!! You must be so thrilled! Good luck with your computer- what a pain they can be! I just got a new laptop from Dell and the DVD/ CD ROM drive is broken?! Thank God I payed extra for the warranty.. I would've been in biggg trouble lol..

Congrats again on your loss, and keep up the good work!


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Where else in the world can you honestly say "Congratulations on your loss... Isn't it usually " Sorry for your loss"?? LOL!! Just my $0.02!!

Sarah- yep, i'm boored!

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