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Hey Kerri!

So, what did the office say about the fill?? It's really encouraging that you are going camping this weekend. For some reason, I feel like after I'm banded I won't be able to do stuff like that because of the fear of getting something stuck out in the woods! It seems like you certainly have the real food thing under control! Maybe waiting until you get back from camping for that 2nd fill might be a good idea. It would $uck to have your weekend camping trip interrupted by being too restricted!

Only 7 lbs to go!! You are kicking some serious band @$$! You will make your mini goal no prob! Maybe even 5 or 10 more than that at the rate you'r e going!

Well, dont' work too hard on that 2nd shift, and I hope you have a great weekend camping!


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Hey girl! It's been a long time since I last visited "our" thread lol.. All the prep for camping had me tied up, and I didn't get to respond to you. Sorry:(

The office said it's a no- go on an early fill. I was told to "suck it up", not expect restriction so soon, and that my stomach has to heal 6 weeks between each fill?? I was extremely impressed.. not. Holy frustration! I am STARVING!!! I eat and then 30 minutes later my stomach is growling again.. It's so hard to not eat!

OK.. I complain too much. lol

Camping was a blast! I pre planned most meals. I brought chicken salad, tuna, eggs, turkey sausage, sandwich meats, hamburg, turkey dogs,and american cheese.. Mostly stuff I can eat. I also brought at my husbands request: swiss rolls, mini apple pies, cheez-it's and nutty buddy's. Ughh! That was the worst. That's why I keep that crap out of my house:( I ate 2 swiss rolls some cheez-its and a mini pie. Damn those baaaad sweets! I ended up gaining 2lbs, but already have lost 1. Over all it was a fab weekend, and I'm trying not to have regrets on my set back. I have been so good, I allowed myself to go the other way for a weekend. For the record, I don't plan on doing that again:) heh

I was wondering who you have for insurance? I almost think you told me Anthem?? I have a friend that just started the process who has Harvard Pilgrim (who I have), and she was all excited to know someone who went through them.. Now her insurance is getting switched July 1, and she's freaking! Just curious if that's who you had? Anyhoo, I'm going to hang out some laundry while it's nice. I am so behind from camping!

Hope all is well with you:)


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Hey Kerri,

Glad you had a great camping trip! I can't believe it takes 6 weeks to heal between fills- I think they were just trying to make sure you dont' get another fill ,and have to turn around and need an unfill!

I had my pre op appts today, and the physical with Paul Diaute. All went fine, now I just wait until they call me next monday with a time for tuesday the 10th!

Hope you have a great week! Youll be back on track in no time! Just think of the camping trip as a reward for all you have been through with the whole process!

Later gator-


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Hi Sarah:)

You must be getting so excited!! 9 more days to go! Are you getting nervous yet? I am getting so excited for you:) It's sure been a long wait!

As for me.. I'm still keeping my eye on the prize- another fill! I've been doing pretty well, I just get frustrated with the waiting game. Patience, patience, patience:)

Yesterday morning I was 205... Sooooo freaking close! 6lbs to go.. I'm sure I wont lose it in 3 days, but I am ok with that. I had a few setbacks, and I know I will get there.

Hope everything is going ok on your end. Do you have all of your stuff ready? Isopure, broths, Jello, liquid tylenol.. All the good stuff? Bringing a pillow with me to hold on my tummy for the ride home was a God send! They have a great list of things that you'll need for post op on here:)

So, the countdown is on:)


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Hey Kerri! Yep, gettin close, but not nervous, yet. I will be spending my first 3 days post op with my Aunt at her cottage on the lake. She's afraid if I am at home, I won't rest at all. SO they are taking me out of my house for a day or 2.

Dont give up on that goal! You have come so far in so little time! I only hope I can do as well as you have!

so- here is a question for you- Where do I get liquid tylenol? The only thing I can find is the childrens- I would have to drink 2 bottles for 1 dose!! There must be something I'm missing... thanks in advance for the info!


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I found liquid tylenol at wal mart. It was called "rapid blast". I had to get help to find it though..

Sounds like a nice place to heal and rest, out on the lake! We used to have a camp on a lake, I would spend my whole summer out there while off from school. Oh how I miss that! Not a care in the world:)

I haven't totally given up on my goal, but I know how close I'm cutting it! I ate wayyy too much yesterday while out with some friends, and felt full for hours.. I think I may have stretched my pouch a bit so tomorrow I'm going to do mostly liquids to try and shrink it back. Maybe it will help me shed another lb or 2 as well:) Being as hungry as I am, the last thing I need is to have a stretched pouch! I hope I didn't do any damage.. It sure was an awful feeling I don't want to feel again.

You will do great with your band, look how well you've done so far! I can't wait to see your results:) I bet you can't either! How exciting!

I hope you have a great week- it looks like it's going to be warm and beautiful:) We're having a big bash for my birthday and a friend of mine on Friday night, so I'm hoping the weather holds out!

Tomorrow I'm off to the gym to beat myself to a pulp.. If I give myself til Friday for my goal, I may be able to do it.. Guess I'll have to wait and see:)


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Hey Kerri-

Yep, 7 days! In 1 week I will be home, feeling postoperatively, miserable!! I have never looked forward to surgery as much, with the exception of my 2 c sections! (1 emergency, (no time to think there,) and 1 planned!)

Anyway, how are things going with you?? Tomorrow's the big 25 for you!! Happy early birthday!!! Any plans besides Friday???

Tonight I am going out with a friend of mine and her coworkers ( all prison guards- men in uniform, (out of uniform...). We are going out to a sports pub- dont know if I can endulge on the good stuff, though, the PA that did my physical for the surgery said no alcohol for 10 days prior to surgery... humm, 7 days, 10 days... Maybe only one drink- I'm not into getting wasted- plus I have to drive home. ok, I'm sticking to 1 drink. Period.

Thanx for the Tylenol advice- unfortunately, Walmart is 45 minutes in either direction for me, so I might try the local pharmacy first!

Have a great b day tomorrow, and I will chat with ya later!


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OOPS! I was going to write to you on your b-day, but I got sidetracked!! i hope you had a great one!:thumbup:.

I hope your'e having a good week! I ended up going to Brunswick the other night, and found the liquid Tylenol- Thanks for the info!

Not much going on here- this weekend I'm going to just make sure the house is in manageable order for when I get home. I'm just so glad that my 2 sons are old enough to be able to help me out at home- they're 8 and 10 years old- although they will do their fair share of fighting, I'm sure! :thumbup:. Anyway, any last minute advice? I still am not too sure of what I need and dont really need for post op at home. I have seen many lists on here, but so much of that stuff seems so unnecesary! Toilet tongs? um, I think I can reach my netherregions without them!

Well, I hope your restriction improves in the time before your next fill! Keep up the good work, and know that I'm rooting for you!:thumbup:

Later gator-


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Hey girl- sorry I haven't written back in a while! I can't tell you how hectic things have been!

Anyhoo... Thanks for the Birthday wishes! Everything went really well. I have my family party today.. It's been an unhealthy weekend to say the least! I am back on track tomorrow for sure!

The tattoo I got is of sunflowers. It is a cover up of an old, (prison-ish looking) tattoo lol. My husbands brother owns a shop here in Farmington, and so gratefully hooked me up for my birthday. I've needed it done for a long time now! I will for sure send you a pic when it's done. I have to go for another session in 2 weeks to finish it up.

Soooooo on to YOU!!!!!! 2 MORE DAYS!!!!!!! Do you know what time you need to be there yet? Are you working tomorrow, or do you have Monday and Tuesday off? Are you feeling prepared? Do you like all of my questions? lol

I found the lists on here very helpful, but sometimes over the top. The tong thing made me laugh. That was one thing I skipped on the list.. Although I guess it could be helpful for some larger people? Just be thankful you DON'T need them I guess:)

Do you have a heating pad? Mine was a lifesaver for me! The small bit of gas pains I had were relieved immediately with the heating pad.

Well, sorry again for taking so long. I have felt so bad knowing you are surely getting anxious, and I haven't been on here for you..

I hope you are getting excited and not too nervous.. You will do great! In 2 days you will finally be a bandster! I feel like I should throw you a party or something lol:)

Chat soon,


Edited by k_podski

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Kerri- Don't worry about getting delayed! Life is what happens when you are making other plans! Yep, gettin close! I think I have almost everyting I need- I didn't really think that I would need a heating pad, but if such a great source endorses it so much, well, I'd better get myself down to Reny's today and get one! Yeh, I'm working from 5:30 am until 7:00pm on Monday. GO figure- I problebly should have taken that day off to finish my much needed house and yard work (i'm a single mom, everything tends to add up quickly when you don't have help around the house!) Anyway, I will just have to entrust my "young servants" to help out a little more-

Sunflowers? How pretty it must be- especially if it's covering up something you dislike from the past!

Well, have a great Sunday, and I'll post tonight!


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Maybe working tomorrow wont be so bad.. It will help keep your mind off things:) Tomorrow night you can come home, do a little cleaning, and take a break to let everything set in! I'm sure the kiddos will be of help knowing that you are going to be going through a tough few days! I just noticed your ticker says -28lbs.. Holy! Your results from surgery will surely be fabulous! Go get 'em:)

I posted these pics on the March 08 board, and totally forgot to post them up here for you.. So here you go! Have a great Monday.. It'll be one more day to go from there!



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I just typed a novel and lost it! Man, you have lost alot of inches! Way to go! It must feel so good to look at your before and afters! You are an insiration to me!

I go in at 9:30 tomorrow, surgery is at 11:00am.

I have alot to do tonight- so Ill post in the morning, or I'll talk to ya on the other side of the wagon!


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You go girl!!!!! Best of luck tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do great! When you get a chance, drop me a line and let me know how you are doing. I will log on here in the morning before I leave for work, and check to see how you're holding up:)

Can't wait to hear from you! Hope you're not too nervous:)


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

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