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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Jane~ OMG I keep forgetting... The Savages was great! You will like it. Just make sure your dad is in good health, or it will make you sad.

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Suzanne, I emailed you what info I have for the Violets!

Was a wierd day for me, I shopped, bought very little, mostly house stuff---shampoo, trash bags, that kind of thing. dinner was just fine, but the smell of it had my stomach going in circles! I cooked shrimp, but it didn't get me, it was the smell of the squash----and I LOVE squash, but I did not eat a bite of dinner, but was SOOOOOO thirsty I drank like 3 glasses of ice Water. I feel fine now.....go figure!

For lunch I ate a Taco and a few of Kinsey's nachos. For Breakfast I had some Cereal. Later today I snacked on a handfull of cashews and macadamia nuts----thinking this is what might have upset my stomach.

How is the vinegar going Haydee???

And how are the ones of you doing that are reading the book?? Back awhile I read a book about emotional eating that my friend recommended, because she said it had the same attitude about dieting that I do. So I spent $20 and bought it, and it was ok, but I didn't really LEARN anything. The author---Geneen Roth, has the same anti diet outlook I do, and she was just outlining that, and I already agreed so didn't get much from it!!

TracyKS, sorry Charles is so against counselling, he likely thinks that the therapist will blame everything on him! Sounds kinda like his ex did a number on him, and YOU get the aftershocks and all the crap that rolls down hill. BUT you are doing the right thing in my book-----climbing to higher ground---avoid the crap!! He is the one who needs to deal with it. Sad to say....those of us in secondary (or more!) relationships, have baggage, and we judge those closest to us by the things we have lived, and yet we HATE it to be done to us! Seems like early on, Rick and I tested each other frequently!!! And for us it was long distance! I STILL find it amazing sometimes that I could/can be enough for Rick---I never was good enough, or whatever for anyone before! Now I don't believe I wasn't good enough, but in their minds I wasn't enough....in one way or another, so to feel as though I am all he needs is still wierd after all these years!

Hard to put those feelings into words! Especially since they are feelings I don't often take out and examine!!!

So we were going to take the van out to the farm and leave it to bring in the truck to haul wood this weekend. But when we went to leave it had a flat front passenger side tire. So Rick aired it up, and we drove it out there, hauled wood Fri. & Sat. then went out yesterday to drop off the truck and get the van to go to dinner with the family (so we could drive son---he cannot climb into his truck yet following surgery)---and the tire was flat again! So again we aired it up, and this time we see the nail. So today I take it in to get fixed. They pulled the nail, and plugged the hole. Then they take a die grinder and "file" off the excess plug---well he got carried away and took it down to the steel belt. So the tire shop replaced my tire with a new one. But Rick now wants me to go get another just like it put on the other side, so they wear even----so it is going to end up costing me $90 anyway---irritates the you know what out of me!!

My new saddle is nice, but I am sore from it!!! It is sueded---so my thighs are sore, from rubbing......not something I had ever considered.

Well I am off to bed. Will remember all of you in my prayers tonight.....hugs!


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Morning girls

just wanted to check in...I'm running late.

Anyway... a couple of weeks ago i got a tiny scratch on my foot, which somehow ulcerated (sp) and I had a raging infection and decided to go to the dr. and it was so bad he put me on power antibiotics which made me sick, i have not thrown up like that in 2 years.

So, sadly i gained 6lbs i'm trying to work off (from eating stuff to soak up how badly i felt) oh well - i acknowledge it

but 6 feels like 600 it is strange

Kat - happy belated bday

When i got my computer back i lost a lot of things and aparently my outlook is cleaned out.

Well, I am still "talking" to Kev but not much and that situation is sucking the life out of me - but at the same time, i'm dealing with life and getting out of bed every day and looking for a date for my wedding next month.......

So just mentally done and trying to turn it around.

I'll try to catch up on posts, it is hard at work and i'm trying not to be so dependent on my computer

miss you all....

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Good Morning.

I've got a boat load of things to do today. Not to mention that I have to pull a double shift again. I'll be so glad when everyone is done with their vacations. Speaking of vacations, Hubby and I are going to Branson for 3 days at he end of the month. So looking forward to it.

Jenn, good to hear from you. Sorry about your foot. That is so scary when you get those infections, they are hard to clear up on your feet. Take good care of yourself.

Kat, thanks for the info you sent. I have the old list but I was thinking that Laura had changed her number when she got that new phone. I'll try the new list.

Judy, Our plumber cost $1,800. But he had to do a lot of diggign and if you know anything about Missouri, you know that we are nothing but rock. They worked like dogs digging. So too us it was worht it. Hubby and I spend several hours a day picking up rocks and throwing them under the deck. We're trying to get as much cleaned up as we can so the landscapers don't have to do it. We are going to have professionals come in and do the landscaping bricks for us. To much hard work for our old backs. Let the young'uns do it.

Pam, I thought of you all day yesterday and was wondering how your day went. Today is the first day of school here and we should be hearing the "Cheese Wagons" soon.

Jane and Tracy. Sundays are always best for me but I also have Thursdays off. Saturdays are full but if that is best for you guys I can make it happen. Looking forward to a fun time.

Everyone have a great day and don't forget it's CTCD.

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Gooooooooooood morning, Violets..

Well, I got in the pool yesterday for a little bit. The Water temp was finally 80 so I hopped in after Ethan left and I got in two exercises before the sky opened up and dumped rain. It was a cold front coming through and it ended up being 48 degrees last night. So I'm sure the pool is back into the low 70's this morning. Suzie.. the unit is going to be about $1300 and then the pipes will be another $1000 on top of that. He's coming out today to check the distance. I don't think there will be a problem with the digging since we had electricity put out in the shed and the digging for that wasn't a problem. The heater should be here next Monday so I'm hoping by two weeks time that I'll be able to fire it up and get the pool warmed. I'm hoping to be able to then use the pool through October at least or maybe even the first part of November. Next year I'll certainly be able to be in it in late April. It's expensive for sure, but I'm sure it will be worth it to be able to get in it every day and even in the mornings.. wooo hoooo!!

JENN! Wedding???? Did I miss something??? What wedding?????? Take care of your foot!! Hope the throwing up didn't do any damage to your band. We all miss hearing from you here.

PamELa...YOU??? ROWDY????? I can't believe it!!:blink::tt2:

And you must turn your back on that DQ temptation. (chocolate on your back isn't as noticeable)...

I had my very worst eating day yesterday since getting banded. I was back to my old habit of grabbing something each time I walked in the kitchen. Granted it wasn't huge portions, but it was many, many, MANY times going in the kitchen. By the end of the afternoon, I said what the heck and just grazed the rest of the night. Today I will be back on track ........not such a problem since I ate everything bad yesterday, so there's nothing left to tempt me.:biggrin::thumbup:

I'm headed to my hospital shift and then the baseboard guy comes at 2. Rehearsal tonight and then I'm done.

Everyone have a great day!!!

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I am running late, can you believe it? How unusual!!

Have a great day!!


ps Jenn I didn't know about wedding either?

Judy I like turning your back on chocolate!!

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Ok Jenn.. that would be like me leaving a message before I head to my hospital shift saying something like........... oh, and I'm looking forward to the birth of my next child soon. :thumbup::biggrin::blink::crying:

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hiya girlies! how is everyone today? rainy and gloomy here in houston.

I think Jenn is going to a wedding and she needs a date. That's how I understood it.

Well let me tell you how the vinegar is working - it hasn't touched my lips... After I went to Mary Jo last Thursday I decided that on Monday I would start the vinegar thing. I went out and bought a big bottle of it on Sunday. Late last night was when I started craving something sweet. But seriously, just the thought of having to put that nasty thing in my mouth made my craving go away. I took a cold shower instead, LOL. We'll see how I hold up this week... What I really need to do is have some in my car too. That way I won't be tempted to go through the drive thru on my way home...

Happy Belated Birthday KAT!!! Sounds like you had a great time! Except for that bitchy lady. Ugh, i hate people like that.

I'm gonna go get my coffee now... I cut way back on the sugar on it and hopefully will eventually just have it with milk... I'll be back!

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Yep Tracy, I can get in now too!! Oh well, emailing you is fun anyway!!!

Laundry is started, beds are changed, Water is on in the yard, dishwasher is running, hamburger out to thaw for dinner, Kinsey has had breakfast, ---I had a list a mile long of to do things today, and 90% are here at home!!! I do have to run out and pick up Rick's Rx......I forgot it yesterday!

I also learned that even 100+ pounds down, I do NOT jump rope well!!! Kinsey wants to learn to jump rope sooooo badly! Just trying to show her the basic idea about killed me!!! She has not figured it out, and is enough like her Mommie to make me crazy. She is a little miss perfectionist! She not only wants to jump, she wants to do it WELL! But her Mommie is going to have to jump with her, Granny is give out!

I am still not hungry this morning, but massively thirsty!! I made myself eat a peice of sausage, and half a biscuit with some cheese on it---but all I could think of is "I want water!" Wierd!

So are we still entertaining the idea of meeting in someplace new? Someplace cooler for that time of year maybe? I see the positives in both-------so I am likely of little help!!! LOL

Pamela, hope your day is not so boring.....think of the $$$ you are making being bored!! I was bored last night and didn't make a single cent!!

Terry--------hope things are looking up with your son. You are truly a member of the sandwich generation. Caring for parents and kids, is not easy! Hugs to you!!!

TracyKS--you do not "depress" me. You make me worry for you, and pray for you--which I would anyway! But knowing you have a place to go, whether it be here or in email, to say what you need to let out, is comforting in it's own way---as I know bottling it up inside is not doing you or the situation any good at all! I would think that getting the thoughts out would be easier on you than them building. I mean if you can make beard jokes to us, then you can let them slide off when around Fuzzy Wuzzy!!!

My Ex has always been into the Wild West Shooting thing. And he fancies himself the next Wyatt Earp. He went gray headed very young, as did most of his family, and by the time he was 35 the gray had turned silver white. In a normal mens style or on a woman with his coloring it would be quite striking. His however is long---we are talking lower back, and he has this straggly beard, also white that is down to his chest. Not a full white Santa beard by any means, it is thin, and silver white--not powder white. So due to the straggly nature of it, I began calling him Chia Chin. From the annoying commercials of Chia Pets.

As I say his coloring combined with the silver nature of his hair could be really attractive, he has a very natural tan--not olive, but he is never pale, and he has light blue eyes. But his desire to be Wyatt Earp makes him ridiculous!

I will try to remember to bring pictures so you can see what I mean when we meet up. Meanwhile Tracy----sing the Chi-Chi-Chi Chia song in your head when your very own Chia Chin makes smart ass remarks about his beard!!! And take heart I just heard on the TV on one of the Entertainment Shows that beards are going to be VERY 'in' this winter!!!

Well time to change the laundry. BBL!!


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Hey girls! Wow you guys posted a lot while I was gone!

And just FYI my cell phone is the same as the old number, I just changed phones--- so all your lists are correct with my info!

I did NOT win millions, this was actually the worst Tunica trip I've ever had. I normally hit something that lets me play for a while.. never hit ANYTHING. They did have a new table game though that lets you play a long time on a little amount of money called Pyramid Poker.. it's 3 games in one- Pai Gow, 3-Card and 5-Card Stud.. it's kind of like 3-5-7 if you ever played that table game. $100 lasted me 6 hours. I was the only one in our group that never hit anything huge on it, my parents & Russell got 3-of a kinds and straight flushes.. dad ended up winning $5k on the table, mom won about $1k and Russell won about $800.

But I had a lot of fun! My band keeps getting tighter, so I am going to schedule an unfill. I can hardly eat anything anymore :thumbup:

And I've been eating a lot of ice, and I hate ice.. if you remember I always order things without ice, now I actually eat it?! Mom said that's an Iron deficiency thing.. so maybe I am becoming anemic from not being able to eat meat. Unfill please! I hate that drive, but I gotta suck it up and do it, I know the band is not working properly at the moment.

214lb.. yahooooo.

Hope everyone has been taking care while I was gone!

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What a bummer, my doc's office is great and I never have problems getting in whenever I want.. this is first time I called where they said I had to 'wait' till a time to get in. Sept. 8, 3 weeks from now :thumbup:

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The Southern part of Colorado would be the same Judy, there is plenty to entertain, plus lots of "porch" time could be had, but the lack of a large hub airport being close is an issue. Rick keeps saying 'You could do this or you could do that'---------but like I tell him, we don't want to take up all our time driving to and from an airport. And it is the little legs of a trip like that that end up costing the most.

Terry's suggestion near Colorado Springs would be feasible with flying.....the Springs has it's own airport, but most would likely connect through DIA. But there we would be renting cars on top of other expenses. The Houston area is the only one we have enough locals to take advantage of their transporting us!!!

In Southern Colorado, I could do some of it, maybe even get another bandster for back up, but that doesn't fit us all....none of that would be an issue with a cruise, but the cost seemed high for those so far....when all the add ons kick in.

There was the one all inclusive resort in AZ where we would likely not need transportation....and I am sure there are other all inclusive resorts---if the heat in AZ is an issue. Maybe we should all think about it. I amnot against a repeat visit to TX---I am fine with the same place or even a new venue in the area----but I like that we are deciding early!!! Gives me a chance to prepare! It is not a cheap undertaking, so having time is of the essence!!

Gonna go watch the girlie play in the water!! BBL~~


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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