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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Great post Tracy~ HELL YA! You are a beautiful person...I thank God for you! :thumbup::Banane20::lol::Banane20::scared2::Banane20::unsure::Banane20::frown::Banane20::shades_smile::Banane20::shades_smile: Those are for all my Violet Sistahs who are exceptional women!...xoxoxoxo

Jenn~ You should talk to Haydee. She is dealing w/ the same crap you are now.

Haydee~ Pix please! We know you're busy honey...but we need pix!xoox

Well, I've been a pretty good low carber. I have lost 7 pounds since the trip (notice I am not posting how much the scale read). But last night I didn't just "fall off the low carb wagon" I parked the low carb wagon...walked a block...and ate...ready for this...3 fish tacos and had 2 beers! It was great, but today I realize that I need that little fill now. No way should I be able to eat 3 tacos (did I mention how good they were). So, I'll call later. Remind me to tell ya'll about my doctor and his sneaky billing practices.

We are leaving in a bit to go about 1 hour away to take care of some stuff for Susanne! I'll bbl.

Oh yeah, I did my field test yesterday for my research! I will work on it later today, and make the phone calls tomorrow! I am freakin excited!

Love you all! Have a great day!


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Good morning girlies! Kinsey and I just finished Breakfast, 3 pieces of bacon and an egg. I lost teh damned 1/2 pound that I complained would not budge, so I am going to continue to try this, I will take 1/2 pound at a time if that is how it is going to be now!!!

Lets see NSV's have been plentiful this week! I volunteered for this rodeo when it was here last which was 4 years ago, and 6 years ago. Many of the vendors, and several families are the same (younger siblings), they have been jaw drop shocked a few times. It always makes me have a high/low emotional response. I am happy they think I look better now, but their shock makes me realize what a horror I must have been then!


I am back on a horse for this rodeo, I have even run the barrels just for old times sake---

I played volleyball, and did not feel the least bit self concious --like Tracy's bathing suit!

I have willingly posed for pics with some of the kids.

I tried on and bought clothes at the trade shows.

I wore a vest! I would never before, because the belly hanging under it was disgusting!

I can see my own belt buckle!

It has been an exhausting week, but I am able to keep up! I can load my own horse, do my own "work" Rick is not prepping everything for me this time around.

I actually caught a couple of young (17) guys checking out my cleavage! Oh yeah they check out ANY cleavage!!! But 4 years ago, they would not have looked past the extra weight to even realize I had boobs!

I danced with the program director, and was not overly stressed by it----although like the boys above 4 years ago, I totally believe he would never have ask! I mean there are 800 volunteers---so it would not have been any big deal to skipped over me!

Like I say this has been an eye opening week, at how much more I can and DO do. (yep I said doo doo!!) I feel humbled at the enormity of change in my life. I include the discovery of such good friends in those changes. You have made a huge difference in this happening!

Laura, I am sorry you are going through this with your sister---I know back when my brother was drinking, it was really hard. Not just to watch what he was doing to himself, but what his problems did to our parents, they just wilted with stress and worry, and fear for his life and hoping he did not kill someone else in the spiral down. Nothing seemed to help. Finally he sobered up, and has been sober now for almost 10 years. Hope your sister can do as well.

Rick's field crew had problems last night and called him no less than 8 times, led to a rough nights sleep---for both of us!

Well I am going to go to the store and restock Abbey's bedside basket, and then head to the fairgrounds. The morning show begins at 9---but some of the rodeo events Kinsey HATES! Goat tying, calf roping, she actually cried over them! So I plan to hit it for the barrel racing, pole bending, and bronc riding----so I better get my butt in gear!! Talk to y'all this afternoon. More basketball, so I am free!!! Also a family small bore rifle competition--------not involved there either!!!


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Trace.. your post gave me goosebumps.. seriously it did!

Me normal?????? Nahhhhh Not a chance.. LOL

Laura: I have been going through some of the same things... not really losing weight but all of a sudden people are REALLY noticing and saying things.... and I actually FEEL I'm of a normal size.

I really think that we are entering into the TOUGHEST part of our journies... COMPLACENCY.. and its complacency that has ALWAYS ALWAYS kicked my ass right back up the scale.....

WHO ARE WE if we are NOT trying to lose weight??????? WHO AM I? If I'm NOT the fat sister, daughter, coworker, wife, mom......... WHO THE HELL AM I? and often I ponder this while eating shit that I know I shouldn't, then I feel guilty, then I feel... What the hell I blew today.... and then I find myself in a world wind of regain....... and then I feel hopeless, depressed and like a failure at life........ SO WHO THE HELL IS THIS TRACY? WHO ARE YOU???

I am Tracy, a 38 year old woman (almost 39)

I am Tracy, a loving mom, wife and step mom, daughter, sister, friend....

I am a woman who has ALWAYS struggled with weight, but who is trying to break the cycle of regain.

I feel a tad guilty that I'm forcing a change in my place in relationships.. as I am no longer the fatest one....


I am other peoples inspiration.

Like it or not I am other peoples role model, so I better start acting like it!

I am strong and I better start believing it.

I am proud to walk into a room knowing that I look good.

I AM TRACY....... and for ONCE in my entire life I WILL ACHEIVE A GOAL that I have set for myself!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO ARE YOU???????

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WOOOOHOOOOOO....now THESE are the kinds of posts that I just love to read and make me feel like I can do anything because you ALL are so great! With this kind of excitement and enthusiasm, who won't lose weight? RIGHT? I swear....WE TOTALLY ROCK!


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TracyK- didn't you post not too long ago you were back to 200lbs?? Now you're at 182 already?? Did I miss something?!?!

That's right TracyM, being fat was a defining thing in my life, and with that gone sometimes I feel like I need to do something. Everyday I was gorging on candy, I wasn't stopping, but I would try to figure out why I was doing it.. I thought, maybe I'm about to lose another pound and my body is in resistance.. maybe I like losing weight and since I've slowed down, if I get fat again, I can go through it all over again (what kind of messed up logic is that??).. or maybe I just had crazy sweet tooth cravings, nothing was getting stuck in my band, and I just wanted to EAT. Maybe I'll never know, but who is with me to take TODAY one day at a time?!?! WE CAN DO IT YEEEEHAWWWWWW!

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WOO HOO!!! Man, I needed these posts today. I'm bone tired and putting myself at the end of my to-do list again. This whole damn week has passed in the blink of an eye... I can't believe it's already Thursday. I have another wedding on Saturday... but let me tell ya'll about my first one...

Everything was so beautiful... The grounds were gorgeous because it had rained the whole week before so everything was green and in bloom. We set out hundreds of tea candles all over the gazebo area and at all the tables. Her ceremony started right at dusk so the sky had that orangey pink color that makes our skin look like it's glowing. I was bawling as soon as I saw her! So professional, right?? He he... The bride had choosen not to have a rehearsal so things didn't flow as smoothly as I would have liked but for being our first time we did a really good job. Everyone kept saying how beautiful everything was and how much they were enjoying themselves. They also said that we were all so professional and they felt very confident in us. That was a huge compliment! Okay so then the wedding was supposed to start at 7:30 but it didn't start until 8 because the bride was running late. It was over at around 11pm. By the time we finished picking everything up and washing everything and putting everything away, it was around 2am. We were so exhaused but we jumped in the pool to relax a little bit.

Okay, the next morning we had a 8am flight to Mexico. So we got up at 6am and headed to the airport. I seriously just woke up and put on clean clothes and left. My mom had taken my dress and Juan's suit with her the day before so all I took was an extra change of clothes with me. We get there and our flight leaves 20 min late. Okay, no big deal. Once we are in the air we start feeling alot of turbulence. Kinda scared. WELL, with only about 20 min left until we land the pilot comes on and tells us that we have to turn around and go back to Houston. WTF?? There is something wrong with the plane and the mechanics that have to work on it are back in Houston. Okkaaayyyy. So we turn around, land in Houston again and get on another plane... Finally arrived in Mexico around 2pm.

My cousins wedding was absolutely beautiful and she looked gorgeous. My dress fit me like a glove and everyone kept commenting how gorgeous I looked. I can't wait to share the pictues with ya'll. I didn't take a camera with me so I'm waiting on my mom and my aunt to email me the pics so I can post them.

Sorry for the novel!

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OH by the way, this was the first time I had been on a plane since I was banded. OH MY GOSH YA'LL, I fit in the seat with room to spare. I started crying when I sat down and buckled my seat belt and crossed my legs. I could also put the tray all the way down and my belly wasn't in the way. But here is the best best part... the guy sitting next to me was built like a football player so he had a really big upper body and he was having a hard time staying in his part of the seat. So I scootched over closer to Juan and told him I didn't mind if he put his arm down and got comfortable. He was so grateful and he said he got lucky that he sat down next to someone SKINNY. Woo freaking hoo. I wanted to kiss him!! So then the whole plane being late and having to turn around didn't really bother me so much because I was literally in the clouds with that comment!

Edited by Haydee

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I really think that we are entering into the TOUGHEST part of our journies... COMPLACENCY.. and its complacency that has ALWAYS ALWAYS kicked my ass right back up the scale.....

Complacency is what got me to 300 lbs. Everyday that I decided to stuff my mouth with something bad because... "Oh well, this one thing doesn't matter". And I feel that way everyday now. And now I'm back up to 235!

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YAY Haydee!! Isn't that awesome? My first flight after losing weight (Feb, to NYC) I was in tears too.. I used my cell phone to take a picture of me CROSS LEGGED, IN MY SEAT, and LOTS OF ROOM on my seatbelt left over. I was so excited. Can't wait to see the pics from the wedding!

I had a fun moment, since we're all women I had a feeling you would laugh too. I have this small customer, who does very little work, and we denied him credit because he runs the business out of his house. It's an old man & wife. I use to deal with the wife, with no problem. I haven't heard from her in over a year, and I have decided she probably left him!

Well, to try to make this long story short.. I am his sales, his CSR is a woman, and the owner of our company is a woman. The new CSR manager is a guy. So this guy was being a jerk to his CSR, so the CSR manager (male) talked to the guy-- he was still a jerk to him, but CSR manager said he got the feeling this guy doesn't like women. He isn't paying for a job and we keep reminding him we won't ship till we get payment. He tells his CSR he wants "The owner to call him first thing in the morning". Owner does NOT like to get involved, she only did because she heard he doesn't like women. So she calls him, and he says "I am busy, I will call you back later". He then, immediately emails the CSR and says (in caps) "I TOLD YOU YESTERDAY TO HAVE THE GENTLEMAN CALL ME THAT I TALKED TO LAST TIME"... No, no he didn't. Hah. I'm cracking up. We're going to send him the partial payment back and tell him to go blow it out his a$$.

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Laura-yes you missed something...I am still in the 2s. Believe me, when I am back in the ones...EVERYONE will know it and there will be no wondering...lol

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laura - ha ha ha, what a jerk! And an idiot too! does he not realize that ya'll TALK to each other, LOL...

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We just had a weirdo come in, and it's on our cameras (may be one of those 'stupidest criminals' kind of thing). Cops just left.. we're in an area that is all businesses-- that don't deal with customers/cash in person, so if you robbed any of the businesses out here, you'd be out of luck.. but apparently they're looking for computers & purses. Anyway, this guy comes in, reception area is empty (her computer is there and her purse is under the desk)..he paces around, looks up and down both hallways, then checks out the desk.. then he sees.. our camera. He scopes around, paces some more, then moves a chair to the camera, jumps up and starts moving the camera. At that moment, the owner comes out and sees him coming from behind the desk.. so she asks him what he wants and he said he wants an application..she gives it to him, he leaves, so she checked the cameras to see what he was doing behind the desk.. and we have him doing everything I just said on camera.. derrrr. And even more funny, he signed our guestbook.. may be a fake name, but still why would you sign in.

So cops came out and looked it over, there's been a lot of stolen computers in the area lately and he fits the description. Frankly, if I was robbing a place--- saw the camera after pacing for 5 minutes.. I'd leave. Not move the camera, after it's already seen you.

I don't know why this area is getting targetted, I guess since there's nothing out here.. not a lot of traffic.

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These are all great posts... and great news from Haydee!! Can't WAIT to see the pics, girlfriend!! I was thinking about you all weekend! Do you have a website for your wedding venue? I have a friend that's looking....

While reading, the one thing that stood out and struck a nerve is this:

What TracyM said about being an inspiration to other people (whether you know it or not). I think we have all inspired each other along the way. When I think of it in terms of my responsibility to you, suddenly I'm not so willing to fail. If I fail, am I giving you all permission to fail?? I'm sorry, but I"m not willing to sit back and NOT take responsibility for the whole group of us. It's not JUST ABOUT ME... it's about US, AS A GROUP. I may not be willing to do it for myself, BUT I AM WILLING TO DO IT FOR YOU. What about you? If you sit with those thoughts for a moment, how does it make you feel? If I am counting on you to succeed and continue to inspire me, does it help you to stay motivated? Interesting, no? Just like a military mentality -- that's the only way units survive -- because nobody can fail. The whole unit could perish if you make a mistake!

Edited by TerriDoodle

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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