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It was great to meet you too. You know, I forgot to ask a couple of questions- about being pushy with fills, and about eating something "bad" to break a plateau.. My next fill is next Thursday, guess I'll wait til then. I can't freaking wait?! I am eating 1- 1 1/2c of food? ! At the beginning of all this I couldn't get a 1/2c in me. I hope the doc will be understanding, and let me help call the shots when it comes to fills. It's hard to go so long in between. I'm sure the amount I'm eating isn't helping with the plateau either:( I could snack allll day. It's healthy Snacks, but it's just adding more calories. (to make me not feel as though I'm starving I have to snack, which I never had to do before my fill).

Well, hope you have a great day! I'm taking the pup to the vet. I hope he gets a good report. I'm questioning hypothyroidism:( Guess I'll have to wait and see..


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Hey, How's the Pup doing?? Sorry I'ts taken so long for me to write! I actually thought I posted a reply to your previous post a while ago- guess not! So, how are things going? Busy at work? I go back on Monday... oh well, it 's been nice while it lasted.

GOtta go, talk later


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Shame on you for not writing back sooner?! Hehe.. It's alll good. I do the same thing. I could swear that I replied, yet that reply is no where to be found. Once and a while I type on here, and then go to post something and lose the whole darn thing. Just *poof* and it's vanished. Then I have to type it all out again. lol Dang computers.

The pup is doing well. He had his rabies booster, heart worm/ lyme disease test (haha I just corrected my typo.. I spelled it "lime disease lol) and a thyroid test. Gosh I have expensive animals! The labs and shot alone were $145, then I had to get more Frontlinefor the dogs and cat- $60, and I had to get more of my cats prescription food and antibiotics.. Another $48 + $32. EEK. Needless to say, I pulled out the plastic for that one lol. I wasn't planning on half of that. It seems as thought the cost of EVERYTHING has gone up, but my paycheck is holding steady.

A little birdie whispered in my ear at work yesterday that we may be finally getting a cost of living increase. How helpful that would be! The cost for necessities has literally doubled in the last 2 years.

Alright, enough complaining for now:)

How's everything going for you? Back to work Monday, eh? Are you nervous? How is MUSHIES?! Yay! You must be happy to be getting some flavor and real foods in? I had my whole days worth of meals planned out for my first day of mushies lol..

Scrambled egg and cheese for Breakfast, cool whip free with pureed strawberries and banana for lunch, and ricotta, spaghetti sauce, and parmesan cheese for supper. MMMM.. The last one sounds good. Maybe I'll do that for lunch today with a few meatballs?

Well, I'm off to class. Busy day. Yay.

Hope all is well! And sorry to bore you with my long rambling post. I'm seriously over tired from the overnight! hehe

Peace out~


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Holy crap! I never even thought of spaghetti sauce and ricotta!! MY absoulute favorite! Whenever I'd make lasanga, I would microwave a little dish of sauce with ricotta mixed together- omg yum! THank you! I swore I'd be stuck on cottage cheese and yougurt for the week. You have given me hope! Well, down 36 lbs as of this morning. For every milestone in my life, I have done something to by body lol to mark it. Starting with my first born, got my ears pierced, 2nd child, 2nd holes, (notice I didn't mention anything about when I got married., which was before the kids... I guess I had some pre-empted feeling not to mark my body on that one!!)...anyway, my first tattoo when I got divorced, My 2nd tattoo in memory of my mother just after she passed away last June, and today, 1 week post op, I pierced the upper crease of my ear- something I'd never thought I would do!

SO, I had a friend with me, who actually talked me into it- the stud is a pink rhinestone, which was my mother's favorite color.

SO, I'm glad pooch is ok! What do you do for work, anyway?? I know I am ready to go back to work NOW! Post op appt is on Friday! stitches out and all! Cant' wait!

enough babbling for now- kids are hungry! Later


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How was the ricotta and sauce? It was one of my fav's that I still have on occasion:) I also had a taco type thing I made for mushies- fat free refried Beans with a little taco seasoning and cheddar mixed in, cooked it in the microwave for (I think) 45 sec,and added dab of sour cream, and some salsa "juice" dribbled on top.. Yum:) The salsa juice was just the watery stuff in a jar of salsa. It really helps get some flavor in!

Congrats on the new earring! What a neat idea! It's like making your own little scrapbook of your life journey:) Someone in the shrinking shamrocks group was going to get a tiny four leaf clover tattooed over their port incision. I thought,huh, what a neat idea. Always a reminder of where you've come from:)

For work.. Lets see.. At my first job I work with adults with developmental disabilities. I work part time on the floor, and part time as administrative assistant, dealing with exciting office duties lol.. (Actually I do enjoy the second part more.) My other job is just 1:1 home health, working for a family who is trying to keep their Mother at home. I also do respite on weekends for people that I work with, that have clients living with them. I give them their break for the weekend:)

I also am taking some classes and trying to get my butt back in school for nursing. I am taking the classes through the local adult ed. It's called a "college transition course". I am hoping at the end of the 4 week session I can be enrolled in CMCC for some Fall classes. We'll see:)

What do you do for work? I think you've said you work in a hospital??

Well off to work I go. Have a fab day.. I'm hoping to see the sun poke out again? I dread these rainy days! I could sleep allll day!


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Hey Kerri- Never made it to the store last night- I'll have to let you know later! I think the hardest part of this whole thing, is that I'm afraid to eat anything but 1 thing for a meal. For example, for Breakfast, I have 4 oz of cottage cheese. 10g Protein there. Then I feel like I can't or shouldnt' have anything else until lunch, except for my Protein Drink and Water, which is correct. But for lunch, I feel like I can only have a 1/2 a yougurt or something like that. I havent' figured out, or have been brave enought to, eat real food in a mushy state! I think I'm just too afraid to ruin the band. As you can imagne, this way of eating is getting pretty old, pretty quick. I think I will try to get in more variety, somehow. I am just not that creative! The ricotta suggestion was great! Can you think of anything else I can concoct?

As for work, I am a Lab Assistant/phlebotomist (I draw blood) at the hopital here. I also work in my family's Insurance office on Thursdays and Fridays. When my dad retires in a few years, I will be taking over the office. And the rest of the time I am a single mother of 2 boys, 8 and 10. Not much time for fun, but my kids will only be young once, and I figure I'd better enjoy it whyle it lasts!

Well, I had better do some work here at work in the office, so I'll chat with ya later!


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Hi GaLina, I am just getting started with information. I noticed you used Dr. Renee...how was the first appointment...what does your wait look like? Was it hard to get in once your PCP got things underway?? I live in Maine as well. Kimberly

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I live in Maine as well am just beginning the long process of looking into lap banding. Does anyone have any advice for meeting with the docs in Portland. I am leaning towards Renee (only because she is a female)...What is the waiting period? Is there anything I can do or meetings I can attend to better prepare? I did notice a Meeting in July at the hotel near the airport. I appreciate any help you can offer. Kimberly

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Hi Kimberly,

I haven't met any of the Doc in Portland, but I hear they are good. I'm assuming that the hospital you are going through has a web page? If so, I'm sure you can find some useful info about the Doc's there, and the specific requirements about surgery. If you haven't already, you may want to call the office and get a date that you can attend a seminar. That is generally the first step.. Also , they will already have you in their data base as well:) Best of luck to you!


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OH NO, SARAH! You're a blood sucker! lol.. I am petrified to have blood drawn.. I always mess with the people drawing my blood, asking them how they can sleep at night lol I may have a few tattoos and piercings, but get me near a needle for medical purposes, and forget it! Haha.. I don't know what my issue is?!

So have you tried any new foods yet? Anything with flavor? lol.. Just think.. 4 more days and you can start eating real foods! Yay!

I go for my 2nd fill next Thursday. I am soooo ready. I hope that he will be aggressive, and give me another 1.5-2 cc's? Guess I'll have to wait and see. All I know is that I have NO restriction, and am waiting to feel something:)

Well, I'm off to do some shopping. I am in serious need of shirts.. All I have for t-shirts are my "just my size" 3x from summer last year. They are not in least bit flattering at this point lol. They look more like a night dress. EEK! I need something with style;) Hopefully I find something around here. There aren't many stores to choose from.. Reny's, Wal Mart, and well.... That's it besides thrift stores. Uhg. Hope all is well!


Edited by k_podski

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:rolleyes2::crying:Hey Kerri- Had my post op appt today- stitches are finally gone!! BUT Dr Mckee wants me to go back on liquids:cursing:. I had to take zofran this am because I woke up to the most urgent need to puke! I slimed for 45 minutes straight, without any food on board! WTF?? Anyway, he told me that I should have been on liquids still , for the first 2 weeks, then mushies for 2 weeks, etc! I told him that the directions in the binder say 7 days liquids, 7 days mushies, etc. He said that my band might have alot of a fill in it already, more than most, that's why I cant' tolerate my 2 tablespoons of refried Beans and guacomole I had last night- even watered down to yougurt constincy! Anyway, I asked him how much I had in the band, and he couldn't tell me until my first fill- Apparently, they inflate the band with alot of Fluid, then set it and buckle it. then they cut the port line, and let whatever residual liquid in the band drip out, so I could have 1cc or I could have 6cc. He just dosent know.

I really dont want to go back on liquids at this point, but I really dont' want to ruin this this early on (or at all ), and I will just have to follow his directions...:rolleyes2: Now I am hungry!

So, he he, yep I am a professional mosquito! It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!

Hope you have a great weekend, and talk to ya later!


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EEK! I'm so sorry that happened to you:( That must've been awful and scary! Maybe they need to update the info in the binders?! Look at it this way.. You may be hella hungry for the next few days, but you'll surely lose a boat load more of weight!

I hope you are feeling better tonight.. And always remember: This too shall pass:) It seems to be the common theme around here..


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I want some friggin food! OMG I am so hungry! Maybe if I lay off the refried beans... I will try to have some milked-down yogurt tonight. I really cant see myself doing liquids again. Of course, I should. I just need to test my willpower!

T. S.


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So you how are you feeling today? I know that liquids totally suck.. So I'm going to attempt a few ideas to help you get through it.. Could you try jazzing it up a bit? Maybe try adding some pureed fruit to a shake? Strawberries and bananas in a vanilla shake is really good.. Or even some chocolate, strawberry or coffee Syrup (<<my fav!:redface: added to milk? I just found new milk that had 10g of Protein, 90cals, and only 12 carbs, per cup. It's called "Hood Simply Smart".. It's skim, but has the taste of 2%. I don't know if that helps any? I use it to help get protein in because I am so sick of shakes.

Also, I have some sugar free International Delight Mocha instant coffee.. I don't even know if you like coffee flavored things, but I make chilled Mocha with the above for a yummy treat! And it doesn't have crap for calories, or sugar. I just used a tiny bit of hot Water to dissolve the coffee, then top it off with cold milk with a few ice cubes. Mmmm, I'm drinking one now lol...

I've seen a lot about the Campbell's Selects. They are supposed to be a thicker, heartier Soup base that is band friendly. I like the butternut squash, but it's also the only one I've tried.

And one more... Campbell's healthy choice Tomato Soup is good with a few low cal Ritz. The crackers add some flavor and thickness to thicken it up.

I hope these help you out in some way:) Liquids are hard to do anything with, so I just wanted to share a few of the things I've tried that seem to help..Are you waiting til Tuesday for mushies again?

Well, I hope you aren't totally starving tonight.. I've been thinking of ya today, and feeling bad that I didn't take sec this a.m. before I left to check in on you:)

I did some more kayaking with some friends, and my younger sister while shes down. My camera battery died at the beginning of our escapade, so I only got a few pics, but I'll share the silly one I like:) I look like an ape, although I was trying to do the "hulk thing" lol

Hope things are ok for you!



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Hey Kerri! I'm so glad you went kayaking again! It sounds like so much fun! Good to see you had the day to be with your sister. Well, thank you so much for your support whyle I'm back on liquids. I am adapting it a bit and feel fine. I made my own Protein rich refried bean Soup, with guacomole. Added beef broth, and boiled on the stove. It came out to be like Tomato Soup consistincy, and tasted so yum with a dollop of sour cream melted into it! I also had very watered down cream of wheat this morning. I could have drank it through a straw it was so thin, and it filled me up. I've also been drinking my Isopure with 40g of Protein in it. I think I might try to adapt some more things into soup...This could get gross and interesting all at the same time! :redface: I'm going to try soft mushies again on monday or tuesday.

So, is that a 1/2&1/2 in your hand??? My favorite! You look so awesome! You must have dropped more since your last pics. If not pounds, certainly inches! You look So happy in your pic! Glad you had such a great day! I'm back to work on Monday, and I think that will help the temptations alot. I won't be home all day wondering what I can eat next!! (Or not)

Take care, I'll talk to ya later!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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