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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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(((Laura))) I don't know what to say other than i hope things go better today. Thank you for checking in, you know how worried we are. :sneaky:

Tracy, ask them to check the fill under fluro if they don't volunteer. It gave me some peace of mind when i was in your position...sure enough, I had lots of room for a fill. The occasional PB's were because i was rushed or not chewing (you know the drill). Hey, do you know how much fills are after our year is up?

Michelle - You sound like me, too. Although this contest is going to help me (I think). Not that I'm such a competitive person but it will just help me keep my head in the game, y'know? I think the best thing we can do is stay engaged here on LBT....don't drift away when you're feeling like a failure. Keep posting, posting, posting. We'll all get thru the ups and downs together....and there are no winners and losers....we're all just doing the best we can!

I'm in a real quandry over whether or not to talk to my sister about the confrontation she had with my Mom last week. Mom said yesterday that sister was 2" away from her face screaming at her...and must have said 5-6 times what a bad mother she was!!! (WHAT????????) I've seen bad mothers and mine was WAY FAR from it. She was an awesome mother! Maybe not June Cleaver but she's a very sweet and gentle person, always laughing and gracious. I just don't get it at all. Why in the world would my sister say such things....and WHY NOW?? She could have easily given my mother a heart attack. And if I say anything to her about the whole ordeal (like she owes Mom an apology) guaranteed she'll go off on me, too. Then it will really be a big mess. My mom could go tomorrow, y'know? And I just hate that this is hanging over her. My sister owes her an apology, dammit!! As it is, she is just acting like nothing ever happened. Although my mom would never admit it, she has to be hurt to the core. Just makes me so very, very sad.

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Going in to work early today, long day Laura I hope you are okay!!

Good luck on your fill Tracy!!

Hope you feel better soon Susie.

Have a good day and will check in tonight.


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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Laura... thanks for checking in... hope you feel better soon! Sounds like a nightmare @ the ER! Yikes!

Terry... I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't... tough situation... follow your heart...

Went to aqua aerobics this a.m.... haven't been in a week... feels good! Today I'm focusing on TODAY only. I'll stay on plan today. I'll exercise today (check!). I'll make good choices today. I'll make this a good day! Hope you do too!!

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Hey Girlies~

I am here...been crazy~

Johnny was here Sunday and we had a great day. Went to the Living Desert, then to home and said goodbye to Susanne, then we went to the park. During the day, my little guy was coughing a lot, but was not sick. Well as the evening progressed, he was weezing and breathing shallow. My bro came over Sunday night (he always sleeps here Sunday night because he works in PS but lives in Yucca Valley, 30 min away, and on Sunday he works until 10pm and then goes back at 6am...so he sleeps here). Anyway, the baby was crying and fussing all night...well, we went to sleep and John (bro) took Johnny (baby) to the ER in the night. He got a shot of steroids and antibiotic. I had no idea until 10am when they woke up. We went to Breakfast and then they left. I flopped around here Monday afternoon...still pooped out from the day and night.

Then yesterday, I ran some errands, bought Johnny some clothes...and came home and flopped around too.

Today, I am working on my dissertation and waiting for the TV to be delivered today!!! Then installation will come tomorrow to hook it all up. They will also hook up the Bose system (man that was hella expensive).

I have not offered to join the contest cause I am not there ladies...sorry. 'nuf said.

Laura~ WTH??? Please let us know what is happening!

TracyK and Janie~ BB is good...too good. I am tapping the showtime stuff and watching it...it is 3 hours long!

Kat~ Sending some more PURPLE POWER to Manda. Sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders and an amazing family behind her!!!

OK...gonna play 1 more game of scrabble before homework~


Have a great day!

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Morning V's!

I missed something, why did your sister do that Terry?? What a horrible thing to do, no one does that to their mom past the age of 5!

Well yesterday they sent me to do ultrasounds. First one was fasting.. did that one fine, they told me to leave, drink 32oz of Water, come back at 2 and do the lady parts. I drank 50oz of water, came back at 2.. sat there till 4 o'clock.. I went in twice and my bladder wasn't filling up, so she said 'come back when you have to pee really bad'. Never happened. So they did the scary ultrasound where they stick a stick in my hooha (and called it 'tampon like').. my tampons don't play touchy feely!! Then one of my ovaries was in a funny spot, so I had to stick one leg way up in the air and do maneuvers. So go back to the clinic, they said results say I have a cyst on my ovary.. and a high white blood cell count.. 18000 and most people is 11000? Or 11000 if infected? Anyway.. They wanted me to go meet some surgeon at the ER.. so I get to the ER, they get me in right away. 2 hours of NOTHING FOR PAIN.. and the kid who did the IV was a MORON he had to be new. It took him 15m of JABBING a huge needle in my arm to get it, made me cry. And IV's normally don't bother me at all. So then it was burning and pinching the whole time.. 2 hours of waiting for the doc.. doc comes in, feels around, says he doesn't think it's appendicitis. Kudos.. send me home with some antibiotics. So then he's like, but I'd like to get a catscan to make sure. Sigh. So he makes me drink 3 cups of sprite contrast. They said I'll go in 20m to get a Cat Scan. 2 more hours pass. No Cat Scan. I have to pee something fierce. Pain.. nothing for pain.. Haven't eaten at all that day. I literally was going crazy. I started freaking out. Doc comes by asks me how the Cat Scan went, I said THEY HAVEN'T DONE IT!!! I said "I want to go home" and he goes "I'd prefer you do the scan while you're here", and walks off. 30m later, finally do the scan. I cry a little more, I'm so miserable. I get back to the room, the cat scan guy said "You'll be here all night, no one is working radiology". FFS!!!!!! So I asked the nurse to call my doc, he didn't. I asked again and said DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE WHEN YOU AREN'T. Another 1.5 hours pass, I can't take it anymore. I cause a scene in the nurses area. They bring me papers saying I can check out, but it's against doctor's orders. I said I didn't care, signed it and we left.

Then mom told me signing out against doc's orders, means insurance won't pay. So apparently I wracked up a big bill. Sigh!! Still debating how to tell DH about it, it'll be a couple thousand at the least.

So this morning, still having the waves of pain, called the clinic they don't have any info.. called the doc (who ends up, is a bariatric surgeon in town and was SOLICITING business from me) and he's in surgery till this afternoon. So nothing till then. Meanwhile, still in bad pain. I can't believe it. I will literally die next time before I go back to the hospital.

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I'm so sorry that you had to go thru all that and are still in pain! I think I must've missed why you go to clinics & don't have a pcp? Insurance?? That's one good thing about having one doc who knows you & who cares about you... if possible, I suggest getting one of those asap!!

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Yeah, I don't have one. Ironically, I've been talking about getting set up with my parents GP, but I didn't know how you get set up as a first time patient.. And for this instance, I didn't know if he'd be able to get me in quick enough as a new patient. I need to just go have a physical done with him to get my name on his charts. But yeah, I definitely NEED one. My cell phone died, and that's the number the surgeon is suppose to call me when he's out of surgeries. argh.

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I did! I also explained to the girl how I am still in a lot of pain and waiting for him to call me something in, so she said she'll try to catch him between surgeries.

And I just called my family's GP to get set up as a new patient.. another one of those doc offices where no one answers the phone, you just have to leave messages. :ohmy:


Last night really made the light of the issue of a new hospital big to me.

The hospital is 30m away in another city, we all go there. For years, the 2 hospitals in that city have been fighting over who gets to build a hospital in MY city. Due to this, we have had none. They appeal back and forth. Last week on the news it said So and so finally got approval to be the one to build the hospital...... but so and so has 3 months to appeal this decision. ARGH. We need a hospital out here. Especially since the one 30m away has gone SO DOWN HILL.

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Morning all,

Laura, so sorry you had such a rough night. I hate ER's for that reason. It is all such a hurry up and wait thing. They almost waited too long on Rick's appendix.

Terry---I knew you said your sister said mean things to your Mom, and I kind of, not really stood up for her, but maybe sympathized with her at the time, but I had NO IDEA you were talking about something like this! OMG, I have no idea what I would do in your situation. Maybe telling sister that until she can control her temper and emotions she needs to stay away, but then she would know your Mom talked to you about it, and just get that much madder. Oh Hon I have no idea! Poor Mom. How would she react to getting a bunch of get well cards filled with Purple Power????

I didn't mean to minimalize what your sister did, or to agree with it, I had no idea of the severity of it....

Well, I am hoping my band is ok. I took that Nyquil, and OMG-----made me SO sick....I barely made it to the bathroom, puking hard. Dry heaves for an hour seriously. Now I keep getting the golfball feeling in my chest even though I am only drinking. I called my fill Dr. who is also a surgeon. He said it sounds like I seriously irritated the esophagus, to eat a bland non acidic diet for a couple of days, keep my portions small, and concentrate on liquids.....and not to take anymore Nyquil ---------like anyone needed to tell me that! He said as long as my liquid is going down, there will be nothing they could do for a slip today any different than in 2-3 days or a week for that matter. So, to baby my stomach, and maybe it is just spasming from the assault it took. I was shocked, I called and told Andrea, one of the girls at the desk, she has been there since before I was banded. She put me on hold and in a couple minutes, the Dr. was on the line. He also said he didn't think right now unfilling me would do a lot as I don't have a lot of fill in, he thinks my band placement was done in a way I am not needing a lot of fill. Which answered some of my questions anyway!

He wants to see me in the next month to check me over. I told him the appointment was already set for the 11th, and he said that would be fine. So keeping my fingers crossed, and my diet bland.....it is pretty uncomfortable today. Add to that my cold, and I am not a happy girl!

Rick just got out of the Dr. he has bronchitis. He wanted me to go to my Dr, but he is out of town until Monday. Which is ok, my cold may get worse, but I am not wanting to put antibiotics in my belly right now anyway.

It has been nice Springy weather here, and this morning is no exception, blue skies, windy, but sunny---doesn't matter, I am freeeeeeeeeezing!!

Suzanne---do you feel up to working today? Sounds like we were bit by the same bug.

Michelle---I am so glad you got your inspiration back from our own words!! LOL! I remember when you were all worried about insurance, and having the surgery, and comparing post ops----all my little chicks!!! LOL----Now all the chicks are smaller than the old mother HEN!!!!! I am so proud to be part of this group though--I know I don't tell y'all often enough how thankful I am you allow me to be part of you! But--THANK YOU!!

Pamela--poor Johnny---kids can get so sick so quick. Kinsey has had a runny nose forever, but the pediatricians do not like to give out meds, and don't recommend OTC things often, so we keep wiping, and handing out juice and vitamins! She eats really healthy. Anyway she goes back to the pediatrician today.

Judy--Enjoy your new tunes!!! Rick has a portable Sirius system he used to pop back and forth between his truck and the company truck. He offered it to me when he moved up and quit using the company truck-------but I hated all the wires! I wouldn'tmind if it was like what you are doing and built in!

TracyK--Sharon told me she was dropping another bag off, but I have not seen it, so will ship this as is, and if she gets it here, will just send another box. It will go out today. Promise!

TracyKS---all your boys well now?

Jane---How'd the taxes go? Are we still going to be roomies!!!??? LOL, seems like taxes eat up all of DH's check! He puts pretty heavy into his 401K, and a stock purchase program, our insurances, and a medical flex account. Then for the first few months of the year, money comes out to go into a Roth IRA purchase, which maxes out in July or something and quits deducting from his check, but he brings home less than half of what he makes.....some of it our stuff, but tons of it is taxes. We do overpay though, preferring to get a refund as to owing.

I had lost weight this morning, was down to 183----but not expecting that to last, I was totally dehydrated after my problem last night. So I am not claiming it yet!

I am going to go curl up under a blanket and snooze awhile....



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Get well all violets! This is horrible to have so many of us sick. Last time we had a wave of that I was one of the sickies!! Hope you all feel better soon!

I am back from my fill. They added .4 so that brings me to 2.7 . Thank goodness she got it in the first stick and it did not hurt! I hope this is my sweet spot! You would have thought I would have found it by now. I could add something else here BUT this is a PG thread and I will stop here :lightbulb: LOL (those with sick minds will know where this was going) Anyway....I had lost one pound since I was there in January. I told them that I had actually lost like 7 and gained it back since I quit smoking. She said that I am looking at it the wrong way....I have lost one pound AND quit smoking. Hmmm, she has a point. How is THAT for the bright side?:ohmy:

Laura-just call a doctor you wanna go to and say "hey, are ya'll accepting new patients?"....no problem! I really hope that you find something out soon!

Terri-i can believe what your sister is doing cause it sounds like something one of my sisters does to my mom. I have had to bite my tongue for years. They way I have decided to handle it is to know that one day, she will regret what she has said.:huh2: It sucks cause I want to say something but it would just make things worse right now. She will have to live with those words & actions for the rest of her life! I just tell my mom "i did not know your oldest daughter was such a mean hateful bit*h". To my mom, I make light of it and I have promised mom that I will say something to my sister about her actions after the good lord takes her (mom) from us. My mom said "would you really do that for me?" That is one promise I plan to keep!! More power to you Terri!!

Kat-thanks for the shirts in advance. I really need them!

Pamela-I wish I had showtime! I am loving BB too. I hope Chelsia gets the boot tonight, then that pink headed creep! I used to like both of them but they have really turned into JERKS!

Have a great day everyone! I will check in later!

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Aw, back to last week...reason I love DH :ohmy:

He just e-mailed me this [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx88uQO_Ork&feature=related]YouTube - Not Fire, Not Ice[/ame]

And said it's his new song for me. Aw. It use to be "Southern Girl" by Incubus.. hehe.

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Hello V's!

Laura you had us worried!!!!

I have had ONE glass of Water today (my first in about 3 weeks) going for number two now...................

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My brother (ah, yes, love how the system works) supplied me with some pain meds. So I took a lortab about 30 minutes ago, starting to get a little relief. I hate hospitals. GRRR.

Thank you all, it's so nice to have support here, and Terry I got your message when I was on the way to work.. and it's part of why I decided to go ahead to the doc (and the pain..). But I heard it and thought, they always know what they're talking about.. all the good advice.. I probably should do it!

And it's good to know who I can wake up in the middle of the night!! I was so scared that night. I was up again in the middle of last night, but since I knew I have been in pain and I did NOT pass out this time, I wasn't going to bother anyone.

Love my V's!!! I can't wait to meet you guys!!

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Good afternoon, Violets..

Laura...I just read your post to DD Kristin over the phone. She's a nursing student married to a P.A. and she said she was totally disgusted with the care you are receiving. She said you need to write down exactly what happened and send it to the hospital administrator. There is no excuse for the care you were given. Especially having to wait so long for EVERYTHING when you are in such pain.

Terry... I'm so sorry to hear the grief your sister is giving you and your Mom.. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

Ok.. all you sickies... you need to get it out of your systems before May. Nothing is going to spoil our time together.

Finished my flute rehearsal and now on to choir and german class. We got the radio put in the Aztek, but the part to hook up the XM had to ordered and won't be in til next week. We bought a new mattress and that will be delivered next Wednesday. So next week we'll have a new car, radio and mattress. Woooo hoooooo.. the exciting life of a retiree..!!

Our RV goes on the chopping block next week too. Sure hope we'll be able to sell it. It's a beautiful 2003 26 foot Jayco with a slide out. We just don't get any use out of it anymore with all the cruising.. (which I prefer). And with no truck anymore, the only way to haul it around will be to tie the Bobster to the front and put some chocolate on a stick in front of him.

Time to go think about supper. We've been good all day. Just have to battle that head hunger this evening.

Everyone take care.. will check back later.

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