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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I thought her email was blank too...you just gotta scroll down :)

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Good Morning!

Wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing! I got up and dressed, ready to go, and we got the call that one of Rick's crew wrecked a truck, so he had to go see to that.

We were/are headed to the mountains --into Telluride, for a Blue Grass Festival. Like to listen for a little while---then hit all the vendors, and things going on around the little mountain town. The town grows to 8 X's it's normal size for this! Then we planned to come back down to Durango and hit this restaurant called Steamworks for a special steamed seafood---(as in crawdads and stuff I do not eat!!) dump. They steam it, and just dump it by the bucket full on your table. I pick out the shrimp, and they eat all the rest with the icky stuff and the sausage!!! I order a salad, and am just as happy!!!!

Well it looks like Rick may make it yet.....I never know!

Hope everyone has a great weekend-----anyone got any FUN plans?

We ARE doing a movie, Rick promised!!


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BEADS BEADS BEADS!!! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!! I'm in BEAD HEAVEN!! Ya'll are so sweet to send all the cute cards and violet beads!! I'll have to get real creative to figure out a way to use all of them in one project! This is gonna be FUN! Thank you all so much for your sweet birthday wishes. You are ALL a treasure to me..No doubt about it!

DH gave me a new Apple MacBook (woo hoo!) and it's strange getting used to a new OS after 15 years on Windows. No complaints though, 'cause this is one sweet computer! I'll just be glad when I'm a little more proficient.

Yesterday I did a little shopping w/o my money vacuum (Hannah) and actually got a few things for myself. Then I went to the hospital to see Mom, then to dinner with my DH and kids. Went to Pappadeaux (cajun seafood deluxe!) and it was very, very yummy. Tonight is my 'big party' .... my girlfriend is hosting it and it should be a load of fun!! I am really looking forward to it and it's a perfect way to wrap up my vacation and birthday! I'm actually looking forward to going back to work so I'll STOP EATING!!! I've gained 2# on vacation and I'm not happy about it. I was on a roll and heading downward before my unfill and vacation....after sooo much time at a standstill.

DH and I are having 'issues' (ahem). Not to happy about that.

And speaking of relatioships gone bad, my sister totally pissed me off again yesterday. I was at the hospital at the time and I had to call her to ask a question. Won't go into the details, but when I got off the phone with her Mom was asking what was wrong (maybe because I was muttering "BITCH!"?). We had a long talk about it and I told Mom that I look forward to the day when I can finally walk away from that relationship. She didn't understand what I was saying, so I explained that what I meant was, that after she was gone I have no plans to nurture that relationship any longer...in ANY shape fashion or form. I have taken her bullshit antics for more than 15 years and I am so DONE. I know this goes against a lot of people's understanding, but you have no idea how happy it will make me. Mom was not upset by what I was saying....as a matter of fact I got the impression that she was totally sympathetic. I hope so. I didn't mean to upset her...I just had to get it out.

Ok, so...... on the agenda today....relax then party. Not too shabby, eh?

I love you all!!!


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Wooo Terry I'd hate to be on the receiving end of a fight with you..I heard you with the hotel people lol. You don't take crap from anyone!!! Hope things smooth over and your mom gets better.. have lots of fun tonight!!

I miss you guys, but today I found such a bargain I had to share.. ya'll'd be so proud of my bargain hunting skills.

First, here is my bedroom from one wall. We have a nice microsuede headboard, the fancy blinds, and a dresser you can't see.. oh and like 5 blankets (I love cuddlin at night hehe).. bedroom.jpg


anyway, but our tv has been on a nightstand thing since we moved in together years ago. I could never justify spending money on something nice for it, since it's just the bedroom. Today on Craigslist I found an entertainment center for 20 bucks.. 20!!! And the dimensions fit between our closet & bathroom door PERFECTLY. I couldn't believe it.. that's where we keep the tv.. voila!! Shelves & everything, they're bare now I am debating what to put there. I am so excited, so been cleaning the house so I can invite my mom over to oogle it with me lol. BTW tv is not dirty, I dunno what the heck all that is.


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Laura, Great job on the ET Center. Looks like it fits perfectly. And such a nice price.

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I've never been to craigslist...I think I'll go look around there, not that I need to buy anything.

I did something so freakin stupid today, I could scream (actually I did). I sent my diss chair the WRONG interview guide. She sent it back saying, "you didn't make any changes I suggested last week, I've re-sent it again today"...man she must think I am stupid. I never saw the changes she sent last week, so no...I hadn't made them. I spent the last 3 hours making these changes (no exaggeration) and re-sent it to her. I lied of course and told her that I sent her the wrong one by mistake. Jeez...not to mention the 2 hours I spent this morning getting my IRB packet ready to submit to her. All of this, and I didn't even work on chapter 3 (which is what I started out doing). Anyway...uuuugggg! I hate looking (being) stupid!

Sleep well


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Terry~ Sorry mom is back in hospital...I know how that sucks.

Laura~ Love the pix. Your ET looks great!

Kat~ How was the movie?

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Good morning everyone-

Yesterday I had a horrific eating day...I am not even gonna go there on WHAT I ate, just believe me when I say I reverted back to the old Tracy for a day. Nope a MJC was not even one of the evils. But heres to a new day of being a good girl and making better decisions.:smile:

Terri-I have the same thoughts about a couple of my siblings. My mom knows how I feel as well. They have treated her like dirt in the past as well so I told her that when the day comes that she is no longer with us all heck was going to break loose and I was going to tell them how much they hurt her. I love them because they are my siblings but that is about it. I wish they were not such self centered, ugly hearted people but I pray for them and that is all I can do. How was yoru part last night? I hope you had a great time! I also hope that you and your dh are doing better.

Pamela-did you have fun in the Water with Klaus? :frown: I love rotties. I wish I had one!! My brother used to breed them. They are such big babies but at the same time when I am around them I feel so protected....know what I mean?!

Laura-I love the entertainment center! What a bargain you got...that is great!

Judy-how was the singing at the funeral? I am sure you did a fantastic job! I can not even begin to imagine how excited you and kris are about the upcoming cruise. What FUN that will be!

Suzie-well for your sweepstakes winning dream to come true...you have to play. Why not, give it a shot. :mad: Are you having a deck built around your pool? Oh I wish I had a pool.

Yesterday we ended up going to visit my sister and somehow I came home childless for the night. lol Never fails. Macy has fun there. There are alot of kids for her to play with there as to where over here there are not any kids her age that we know in the neighborhood. I am going to sign her up for swimming lessons at the local YMCA or maybe the college. That will give us something to do after I take her out of day care and it is just she and I for the rest of the summer. They have it on MWF for like 6 weeks I think.

I gotta admit I am very scared about the changes heading my way as far as the job thing. But I just know deep in my heart that God has wonderful things planned and the job I am at is blocking my blessing...sounds funny but I believe it with my whole heart. It is just scary leaving my comfort zone and heading out into the unknown. I know alot of my eating is stress and anxiety eating. I think I may get a little bit of a fill put back in. I dunno...

Wow, I wonder if this post is gonna be as big as one of KATS!! :hurray::lol::smile2::tt2:

Have a great day everyone!

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G'Morning! Party was soooo nice last night!! My friends really went all out with the food and drink and I got lots of nice presents! I'll post some pics later; my camera batteries are re-charging.

Tracy - I am really excited for you...and I know you're nervous about the money, etc., but when you know, you KNOW....and it will all work out. Besides, when she starts elementary school maybe you can get a job at her school, in the office or as a teachers aide or something. That would be cool! You could have Pamela's hours!! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds! You're all gonna be so happy!

LOL Laura... Yeah, I gave those hotel people hell, didn't I? Anything travel related like that gets my goat and they will certainly not give you anything you don't ask for....or demand! Grrrrrr. That still makes me mad, "But you didn't ASK for a river-view!" I love the wall unit!! I got a sweet deal like that for DH's study on Ebay a few years ago. I was patient and searched for several months and then the perfect one came up...we paid $30 for it! Sweet victory!

We're heading out shortly for the family rounds. Hope you all enjoy your Father's Day celebrations today!

Love you all!

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good morning........ family reunion yesterday, going to my dads today..

cody's scout master was on channel 9 not 4......

here is the link

Storm Preps At Boy Scout Camp Upset Parents - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

I ate nothing but junk yesterday and the scale showed it.

Speaking of siblings........ I love my sister... we are very close, but she is not handling me catching up with her very well...... she is the heaviest I think I've ever seen her.. and my face looks thinner than hers..... People at the reunion were going on at how good I looked and she just had this sad look on her face..... I know she is miserable.... ok.. gotta go.

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Slept in this morning. It felt real good to do that. Yesterday we had decided that today we would dive to Lone Jack to go see the civil war museum. We have drove by there so many times but have never stopped. Met a guy at church that helps run it and he was telling us all about it. So I get up, sun is shining and all is good till I turn the Tv on and they are warning people to get prepared. A dangerous storm is coming in from Nebraska. T'Storm watch, Flooding watch. Man I sure am tired of all of this. So now we have to stay home. Don't want to be out in the open during all of that.

Terri, so glad you had a good time at your party and can't wait to see the pics. Sorry about your Mom. I know that ritual, one week at the ER and one week at the Doc's office, three weeks later it starts all over. I too also have a few in the family that I have nothing to do with. I had to do that for my sanity.

TracyK, You are going to have some fun staying home. I actually became a more busy person. One thing you need to look for is all the free things that your city offers. Like storytelling time at the park, craft time at the Library etc. etc. There is so much to keep you to busy without costing alot.

Everyone have a great day and tell all of you Husbands and Fathers I said "Happy Father's Day".

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Wooo Terry I'd hate to be on the receiving end of a fight with you..I heard you with the hotel people lol. You don't take crap from anyone!!! Hope things smooth over and your mom gets better.. have lots of fun tonight!!

I miss you guys, but today I found such a bargain I had to share.. ya'll'd be so proud of my bargain hunting skills.

First, here is my bedroom from one wall. We have a nice microsuede headboard, the fancy blinds, and a dresser you can't see.. oh and like 5 blankets (I love cuddlin at night hehe).. bedroom.jpg


LOL i was looking at this picture and my hubby was across the room...i started to scroll down reading the post and my hubby says "Go back up to that picture"...so I did, wondering what the hell is he doing looking at my screen LOL...he said "OMG THATS A SEX SWING!!! SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!" LOL Now he wants one.... well he's wanted one for a long time. I'd have a hard time explaining to my adult children what that is LOL

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Denise, in Laura's defense, that is not a sex swing....that is a hammock chair, and it is what you hang from the hook, where your sex swing goes, when it is not in the closet!!! LOL!!!

We did not make a movie. We did the music in the mountains, and did some shopping with the vendors, bought a cool wine rack. Went to dinner, come home and son and his family come over....and today we are doing Father's Day dinner, so looks like we missed the movie and I am as much to blame as anyone!

I am supposed to go to a meeting today, but am not---it is Father's Day! The rodeo is getting close, and panic is setting in, so they schedule meetings every other day it seems!

Pamela---sorry about the mix up on your dissertation---I hope it all works out ok.

TracyK---did you want to look through these shirts or should I just Goodwill them?

Laura great buy on the Entertainment center. Everyone be seriously cautious with buying anything of expense on Craigslist though! My son and DIL just got scammed out of $3200.00 for a car, and Craigslist, even though they have been presented with the police report etc. for the seller, still has the seller who is totally MIA, in good standing! The payment went through with Paypal, and even fooled them! It has been a real ordeal, and the police involved....local, as well as the Van Nuys CA, and Murray Utah---all locations involved in the scam----say they have tons of reports, and the majority are repeat offenders, because Craigslist will not cooperate!

So get your good deals, but keep them local where you can pay in person and pick up!

Saw 175 on the scale yesterday, then ate watermelon with lots of salt and 177 is back today!!!

Well I am off to get some clothes on, jammies have to go....dangit!


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I am having trouble with my computer. Nothing is wrong with me. Most of the time my keyboard doesn't work. My Brother in law thinks it is a corrupt file. He told me how to fix it. It sounded like 23094u 340u23 2305ui[- 234085 850-2= I said okay thanks...

So if you don't hear from me that is why.

By the way

THAT WAS SOOOO NICE OF YOU SUSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALMOST CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thought today was going to be a total washout and it turned out to be the opposite. We did have a storm here but not as bad as the weatherman were predicting(go figure). So we decided to go to the War Museuam and had the best time. Found out that a very distant relative of mine is buried there. Sending a picture of the storm after it had passed.

When we got home the air had cooled down to a very nice 73 degrees. That's good sleeping weather, so you know the windows will be wide open tonight. Attic fan will also be on. Hubby and BIL are out back right now with about 3 slabs of ribs on the grill. Hope they get done before the beer kicks in. LOL.

Kat, Hubby and I used to go every year to the bluegrass festival at the lake. I could sit and listen for hours. My ultimate favorite singer of all times is Emmy Lou Harris. Love, love her. What a voice.

Janie, Hugs to you.

Have a great evening everyone.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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