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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Tracy- So how'd it go on the phone with DH last night? Things settling down at all?

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Welcome Sheri !!

I was so aggrevated earlier that I wanted to just scream and curse! (well, I still am)

:moon: If there is one thng that I can not stand and it is ignorance. And my oldest and supposedly wisest (according to her) sister is FULL of it! Ugh...she calls my mom to say that I purposely did not invite her to dd b-day party this saturday. OK, hellloooo...why would I do that? huh? someone please tell me...why? Is she THAT stupid? Did it ever cross her pea brain that the e-mail failed and she did not get it? Which IS what happened. My brother and neice did not get it either. SO, this morning I resent it....my brother must have gotten his and he mentioned the party to her and she got pissy. WHY? gimmeeafrigginbreak already. :sleep2::Banane37: Here is the funny part...she can't go anyway! LOL OMG, I do not play games like that! :crying:


back to Tracy being hot :angry: LOL

I really do love the new do

My mom found out that she has to have surgery on her back Friday cause she has a cyst on one of her vertebrae and it is smashing her cyatic nerve. I know that is spelled wrong so here is how it is pronounced...sigh-attic. lol So, now she can't come to macys party AND she can not keep her sunday for dh and I to go to the only baseball game we bought tickets for this year. The astros are retiring one of our rtired players (Biggio) number that day and we have to miss it! omg I am so sad but moms heath is number 1. AND...she will not be able to sew macys jumpers for school. Luckily, I found some at Academy that fit her. Bad thing is they only had her size in blue so now I get to travel all over the greater houston area looking for them....on tax free weekend! WOOHOOO! Fun right? NOT!

OK, so I have bitched enough...:drum:.Sorry guys....LOVE YOU ALL!

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Tracy - There's an Academy right by my office... what size/style and I'll be happy to go look.

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Hi girls!

Just stopping in to let you know my sons surgery is over, and all went well, he is home now resting. Surgeon (who looked to be 13 years old!!) said it was a bad one, and was scar tissued up pretty badly, but he got it worked back in and meshed, so he only has a 10% chance of it popping again.

Welcome to our little corner of LBT Sheri! Great, wonderful women here!!

While on that....Lubterp I see you here a lot, why don't you join us as well....introduce yourself and hang out!

TracyKS---I am late chiming in since I was gone, and all the good words are taken for your hair, so I will just say.....Dayum girl, it looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I too think Charles is gonna flip flop his opinion on it!

I AM controlling to a point. I kept telling Rick he ought to try to go without his goat (goatee---small close cropped beard), and mustache that he has worn for years). He did not want to, saying he liked it--I pushed and he finally walked out of the shower one night without them, I about croaked--I absolutely unequivicably HATED it!! He looked so wierd to me! His lipe looked too long, and he looked older---of course I did not say any of these things to him! But I did quickly tell him he was right, I missed the tickle when he kissed me!! He has it to this day. He has to shave the beard once a year for a mask fitting at work, because he is part of the hazmat team, and some spills or problems require a solid sealed mask to be worn, so he has to be fitted yearly and it requires him to be clean shaven where the mask fits. I still hate it when he shaves!! He has to keep a way to shave at work at all times, he has an old electric razor in his locker for himself or any others--that has only ever been used so people can be fitted for masks! LOL

I hope Charles is as blown away by being wrong as I was!!! You do look wonderful, and it does bring out your eyes!

Well I am off to dig up lillies, and peonies....all being displaced by the new shop. We have 2 trees to cut down as well. One an ancient apple tree that would probably not make another 2-3 years, and the other a rogue elm tree that sprouted, where we could not get to it, but removing all the things we must for the shop--we can get to it, and eliminate it!!

Hope my plants make it. I need Judy to come and 'design' my yard!!

Pamela---enjoy your time with Susanne, maybe soon you 2 can quit with the separations!!

If Rick gets the new job he is thinking of applying for he will be traveling again....not sure I like that, but he is looking for a challenge....and this one pays half again what he makes now....which would be huge!

TracyK---hope all goes well with Mom. I sure do wish I was close enough to help with Macy!! Have you tried looking on line for the jumpers since you have an idea what you need?

Looks like Rick is ready for me, a shovel with my name on it------------yeeehaw!! LOL



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Kat~ So glad DS's surgery went well! That is great news!

Welcome Sheri...You've found a piece of heaven here...enjoy!

I am in a mood today...and no, it is not "in the mood".

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We just got home from our shift at the hospital. I'm so glad we don't have to work with the birthing center nurses. They are really snooty. They are the only ones, everyone else treats us like royalty.

Kat, glad to hear your son is doing well. Hugs to him.

So, are we a go for Gruene????

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Tracy - There's an Academy right by my office... what size/style and I'll be happy to go look.

What a sweetheart you are! I am going to run to the one in Galveston in the morning and look. Both Academys' that I have been to have a huge school uniform section...you can't miss it. I am looking for the size 7 tan dress and the brand is Austin. I already have 2 navy and one tan but I need 2 more. They are only like 7.99 each (thank GOD). I will call you if I find one, k? I wish they had black...oh well. All I saw was tan & navy. If you do go by there and they have them (tan or black) in a 7, grab 2 and call me. :biggrin:

Have a great night violets!

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Kat, so glad that your son's surgery went well. And yes, sometimes it's scary when the doctor looks like Doogie Howser!

Tracy - There's an Academy right by my work too! Let me know what size/style you're looking for and I'll stop by tomorrow to check. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. How does that happen to your back? I can't believe you have to miss the Astros game!! I would love to keep Macy but I don't know how she would react to staying with a stranger! Still, let me know if I can help...

I'm off to throw together something for dinner. I've been at my mom's house most of the afternoon sorting through stuff. We still have a long way to go...

Have a good night violets...

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Tracy - we were posting at the same time. I'll look for macy's jumper tomorrow. If I find anything I'll call you and Terry both.

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I am home tonight and you know he turned to face me and then his eyes got big and then he turned back around to the computer! He has not said ONE word about it......... the 3 older boys all were shocked but said it was nice and looked good.. but NOTHING from Charles... oh and he still has not shaved.. blech....... looks like I'm going to be married to zz top look a like! blech!!!!!! So the house was not destroyed but not clean top to bottom like he said, he also said that it would be up to me to fix dinner because he would be too busy outside messing with his new worktruck........... and the grass has not been mowed in a week, and he told me that because of all the stress he would have to go see his ulcer doctor! But other than that he has acted like the last 3 days has never happened.... the one thing is that he is getting on the 3 older boys more evenly (he was way overboard with robby and everyone including his own sister saw it).. we will see how long it lasts. I told him that the next time he went storming through the house telling everyone to pack their shit, that would be the last time because they would indeed be leaving...... My going to my sisters shocked him and two nights in a row had him scared.. (or so he says

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High Five TracyKS...purple power!xoxoxo

Judy, how was your relaxing day?

What happened to Jenn?

Susie, is Gruene too far for you too drive?

I am in a better mood...turns out I was in the mood after all.

She is packing to leave in the morning for a month or so. No wonder I was in a foul mood today!

We did watch the movie Smart People (rental). It was great! 2 thumbs up!:biggrin:

Have a great night!


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I was such a good bandster today!!!

While everyone ordered from Subway, I had a salad. Tonight, I had a taco and refried Beans. I was sooooooo busy the rest of the day, I didn't even snack!!! I kept Water with me because it was so hot, and I drank lots, and worked hard!! I never ever got hungry, felt full until mid day, then just comfortable until we went to dinner. Proving most of my snacking is boredom!!

We got the trees cut, the flowers moved and replanted, the swingset moved and set up, the sandbox relocated, and a trailer full of shrubbery and JUNK!!!! We will take it to the landfill tomorrow. The yard looks HUGE at this point! Of course we are going to take up a good part of it with a shop this next week, but really the part they are putting the shop in has been taken up with kids stuff and storage junk....so it will not really limit me in space of the yard we use. Once it is in, we plan to add on to 2 sides, creating a porch area on the one side, and additional covered work space in the other. The side I get will house the picnic tables, and have a drop down leaf in the center section so I can use it like a buffet at any time, and when not in use, it will simply be part of a partial wall. That porch area will be 24' long, and about 12' wide. His covered area which will house his compressor, drill press etc----will be 18' wide and at this point it looks like about 12' deep. So....I am getting some MUCH needed space back in my house!! His bikes going in there, will allow me to move exercise equipment to the attached garage----and out of the playroom. I can put my sewing machine back up, and have some space....and most importantly I can quit whacking my ankle bones on the damn weight bar!!!!! YAY!!!!

Of course there is still lots of work ahead of us.....that is many a weekend of mixing and pouring cement!! I will remind myself that it does count as exercise when I do it!!! LOL

I have Kinsey tomorrow---she loves those days she is here and Papa is off.....last time she proposed to him!!! She ask him if she could marry him when she gets growed up!!!

TracyKS----is he making you feel like you caved by coming home? I wish you luck in dealing with all the little nuances that fighting that way brings out. In some ways it makes me think about a joke I read not long ago, I wish I had saved it. I know your life is not a joke, and I DO know he behaved like an ass---but the gist of the joke is that as women we overanalyze everything. And when Rick and I fight, I TOTALLY do!!!

The joke was centered around 2 journal entries, hers and his. Apparantly the counselor they were seeing had them journaling---so hers begins that he was extremely quiet and withdrawn, and she worries that there is someone else, and that he is thinking this or that, and what if this.....and she details every move she makes to try to draw him out of the funk he is in, and details what all they had for dinner in an effort to please him, and how NOTHING is working. Then she goes on to say she seduced him, and in the end is sure the relationship is doomed. The journal entry is looooooooong and detailed.

Then comes his entry.....something like this. Day started out bad, got my ass chewed at work, but day ended ok, got laid.


Fits me to a T!!!!

Hope the girls help you find your jumpers TracyK---what an amazing show of support! And isn't it nice when the "what can I do to help?" question is so simply answered!!!! Wish we could as easily help with the baseball game issue!

Well guess I will head to bed, so I can get up with the girlie in the morning! Will check in then----Rick has an appointment to get his teeth cleaned, so I know I will have at least a few minutes to log on in the morning!!! LOL before he gets my butt moving again. Being lazy is soooooo much easier!!!


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What a sweetheart you are! I am going to run to the one in Galveston in the morning and look. Both Academys' that I have been to have a huge school uniform section...you can't miss it. I am looking for the size 7 tan dress and the brand is Austin. I already have 2 navy and one tan but I need 2 more. They are only like 7.99 each (thank GOD). I will call you if I find one, k? I wish they had black...oh well. All I saw was tan & navy. If you do go by there and they have them (tan or black) in a 7, grab 2 and call me. :biggrin:

Have a great night violets!

I'll do it today at lunch! I"m always looking for a good excuse to get out of this HOLE!!
I am in a better mood...turns out I was in the mood after all.

She is packing to leave in the morning for a month or so. No wonder I was in a foul mood today!

'in the mood'...LOL!! Did you find that you wanted to eat?? (See, I'm reading!)

Haydee - I don't envy that chore of yours!! It took us months to go thru my mom's stuff, but then again she was downsizing from 1600 sq ft+ attic+ garage, to 500 sq feet with only one closet!! :) Now she's down to a bed and 1/2 of a closet! :):blink:

TracyinKS - Well, I guess that's about the best you can expect from Charles! At least he wasn't a raving lunatic about it! I'm so proud of you for sticking up for yourself and setting higher standards for your marriage. My ex-husband used to rage and call me all kinds of horrible names in front of my then-4 year old son. That's where I drew the line and he crossed it!

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Good Morning,

Was sitting here trying to figure out what I was going to do on my day off when it hit me that I have to work a shift today. I'm still covering for meone that is on vacation. Next week I will be back to my usual schedule. Thank goodness. All this extra work and than trying to watch as much of the olympics I can is dragging me down.

Kat, that joke reminded me of one I just got in my e-mail


Mike was going to be married to Karen, so his father sat him down for a

little chat. He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something. On my wedding

night in our honeymoon suite I took off my pants, handed them to your

mother, and said, 'Here - try these on' She did and said, 'These are too

big I can't wear them.' I replied, 'Exactly I wear the pants in this family

and I always will.' Ever since that night we have never had any

problems.' 'Hmmm,' said Mike. He thought that might be good thing to try.

On his honeymoon, Mike took off his pants and said to Karen, 'Here try these

on.' She tried them on and said, 'These are too large. They don't

fit me. 'Mike said, 'Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always

will. I don't want you to ever forget that.' Then Karen took off her pants

and handed them to Mike. She said, 'Here -you try on mine.' He did and said,

'I can't get into your pants.' Karen said, 'Exactly. And if you

don't change your smart ass attitude, you never will.'

And they lived happily ever after.

I know that what Tracy is going thru IS not a joke. It's just so hard to hear her and know that she is hurting and there is nothing we can do but be here for her. She will get thru this and hopefully things will turn out for the best and that is all we can pray for.

Hugs to all, have a great day.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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