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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Had a great time yesterday Suzanne! Wish we could have listened together!!!

Lunch/dinner was fun, all the kids there, both sets of parents, and my brother. Rick's sister and her family are still boycotting anything we might do together, which is fine by us!!!

Now we are headed out for an evening ride.....so will check in later----gotta go give the guys proper instruction, they are tightening the chain on DS's motorcycle.....

Hope everyone else is having a great day too.

Jane I NEVER understand what my SIL says to do with my computer, so I work with it screwed up until he takes pity on me or tires of me whining about it!!! Sorry you are having problems---hugs---------that is sooooooo frustrating!

Catch y'all later tonight!


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Hah Denise, but Kat is right, that is my HAMMOCK CHAIR.. but the place the sex swing goes if it's hung up. That's why I got the hammock chair, so if someone wants to know why I got a chain in my ceiling in the bedroom. Ends up I really like the chair much more than the swing!

The bargains on craigslist, well I wouldn't use paypal, I only do local stuff if I buy/sell- cash only. I went and saw the china hutch today, omg, I was so thrilled. These people are hella rich too, marble walls and crap.. and she cut me a deal.. if I can pick up her new one (3 blocks down the road). Her husband just had knee surgery and a shipping company quoted them $200 to move it. I said yes really quickly, I inspected the piece I am going to buy, SOLID WOOD.. it's so beautiful, I can't believe I am getting a china hutch.. I've been running around the house dancing. So tomorrow I'm going to have a couple shipping guys & the work van and going to pick theirs up, then take their old one.. here's a pic of it (2 lights, glass shelves)- 01021001160201040520080614bcde564f6f55e8808800abe9.jpg

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Laura great finds!!!

I think I figured out the problem, when I start my internet, I can't type, but if I switch to my internet explorer browser then it works? Weird huh, I am testing it out on you guys!!

Hope you all had a great weekend and fathers day and enjoy getting back to work?

How is your Mom Terry? I hope your vacation being over isn't too big of a bummer!!! That is what I hate about taking a vacation, coming back.

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What a day! Susanne showed up and surprised the hell out of me @ 10am!!! We unpacked and relaxed...it is sooooo nice to have her home. She was up @ 4am and was in bed @ 7:30!

I cooked dinner and realized I don't think I've cooked the whole time she was gone. Remember, last time she was here was the day I left for TX. So, it has been a while!

I reached a HUGE milestone in the diss process. I submitted my IRB (Internal Review Board) today! After my major faux pax yesterday...I feel great w/ this accomplisment. This is really a big deal...PLEASE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED AND SEND ME PRAYERS AND PURPLE POWER. If this gets approved (which can and will take up to a month before the committee) I can start my interviews and collecting the data! The light at the end of this tunnel is pretty bright.

I don't like the weekends cause the violets don't like to post much:frown:

Laura~ I love the hutch!!! Did you get it free for helping her?

Terri~ Have a good day back!


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We are back, had a great ride up to the lake, it is so pretty up there! We come back, and just pulled in the drive, when Rick's oldest, bestest (!) friend pulled up! He is in town from California, and he and Rick are still sitting on the patio talking. I sat out with them, even drank a beer with them, then figured I would get Rick's lunch done, and the coffee made for morning, and let them have some guy time!! So I come to my girls!!!

Pamela, I am so glad Susanne is home with you, now you guys get to really begin your life together!!! How exciting! Rick and I did long distance for 2 years between here and Denver. I would go up once a month and he come down once a month for weekends, and that was it! We wrote letters every day, and called every day. Keep in mind this was many years ago, gas was much cheaper, and computers were not in every home! I actually had a computer, in the last few months, but he did not!

When he finally made the move down....I kept waiting for things to "change" they never did, he was still the same guy----thank goodness!!! It made for a strong foundation---considering the blending of families, we had talked a lot!!! When you write letters and speak on the phone, you have nothing to do but share thoughts!!! We couldn't run out to dinner, or catch a movie each night, or hop in bed, so we communicated---which helped us a lot! Not that things are always perfect (as last week proved) but....I think it did us good, the long distance beginning!

Jane----do whatever it takes to keep the 'puter going!!!

Beautiful hutch Laura!!! I have my grandmothers----it is really wierd, it is closed ---always has been----but 10 years later, when I open it, it still smells STRONG of Grandma's cigarettes!!! I can store dishes, but not cloth things in the bottom, because they all come out smelling!!! Makes me think of her though, so I have not done anything to try to rid it of the smell!

Well, I am off to the shower, 5 is gonna come early at this rate!!

Nighty night!


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I have seen you gals posting all over the place. I don't mean to be nosy, but what is shrinking violets??

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Major poor me blues ahead.

I am not happy. I am not sure what will make me happy right now. I am totally out of control with my eating and my life.

I am unmotivated and seems like I am sinking further into my hole. I have gained weight, not a lot, but about 10 or so pounds, and I can't seem to stop myself from eating. I am not sure that that is what is making me unhappy or what. It seems like nothing is right. But Nothing is really wrong. I wish I could explain what I feel...I think if I could just fall asleep that would make me feel better also.

By the way a "Shrinking Violet" is just a 'moniker' for April 07 band patients.

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Tracy - I am really excited for you...and I know you're nervous about the money, etc., but when you know, you KNOW....and it will all work out. Besides, when she starts elementary school maybe you can get a job at her school, in the office or as a teachers aide or something. That would be cool! You could have Pamela's hours!! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds! You're all gonna be so happy!

I am excited. The jitters have a hold on me though but I know I am right. I can not wait to see how it unfolds either. :)

I ate nothing but junk yesterday and the scale showed it.

I hear ya sister...me too:crying:

TracyK, You are going to have some fun staying home. I actually became a more busy person. One thing you need to look for is all the free things that your city offers. Like storytelling time at the park, craft time at the Library etc. etc. There is so much to keep you to busy without costing alot.

You are thinking just like me..I have a lot of things to look into. I am going to check with the YMCA and the library and the college. It will be fun.

TracyK---did you want to look through these shirts or should I just Goodwill them?

Just goodwill them. Thanks anyway but I am doing good with clothes for now

What a day! Susanne showed up and surprised the hell out of me @ 10am!!!

I bet you were SO surprised! How happy you must be. I love surprises.

I don't like the weekends cause the violets don't like to post much:frown: It does get quieter than a church mouse in here on the weekends!

Major poor me blues ahead.

I am not happy. I am not sure what will make me happy right now. I am totally out of control with my eating and my life.

Jane-I think we jumped onto the same boat! I can not seem to make good decisions and I do not know why. Stress, anxiety, I just do not know. All I really know is that we have a great group of friends here to support us. That is such a great thing! (((hugs)))

Have a great day everyone!!

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?????? Wedding tonight at 7:01 at Pam's House ??????

There will be 12 bridesmaids there all dressed in violet. lol

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Good Monday Morning, Vi's~~

Busy weekend, culminating in a trip to the ER w/ds after soccer try-outs... knee v. head... head always LOSES!... & now he has his first "official" concussion. Was up w/him in the night, giving him pain meds & asking him questions... when I get the smart-alecky answers, then I know he's ok!

I always want to write personals but 1) I rarely have the time and 2) you all move so fast it's hard to keep up!! But know that I am always w/each of you & whatever is going on w/you... I talk w/you in my head! (I'm sure that won't surprise you...)


Janie... ((hugs)) sweetie! You've got so much going on right now w/your medical issue investigations + family stuff + your unfill... be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would a sister Vi. What advice would you give to her? What kindness would you offer? Then do that for you. If you need "tough love," then get tough. If you need understanding & compassion, then do that. We love you!

Laura... Great finds!! Love them! You are GOOD at the finds, girl!

Pam... Congrats on the diss progress!!! & summer is here! No more Manuel!!! & Susanne is home! & you're leaving for Europe soon!!! Life is good, chica!

TracyK... It can be scary to listen to the small, still voice, but it will all unfold as it is supposed to. Trust me... you will NEVER regret being "home" w/Macy... you can ALWAYS get another job, but you can NEVER replace her childhood years.

TracyKS & Suzie... I think of you two every day when I hear the weather reports... you gals are really getting hammered this year!!! Stay safe!!

Kat... Why am I not surprised that you're going 100mph again?? Did I think major surgery would slow you down? No! I still can't wait to see pictures!!!

Ok, so today is the first "official" day of summer vaca here... I'd like to get my kids into a "routine" of "work" (chores, reading, instrument practice, helping me clean, etc.) in the morning (while I actually AM working), and then "fun" in the afternoon (pool or whatever)... so far I think they've had b'fast & are now playing Guitar Hero... hmmm... this plan may need some modifications!

Make it a great day, Vi's!!

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Good Monday Morning!

Heather: The shrinking violets are simply a group of gals that started posting on the April 2007 thread........ starting in January of 2007.. not all of us were banded in 2007, but we've all posted here pretty much daily since then........ we took a vote and named ourselves the Shrinking Violets.

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the dang scale..... and Jane like you and TracyK... I am making crappy choices...

I DID bring blueberries and cottage cheese with me this morning... but also in my bag are cheezits and cookies... and bing cherries..... ahhhh

I am sabotaging myself from getting into the 170's! and I'm going to Vegas next week (the 27th)......

I hope everyone had a great weekend... and has a good day.

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?????? Wedding tonight at 7:01 at Pam's House ??????

There will be 12 bridesmaids there all dressed in violet. lol

Susie~ This made me LOL! We wont be getting married today, or anytime in the next 2 years. We are not in a hurry, figure we will be together for the rest of our lives anyway. I am very happy to be a part of today. I think it is a wonderful day to be alive...and I am so very happy for people who are getting married. On the national news, there was a couple (guys) in Palm Springs who have been together for 53 years! One said, I got down on my knee to ask him to marry me, and I couldn't get back up! Anyway, they are getting married today:smile:.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! You think kids are excited...you should see the teachers! I have a hot date w/ Susanne this afternoon, lunch and a movie! And when I say hot I don't mean sex swing hot...I mean really freakin hot!!! It was 114 yesterday and we are expecting a repeat performance!

Ok...gotta go put my face on! I wanna look nice for the inmates, um, I mean chilren:biggrin::):biggrin:

Have a great day! I know I will!


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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm sitting here s l o w l y eating my oatmeal and raisins. Yesterday for Father's Day, Kris made her Dad some pasties.. cornish meat pies. He LOVES them as that's what he grew up on as the grandson of a copper miner. Well.... he did fine with his. I ate mine s l o w l y....... I THOUGHT. But lo and behold I got that awful feeling and went to the bathroom and pb'd. Then it was going back and forth to the bathroom at least 5 times for the same thing. It still wasn't all out. We left for the 30 minute ride home and had to stop 2 times for me to get out of the car and slime and pb. It was well over an hour before I felt normal again. I've never had anything stuck that long before. Needless to say, I'm never eating pasties again.

Pam... have a great last day of school!!! I remember the feeling well. And congrats on having that "other" roomie with you.. :)

Jane.. hang in there. We're all here for you, just give us a call!!

TracyK.. you're going to have a great summer with Macy and lots of new things to keep you busy. I always worked, but then again I loved my job and I always made more money than the Bobster plus I had all the insurance benefits.

Laura.. beautiful china cabinet!!!

Suzie...I think our next Violet get together should be a wedding. Think of the all the creative fun we could have!!! Are you going to get your pool in this week??????

Michelle.... the Bobster got back from his trip at 5 a.m. Sunday morning. He had a great time and lots and lots of pics.

He just brought in our Detroit News and on the front page is a story about bariatric surgery. Here's the link

Freep.com | Detroit Free Press | Detroit news, community, entertainment, yellow pages and classifieds. Serving Detroit, Michigan

Well, I better get my rear in gear. Got laundry to do and then going to the hospital to work on a project. The Bobster and I are going bike riding tonight if we don't get yet another storm. We were under a tornado warning again last night. I don't think I'll ever be able to get in my swimming pool at this rate!! Last year I was in it June 2 and the Water temp was 82. This year it's still at 76 and I don't go in until it's 80.

Everyone have a great day. Make wise choices and drink, drink, drink!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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