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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Terry-I have some antibiotics (Z-Pack) left over from when we had this crap before so I am taking them and zyrtec.

Laura-well, I got sick, then well, now I have relapsed.

Uh, you know these two things are related, right?

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I was having such a good day so I should have known that my Doc appointment was going to suck. And suck it did. Well, not that bad. except for the weight gain. Everything else went good. It was suggested that I join the Reboot Group. :tongue2:

So I left there and went to a friends that moved over by there. We had a great afternoon and enjoyed a little walk around the neighborhood. I pointed out the sumac for her so that she could keep the kids away form it. Very poisionous. Got hom around 7 and am getting dinner done.

Jane, Why a ticket????

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Good Evening, Violets...

It took me quite a while to read through all the posts!! When I got done, I had to head to Kris's house to take her the maternity clothes we bought her. It was such fun shopping for things. We got her several sweaters and blouses. She liked them all so that's a big accomplishment for what she considers her fashion challenged mom.

I did laundry all day today and had Ethan for a few hours. Sure did miss that little bugger. Tomorrow I get my hair cut. I think I'm going really short for a change. TracyK..I like your hair better light, but it looks good dark too. It will just take some getting used to.

The cruise was wonderful, even though we had to shift gears and turn the boat around on Tuesday to get out of the way of Omar. I got a lot of swimming and sunning time in and just had a relaxing 7 days. I did PB a couple of times..once into paper towels when the bathroom was full with a waiting line.... yuck!! All in all, we did well with the eating..I couldn't keep much down and was full after only a couple of bites, so that was a good thing. I'll weigh in next Sunday and see how I did.

Terry... I wore the cruise Bracelet, and it brought me luck.. I won $100 on slots, but then we blew it all and ended up in the red at the end of the cruise.

I'm really glad to be home and back with my doggies. I got so many Yorkie kisses last night. We got home at midnight and I was reading mail til 1. Had to be up at 7:30 for Ethan.

TracyinKS.. sorry to hear about Robby. Is the school suggesting any ways to help?? How did the P/T conference go?

PamELa.. glad you had a good time with your Dad. I know it was hard, but you'll never regret being able to tell him all that you did. My FIL was bedridden for over a year after a couple of heart attacks, and it gave Bob the time to tell him everything he needed to knowing his time was limited.

I wish I could remember the upteen pages of posts I read and send personals to each of you, but my brain is too old to keep that much information in anymore. Just know I read it all and missed each and every one of you.

Welcome to our new poster.. I wish I could remember the name, but can't and don't want to get out of this to go find the post where you introduced yourself. (Did that make sense??)

I'm going to go watch a little tv and then head to bed. I'll post more tomorrow!

Everyone have a great night. sleep well..

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Happy belated birthday haydee

i'm running late, gram's sister had a heart attack last week, don't remember if i told you, she was doing good, recovering, had a stroke friday... long hard weekend,.... and they moved her to hospice last nigh,

sooooooo... i'm exhausted and still working - so i'm off, if i have a minute at work i'll catch up, have 4 pages here.

have a great day

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Good morning everyone!

I feel so much better this morning, thank God. I am still a little stuffed up but at least I can breathe through my nose again (for the most part).

Terry-I can't go to the dr because we have new deductibles since dh has a new job. DH had it the worst last time so he is the one that went to the dr and I am taking his left over antibiotics. They are working, so I am glad I was able to kick it myself.

Pamela-hope you have a better day.

Have great day and make great choices everyone!

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Bula Vinaca Violetas~ (Fijian)

Feeling much better. Ever have one of those days where the world pisses you off? That was me yesterday. Our fridge took a powder and it was 360 days old. Well, I called the "wrong" company so I am only reimbursed for parts...not labor :Dancing_biggrin::cursing::party:. I mentioned that my responsibility was to my family and the food we just purchaced and to get the QUICKEST response. They didn't "answer" their phone and it went to busy signals cause "they have a high call volume on Monday". Well...that was a $150 lesson.

Tracy~ glad you are feeling better. Once the kids start school, families usually get sick w/ all the germs from school. My first year teaching I was sick a lot! Now...very rarely (knocking wood).

Judy~ So nice to have you back! We missed you bunches.

Terri~ I will get the checky-poo in the mail today!! I am so excited...love my Gypsy earrings.

Jenn~ Sorry about your Great Aunt! Take care of yourself! xoxo

You all should be glad (as if you are not already) that you don't live in Cali. NOVEMBER 4 CAN NOT COME FAST ENOUGH. We have a VERY hot button Proposition about Gay Marriage. It is getting ugly w/ signs, churches, and neighbors arguing.

Ok...have a great day. We are supposed to have dinner w/ Rob and Charles tonight. But I'll be on and off all day!


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Jane: Robby has only been diagnosed with a HARD HEAD! :Dancing_biggrin:

He knows the difference, he just makes bad choices, in the instant, I picked him up yesterday and the afternoon worker said he had been good the last half of the day............. BUT we did have more drama... CODY (the 13 year old ended up in the ER! 26 stitches in the knee) DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA....... he and the dog were playing in the back yard ,the dog jumped on his back and he fell onto a bike, his knee caught the handlebar or something and split his knee wide open..... He called in hysterics because blood was gushing out. I told him to apply pressure and I would be there in a minute.... CALGONG TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!

But I am leave work early to meet a friend who is in KC for a dr appointment. Going to the chiro, and getting out of here.

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OK, dh went to bring dd to the bus stop so I have a few more minutes to type :Dancing_biggrin:

I just noticed that over 200 folks have read my latest blog entry. Kinda freaky to know that. Hopefully someone learns from my mistakes, that is why I make it public. If I can help anyone not screw up, then I am happy. Mainly I do it for my own sanity. I know you all get tired of hearing the same old crap day in and day out so I just go type it there. lol It is a win-win situation.

I may try to early vote today. This time next month the election will just be a memory thank God.

TracyinKS-I know you have already tried the "ignore the tantrum", right? Just grasping at straws....

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up and getting ready to head to the hair dresser. I'm going to try and go as short as possible.. just for a change. I got a great tan on the cruise and am wearing a v neck yellow sweater just to show off! lol Nothing else on the agenda today except for singing rehearsal tonight. I do have some clean up to do after Ethan was here yesterday. How can a little guy mess a house up so much?????

It was fun to have him here again though. I bought him some magnetic letters and numbers for the fridge. He played with them for quite a while and can pick out several letters when asked to. He's starting to say more things that I can understand... kind of.. lol

TracyK.. glad you're feeling better. Living better through chemistry!

TracyinKS.. sorry to hear about Cody!! He must have been really scared with all the blood. And that's a LOT of stitches!!

PamELa... with all the issues going on in the world today.. economy, war, health care,... why are we so interested in whether it's right or wrong for two people in love to get married?????????? I just shake my head in wonderment.

I better scoot so I can get to the beauty shop in time.

Everyone have a great day and I'll check back later.

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Welcome back Judy.

TracyKS. ??????????????????????? Poor Girl. You do need Calgon.

Ok, I have made some decisions. One of them is that today will be my last Weight Watchers meeting. I had told myself that when I had lost 150 pounds that I would stop going. I do enjoy going but right now I have the Diet Demons going on in my head and I need to make a few changes. I'm going to the Doc's web-site and print out his band rules and post them on the Refridge. I'm going to start going to the support group meetings and I'm going to see about doing the Reboot Group thing.

These little demons are running rampant in my head and I need to do something about it. They think they own my life and can make decisions for me. Well, they are not the boss. I am. I'm going to beat these little guys out of there and win. It may take me a little while but I will do this.

I still do my walking but one thing I haven't done in a while is put my MP3 on and just let the music do it's thing. I need to get back to doing that. It seems that I can do alot of thinking when I have my music going. It helps me get ahold of my emotions.

Wish me luck.

Hugs to you all. And have a great day.

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Ok...I've stressed over this for months.

This is my 18 month check up on my band. I haven't seen the Dr. in 6 months. Haven't lost ..gained 3-6 depends on who's scales.< /p>

I've thought about cancelling and trying to get a loss before going back but I think I need to face the music and listen to the failure speech.

Wish me good vibes for the 3 hour drive and just continuing to do better and loss the rest of this weight.

I'll fill you in on my appt. when I get back.

He usually just tells me I'm on *those lap band sites too much* when I ask questions..like do I have more space in my band, how much can the band hold, etc. He just says....your band looks great! You need to eat with a baby spoon, follow the rules, etc. AND YES I know that. But I get frustrated when he thinks my questions don't matter. AND his receptionist is a BEAR..can't talk to the Dr. or nurse unless your dying and then call 911. I don't have any support here..I'm 3 freaking hours away. The nearest town is 62 miles away and there's nothing there for support.

I keep thinking she (receptionist) will get nicer everytime I go in but hasn't happened yet.

Don't get me wrong my Dr. is a great surgeon and has taken excellent care of me but sometimes..you just need a little warm fuzzy. :Dancing_biggrin:

Thanks for listening

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...with all the issues going on in the world today.. economy, war, health care,... why are we so interested in whether it's right or wrong for two people in love to get married??????????

People would rather be in everyone else's business rather than take a good hard look at their own life. I've seriously will never ever understand that.

How is everyone today?? I'm continuing my birthday celebration. They are having a big lunch thing for me today. Our billing lady is Chinese and she made the most amazing dishes for today. And then our IT guy is Vietnamese and his wife made tons of spring rolls for us. I can't wait. Asian food is my absolute favorite type of food...

Judy - so glad to hear that you got a good tan! I'm so jealous. I'm yellow and pasty looking. The only time I tanned this summer is when I was going to my cousins wedding and I actually went to a tanning salon.

TracyK - glad you're feeling better! It sucks being sick!

Kat - you getting attached to the puppy yet??

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Welcome back Judy!

Glad you're feeling better Tracy!

About to head to the doc, just wanted to let ya'll know I had a dream about you last night!!

We were having our bandiversary bash in Gatlinburg! And some reason on day 2, I had to drive all the way back home for a doc appt.. and then the next day, I was too tired to drive all the way back, so I was texting ya'll in mass texts lol.

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Laura-how is the no smoking going? cute dream btw...hope in your dream you have unlimited texts with your phone company!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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