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Hi jda, I am from the same area, and had my surgery at Maine General as well, on March 19. I had Dr. Trieu. Congrats on the 40lbs loss and welcome to the ME board!


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Hey Sarah,

Hope you guys had a good time camping! Did the weather hold up? I have only been once this summer, which is disappointing, but I just haven't had the time. Next weekend DH and I are going to OOB with a few friends for our anniversary for an overnight. It will be fun- I soooooooo need to get away!

Work has been insane. Over the last few weeks we have had 3 staff out. And we have no per diem staff, so it has made for crazy hours for the rest of us. Not to mention that we are now staffing a client 2:1, and we had to cover that ourselves as well. Our team leader resigned on Monday. lol. Imagine that?! Last week I put in 67.5 hours at that job alone, 20 at my home health job, and 8 hours of classes. I though it was over until Monday I got the call that I had to be in at 1:30pm. I didn't get home until 7:30 last night. Ugh. I am overtired and keep getting these awful headaches. My doc thinks it's tension headaches... I think they're work headaches lol I haven't had time to prepare meals at home to bring to work so I've been eating crappy too. This morning I was 193.6 gahhhhhhh!!!! I just can't win! Now is my time to start anew. I've always seen fall as a time to start over for some reason. It's usually when I get my butt in gear, get to the gym, and focus on what I need to be doing. So I'm on a mission. I wish you were closer so we could meet up at the gym! I need a buddy to keep me on track .

Sorry I am soooo rambling.. too much coffee!

Congrats on staying at the same weight. It is hard to do when you are needing a fill. 10 weeks is a long time to wait, but it seems like you're on the right track. September is almost here, and you'll be in for a fill before you know it!

Things have been great since my unfill. I occasionally feel things going down a little harder than usual, but I know it's my fault and what I did wrong. I still feel like I can eat too much though. I think I'm at proper restriction besides the portions. Do you know if it's normal to be eating 1- 1.5c (sometimes more) of food still? It jut seems that it takes a lot to feel satisfied.

Anyhoo, I'm going to get some laundry and supper going so I can have a normal meal at work tonight:) I hope things are good with you! Keep up the good work:)


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Hey Kerri- sorry I've been absent on here lately- alot going on- Had a good time camping, went over Labor day weekend, thurs - Mon in Newhampshire- Did the Mt Washington road thing, but the winds were blowing at 87 mph! SO windy, we couldnt even stand up!

Still fighting major plateau- ate really badly whyle camping, but am finally down to 211 this morning- I had been up to 216 (ouch) again after camping, but set myself straight when I got home. I think my system needed the big cheat to reset itself.

How are things with you? I know you've been working your tail off at work! How's the new fill- unfill doing? Hopefully you have reached your sweet spot by now, and can continue to kick some serious @$$!

Gotta run- just wanted to let you know I'm still here!


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I was at Mt.Washington on Monday?! lol..... We got there around 12:15 on bikes, there was 19 of us in all.. Our friend proposed to his girlfriend at the top. I didn't go up, I got scared so most everyone payed $26 a piece and rode up in the vans to the top. They obviously wouldn't let anyone ride their bikes up:) I heard it was amazing tough. The lady at the front desk told us that it was 100% visibility, and that only happens once a year. They all tried to talk me into it but I backed out and stayed with 4 other at the bottom. Too funny you went too!

Things are still the same here. I'm not eating the best, and keep catching myself falling into old habits. grrrr

I am headed out to OOB tomorrow afternoon for my anniversary (which was technically yesterday, but I worked 19 hours ugghh) We have a few friends going too, so it should be fun. I can't wait to get out of town. I sooo need this!

Glad to hear from you, I have been wondering how things were going for you. Chat soon:)


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Kerri- How freakin cool is that that we were both there? They weren't letting any motorcycles up on Sunday because of the wind gusts- my Brother was all set to go up and they turned him away- so he got in my car and we all went up- You should do it next time, When you are on the top, it's so spacious up there, you don't notice how high up you are. Drivin' on the edge (literally) of the world and making it down, really gives you a sence of accomplishment. Kinda like, well, I'm at the top of the world, and I can do anything! Next time- you will go, I just know it.

Well, after my piggish rampage on food whyle camping, I have finally broken my plateau of almost a month! Admittingly enough, I was back up to 216- omg- when we got home on Monday. This morning, I am down to 209!! 7 lbs in 4 days- yeh!! I think I will see if someone can watch the kidos tonight so I can go to Nate's class at KVHC. I really need to start exersising, and I just can't find the time!

Hey- I was just thinking- I wrote a novel on here yesterday, and it never posted! Well- talk to ya later- gotta get the kids on the bus!


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btw- have a great time at OOB- I can't remember the last time I was there( if you know what I mean- I reccomend Mr Goodbar, on the main drag!)- and it was only 4 years ago- And Happy Anniversary!

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So the weekend was fabulous. OOB was a blast, then we came home and went to a friends cookout on Saturday, then yesterday we went on a wonderful bike ride trough the mountains on a scholarship ride for a friend of ours who was killed on his motorcycle a year ago. It was a wonderful turn out. What a a full weekend! It's hard to get back to reality..

Congrats on losing 7lbs in 4 days! Holy crap, you are a woman on a serious mission:)

Well, sorry to cut this short, I have a half an hour in between jobs, and I really need some lunch! Hope all is well, and happy monday.. Ughh lol :thumbup:


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oK, Haven't written in a wyle because I cant believe it. I was at 208. Then, what seems like the next day, I was back to 212, and have been there since. I have no Idea what is going on. I have a fill scheduled for next week, and I am afraid that if I go into the office at only 2 lbs ligher than my last fill 9 weeks ago, they wont give me a fill- do you know if that's true? I will go on liquids for the week if I need to show wt loss...I just can't see losing a large amount in 1 week that way! I am so bummed! I thought the plateau was over- nope, it just teased me into thinking I was 8 lbs from onederland.

Sorry to rant and rave- So, how was your weekend? I'm glad you had a good time at OOB! Hows the restriction? Gotta get myself motivated and out of this hole!



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Ok, so I had my 2nd fill today... Dr Mckee put in 2cc for a total of 5cc. I thought I had swallowed the Water all the way, but I did feel some resitance. He asked If it went down, and I told him yes. So, I go to check out and schedule my next appt, and uh oh, severe pressure all the way from my throat to my band, and saliva city! I swallowed and swallowed, but It only got worse. THe nurse looked at me and said," are you ok?" I shook my head, and she took me out back again where I got rid of the water... yuck. Yep- too tight. So the Dr took out 1 cc and I'm much better now.. Man, I never want to feel like that again! I am much more comforable now, so hopefully I can get back on track, and really see what this band can do.

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Hey girl, long time no chat lol How is everything since the fill? Are you feeling restriction? It's crazy that 2cc was too much?! Maybe you'll be at your sweet spot with this second fill?? I am definitely at mine. Once in a while my band reminds me not to eat so fast, or to stay away from potatoes lol.. I just can't eat them.. ah well, life goes on. I don't need the starch anyway:)

I tried to write back a few days ago on Monday (??) and hit something and it erased all I had written, I gave up I had to leave for job #2 and had no time to write again. I get so frustrated with this site sometimes.. You would think that you could hit the "back button" and your message would be there, but noooooo. Ugh.

Enough complaining!My dh and I have decided to go on our first ever vaca to Daytona Bike Week at the end of Feb... I am super excited as I have never really been anywhere, or on a real vaca. We have some friends that are driving down, (2 other couples) and another couple is flying. We are going to drive down with the 2 other couples, and we are all hauling our bikes in a trailer. I have a fear of flying! This sounded like the best opportunity:) I have a goal of losing 43lbs by then. I sooo need to step it up! I will be at 100lbs total loss and 150lbs... My goal.. I know I can do it! I have 5 months.. I know if I hit the gym and watch what I'm eating I will do it no problemo:) I'm on a mission!

Well, sorry to blab so much! I need to get ready for work. Hope all is well with you!!

Chat soon,


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Hey Kerri! Good to hear from ya! Datona sounds like so much fun! You won't have any problem reaching that goal! Isn't amazing how just having a ticker to report to really helps to keep you accountable?

Yep- the fill is going well. I am down 6 lbs in 7 days since the fill! I have ok restriction, but I think I could have taken maybe .3-.5 cc more. He told me to come back in 3 months- is that normal? Do you know if I can go back earlier if I loose restriction, as long as it's more that 6 weeks out? I really don't want to wait until December to get another fill-

I just want to see onederland- It seems so close, yet so far- at the rate I'm loosing, I could be there by next weekend- we'll see.

Ditto on the potato! I dont' know what it is, but I definetly can't eat 'em in chunks, even chewed to oblivion! not such a bad thing- empty carbs and calories!

Gotta go- hope to chat with ya again soon!


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So, I am officially 1/2 way to goal! I hit 205 this morning. Funny thing is, I was doing the right thing, eating the way I should, and didn't loose anything for 4 days (I know, I shouldn't complain at that rate.) I had lost about 1 lb every other day since my fill. I had a really bad day, and sat there and ate everything I shouldn't have- chips and dip, and icecream for dinner! I guess I was depressed that the scale didn't budge for 4 days after such regular loss... Anyway, the next day, I'm finally seeing the scale move. I think I kicked my body into breaking the plateau. I know I can't eat like that all the time- I'd be stupid if I did- but, I think I will try to have a "go for it" night after having any plateau of 4 days or more. I can't say that anyone else would reccomend it, but it works for me! Plus, I know that I will still be able to eat what I crave, just every once and a whyle.

Till later-


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Hey girl! Congrats to the half way mark!! What a good feeling, huh?! I had no idea how long it had been since I got on here- almost a month! I get online usually daily for my myspace, but that's been about it. I was thinking of you last night and wondering how you were doing- Sorry for not being better with staying in contact- the story of my life lol.

I have finally kicked the nasty habit of smoking- for good! Today is day 24. I am so excited! The DH quit as well, and we are feeling better than ever, I'm so glad it's working this time! The down fall is that I've gained 4lbs.. Ugh! I knew I would gain a little, but 4lbs seems like so much to me. I am hoping that some of the nicotine cravings go away sooner than later so i can stop stuffing my face so often! Then I can focus on getting back on track for Daytona:) Oh yah, I just got a new bike too! I got a 01 Honda Shadow:) It's not the Harley I've always wanted, but it's beautiful, and a perfect beginners bike:) My hubby got it for me last week, I can't wait to feel comfortable on it and be able to ride to work:) By the time that happens, it'll probably be winter lol..

Well, I must be getting off to work. Congrats again on the halfway mark- you go girl! Chat soon~


p.s. do you have a myspace? if so, my link to my everyday page (lol) is: MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/22733778. I get on there daily:)

I also have a lapband one as well, but I think you knew that...:regular_smile:

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Hey Kerri! Good to hear from ya! How cool that you got a bike! My brother acutally has the same bike! Kinda big for a starter bike, but I'm sure you can handle it!

Congrats on quitting smoking- to your dh too! Wow! what an undertaking you have gone through with everything lately! 4 pounds will disappear in no time! Just think about how healthy you are making yourself!(BTW- how did you get away with smoking and the band? I didnt think they would band a smoker?). Anyway, are you still at your sweet spot? I have my days where I start to get stuck after 1 bite, and others when I feel like I could eat an entire sandwich (WTF I know, who would have thought that some day I would be saying that- "Some days I could eat an entire sandwich," and make it sound like I was eating a horse!)

Not much going on here, same old, same old.

I sent you a request to be my friend on My Space-" Will you be my friend?" (Sounds like "won't you be my neighbor?" Mr Rogers.)

Well gota get back to work- talk later-


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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