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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I am NOT, I repeat NOT the person to listen to about what to eat to lose weight. But today, I've been a great bandster, so I thought I'd share what I've eaten today.

B~1/2 cottage cheese (100 cal)

S~Kashi granola bar (180 cal )

L~ 4 chix balls (not the best, but what I had from the party, 180 cal) + 100 cal. snack pack

S~ Yoplait Light (100 cal)

D~ Will be a salad after I work out. I will have regular blue cheese dressing w/ the sal.

Again, I never lose, cause honestly, I haven't tried hard enough. But, there is a sample menu. Right now, I am starving, but I'll wait cause working out will help.

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Pam, I can't believe you were fired from such a high powered & paying job!!!! Do you get severence pay???

Laura, baby fever is hard to get past. I just got too old, but I don't think I will ever stop wanting!

Went to Dr. today and the ekg shows a heart attack, not one recent, but one in the past. Dr. said it is just a machine that doesn't know, but the nurse practioner said she wasn't so sure. So I am going to have a stress echo and a holter monitor. She said maybe my heart rthym caused my fainting. Don't know but it is worrisome to me. Not to mention my mom!!!

Did not win at casino.

Mailed your conditioner finally Jen!!!

Cashed the two violets checks I traded for cash today, sorry so late.

Have a good one!!!

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Jane, Do keep us posted on what is going on. That is pretty scary. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will turn out right.

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Jane, the holter monitor should give you a pretty good idea of how your heart reacts over a period of time, you usually have to wear them for 24-48 hours. You can use baby oil to get the tape residue off of your skin where all the leads attach. Rick like to have scrubbed himself raw, before I knew what he was doing!!!

He and my DD have both worn them more than once! And the last monitor Rick wore, he actually had to wear it for a full month! That was to check AFTER his valve surgery to get proper rhythm restored.

I am glad they are taking it seriously---we worry about you!

TracyKS---sounds like your TMobile plan might still be the way to go----and if you have to take it away....then he could physically still see it, and know behaviour is the only way to get it back!

Well Terry let me know I had been made a moderator, I knew nothing about it, have still heard nothing about it, and I do nothing, because I do not know how to do anything! I talk with newbies, because I always have....and try to respond to unanswered posts, because it sucks to have no one respond when you ask something. BUT I did that before, so have done nothing as far as moderating. A thread I responded to early on, is getting really argumentive, between 2 people, but I have just avoided going back, because I have no idea what I am expected to do!!! I am sure I too will eventually be fired!

Well I developed some of my pics today----and had my Water camera developed, but have no idea how to get them here.

I did get some extra's of some things.....I loved looking at them, I loved our weekend!

I need to go get packed.....I will miss you girls----and will chat with you on Sunday, if I cannot access at my Aunts!

HUGS to all!!


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Kat,,,, Have a very safe trip and try to enjoy it as much as you can. Let us know when you get home.


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Kat~ Say hello to Texas for us! I know I speak for everyone when I say, I wish we were all there. I still am riding the wave of our trip! Be safe and don't work too hard!

Susie~ I am loving the Tad/Dixie thing. Adam just spilled the Beans about Kate...thank goodness. Sometimes they drag the story lines out a bit too much!

Well, I was just gently reminded I have a band. I had a Cobb for dinner and went back in to 1/2 in a container for lunch tomorrow...well, just had to take some big bites fast didn't I. Then whamo...oooo yeah, I have a band in there...as I am hurling in the sink 2x!

All in all, I did not have anything "off" today. No sweets! Wow..been a while since I could say that. Did anyone see Oprah today. That Bob Green group that has been working out and eating right. One of them only lost 17 pounds, but she quit smoking. Bob said that when you quit smoking, you metabolism slows a bit. So he was impressed that quit smoking and lost 17 pounds in the same year. So, there is hope for me yet!

OK...gonna watch 2 1/2 men and then hit the hay!


sleep well!

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Good morning violets-

Pamela-Bob Green was impressed with a 17 pound weight loss in a year for someone that quit smoking? OK, I wonder what the stats are for someone banded that quits?!

Guys, I have talked to dh about this and it has been really working on my mind and heart. I have done & redone the math and I realized that I am working for nothing. Let me try to explain it better...after my car, gas, insurance, and day care, I literally make no money. I have been kicking this thought around for a while. I go to work to pay for a "ride" to work. I am accomplishing nothing, my job sucks, they do not respect me or the time I have put in. My lifelong dream has been to be a wife & mother. I have been giving that up for nothing. I was crying every day because I am letting someone else raise my daughter while I was at work accomplishing NOTHING money wise! I was becoming someone I can not stand personality wise. I stay depressed. So my question to myself is, am I willing to give up my car (the only thing I was working for anyway) to be able to fulfill my dream of being a stay at home mom and the answer is YES. I will just get an "in case of emergency" car and pay cash for it. The part that worried me the most was if dh would be behind me. Well, after I explained it to him and he saw what I saw he said he is behind me 110%. WHEW! I need to find out if dd school bus comes by here and if it does I will be able to turn in my notice really soon. If not it will be more like September. But, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.

Have a great day everyone....I know I will for the first time in a very long time (except for Gruene)

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Good for you Tracy! I know that was a tough decision, but I am glad you made the one that is best for your family.

My left hamstring is KILLING me...so is my right big toe. I am not sure if I am working out tonight because I got an email from my dissertation chair, and I am scared to open it. I'll open it after school and depending on what she wants me to do, that will determine if I work out tonight.

Have a great day everyone! I'll check in from work.

Oh yeah, I sent out cards to all the Violets right after our trip...no one has mentioned it 'cept for Kat. Did anyone else get 'em?

Jenn~ Time to check in girlie!

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Well Terry let me know I had been made a moderator, I knew nothing about it, have still heard nothing about it, and I do nothing, because I do not know how to do anything! I talk with newbies, because I always have....and try to respond to unanswered posts, because it sucks to have no one respond when you ask something. BUT I did that before, so have done nothing as far as moderating. A thread I responded to early on, is getting really argumentive, between 2 people, but I have just avoided going back, because I have no idea what I am expected to do!!! I am sure I too will eventually be fired!

Kat, if you look at the list of forums, at the very, very bottom you will see one that is for Moderators only. You never saw it before because you didn't have access, but you should now. If you go into that forum you will see the various discussions going on about troublesome threads, users, etc. You can also ask questions about what is expected of you. There are some lists and guidelines there that should be helpful, too. Hope you have better luck than I did in shaping the board up! It helps to have support, but you'd be surprised what they are willing to allow. At least i was.

TracyK - I feel your pain!!! And i also feel your joy!!! I do so remember sobbing over Evan's crib the day i had to go back to work. We crunched numbers for months and weeks but just could NOT make it work...mostly because of insurance needs. It was a gut-wrenching feeling that I don't wish on anyone. I am so very, very VERY happy that you have found a way to stay home and enjoy being a mother!!! Maybe you can find a way to make a little extra cash on the side. It will work out just fine!! ((((Special Hug))))))

Jane - OMG!!! That must have been a shock!! Glad you're having it thoroughly checked out though! Keep us posted.

Laura - I really love the name Violet, and always have!! Wouldn't that be the coolest!? She'd have 12 new Aunts!!! Looking at the list of names in Evan's graduation program, my favorite was Obadiah! LOL I told Evan and Allison they have to name their first little boy Obadiah and we'll call him Obie! They loved it! Let's just hope that day doesn't come for a long, long LONG time.

Yall have a great day!!

PS - Everyone in our company got at 40% bonus yesterday!!! :thumbup: I'd buy you all a drink if you were here!!!

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Tracy, I'm sitting here waiting for the "Nair" on my legs to do it's work and I wanted to tell you, HUUUURRRRAAAAYYY for you. Go for it Girl.

For a long time my hubby was after me to quit my job. He saw what is was doing to my mental state. The problem was that it had to be MY decision, not his. One day at work there was the stupidiest thing that my boss did that brought to lite that time was passing me by and I was wasting my time on them when I should be home with my family. My only regret about the whole thing was that I didn't do it earlier. I am such a happier, satisfied person and my famliy loves me more for it. GO FOR IT.

Ok, got to go rinse the legs. BY

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Good for you Tracy! I know that was a tough decision, but I am glad you made the one that is best for your family.

My left hamstring is KILLING me...so is my right big toe. I am not sure if I am working out tonight because I got an email from my dissertation chair, and I am scared to open it. I'll open it after school and depending on what she wants me to do, that will determine if I work out tonight.

Have a great day everyone! I'll check in from work.

Oh yeah, I sent out cards to all the Violets right after our trip...no one has mentioned it 'cept for Kat. Did anyone else get 'em?

Jenn~ Time to check in girlie!

Ahem.. roomie. don't you read my posts?? In case you missed it... here it is from long ago. Like one week ago today.

Good evening, Violets..

I got back from school at 5 and just got back from eating dinner out with the Bobster. I got 3/4 of a Butter Burger down without the top bun. I had a cup of chili for lunch and nothing in between all day. I think I need to go back to school to keep me in line on the eating!!! The teacher who took my place had gastric bypass and she has lost 101#. She's just a petite thing now. I can't believe how little she is. She looks amazing. I got lots of compliments and a new resolve to get those 10# off!!

Kat.. WOW!!! So sorry to hear about the accident. Ethan is a big boy and is still in a car seat, thank goodness!! Sure hope Connor is feeling great tomorrow. Angels were watching over them for sure.

Glad to see you posting too. I'm so thrilled for you and your flat tummy!

I too had just the mostest bestest time in Texas. You all are very special friends and I just felt so at home with you all.

Pam MEL a.. thanks for the card. That was sweet of you to send and I appreciate you taking the time to do it!! Makes me love my roomie all the more. I mean love in a non lesbo way, got that??:thumbup:

Raise your hand if you think Michelle needs to not justify that woman's comments with a response.

Laura.. You sure have your hands full with your siblings, don't you?? BTW...love your haircut!

Time for me to head out to my singing rehearsal. Arghhhhhhhhhh how did I ever do all this when I was teaching??? I'm pooped already and have to do it all over again tomorrow!

I'll try and get back on tonight before I head to bed.

Everyone have a good evening!

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I did get it Pam & I got the letter from Jane. I just forget between mail time and to the computer to say something. They're both on my mirror along with the Winchester postcard. THANK YOU :thumbup:)

Tracy, sounds like a plan. I told you on our trip to go for it, if you're not making money, don't waste the time you could be having with Macy.

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Pam, I got mine the other day, I also got one from Terry yesterday!! I guess all violets have showed me in one way or another what special people they all are!!! I am deeply touched by everyone.

I have got a busy day if I get my butt in gear. I go into work at 1:30 and could run soo many errands. Just need to get going.......

If I am not too late have a wonderful time Kat!!!

I am going to start eating better and exercising again. I haven't used my treadmill in about 3 weeks. That is really unusual for me. I just need to get control. So no sweets for me today!!

We used to do CTCD Tuesdays and Thursdays, lets do them again!!! I will also vow to be a better Wednesday poster of my tip of the day!!!


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OOOO yeah, sorry about that. I was just wondering. I haven't received the package from Texas from the antique guy yet either.

Not a big deal, just wanted to make sure you all got 'em.

I got a lovely note from Jane. She was thanking me for helping her w/ her phone, LMAO...I still can't believe I did that! A lot to be said for liquid courage! Although, ya'll know I'd do it right now too!


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Sorry, Pammy.... I'm terrible about thank you's ... one thing i'd love to change about myself but haven't managed yet!!! Your note was very touching and I have it in my special keepsake box. XXXOOO

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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