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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey ladies...

Had fun last night... the adults liked trick-or-treating for my Bud light limes!

Today I've mostly been working all day... big Monday deadline!

But it's a milestone day for another reason: DS's first Homecoming dance! :) He looked so grown up... sigh. I'll post a pic as soon as DH e-mails them to me off his camera. I have to head "downtown" to pick them up after dinner & drive them to the dance, and then pick them up @ 11 when it's over & take them home... so I'm going to just work tonight, too, so I don't doze off early!

Seriously, the thought of DS being out at Carrabba's ALONE w/only his friends -- no adults at all -- is freaking me out! I guess now HE is the "adult"... oh my frickin' goodness I don't know if I can handle where time is taking me on the fast-track to the future!! :cursing:

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Wow, been quiet here today. Have a great evening ladies. I am TracyK and I approved this message....

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Good morning guys

crazy weekend....

thanks for the kind words - i think i'm still in doubt and waiting for her to call to take her shopping.

yesterday spent the entire day on the kitchen. I have a wireless doorbell - or should i say had, i wired a new one yesterday, got more tiles up, put down the rest of the subfloor under the cabinets and part of the ceiling is up.

Today, running to home depot to get a pc of plywood for under the bar/countertop so i can do tht floor too. This week i'll have the floor down, electrician will be here to wire my oven, ceiling will be done today and new window will be in today. I hope to get the walls on in 2 weeks then cabinets, I can't beleive i'm so close to getting things together, it seems like it has been forever!

hope you are all doing well.. check in soon

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Good Morning, Violets..

Got up at 4 yesterday morning to leave at 5 for a 4 hour drive to a church meeting. Meeting was from 9-2 and then we drove 4 hours home. I was pooped and went to bed early which was REALLY early with the time change.

I'm up and dressed for church. We're going to try and get the leaves raked and burned today and all the stuff out of the back yard that needs to go into storage for the winter.

It's 21 degrees here right now.. brrrrrrrrrrrrr. But typical for November. If we don't have snow for deer rifle season on the 15th, then the hunters won't be happy. DD Kris and I will be going shopping on the 15th with all the other countless hunting widows. She wants to look at baby furniture and I'm more than willing to do that with her!!!

This will be a busy week for me. Tomorrow I have a staff meeting, then transporting a choir member for their radiation treatment, then community choir. And that's all on top of babysitting Ethan. His mom starts her new position on Monday... and is on salary so she'll be working 40-45 hours a week. That means more Ethan time for me!

I better get going so I can be at church on time! Catch you all later.. have a great day!

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Good morning violets-

Having coffee right now and gonna go check the Houston Zoo website to see what time they open today.

Have a great day everyone. Make good choices! It is a new month...lets do it!

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OK..... so Robby had a bad bad day at school........ he told everyone he didn't CARE if he lost the party because he would be swimming all weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge (Indoor Waterpark) He then wrote on the walls and had a very difficult day........

So hard as it was............ Robby did NOT dress up for trick or treating and he watched his brothers go from place to place, while he held my hand in street clothes........... AND he did NOT swim at the Great Wolf Lodge..... I didn't even take his swimming trunks! IT SUCKED, but it had to be done........ Charles and I took turns sitting out with him while he watched everyone. He was so bored, but he never got as upset as I expected him to. He is now sitting in his timeout chair bored out of his mind........ this has been a rough rough weekend ON ME, but I know it had to be this way........ he needs to get it through his stubborn head that he CAN NOT act that way day after day......

The scale is up 187 today......... so I am getting my act together and going to drink my Water and get my fat fingers out of the candy bowl!!! This is my breaking point......... and I am going to make an appointment for a couselor....... I have stress coming at me from every side of my life and I just want to eat...... and I've had at least ONE drink per night........ this is not helping matters....

Jennifer, sorry to hear about your aunt.

Denise: those babies are soooo cute!!

Tracy: Macy was a beatiful princess!

Suzie: Well at least your VALUED at work!!! LOL

Pamela: Hope you had a great weekend!

Haydee: were you a vampire vixen??????

Laura: Did you find your pirate outfit? That roast sounded yummy!

Judy: are you at church right now?

Terry: I've been thinking about you lately.. how are you doing? How is Hero?

Jane: Did you make it through your working weekend!!!!!! I saw something that made me think of you yesterday... and did you all know Jane has a SOCK FETTISH!!!!!!!!! She wears colored socks that matches EVERY OUTFIT!!!!!! Today you need to wear YELLOW SOCKS becaue Yellow (the color of sunshine) will brighten up your day!

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:w00t:Morning Violets~

We had soooo much fun last night! dinner, drinks, laughing, drinks, dancing, drinks...well, you get the picture! Was just a wonderful night w/ our new friends. This is a couple I met 3 weeks ago at Susanne's softball game. They've been together 15 years, travel tons, have a condo in P-Town (gay mecca we went to last year on Cape Cod) and we just really get along great! We got home at 12:30 and we left first! Wonder if the girls are gonna be ready for the parade???

I forgot to set the clocks back...so I have been up since 5:10am!!!:cool2::w00t::mad2:But we were able to stay in bed, drink coffee, and relax. That is one way we, as a couple, really connect weekly. It has become a very important part of us. Just lounging on Sunday morning and cuddle and watch the news (I mean all this in a TOTALLY g-rated way:wink:).

Anywho...busybusybusy...thinking of taking the day off tomorrow. Probably will talk myself out of it cause I loves my chilren this year...seriously, they are great! I should wait until I have some major revisions then I'll take the day off!

Off to chill before the parade!

Oh yeah...I am saving up on YoVille to buy a house!!!

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All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go.....however I am not leaving on a jet plane. I also know that this song reference will sail right over you young 'uns heads!!!

Suitcases are loaded....house is done except for a last minute vaccuum, and I chose to check in with you guys, then pay some bills online, THEN finish the house. I hate leaving unless my house is CLEAN! I have changed the bedding, so when we come home, sick of strange beds and riding in the car, we can shower and hit a fresh, clean bed......I am already counting the days til then!!!

I don't dislike going to TX, I like being there, love the family there, just the constant 24/7 being with my inlaws is trying. My FIL just spent $5K on new hearing aids, and cannot hear still so you yell and repeat everything 3-4 times. My MIL is nonstop yacking -- I love her to pieces, but it is like she is afraid if she does not fill the quiet I will think she is mad or something. And I take advantage of being away, take books and such, but end up stressed out because I cannot read and make conversation or comment again on a story I have already heard minimally twice a year since we have been taking them to TX---which we figured last night was 9 years.

Add to this years stress the kids, and grandson, who they do not watch well I don't think. And they are taking their dog, which is not well behaved. He is a puppy still, and weighs 50+ pounds....and jumps on everyone! I am scared Connor will get into the fire ants. Heck last year Rick and I sprayed the house, they were INSIDE the house! We cannot spray that around Connor---but what do we do about the ants??? HELP Texas Girls!!!!

TracyKS, I am so sorry you had to go through all that with Robby---and I cannot help but feel sorry for him too, he must have your strong will I will say that for him!!! You hang in there, and keep on doing the right thing. I will send you all the purple power I can muster!!!

Jane I will be thinking of you and wondering how your court hearing is going. I will check in with you as much as I can. My cell phone gets no service there, and is on roaming the entire time, they do not even offer me a plan where it would be included. Thinking seriously of changing providers.

I know I will think of TracyK a lot while I am gone since I am staying with the Aunt you remind me so much of!!!

I sure do hope I can stay on some sort of healthy eating while I am gone, if not I am going to HAVE to go get a fill when I get home.

If anything important comes up, you can reach me on Rick's cell phone---and I will shoot out an email to you all with it....

Baby shower yesterday went ok. Our DD maried into a wierd bunch that is for damn sure!!! Her MIL is an old hippie who refuses to change-and I can respect that, it is her right, and her FIL is as much of a fuddy duddy as you will find anywhere, he refuses to speak to any of us. I see his son being just like him, and doing the same thing---Abbey is not a hippie, but she definitely marches to the beat of a different drum, and allows him to live wildly and vicariously through her. He won't get a tattoo because he is afraid of dirty needles--yet he encourages her to get them all the time, he was saying yesterday he was going to have her get a new one with all the family names in it after the baby gets here, when I said something in reply, I honestly don't remember what he informed me his Mother has 7 and is not done. I think he wanted to marry his mommy!

Shame on me!!!

Abey got lots of nice things, and this little guy should be warm and cozy, he got lots of snuggle clothes and blankets, and things.

Have to tell you, I bought him this little outfit, in a preemie size, not wanting him to come early, but they usually fit the first little bit and this was an adorable outfit, she is actually going to bring him home in it. So when she opens it up, he held the box and she pulled it out, and she said "Oh my Gosh that is the tiniest thing I have ever seen, it is so cute! Well unknown to any of us, my DIL and the other girl giving the shower were writing down everything she said about her gifts. Then the comments were transferred into a story book, like a Mad Libs thing--telling the story about the babies night of conception.

My SIL will never forgive me for buying a tiny outfit----Rick and some of the other guys were rolling in laughter from the story! That comment was supposedly what Abbey said when Rhett undressed that night!

Rick won a prize....They gave each of us women a balloon when we come in with our spouses or BF's. Then we were told to blow it up later on---and give it to the men---who then had to put it in their shirts and try to tie their shoes, and pick up pennies off the floor. Rick's ex wife's new husband has a belly already bigger than pregnant Abbey's---he could not even get the balloon in his shirt. He is a Jimmy Buffet wannabee, and his shirt would not button around the balloon! Anyway Rick won. Good thing he lost all his belly!!!

Well I am rambling putting off doing the rest of the things here....paying bills in particular!!!

You all take care of yourselves and each other, I love and will miss you all!!!


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Kat-we will miss you too! Glad you have a aunt like me. (must be a great woman! lol)

Tracy-(((hugs))) I know you must be having such a rough time. Wish I were there to go have a MJC with you :cool2:

Pamela-sounds like such a good time you had!

The zoo was fun. Walked alot, ate alot but I wanted to get it out of my system to start the new month right! Ya know, i read somewhere that smoking raises metabolism. That must be why I am not losing at the rate I was losing before. Well, one of the reasons!

Have a great night ladies.

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Good evening, Violets..

What a beautiful day today!! It was into the 50's and the sun was shining and the smell of burning leaves was in the air. After church, while I was waiting for Bob to get home, I raked the front lawn and have about 6 big piles of leaves for him to burn tomorrow. Then we'll be the ones smelling up the neighborhood.:cool2:

Kat...we sure will miss you!! Have a wonderful time and we'll catch up when you get back.

TracyK..wish I could go with you to the zoo. I just was lazy after raking leaves and took a nap.

Bob and I had brunch at 2:30 so I'm not really hungry for dinner. Think I might just have some Jello and whipped cream and call it a meal.

Kris says I'll like my Dance, Dance Revolution. As long as I can start out slow, I'll be happy. It should be here this week.

Ethan comes for the day tomorrow and I bought some number and alphabet cards to work with him on. He's counting to 6 now and recognizes the letters in MRS. CASE. One of my former kindergarten students made me little ceramic teddy bears, each one holding a letter of my name. Ethan has played and played and played with them. If I ask him to give me a certain letter, he can pick it out and if I show him one of the letters he can tell me what it is. I'm adding sign language in there too for the letters. He's slow in speech, but ahead in the other areas so my mind is more at ease with his development.

TracyinKS... remember through all of this to take care of YOU too. You have to be strong to make sure Robby gets all the help he needs from experts who can offer suggestions to help you and Robby so he achieves all that he can. Dealing with this day in and day out has got to be stressful. Purple prayers and hugs to you!!

PamELa... how was the parade?? Did you take pics???

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.

I'm off to go watch some tv and will check back before I head to bed.

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Tracyks too funny!! I have been better about my sock/shoe thing. I am try to grow up a bit.

Yesterday was a busy busy day for me. I worked for 12 hours. My parents were nice enough to bring me something to eat since I was there by myself. I came home exhausted, watched SNL and then went to bed.

Today we saw Color Purple the musical. It was very good. My parents did not like it as much as I did. It was a nice diversion.

Tomorrow could possibly be the last day of court. After they told me it might take all week. I went in and moved all my people on Tuesday and Wednesday so I could have those two days off. Anyways, the last witness was on the stand when we ended Friday, and so our attorney needs to finish and the P.A. needs to cross, then the two get to have closing statements that can last up to 45 minutes a piece, then the jury goes out. I don't think they will be back tomorrow. We don't start court until 11:00 tomorrow for something that the judge had prior, so I really think it will go into Tuesday.

This really has been the hardest week of my life, I think? I am amazed at how much hatred people hold. I have been praying for the other family who lost their son. I don't think I have ever prayed so much in my life. Friday was the hardest day by far. They had my cousin on the stand and the p.a. just grilled and grilled and grilled him. I think he was hoping to confuse him by all the talk. My aunt then passed out. They cleared the courtroom of the jury, and everyone except immeadiate family. My cousin was hysterical, his wife was beside herself. My sister is a nurse so she ran over and finally my aunt came to so so. The ambulance then came and took her away, I walked out of the courtroom and there were just stunned faces, everyone was either crying or just stunned. The other family was no where to be seen. It came back that my aunts potassium and salt were too low, so they gave her some medicine and sent her HOME. My parents were at the hospital and took her home. Then court started again with my cousin on the witness stand again. Then his wife testified, so she could be in the room, then my uncle testified so he could be in the room. I don't think I have ever cried so much, it has been the most drama filled week. I can see an end, and hopefully it will be a good end.

Sorry this was such a long post, but I just needed to get this out and talk about it.

Have a nice trip Kat!!!!!

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You are such a wonderful person...sorry you and your family are having to go through this. God Bless and stay strong!xooxoxxoxo

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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