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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Just got back... doc said it's just allergies! WTF?? Doesn't FEEL like allergies. Did a strep test & it was neg. Hrmph. So bought Xyrtec took one... feel *slightly* better... but head still hurts, throat still swollen... Oh, and I had to show them my driver's license before they'd sell it to me?? Another WTF???

Off to take a quick nap then get ready to go out tonight! TTFN!

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Just got back... doc said it's just allergies! WTF?? Doesn't FEEL like allergies. Did a strep test & it was neg. Hrmph. So bought Xyrtec took one... feel *slightly* better... but head still hurts, throat still swollen... Oh, and I had to show them my driver's license before they'd sell it to me?? Another WTF???

Off to take a quick nap then get ready to go out tonight! TTFN!

Yep, that is one of those kinda new rules to keep us from bringing that "potent" stuff home and starting up a meth lab at our houses....LOL :lol: They have to keep track of who is buying it, can you beleve?

GIMME A BREAKKK!!!!!! Hope you feel better soon :)

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TracyK –Great job on no smokes for 3 weeks.

Michelle – I hope you get felling better – the bad thing about allergies – they seem to linger around all spring and fall.

Good Night All!

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Okay can you believe I am going out at 10:00!! I managed to take a nap, which is good for me cause I am a horrible napper!! This should be a trip!! I am not sure how this shall go down, but I think a few drinks and I should be ready to handle this!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! Even though I worked all day today it was SUNNY!!! I am to the point where I need sun. We have had soooo much gloom! Susie and Tracyks is that the way it is where you live? I know we are not that far.

Oh well here I go!!


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By the way Gina great job on your weight loss!!!!! I need you to come over and jump start mine!!

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Hope you have fun Jane!!!

TracyKS----for some reason tonight, I was wondering about the woman you got the job for, that then broke her wrist or something didn't she? What ever happen with her???

Michelle hope you are out having a good time. If I took a whole Zyrtec, I would be sleeping at the table!!! Hope you are not face down in a bowl of soup!!!

Will check in with all of you in the morning. I am not getting any email at all from LBT---has the site been down or anything?


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OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile2::lol::):thumbup:

The smilies I could use!!!!!

I drank alot, and Charlie won!!! My life for the next year will be hell!!! His head is going to be soooooooooo big!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a trip!!! I had a good time, but the sights I saw!!!! OHMYGOSH!

I am going to bed soon, just wanted to post my incredulous (is that a word?) night!!!!


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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up early getting ready for church. I painted all day yesterday and got every bit of the painting done. Today we put the wallpaper border around the top of the breezeway walls and in the middle of the kitchen walls. We went to K-Mart yesterday and put a patio set on lay away that was on sale.

Still have to get some curtains for the breezeway and get the furniture back in here, but then it will be done!!

Jane..sounds like you had a great time! Looking forward to hearing about it!

Pamela... my DD LOVES Lucy. She grew up on the repeats with her Grandma. She has a Lucy collection and her St. Bernard is named Lucy Magillicuty Barden. We went out to dinner with them last night and she had an I Love Lucy pullover on.

Michelle....how did your dinner go??? Hope you're feeling better. In two months it will be our 39th anniversary. Talk about feeling old!! But actually I don't.

I found a picture of me with a former Kindergarten student yesterday and I can't believe how ROUND I was!!! I sure hope I look a lot younger than that now cause I do feel younger. I'm even looking forward to tubing in May!! And DD and I are going para-sailing on our cruise in June! Yikes!!

Kat and Terry...so excited to hear about your PS. You know your Violets will take good care of you at the Bandiversary Bash.

Gotta go and get dressed. It's been nice with temps in the upper 50's, but still have snow in the back yard. The front yard is just about snow free and I'm seeing the pile of leaves that didn't get raked up before the first snow storm hit!

Everyone have a great morning. Catch ya later!

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Judy-parasailing sounds like so much fun! Where are you cruising to in June?

Jane-glad you had fun. I'll bet that is something you wont forget in a long time!

DH just got home so I will bbl....

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Judy-parasailing sounds like so much fun! Where are you cruising to in June?

Jane-glad you had fun. I'll bet that is something you wont forget in a long time!

DH just got home so I will bbl....

We'll be cruising out of Port Canaveral and head to CoCo Cay, Bahamas, St. Thomas and St Maarten. It will be 7 days to the Eastern Caribbean. I'm on a message board with people going on that cruise and two of them are getting married at Magens Bay Beach. What a beautiful site for a wedding! Our anniversary will be the day before Kris and I leave and my birthday will be while we're at sea. Should be lots of fun.

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Judy, parasailing is an absolute HOOT!!! I think my heart stopped beating for a long time at first! It's just so unlike anything you've ever done. I was smiling and laughing so loud but nobody around to immediately share with...strange feeling. So I just started singing "Oh Susannah!" at the top of my lungs ... LOL!! The landing is the trickiest part but in good hands it's not a big deal at all....mine was very very smoothe. You will love it!

My plastic surgery will not be until July 3rd... I have that 10 days already scheduled for vacation with no particular plans. Kids will be here to help me if I need it, too. I've got way too much going on in May and June to even think about doing it then.

I am getting the jitters. I personally like my surgeon but suddenly feel that I'd like to talk to several former patients and really go thru his B&A photos. His training record is perfect... but, like I said....just getting the jitters. Also feeling VERY guilty for spending that kind of money on my vanity. Just wondering how wrong that is....or if I really have other priorities. In 10 years will I really be wishing I had that money back? Probably. This is not an easy decision. Not like with you girls' tummy tucks. This is pure vanity. I never have considered myself to be vain. Hell, I've always been 'the fat girl'! Who can be the fat girl and still be vain? Not me. But then on the flip side is the part of me that says I 'deserve it'. Yeah, but I spent $13K last year too! This is hard!!!!!

Absolutely picture perfect day here today. Think I'll hop in the shower and get started with it!!


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Happy Sunday!

Jane: Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous.. warm and sunny.. a bit breezey, but I spent all day out in the yard and then we went to Home Depot, test drove a bunch of mowers and then came home with one.. (our old mower was going to cost about $500 to attempt to fix) so.. of course dh got a new toy.... (it is nice, but costly) I'm trying not to stress out about the bill.....

Terry: that is soooooooooooo exciting about your surgery!

Kat: The woman in question..... well that might be part of my current mood.... I won't say much because she is very internet savy and for all I know might be on here..... but short version... WORKMANS COMP NIGHTMARE! She is obviously being coached. She has been off work since Christmas eve.... I will be called to court before the whole issue is over.... one of those bite you in the ass for doing a good deed kind of things.

The scale was back down today so that is nice... DH's back is doing better so that means he is less grumpy.. (although he just realized I wouldn't be coming home on Sunday of the trip and he threw a friggen fit).... oh well....

It is cloudy and a chance of rain...... today......... I think I need to plant some seeds or work on the garage. Have a great day!

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Morning Violetas~

Where to start???

Janie~ We Want Details. Even if you have to write it in a word doc and email us w/ 'em...we (well, maybe it is just me) want details! Glad you had fun!

Terry~ I am sooo excited for your surgeries too! I say dont feel bad about the $$$. It is not like you are skipping a mortgage payment to have surgery. YOU NEVER SEE A BRINKS TRUCK FOLLOWING A HEARSE! Can't take it w/ you...spend it, and enjoy life! You are not vain, just one hot lady and need to keep it that way!:frown:

Michelle~ I was soooo sick in Oct and then again in Nov (after nooo illness for 2 years) and it was allegies too??? I am not sure where that came from...just did?? I got Zyrtec and Viramist and only need them on occasion now. I hope you had a good time and feel better!

Susie and Haydee~ Ya'll can come over here and do yard stuff! I don't really enjoy it much but Susanne does. I have a gardner for the big stuff, but we are gonna plant flowers, actually looked at them yesterday. Planned to come back next weekend, then realized, I might not be up for it next week. Anyway, enjoy your spring ladies:wink:.

Judy~ WOW...I could NEVER go parasailing. I wont even go on a roller coaster...sooo scared of heights. I am just a simple girl, who likes the Earth, and likes to be close to it! You'll have fun. Susanne has never been to the Bahamas(she has been EVERYWHERE else). We are talking about going soon (within the next 2 years)

We had a day and a half yesterday! We went out and piddled around and went to this furniture store that is going out of business (saw the commercial yesterday morning). We ended up buying a $700 dresser/beaurau (sp) on sale for $565! It is beautiful and we wanted it in bedroom to put the TV on and put our linens in it. Well, we paid for it, and the subcontracted out w/ a moving guy to bring it to our house (it is huge). That was gonna be $80 bucks for delivery. So we come home and wait and they finally arrive w/ it. The guy comes in and tells us that a strap broke and damaged the dresser WTF??? Since he does not work for the company THERE IS NO RECOURSE!!! It has about 8 divets (gauges) in it...actally made me sick to my stomach when I saw it.:biggrin::eek::regular_smile: I of course start yelling, "F*CKF*CKF*CK" and Susanne was pissed. Then we realized...oh well...there is nothing we can do. The guy said that he has a carpenter guy he works w/ and he'd have him come over and fix it...whatever. We took a marker and colored it all the gauges so our beautiful DARK wood dresser doesn't have big WHITE chunks missing:frown:.

Then we went to the concert. We went to the casino and were having a quick bite when...whamo...no electricity! FOR OVER AN HOUR! This friend of ours was on the potty when it happened as we were eating. She came back and said there is smoke all in the downstairs of the casino and they are evacuating everyone! Well, turns out, the smoke came from smokers. Soon as the electricity went out the smoke was soooo thick. The concert FINALLY went on...and she was wonderful. Any Joss Stone fans here??? Anyway, got home late and slept in late.

Gonna go to the store and be LAZY all day. I have a boat load of papers to grade!

Have a great day...sorry for the long post!


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Oh My Gosh!! First Time This Is Really Happened To Me!!!!! I Just Wrote A Book About Last Night And It Disappeared!!!! I Will Repeat Later!!!!!!

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Morning crew!

Lazy day here in NM. My MIL just left. When DIL had pictures made of my grandson, she always buys the off the wall things---the black and white, and sepia tones, and ends up spending her budgeted amount on the specialties, and never has enough pics. So I went in, bought pics for us, both parents and the girls. MIL come by to get hers. She loved them. They live so close, that my grandson spends tons of time with them, and I knew she would want a picture, that showed him being him, and in color! So I picked her one of him sitting, laughing in a bushel basket. It was a good choice.

Today I plan on going through a couple of closets. Becky and I are having a yard sale next weekend. She has a storage shed she wants to clean out, and I have a shed out back that needs it as well. She lives out of town in an area not so great for yard sales. My place is off of a main throughfare----easily signed to point in the right direction. In one of the well established neighborhoods.....perfect for a yard sale, with the small exception of the fact that my drive slopes a bit too much towards the street end. But we have it planned, and will get it done. Rick is off, Gary doesn't work--so we should be able to clear out a bunch of stuff. Manda wants to bring stuff too. I told her fine, if she wants hers kept separate financially she has to work it-----not drop things off and leave. I told both of them what is not sold or moved from my house by next Sunday gets put into the side yard, covered with a tarp, and one of the charities will be called to pick it up.....I am not storing one thing for anyone! I am being so mean! But I still have a fire pit in my back yard of Becky & Gary's---and an attic full of kids junk--------I want to clear out, not store more!!!

Maybe I will go clothes shopping with my earnings!!!

Took pork chops out to grill---anyone got any great ideas to go with it???

TracyKS---I have no idea what made me wonder about that woman, but I do know---it was a negative feeling. In fact I was watching America's Most Wanted!!!! Something about someone helping someone on the show---and I thought of you. I hate that she is going to end up screwing you over---when you were the one person willing to help her. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around......don't let her being horrid change the kind person you are.

Jane I have had that happen---losing a huge post----it irritates the you know what outta me!! I look forward to the rewrite and hearing about last night!!!

Pamela---I love your posts!! The more things you post about you and the way you are and handle things, the more you sound like Becky! Both aspects of your post would have been her--the gouges in her new furniture would have elicited EXACTLY the same response!!! And her fear of heights. For years we have discussed a trip to the Grand Canyon on the motorcycles, and she has nixed the idea. So this year we have an agreement. If I go through Carlsbad Caverns----and manage my fears. She will do the Grand Canyon. Personally I wonder if we will do either!!!

Rick may blow all our money on his shop! LOL We got the contractor estimate yesterday, it come out better than I worried about---but OMG nothing is cheap!

Well I guess I better post this before I have a Jane moment!!!



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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