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Hi Sarah! I'm just getting home after a very long few days. The fill went ok. I now have 7cc's in my 10 cc band. WOOT! Also I think my interview went really well. Guess I'll have to wait and see? I found out that a Chemist applied, as well as a guy that's working on his PHd?! I don't know why they'd apply for an assistant administrator, but ok? To each is own, right?

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I'm alive:) But EXTREMELY exhausted. I can't even type right. lol.. I'll write again soon.


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Hey Kerri-

Glad the interview went well! Yeh, seems strange that someone going for their PhD would want that position!

Glad the fill went well- It must have been a normal one in the office this time- Watch the restriction now!!!

Well, today I cheated- I ate the chocolate top layer off the top of a mini Peanut Butter cup- it melted on my tounge, so I think that's safe!! lol! Man, that 1/2" wide thin layer of chocolate never tasted so good!!

Anyway, I'm trying to find out what I can eat now- I dont' want to damage my band, but I am going out to eat tonight with my family, and want more than a scoop of mashed potato (sf/ff of course...), or soup- I've had it with blender-soup! It looks the same going in as coming out, if you know what I mean!!! (ewwww...!!)

SO, on tuesday I will be 3 weeks out- what do you think I can eat??? Just asking the expert, here!

Take care, talk soon-


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Yup, I'm feeling some restriction! I was soooo stupid last night... I don't even know if I want to type this lol.. I'm an idiot, and must be responsible for my stupidity, so I guess I'll share lol.. So I was very very tight yesterday. I could only take tiny sips of Water, and even my Protein Shake felt too thick. So anyhoo, my DH asked me to make him pizza for supper, so I did. And boy did it smell good! I was starving, but fought back the urge to nibble. So fast forward 3 hours.. I was getting ready for bed and my DH hollers out "hey can you heat me up a couple pieces of pizza?" Sure, so I did. And it smelled really good again. So not only did I take a big bite, I took 2 bites, thought I chewed it really well, then swallowed a little bit at a time. BIG FREAKING MISTAKE! Ugh, I was so mad at myself, thinking why do I do this?! It was definitely stuck. So I hovered over the toilet for 20 minutes or so, nothing came up, but I almost wished it had.. I was so uncomfortable! I brought the garbage can in to the bedroom with me, propped some pillows up behind me, and lay there miserable for another hour and a half watching Dateline lol...

So yah. I'm a jack*ss and totally learned my lesson! Today I stayed on liquids again just in case, and tonight I had a bit of milky mashed potato. It all went down fine, I just hope I didn't do any damage.

So, I see you're sneaking in some chocolate? lol. I'm sure it wont be the last time, we all need a little treat sometime! Isn't it great to be satisfied with such a small amount? I'm not a big sweets person, but I do have cravings time to time. Usually just a taste is enough now:)

I can't believe you're 3 weeks out already?! Wow! After mushies I was eating softer Proteins and veggies. The first thing I ate was chicken salad, of course the chicken was blended to a pulp, but it all went down fine! I was psyched to have food with real consistency. I can't remember what the binder gave for examples? It's in my car.. I look through it tomorrow and see what I was eating, I have my logs in there from the first 6 weeks.

Well, I'm going to stop rambling for now. Tonight I am playing D.D. for a "boys night out" Yay for me. lol I'm going to go pick them up, and hopefully get some sleep tonight.

Hope all is well!


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Kerri- So, ya got stuck...AND STILL LOST ANOTHER POUND!!! ONE MORE TO GO!! Yeh!!!! Man I bet you were so uncomfortable! Thanks for sharing that experience, as we all learn from eachother's bad and good stuff! You're gonna drop those lbs now with that much restriction! Do you think you need a little bit of an unfill? You said liquids were barely going down! Maybe it's just whyle the swelling and irritation of the fill go down...

So, last night, we went out to dinner. I ordered 1/2 portion of the child's plate mac and cheese- well, let me tell you, it was the stuff from the box... yuck! I so wanted some homemade mac and cheese- but oh well... so, the portion I was served was about 1 cup. I will tell you that there is more than 3/4 of a cup of it sitting in the fridge right now. I was actually more worried about doing damage- even though I only put 4-5 pieces of that really tiny box maccaronni in my mouth at once, and chewed it until there was nothing left. I think I have developed "liquid mushie syndrome". I feel so safe eating the really liquid mushies, but I think I just need to know at what point am I out of the woods from hurting the band, and just into the phase of actually eating until I am full- a sensation I have yet to feel- I have just kept to the 1/4 cup or so of food at a meal. Idunno... I just never thought I would ever be afraid to eat!

I was hoping to have an earlier appt with the dietician, as it was rescheduled from mid july to late August! I really think I need to meet with her earlier than later- as I can't see myself eating even chicken or hamburger next week...Scared, I guess.

Well, good luck with the restriction, and stay away from flesh eating pizza!


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Kerri and Sarah, I know I have "horned" in, but reading your posts really means a lot to me. I read thru all the posts titled complications. I needed to. I am not having second thoughts, but feel a lot more informed. When you both met with the surgeon did he tell you how many of his patients bands slipped, ports got twisted, or any other complications? I have had several people respond to my question...have any of you had a hiatal hernia pre surgery...I was concerned that would be a "deal breaker" or that possibly it would lengthen my recovery time. I too am nervous about going from liquids to solids...you wait so long for the band and you don't want to do anything to ruin it. thanks ladies!! Kimberly

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Hi Kimberly,

Dr. Trieu told me in the beginning that the chance for a complication (ie; band slippage, flipped port, band erosion..) is about one in 1,000.. Usually if there is some type of complication it is easily reversed. In some VERY rare cases they have to take the band/ port out, which I'm sure you have read in the complications section. Some of the stuff people write in there is scary, but you're right, it's better to be more informed! Good for you for checking into things! I too had the need to know everything that was possible:)

I would say that in no way should a hiatal hernia repair get in your way.. It is something that is more common than I realized myself. I would think it's actually better for you, and would make for a shorter recovery period, because it's one less thing you have to heal from after surgery. It is very common for them to do the repair when people go in to be banded.

The liquid to solid food sounds scary, but it's just moving along one day at a time, and listening to your body. We may not tolerate some foods after surgery, so it's all about taking things slow, and on occasion, learning the hard way. The band is a pretty delicate thing, but can take a lot more than you would think.

I hope some of this helps, and don't be afraid to chime in anytime! That's what this thread is here for. Sarah and I have been the only ones chatting here for a while because no one else has stopped in:) The more the merrier! Support is a wonderful thing, that helps us all get through!

Take care~


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Saraahhhhh!!! Guess whatttt?!?!??! I am officially in ONDERLAND?!?!?!? Yup yup! Not only am I into the 100's, but I lost another 3lbs, which now makes me 198! Yah! I am so psyched!!!! I knew it was coming, but boy has it been a wait!

The restriction is still fabulous.. I'm hoping I will stay this way for a while? The liquids do go down slower, but not too slow, just enough to keep me in check. I really have to pay attention to each tiny sip I take, and how it feels going down. Amen for that! lol

So mac and cheese, huh?:tt2: Too bad it was boxed, there is nothing like the real thing! The fact that you were satisfied with 1/4 cup is amazing!

The liquid mushy thing is definitely hard to get over. It's "safe", but it can make it hard to try new things! Try not making your mushy's so liquid-ish.. If you take a tiny bites, and it goes down ok, go for it! If it doesn't feel like it's going down right, thin it a little bit. I soo know what you're talking about!

As for the nutritionist.. Tell them you need to get in there sooner. I did. They actually asked if I wanted to talk with her right then, and evn that was a real big help! I felt the same way as you. They are there for us, so take advantage of it:)

Well, I'm off to go vacuum the camp, my sister and BIL are on their way with my nephews for a whole week!!! I can't wait! The lake that the camp is on is 4 miles from me, so it makes it really easy to run over and spend time with them. Yay! I hope everything is going well for you:)

Chat soon!


p.s. there is NO pizza for me in the near future! lol I learned my lesson the hard way:)

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Hey Sarah,

Hope everything is going ok for you? I assume that you've been working all of that OT and are too busy to hop on here:)

I'm down in Mass right now.. We got an urgent call yesterday at 6am that my Nana was rushed into intensive care down here, and was not expected to make it the day. It was a horrifying experience.. I called into my jobs and my class, packed a bad, and went over to pick up my Mom to drive her down. She thought she was going to drive herself, after calling me hyperventilating?! So it's been an interesting 24. We don't know which way things are going to go with my Nana. She was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and Alpha 1 Protein Deficiency last Fall,and things have been horrible since... This time she suddenly came down with not only Pneumonia, but a Staph Pneumonia:( Things aren't looking good at this point, but it's one moment at a time. Theyhave her on a Bi-Pap machine to help her 02 sats.. Yesterday during transport they were at 44%?! Last night they were at 97-100% .. We're playing things by ear, we have no idea which way things are going to go. I am so thankful we were able to make it in time..

Well, sorry to blab, I needed to get all that out:(

I hope everything is ok with you!

Chat soon


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Kerri- I'm so sorry to hear your nana isn't well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Working in a hospital for 10 years has showed me that even people the Dr's never thought would make it, thrive with treatment! It sounds like she is in good hands. Keep the faith, and just know that just you being there means the world to her!

Congrats on the landslide wt loss! Man, I told you it would all come off at once! I'm glad you have good restriction. I tried very well chewed chicken breast today, about the size of a dime... chew ,chew, chew, and it went down ok. I had about 4 pieces that size,and about 3 tbs of cottage cheese, and was full. About 1 hr later I couldn't stop coughing! I read on here that couhing is a sign of beign too tight...Idunno.

Sorry I'ts take me so long to type here- busy as all out-

Well, I;m goin to the gym. I' m stuck at 222 for 3 days now. Last time I went to the gym the next morning I was down 2 lbs, so we'll see.

Take care, good luck, I'm thinking of ya!


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UPDATE- I lost 2 lbs at work today! I usually weigh the most at night, but right now I'm 2 lbs less than this am!


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Congrats Sarah! That's great! I dont have a scale down here, and it's killing me..

Things are a mess down here. I just don't know which way to turn. We planned on leaving today while things were fairly stabilized, but last night ended up being a bad one. Soooo this morning we are re-evaluating. My Mom and her siblings are meeting with the social worker this morning to re evaluate their options.. God, this is so hard.. Just to make matters worse, my sister, BIL,andnephews are up by my house for the week at camp for vaca... Now we are all the way down here, and it makes me feel so guikty.. Ugh..

Ok... lol.. I need to stop unloading.. I'm having an emotional day, can you tell?

Congrats again on the 2lbs lost! I think I may have found them?? I have been eating at weird hours, and not the healthiest stuff.. I'm trying, but there are only so many options. I did get Protein vials from the Vitamin Shop yesterday- 42g for one vial?! I'm sucking one down now.. I've been sluggish, and I think I just need some good ol' protein to helpme out. We'll see..

Chat soon


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Hey Kerri-

Sorry to hear things are as confusing and upsetting for you. I hope things go well for you and your family.

I wouldn't' worry about the scale down there! stress has its' way on us, and you might be surprised, you may be down more than you think when you get home!

Travel safely, and my best to you and your family.


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Hi Ladies, Did you come home the day of the surgery, or did you spend the night in the hospital?? Did you have an Xray the next day? I live aprox 1 hour away...if you did go home the day of your procedure way it difficult to drive back the next day? I read thru the entire 35 page description of Cigna's approval book and it does not say yea of nay. Hope you both had a great 4th...the fireworks in Bath were amazing. Kimberly

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I went home the same day, and didn't have to return to the Dr's until my 10 day Post op appt to remove stitches. I think you will find Kerri had a similar experience. I believe the only time they use the floroscope (x-ray) is when you go for your first fill. This just enables them to visualize the Fluid going through, and to ensure there is no slippage of the band, or leaking of the port line. Kerri has had 2 fills already (lucky duck) and has more info than I do about it.

The fireworks here ( in Damariscotta) were amazing as well! I was sitting on the docks with my 2 sons, among the 3,000 +/- people in the back parkinglot, when a rush of teenagers came on the docks and sunk it, with us on it- COLD river Water, at night. At least it was dark enough so nobody could see my wet pants! (If you need some encouragement, listen to this... I was in a size 22/24 pant and top when I began my journey in January 2008. At surgery I was in a size 18/20 ish, and now, 3 weeks post op my size 14/16 pants are swimming on me. My top size went from a tight 22/24 just before surgery, and now a size Large top is loose. Medium is too tight to wear in anything but a wet t-shirt contest LOL!!) My arms are my biggest issue. I could wear smaller shirts if my batwings werent' in the way!

Sorry to go on, but I want you to know what an outcome you can have in a small amount of time!

Take care, talk to ya later,


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Thanks Sarah, I can't believe the people that were here in Bath last night!! We were talking and believe it is because of gas prices people are not traveling...I can't believe the people that were in Damariscotta! I didn't know there were that many people there...lol. I also can't believe the dock sank!! I think I reached a new low..we had to sit on the rocks because ALL the grass was taken...when I tried to get up I could not do it!! I work at the Taste of Maine (I am sure you know where that is...lol) and we were really busy last night, so when I sat down I could not get my fat @#s up!! My husband bent down to help me...I am sure he could do it...but a helpful man offered his hand too...I NEVER FELT SO FAT.... I teach in the fall and winter, but love the cash that can be made in just a few months...lol.

How long does it take for you to get to the center in Augusta? Did you try to work it out so you could do a couple of things on the same day?? Did you have to do the six month diet because of your insurance co, or did you have to wait 6 months for a surgery date. I was told that there used to be 3 docs there but there are only two now...I wonder if that will slow down the process? I can't believe your weight loss!!! I am an 18/20 now and I can't believe I am going to say this, but am actually finding it difficult to stay at a 35/36 BMI. I am hardwired to diet but know if my BMI drops I will not be considered. I also know if I really let myself go I can get as high as 40. I do great when I diet and can loose the weight, but as soon as the scale stops going down i loose interest and gain it back. I need the extra push the band can offer. I have a girlfriend that is going with me to the informational meeting on the 17th..she too used Augusta and is a big help. I have more questions for you but do not want to overwhelm you...lol Thanks yet again Kimberly

PS: Bat wings...lol I call them "granny grabbers"...lol

Edited by kfgates

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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