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MaineGeneral Bariatric Center

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Kimberly, the program fee at the Bariatric center for lap band is $500.00. You pay it after insurance approval.

How did your appt go?? I hope you have a Dr who in encouraging for you. Mine certainly wasn't- I had to go to his PA-C to get the referral.

Jury- havn't see that one- Unjury is a brand of Protein Drink mix- maybe that's what you've seen.

Sliming is, well, what happens in your mouth when something gets stuck in the stoma. Your body natrually increases the amount of saliva in your mouth as a way to try to "wash it down." It's kind of like - sorry to be gross here, but you asked- when you are naseaus, and feel like you are going to vomit, and you keep on getting tons of siliva in your mouth from the sides on your mouth.

Another phrase seen here alot is "pb ing" or productive burp. also the result of eating somethign you shouldnt have!

For my liquid diet, for the 1-2 weeks post op, I have been drinking Water, Isopure from GNC- Protein drink w/ 40g of protein per serving, chicken broth, sf/ff popsicles, anythign liquid that has no sugar. Absolutely no carbonated drinks are allowed with the band. The carbonation will build up in the pouch and dialate your esophogus-!

I hope I answered some of your questions! Good luck! Talk later-


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Kerri- I hate it when you can't get assistance from somone in our country!! Yeh, dodged that what are you doing question today too- they saw me mouthing a tbs of egg salad and drinking broth- they said," is that all you're going to eat? I felt like saying- no, I already ate my lunch and barfed it up... this is dessert! Just for a look!

COngrats on the 1 lb! It sould and will drop from here! Just think, you haven't gained any, so nothing gained is something lost! I confused myself on that one too... SO, you have a fill coming up my dear??? Yeh! That'll really kick start everything- like you said just after your first fill- you arent at restriction yet! Give it time, and it will happen!

Well, I'm going to sit down and enjoy my 1/4 c of cottage cheese that is my dinner! (yeh, right,.. enjoy my A$$!!

later gator-


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" is that all you're going to eat? I felt like saying- no, I already ate my lunch and barfed it up... this is dessert!"

Hehe!! This amused me:)

So how did they day go for you otherwise? You must be exhausted tonight? I hope you thoroughly enjoyed that 1/4c of cottage cheese.. Mmmmm lol I DID love cottage cheese until I lived off it for 3 weeks. It was just a "safe" food, easy to prepare, and hey, it's got protein:) I sprinkled mine with finely chopped chives for a little more flavor, it was getting old quick!

So yah, a fill on Thursday at 11:15!!! Yah! I am stoked! I hope they get me in and out, I have an interview for a new position at work at 12:45. It'll be cutting it close, but I think it will work out.

Today I started my new class. It was great, but for a first day, they didn't take it easy on us. The homework is insane! Luckily we only meet once a week, so I've got time to work on it.

After class I went to Wally world and stocked up on SF popsicles, slim fast lo-carb, and SF dark chocolate pudding cups- Man those things are good! I just had one actually with a dollop of cool whip free. Mmm They taste like the real thing:)

Oh yah, I bought some melatonin (3mg) too. I was confused because all of the different brands have different dosage instructions.. One was 150mcg tabs, take one or more tabs at night, don't exceed 5mg. One was 5mg, don't exceed 2 tabs. The one I bought was 3mg, take one tab. It was kind of in the middle, so I figured it would work. We'll see:)

Well, glad you survived your first day back at work! Have a fabulous day tomorrow- It's supposed to be SUNNY?!?!? and hot! Woot! Summer weather in June? I'm confused?! lol

Chat soon~

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Hey Kerri- you need to update your ticker!!!

The rest of the day went ok. I went in to work at 6:00am and worked until 6:00pm, then I went to the YMCA and worked out until 8:00pm. Really long day... I don't know when I'll get back to the gym- I'm working mega overtime the next 5 weeks, going in Monday and Tuesday at 6:00am, and getting out of work at 10:00pm. We're short on Techs, and I told them I could help out. OT for me!

Hey, question- did your stomach growl constantly about 1/2 hr after a "meal" for the first few weeks? My stomach has never growled like this before, and I't kinda embarrassing to say the least to have patient's look at you like that. I told one lady today that we are to be considerate of our fasting patients, and are required to fast 6 out of 7 days a week- she just laughed- SHE wasn't fasting!!

Anyway, good luck with the fill on THursday, and good luck with the interview! Wow! a whole new life for Kerri! _ I promise, I won't break out into song...



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Hi Sarah, My PCP was incredible!! Not only was he supportive, but he said I would make a great candidate. Too bad it is up to the insurance company and not him..lol. He is going with my BMI of 36 and depression and all my "bone" issues. ie: herniated discs, knee joints, fallen arches etc. I am now just really concerned that my insurance co is going to be looking for blood pressure and diabetes. Does the letter from your PC come into play at all? I know Mckee's office will do the actual filing with the insurance co...do they file appeals if needed?? So you pay the $500 AFTER you're approved...what about all the meetings you attend ie: nutritionist, Dr. appts? Does that $500 cover the psyc tests? Are there any other hidden costs? $500 is a drop in the bucket compared to what I have spent in just the past year on diets and diet stuff. Sarah I hope I can look back in a year and help someone the way you have helped and supported me. Kimberly

Edited by kfgates

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Ticker updated.. AND..... DRUM ROLL PLEASEEEEEE!!!!-

I have lost another lb this a.m., which brings me to 202lbs, -40 from surgery, and -50 from pre-op! WOOT! I am so freaking excited! It's about time the damn scaled moved:)

Along with my fill on Thursday, I will reach my goal (FINALLY!) of being under 200lbs in no time! I am so psyched! Ha! Just had to get that out:)

Now on to you...

Your first day back was a 12 hour day huh? Then a 2hr workout?! You are truly a woman on a mission! You must've been exhausted last night!

The OT deal sounds great, everyone loves time and a half! Summer is a great time to earn extra cash, because there are so many more ways to blow it! We are going to Water Country with some friends the weekend after the 4th. Me, water park? Cha! I am stoked! I haven't been since I was a kid. I am so glad that I can feel confident, I just want to get out and do things!

On to the stomach growling- boy does it make some strange noises! If I am truly hungry, my stomach sounds like a monster is coming out of my abdominal cavity. It feels like it, too! It doesn't hurt, but I can almost feel it doing back flips saying "feed me!" lol

So last night I tried the melatonin. I slept like a baby. Boy that stuff was wonderful! I even woke up feeling good. I was shocked. I will NEVER take the OTC sleep aids again. That stuff is horrible!

Oh yah, one more thing to blab about lol.. (sorry, I'm hyper today, and on a mission to get to work..) Today is day #2 for me, quitting smoking! I am using the patch again... I quit 2 years ago for 9 months, until a dear friend passed away suddenly from an unknown heart defect, at 21 years old:( I kind of lost my bearings, and turned to my bad habits for comfort:( Ugh, no good. So anyhooo.. The guy that did my psych eval suggested that after I was well on my way after surgery, I should plan on quitting. So here I am. -50lbs, and hopefully smoke free for good:) This will be quite a trial for me, but I know I can do it.

Well, enough rambling for now. I am off to work until 9am tomorrow.. Yay. lol I hope you had a good day at work! Chat soonish:)


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Congrats Kimberly on getting your PCP to approve! I know some folks have a hard time getting their PCP to agree to the surgery. You sure are lucky! Best of luck to you on your journey~


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Thanks Kerri, Now i just have to wait with baited breath for insurance approval. I have read through 35 pages of information from my insurance company (cigna) that all have to do with bariatric (sp) surgery. From what I read it could go either way. I keep reading about pb...i understand what it is but (i am sorry to get graphic...lol) is it like reflux? I have Gerd and it causes reflux and it is a lot like vomit. How will I know the difference? Thanks for the encouraging words...Kimberly

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Kimberly, Comorbidities are what they are looking for. High blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, prediabetes, hypertention, your back issues will work in your favor too! Let them work with you! When I met with the dietician at the center, my comorbidites were iffy. Not diabetic, but I do have asthma. The dietician went through my history and saw that I had a preterm delivery 10 years ago. She asked about the complications with the pregnancy, when I told her I had gestational diabetes. She said that that works in my favor for approval, because a very high % of gestational diabetics develop type II diabetes within 10 years. I happend to have a "fasting, uhm..." blood sugar of 101. That qualified be as prediabetic, and therfore, the band. Let them work for you!

Sorry to go on... I am so happy for you that your Dr approves! As far as bills, you have your insurance co pay for your first consult with the Dr, and the next copay is with the final consult before surgery! I did have a copay for the psyc eval, but that's it. I didnt' pay for each nutritionist appt or appt with the trainer...

I hope this helps, keep us informed!


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Go Kerri! Congrats on the extra pound! You must be so psyced to see the scale move! Quitting smoking is the hardest thing to do... Congrats on your efforts! YOU CAN DO IT! Just think about how great you feel about yourself now! You are really turning your life for the better! Good luck with the fill! Next time I see you I wont' be able to recognize you!

One day at a time,,,


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Sarah you are such a BIG help!! When I was pregnant with my son (8 years ago) I had dangerously high blood pressure..I just did not think something that happened so long ago would come into play. Are you suppose to fast for a blood sugar level test?? These are all good things to know. I am HUGE into research and being prepared...I have read and re-read everything I can get my hands on to make sure this is something for me. Once I made the decision to go with it I wanted to make sure I would get approved. Thanks yet again! Kimberly

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Kimberly, One thing you may want to find out is what does your insurance company require for you to qualify? Alot of insurance companies require 6 months of physician regulated dieting, or several attempts as documented by your DR.

Did you have Gestational Diabetes with your pregnancy? Toxemia or preclamsia ( high blood pressure) aren't considered a problem after the pregnancy. The diabetes is. Yes, an acurate glucose is supposed to be fasting, however, many Dr's only want a standard glucose- to see how your body reacts on a normal level. (I work in a Lab in a hospital, so I see this stuff all the time!)

SO, I would call your insurance company, and find out what they require for bariatric lap band surgery.

Good luck!


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I did call Cigna...they do require the 6 month diet...I have been on a 35 year diet...lol! I have been on diets with my GP...I wonder if they will accept that or ask that I start a new one with the surgeon. Once again I am a little concerned with lowering my BMI and loosing my chance of being accepted by Cigna. I know I can loose the weight, but my history shows I can not keep it off. If I knew they would accept my comorbidities than I would love to get started on something. From your posts you it sounds like you are more than happy with your choice. Thanks again. Kimberly

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Hey Kerri- wrote ya last night- didn't go through! ANYWAY- Good luck on your 2nd fill today! Bring on restriction!!!!


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Kimberly, I would do it again in a heartbeat! The dr. regulated dieting does come from your primary care dr. SO, see what they have for weight tracking for you, and see what your Dr will do for you. Some insurances require monthly weigh in's at the Dr, some only require the Dr to say that you have done the 6 months of dr regulated dieting. If your wt has yoyo'd between diets, then I would have to say that is a good place to start your argument!

Good luck, keep us informed!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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