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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey everyone!

Susie~ on bottle #5! Gonna pee all night...but I am on a roll. I wont be able to finish this bottle...so we will just call it about 70oz (a bit more)!!! Gonna float away!

Laura~OOO honey. First, I am sorry to hear about your sister. I KNOW what your going through...plenty of first hand experience w/ meth (not H, but hey...it is all shit). It is a dark road she is on...maybe an Intervention is in order w/ the entire family. Tough times, sorry to hear about it. Second...OMG...what time is dinner. My mouth watered reading about your lamb (and I am not even a huge lamb fan). Did you have the mint jelly? You are turning into quite the chef honey! I had my Lean Cuisine...but honestly...I am just dyamn glad to be able to eat that! Anyway, sounds good!

Cindy~ yesterday Judy commented about how she could have never given that assignment @ kinder. I know, I've taught every grade K-8...and I love the bigger kids for that reason. In Science today we were talking about the center of Earth. I was explaining about this author who in the mid 1800's wrote these science fiction stories where characters went to the center of Earth through the top of a volcano. We were having this great conversation about fiction stories and why we can't actually travel to the center of Earth. I was teaching about seismic waves, and how these were created after the author wrote these books to measure Earth's density. At that moment...I was reminded that I LOVE MY JOB! I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 8 years old...I am blessed to do this!

As far as the online thing...that is so cool. These are graduate students and are challenging but I get great feedback from them. The appreciate how I support them positively. It is just as rewarding...but different. Now that I've officially stopped working on my dissertation, I will be taking Spanish classes! I am more than beginning...understand a lot...but am still not good at it! You and Haydee will be great resourses!

OK...ramble ramble!


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I am back. Just wanted to share one more thing. I was telling a friend at work (who knows about my Violets) that my Kat's friends were lost. See I read your post about it Sunday night right after Susanne left. I was praying for Susanne...like seriously praying and I also prayed for your friends Kat! Anyway...I told my friend how cool it was that I prayed for these people for you...and then how cool it was that they were on the TV this morning (it was this morning right). Gosh...long story...sorry. But it totally gave my friend the chills. When you think about it, it is really cool.



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Evening, Violets..

Yikes.. Law and Order SVU was something else tonight. Lots of twists and turns and a sad ending.

Pamela... Being a teacher was all I ever wanted to be from the first day I ever thought about what I was going to be when I grew up. Now the Bobster as amazing a pastor as he is says he wishes he had been a History teacher. He really is a super speaker and a wonderful minister, but it's a tough, tough job. I admire him everyday for the sacrifices he has made.

I'm just in from the hot tub and it was wonderful even though it's 41 and raining out. Got my toning exercises in and I'm ready to head to bed.

Everyone sleep well. Hump day tomorrow!!! For me that means flute rehearsal and choir rehearsal... but in between I'm going to Penneys and just try on clothes! Not going to buy anything. just get an idea of what size I am now. fun, fun, FUN!!

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Hey guys, I got a prayer request.

I'm just at a loss.

Short story, my bro was a bad crystal meth addict, and I grew up with the reprecussions.. the abuse, anger, destruction, yadda yadda. Because of his addiction, I never got into the drug scene. I knew what it did, it scared me, it brought back trauma when I thought about doin drugs heh.

Then there's my little sister, who is too stupid to learn from anyone else's mistakes.

She's 18. She dropped out of HS, and my parents pay for everything in her life, she doesn't have to work or do anything. She manipulates them. I have known for a while she's been doing all kinds of pills.. oxycoton, xanax, etc. Me and DH have tried talking to her as an adult, not lecture, but the affects and yadda yadda.

She said she doesn't do it anymore. Her GF told me otherwise. We talked again, she really played us, made us think she's cleaning up..

Well me and my bro talked today.. sad.. my bro still pops pills and smokes weed regularly, but he's not a meth head, so I'm content with him doing the 'lesser evils'. But he said my sister has been getting crazy into HEROIN. I'm just at a loss. She's not listening to anyone. He even tried talking to her about why she shouldn't do that stuff. She isn't listening.

So just pray for her. He said he knows she's doing deadly combinations of drugs, and there's no sign of stopping.

I don't get it.


Short of an intervention and her WANTING to straighten up OR her getting busted and getting locked up, there really is nothing that you can do for her. You can use tough love and stick to your guns, or you can accept her, try to talk some sense into her (probably won't work), and be there for her when you need to be.

I've learned with my own daughter, my brother, several other family members and several past friends who were using one thing or another (sometimes several different drugs). No amount of "talking" with them did any good because it's an addiction. They either grow out of it, or they don't. You can't change them - all you can do is control your own life. What you will accept and what you won't.

I'm sorry that you're going through this....it's tough. No matter how much I say that I'm done, I'm tired of worrying about it, I still will never stop worrying about my daughter, my brother and my friends....you just can't. But I know that all I can control is ME.

Good luck hun...you and your sister will be in my prayers :rolleyes:

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I guess the sad part is, it's not an addiction yet. But it will be. She's at the beginning stage, and we've caught it early but she's still not listening. Same thing happened when she first started popping pills. Now it's a regular occurance and the girl spends thousands a week (parent's money).

Just keep her in your prayers, that's all I can ask for. All the talking falls on deaf ears. So young and stupid, but we saw first hand what drug addiction does, so I just don't get it. If what we went through wasn't enough, I don't know what is. My bro got cleaned up because he was facing 4 years in prison. But like I said, he's still not entirely clean, but at least off of meth which was miserable for the rest of us.

No more bad thoughts, trying to just let all this stress go, so tired of worrying about their lives when I have enough poo in my own.

We installed the sex swing tonight. I had him bounce on it for a while, while I examined the damage to the ceiling hah hah. It made the ceiling bounce, but he says that's normal. There was no cracking noises or anything. I bounced on it for a while and even stood on it and jumped on the cords, just to test. Looks like it's all good.

I bought a hammock chair to put up when we don't have the swing up. It's next to the bed, so now I'll have a nice chair to sit in when I'm in there watching tv.

Also, we gave our laptop to DH's parents (I don't know why honestly, he gives them a lot of our stuff without asking me)... and they are giving it back because they're buying a new one. YAY! I'll be able to post and play pogo in the bedroom now.

DH is making good steps towards fixing the issues we've been having.. I didn't know he was, but I overheard it when he was talking to a friend, and I'm really proud of him. That swing may go to good use tonight :rolleyes:

I think it's neat you guys teach. I actually always had dreams of being a high school english teacher. I had 1 good english teacher, with such love and passion for literature.. she made me enjoy books I didn't even like. Just because you get inspired by her passion. Anyway, I wanted to be like her, inspire a love of literature in those who didn't have it. And I was always good at spelling & grammar (even if I type lazy, you'd be amazed all the technical info I know in english hah).

That fell to the wayside, in all honesty, because of money. I have extravagent tastes, and an english teacher doesn't get paid all that much. I had to be realistic. Maybe one day when we're older, if DH is making more, I'll look into it again.

Ok going to bed, night v's, thanks for being you!

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We installed the sex swing tonight!!!


OH yeah...teachers make a nice little salary. I make a kick ass salary(especially since I only work 4.5 hours a day/183 days a year) teaching (I'll PM you if your interested). If you want to be a teacher...I say go for it and work towards it. I didn't go back to school until I was 24 then worked on it. It is an extremely rewarding career...plus I only work 183 days a year and I am out between 2-3 (depending on meetings) everyday!

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Pamela--I have a new one for your friend with her chills. About the same time Shannon and her family and friends went missing, so did 2 boys--young men--from Albq. they were going to Colorado to Wolf Creek to snowboard--no one has ever heard from them since. Then the next day an Albq. Dr. and his fiance went missing from the Santa Fe Ski Resort.

Well I had called and talked to Shannon's Dad and his wife---in the course of the call, they took my email. So they forwarded me this email from Shannon and Jason thanking everyone for the prayers and the concern, and they were thankful, and now hope that those still lost, will soon be found, and ask for us to continue prayers for that to happen. She stated concern that while people were out looking for them, they should have been looking for these others, since they were ok....and again requested we pray for their safe return, that they understood the lost peoples fears, and their families have a solid bond, and understand the fear the missing ones families have. So I am reading it, and think to myself, she is right! I got the outcome from mine I was hoping for, and there are lots of people out there still scared---so sitting here at my computer I said my little prayer, and went on with my day. When I was sitting in the Dr.'s office, the TV was on and showed the Dr. and his fiance being rescued!!! Safe and sound! On the news tonight, they refused to be interviewed or anything, they hid from the camera etc....but they are alive! So I sat there in the Dr.'s office and said yet another prayer for the 2 boys. I just have a bad feeling about them, and am hoping it is wrong. Their age scares me, they have no fear! Plus there is another storm hitting tomorrow. Hope they too get out of this alive and well! What a miracle set of events that would be!!

Glad your happiness with teaching is back! We all need reminding sometimes!!!

Laura maybe you need to teach me how to cook lamb---I have had it, and tried cooking it, never was impressed!!! I cannot tell you why----something about the smell! I believe it likely has to do with living here, and dealing with all the mutton (sheep) that the Navajos eat---it has a similar smell. Glad you perfected yet another dish!!

Haydee---I don't have a recipe per se---I can give you a rough idea, if you want it, but I just throw things in!!

Denise---has your DD's spotting stopped? (try typing that fast 3 times in a row!!!)

Cindy--I just can't see Rick posing for a picture of his behind!!! Nor can I see me asking without cracking up! LOL!!! Every couple is different, and makes their own way---and if your DH going to the cabin eases things for you guys then so be it! Many women would have a hissy fit, if their DH didn't buy them a Christmas gift---but Rick and I long ago decided we would not do that! We wait til the after Christmas sales and buy us something together---that we want. This year we are still undecided...so have done nothing! My DIL is appalled! She was very disappointed in what my son chose to get her---as well as being upset that he only wanted her to spend a small amount on him. It caused them stress they could well do without!!! Whatever works for you! Opting out of the big to-do at holidays does not lessen your DH!

Judy---I have no idea what I am going to teach at our gathering. I might be able to learn yours!!! Not holding a lot of hope about the sexy thing!!! Beads---I might be too clumsy! A bottle in the freezer---maybe I can do that! But what am I gonna share????

TracyK---has Macy settled in to her new room??? I am going to go buy me some fudgsicles---that must be the key!

I did my 8 minutes tonight.......still barely made it! But I did it!

Food was so-so. Water was not good today, was gone for too long!

Back at it tomorrow!

See y'all then!



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Denise---has your DD's spotting stopped? (try typing that fast 3 times in a row!!!)

Kat - Her spotting has stopped. Seems she only spots during intercourse so doctor just told her to take it easy. She's had 2 ultrasounds and so far both of them look perfectly normal. She's getting to her 9th week - so far, so good. She still worries - you know how it is, but I think she's just fine. He is releasing her to go back to work, which she's happy about. She was going stir crazy laying around in bed.


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Good morning violets-

Laura has me thinking about that sex swing thing. We have no upstairs, so there are no upstairs neighbors we would have to worry about crashing down on our heads if we had one so....hmmmm, it a thought LOL :P

Kat-I look at it this way....I do not eat bread, rice or Pasta and I do not drink anything carbonated so I will not give up my nightly fudgesicles...lol. Macy is finally settling into her new room. Last night she actually slept all night without waking up. I left her sleep timer for her TV on longer and that was that! I hope kinsey feels better soon! Poor baby.

I go in today for my fill at 10 AM and quite frankly I am a tad worried about getting overfilled. I am just going to make sure I can drink the Water without feeling it gurgle. That is the tell tale sign for me that it is too much!

Terri-wish you were going to the dr today too so we could meet. Come surprise me :grouphug:

Judy-just try stuff on? My FOOT! LOL You will buy something...and you deserve it! Or perhaps you can just buy ME something...LOL

Michelle-whats on your busy agenda for today?

I do not have time for more personals this morning but I will check in later!!

Have a great day everyone!

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Man o Man, I go to bed and miss that great post from Laura... and then judy. LOL

You go girl - dbf wanted to get one but i told him quite a while ago that I was not spending any money on fun stuff until he gets his shit together.

I have a busy day, have to run to the bank, and then kids have dentist appt at 9:45, then going to fax my resume and make a call or 2, get groceries and go to work.

i'll check in

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Good Morn, Vi's~~

A nice "routine" day today... off to the Y, then home & WORK... have a big editing job that I need to get crankin' on! + laundry, housework, driving the kids around... like I said, a "routine" day.

I've finally gotten rid of my Xmas weight... phew! Now it's onward & downward!

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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Good morning!! Headache still sticking around, but not throbbin!!!

Is your tummy better Michelle?

I hope you do fine with your fill Tracy. I think we have all learned that lesson between too much and too little, and it is a wee amount!!!

Thought I had my tip, but I need to get a different one, so hang on and I will find one!!


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Gooooooooooood morning, Violets!

Well yesterday eggs went down slick, but today they are stuck. Could only eat a couple bites of my omelette and that was it.

I'm on my way to my flute rehearsal and then to Penneys. Nope. not buying a thing. I have plenty of clothes for right now. But come spring, I'll have to go seriously looking. Gotta look sharp for the get together!!

Everyone have a great day and I'll check back in later!!

(please refrain from talking about the sex swing, k?) (I don't want to miss anything!!)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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