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MaineGeneral Bariatric Center

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Hi Sheesh:) Welcome to the Maine board! I have gone though Maine General in Augusta so I don't know much about Dr.Wolff. I think there may be another thread in the Maine section with people going through Dr.Wolff.. I know I've seen the name on here several times, just not sure where? Best of luck to you on your journey, and be sure to let us know if we can help with anything:)


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Yikes Sarah, you've had a rough few weeks, huh? I would lock myself in a room! lol.. I have stuck mostly with liquids again today, last night the sauce and ricotta didn't go down the greatest, then I had an episode with Water again just before I went to bed?? I've heard of people being tighter during certain times of the day, maybe that's my issue?

The good news is I'm down another 2lbs. That makes for my first 50 since surgery, and 60 since pre op. Holy cow.. It's so crazy! I guess I set myself up for failure so I wouldn't be disapointed if this didn't work out for me.. I think the saying goes "expect the worst, hope for the best"? That's me! It does feel darn good to succeed for once:)

Sorry to ramble as usual! I've got to get back to work. Just wanted to pop in and say hello:)

Hope your jaw is better soon! And don't feel alone on the liquids and soft mushies;)

Chat soon,


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Hey Kerri- What am I doing wrong?? I am still going between 216-218 back and forth- no more loss- I have to wonder if the fill leaked out as the CT scan showed a bit of free Fluid around my port. I have no restriction, but I do feel full about 10 minutes after I eat about 1 cup =/- of food. That is way too much to eat to loose- I am also having alot of trouble getting Protein in. My jaw is better- just a muscle problem I guess. I'm not snacking or eating the wrong stuff- I am really getting sick of this plateau- I'm afraid of gaining wt before my next fill, seeing as the loss isnt' happening! I see the dietician on tuesday, so maybe she can give me some suggestions.

I would have thought that simply changing the way I eat would have resulted in loss- but no... SOrry to ramble on like this, I am just really getting frusterated! I dont want to wait 8 weeks for a fill! I'm thinking that maybe if I tell them there was fluid around the port they will at least check my fill amount in the office, just to be sure it didn't leak- I certainly dont want to go 8 weeks unfilled!!!

Man, sorry- it just sucks right now!

How are you doing? another 2 lbs! you are only 40 from goal!! Yeh!! It seems like the last fill really did it for you, although I hope it isn't too tight!

Take care- chat later...


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Hi Sarah...I am so upset....I just found out that my husbands company may very likely be changing insurance companies. From Cigna (after 10 years) to Allstate...I thought all they insured was cars!!!! Worse yet I can not find out any information on Allstate health insurance. I researched the Beans out of Cigna and am terrified Allstate is not going to be as easy to work with. I will be done with my 6 month diet Dec 16th and we would be changing Jan 1. What horrible timing...OMG if this change ruins everything I will be devastated. DO you know anyone with Allstate insurance??? Kimberly

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Hi Sarah,

Sorry you are going through such a tough time. It happens to the best of us for sure! I was stuck on a few numbers myself quite a few times. I'm sure a fill would fix you up! Is it possible to call the center and try to talk with your doc? Maybe if he did a fill for you under xray it would be helpful? That way he could make sure there is fill in there, and that it's not coming out? I have never met Dr. McKee, but it sounds as though he's fairly understanding? I would think if you explained your situation they could make an exception, especially with the CT results you got last week?? It would suck to wait the 8 weeks, and find that there is no fill in your band, and have to deal with things from there. Hopefully the dietitian will be helpful too to get answers with your plateau, as well as speaking with your doc? I hope things start looking up for you.. You can get through this, girl!

I am ding alright. I am 80% sure that I need to get some fill taken out. I have been able to get a few things down here and there, but mostly everything gets stuck. I ate the ricotta from a stuffed shell.. it went down fine, but when it came to the steamed broccoli, forget it! I had two pieces, seriously no bigger than nickel, I chewed, chewed, chewed until it was a delightful mix of saliva and mush, swallowed, and bam! Stuck.. Ugh. The only reason why I'm not sure I'm too tight is that I've been told over and over that the tighter the band gets, the more things u used to be able to eat won't be tolerated anymore. I originally understood this as bread, Pasta, popcorn etc, which I won't even attempt! But to get ricotta, steamed broccoli, and scrambled eggs stuck? When I try a new food I use the baby spoon, so I know the bite is small, put it down in between bites, and won't take another until I'm sure the one before went down. Usually within 3 bites it's over. I haven't had a meal since last Thursday a.m. before my fill. Ugh. Then of course it's back to liquid for a day or so... So I'm sure this is where the extra 2lbs is from. Hopefully when I can eat again, whenever that may be, I don't put the weight back on! One day at a time. For now I'm going to try to deal with it until Dr.Trieu comes back next week. Until then, I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass":)

Hope your day is going alright:)


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What a frustrating situation! I would try calling the bariatric center and talking to Lynn who deals with insurance to see if she's heard of Allstate Health? Or ask what would happen if you switched to another company all together for that matter? Also another option would be to call Allstate directly, tell them your Husbands work maybe switching to them, and try to get some info from them?

I tried looking it up as well, but had no luck. Could it be that maybe they are just switching to Allstate for life/ accident insurance? That's all I can come up with for now. Hopefully you can get some more answers and put your worries to rest. Best of luck to you!


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Kimberly, I agree with Kerri- talk to the bariatric center- see what they can do- who knows- the new company may have even better coverage! Keep up the good work with the 6 month diet, and keep us informed! Is there any way for them to push your surgery up to be before 1/1/09? Maybe if they can schedule as soon as they have the psyc consult back- just keep asking- the squeeky wheel gets the grease!

Keep us informed!


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You two are great...It means a great deal that you respond. You aren't going to believe this.....I called HR and they know nothing...I called an Allstate agent and they were clueless and said they had no idea that Allstate was carrying health insurance. All I can do now is wait and see what happens....I am also going to try and see if my PCP has any record of a weight in May...that would push my file date up to November and could set up surgery by the middle of December. I have my weigh in with him on the 22nd so I will try that...thanks again ladies...I have just worked so hard, researched, got letters from 4 other docs re my weight!! I will let you know what happens. Kimberly

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Kerri- I typed a long msg to you last night when the power flickered- go figure! ANyway- Thanx for the encouragement! I hope you dont need an unfull! If you do, it will prob be only .5cc or so- it seems like you are so close to your sweet spot! Of course, you really need to be able to get some food into you! No solids since last week!!?? Man, you have more willpower that I do!

I got on the scale thismorning- reluctantly, of course, and I think and hope I finally broke my plateau! I am down 3 lbs from yesterday. I got on the scale 3 times, because every once and a while, the scale will say some really outrageously low number, so I get back on it, even more depressed to see a larger,, more accurate , number. ANYway- i'm back down to 215. After the hospital stay I went up to 220- SUCKED!! so, 5 lbs down in a week, only to see it happen overnight- I'll take whatever I can get at this point!

So, have a great day, and I would really consider calling for a slight unfill if you still can't get solids in!! Like you said- dehydration is NOT fun!!! Take care!


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Awesome Sarah! I do the same with the scale, like is it true? lol It is such a great feeling to break a plateau, it gives you hope again:) You are so close to onederland! 15 more lbs will fly away before you know it.. Have you thought about calling the center? Or are you going to bring your port/fill issue up at your nutrition appt? Someone has got to be able to help you. You're definitely a fighter, you'll get it figured out!

I called the nurse this morning. She said I definitely need a slight unfill. Dr.Trieu is back next week from vaca, so I made an appt for Thurs at 1:15. Until then.. the nurse said nothing thicker than yogurt. Yay for me. I'm not thrilled to say the least. I'm sure I'll push the limits and try something again, and regret it... I just don't want my band damaged. I've been stuck in a baddddd way probably a good 10 times since my fill last thursday. You would think the idea of damaging the band would keep me from food? ? Hell no! I'm starving! lol I have tried deviled ham, which works out pretty good. It's mushy, flavorful and high Protein, no carbs. Just lots of sodium. So I think for the weekend I'll stick with the ham and yogurt, and the occasional slush puppy. I love love love those things lol Tsk tsk, the sugar content I'm sure is through the roof:(

Well, enough blabbering about nothing! Hope all is going well for you today! And congrats again on the 215! You go girl:)

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Kerri- I'm very surprized that someone cant unfill you .5cc's in the office! what if it were an emergency!! If you like deviled ham, (me too!!) you might try the low sodium kind, or, do what I did- I found SPAM lite! it's loaded with protien, but not alot of sodium! mix with mayo and eat up! I also believe that you can prob. milk down some ricotta and sauce to be thin enough to get to taste something! Good luck with the next week- it must really suck to have to go that long again.

The scales now say 214. I need to change my signature and ticker. I think what I did was the old dieting ritual- less is more. The past 2 days I have had steak and cheese - no bread- for lunch. yummy-(sorry, you don't want to hear that right now...) but it has really launched my loss- Monday I was 220 again. Now I am 214 on the scales x3 to be sure!

I am going to Nate's class tonight at KV health club. I think my spirits are back up, and I really need to get some new excersze tips and ideas from him.

I see the nutr. on tues- we will reasess then. They got copies of my CT scan to see what Fluid it might be...anyway- i'll chat with you later. At work and the Phone's ringing-


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Kerri- I just noticed you have hit THE 50 LB MARK! CONGRATS!!!!!! It must feel so awesome! You are more than half way there!!! You are kickin some serious a$$! Keep up the good work- Thursday will be here soon enough! Just remember to drink as much as you can- you dont want to end up deyhd.

Leavin in a few for Nate's class- acutally looking forward to it!



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Yup yup, the 50lb mark since surgery! That makes for 60 since pre op:) I still have another 40 or so to go, I hope it can be gone for my bandiversary. I still have 6 1/2 months left, so it better be gone!

I am dying with the liquids thing.. I am so hungry, and I can't choke down the slim fast anymore.

It makes me want to gag. Of course because I am not getting

adequate Protein, I feel physically exhausted daily. I woke up this morning at 10:30, and now at 12:30, i could go back to sleep for the rest of the day! And the sun is out?! And I just want to sleep?! Damn it I just can't win sometimes.

Well, I'm off to try some deviled ham again. Thanks for the idea.. When I get my butt in gear I am headed to Wal Mart for reduced sodium ham, lite spam, broccoli and cheese Soup, yogurt and popsicles. WOOT! What an interesting combo lol. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!!


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Hey everyone! Just wanted to share-

Another pound off the bod this am! I, again, in true "me" style, got on the scale 4x just to be sure it wasnt' a glitch!

I went to Nate's class at KV fitness on Friday night- I was the only one there, so I got a personal workout- we did the ball thing for about 10 minutes, then he asked me what I really wanted to do- KICKBOXING! I love it! I have followed the DVD version with Billy Banks for about 3 years- I have been doing nothing with that compared to what I was taught on Friday! It was so much fun, and man, what a workout! I was sweating like a pig, and felt muscles I never knew I had the next day- sure beats the Natulis machines at the Y! I have dropped a pants size and 3 lbs since working out- I guess that is the key! I have been working out on a regular basis all the time, but never really had been pushed to do "3 more". I've decided that If I cant' get to the Y because I have the kids, I think I will find a sitter for them for 3 hrs every friday night and go to Nate's class. It was so well worth it! Of course, I can't always expect to be the only one there, but I know the way he pushes, I will still get the great workout and push I need to get rid of the 13 lbs before Onderland! Seeing as my next fill isnt until 9/19,(yes, that will make it 9 weeks between my fills...:) I will let the excersize and the gross picture of me on the fridge be my driving force!

Sorry to go on, I just wanted to share that if you are in a rut, or on a plateau- excersize!

Later to all-


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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