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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Tracy---yea!!! Maybe we should save all our yucky belly skin and make a Tee Pee for some poor homeless tribesman somewhere!!!!! LMAO----------just kiddding, I could do it without your skin----mine alone!

:):lol:Between both of us it would probably be one heck of a teepee:wink2:

(I could put an end to any homeless problem with just using MY skin to make them)

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My DH almost died from Gold Schlagger! He has a metal allergy, and had had enough to drink he was just hitting the shots put in front of him.

He usually drinks beer, and had been that night as well....so you know the routine, drink a beer, go to the bathroom, drink a beer, go to the bathroom. Well mixed in with the beer, every now and then someone would buy a round of shots, we had been drinking Kamikaze shots--------well this new one showed up and he drank it. Now it sounds like he was drinking tons, but all in all we are talking maybe 3-4 beers, and 3 shots, over a period of easily 4-5 hours. We were shooting pool, and talking, not just sitting, and he was not slurring, or missing shots, he was buzzed, but not staggering! So all of a sudden, his stomach started hurting---and he quit drinking all together, thinking it was enough. Pretty soon, he needed to go to the bathroom, and couldn't pee!!! His belly is bloating--we had no idea what was wrong with him. Then I looked at him, and his face was swelling! His mouth swelled up, so we went to the ER. Becky was our DD---by the time we get there, he is having trouble breathing. They hit him with some epinephrine, and he felt better, when it finally come down to it, they decided there was enough "gold" as well as other trace metals in the Gold Schlagger to make him sick!!! We don't drink it no more, no more!!

Tracy---yea!!! Maybe we should save all our yucky belly skin and make a Tee Pee for some poor homeless tribesman somewhere!!!!! LMAO----------just kiddding, I could do it without your skin----mine alone!


Between Kat's post and gold poo...I've laguhed out loud 2 times in 5 minutes!


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Hi guys

I made it through my first day. I am thinking i'm going to have a little low then i'm going to be slammed... YIPEE... Love them all

I didn't tell them aout my 2 days... they said tomorrow was another day for hr stuff... they didn't want my paperwork or anything... and I don't know who i'm suppose to even report to. I have 2 attorneys I work for. I love them both.

I am still sick as a dog... but going to have a quick bite to eat take a night flu pill and pass out

oh.. had an eye appt tonight... I pick up my new glasses tomorrow... got the cheap ones but the girl helped me pick them out so i'm happy. Anyhoo... I was asked how I've been driving because I should not be. . . nice thought huh...

night all

i'll catch up tomorrow... i am so tired

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Wonder What Judy's Doing? (WWJD, get it?)

Jenn - Congrats on starting your new job!!!

TracyK - WAAAAY cool about the TT!!! You are gonna be one hot chicky! What hoops do you have to jump thru? Oh, and congrats on the new car!!! Is that the boxy kind of retro-looking car? Those are so cute! What color?

Janie - You should avoid getting a 2nd job if at all possible...'cause you know what will happen, right? You'll come to depend on that 2nd income then you'll never be able to give it up! That's what happened to my girlfriend and she's been working 7 days a week for 4 years! She makes about $75K at her 1st job, too!

Kat - do you know how to make flan? Have a good recipe? I just love that stuff and have always wanted to make it. Can't be that hard, but it's gotta be a great recipe, y'know?

Mom's doing better...I think she's outta the woods for a bit. They're even talking about discharging her "soon". Wow...I don't know if that's good or bad. Kinda scary to think of her without round the clock care. One day at a time, that's all we can do.

Pam, is Susanne feeling any better tonight? :) poor baby!!!

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Sorry Terry----no flan recipe! I have eaten some I really like, other that was only so so----but have NEVER made any myself! Sorry!

I can imagine it is really concerning, taking your Mom home---is she going home with you, or to her place?

Pamela----glad we could entertain you with our skin offerings----and poo stories. We do strive to be entertaining! But from here on out, no more applause, just throw money!!!

Jenn---glad the first day was a success!!! Hope it keeps up---glad you like your bosses!

I am exhausted tonight....not sure why. Did a little shopping with my DIL----fixed a simple dinner, but I am wiped out----not sure why!

Did crappy on my eating, and only so so on my water----gotta get it together!!! I am sure that is why I feel so lethargic---poor nutrition. I usually do much better. Time to concentrate again!

Suzanne---here I am complaining, and you were likely on your feet all day at work then volunteering!!! I am such a bum!

I wish I had been able to get my glasses right away! But with our insurance, they have to be sent out to an insurance lab to be cut. So it will be another week or so....not that I am thrilled with them or anything, but hoping they help!!! My vision is not terribly bad----but the shape of my eye is changing, and the way the light is entering is blurring a lot of things, a simple light change changed my prescription hugely!!!! So the Dr. thinks maybe the light going through the lens may make a difference. I usually only have problems in fluorescent lighting----in the mall, or in Walmart--I cannot read a thing! So hoping this helps!

Well I am off to the shower----then to an early bed!

Good night my friends!


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Denise---when do they break ground on the house? Then what is the time line? Hows the mommies & babies to be??



Kat, They've already dug the trenches and framed it for the foundation and laid the plumbing. They were going to pour the foundation last week but it rained all week. This week is supposed to be sunny so they're pouring this week....

I go this Thursday after work to pick out my carpet, tile and granite for the counters...I'm so excited.

Mommies are doing great...Shannyne is getting huge...she's 7 months as of today. She's excited but NERVOUS as heck! Here's a current picture of her out at the house site :)


Kara's doing much better too...no more bleeding since January, so we feel much better. She's BARELY got a tummy, but she's a skinny minnie anyway. She turned 25 years old yesterday and is now 15 weeks pregnant...here's her tummy pic from yesterday...by the end of this the girls are going to be SO tired of me taking pics...but then it will be on to take GRANDBABY pictures!!! hehe :)


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TracyK - WAAAAY cool about the TT!!! You are gonna be one hot chicky! What hoops do you have to jump thru? Oh, and congrats on the new car!!! Is that the boxy kind of retro-looking car? Those are so cute! What color?

Yeah, that is the car. Kinda getting jerked around by the financing dept so it is not a done deal and I am not going to play games with them. I am the type that will walk out just like I walked in. I will get a final offer on terms today or tomorrow and I have already told them what page I am on and I am not budging, so we'll see. The car is called sandstone metallic (gold). I love that color.

This part is kind of embarassing, but we are all friends soooo,

As far as the TT goes and the "hoops". The insurance company says I have to be within 20 percent of my ideal weight. I have to have documentation that I have had chronic medical issues for the past 6 months or longer caused by the skin folds. Lucky for me I had the foresight to make sure I went to my dr when I was having the issues of the staph infections and stuff because I just had this feeling that it may help me when the time for the TT rolled around. Hopefully that will be anough proof! And I (the PS) also have to send pics to the insurance company so they can see the skin. (embarassing :)) I am sure it will be at least a few months before it happens. I need to save some $$$ for while I am off work too since my benefits at work suck and I do not have enough sick time to carry me through. Ugh, so many obstacles. But in the long run it will be SO worth it.

Have a great day everyone!!

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Denise, Love both of the pictures. You are so lucky. Two new babies. And a new house on top of that.

Up kind of early today. Hubby was up all night draining. Didn't really throw up, just doing some gagging noises from all the drainage he is having. Hope he keeps it to himself.

We didn't get any snow last night so hopefully we are through with all of this yuck. Now we just need for it to start warming up. First day it does, I'm off to go walking. Can't hardly wait.

Everyone have a great day.

Don't forget it's CTCD.

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Good Tuesday Morn, Vi's~~

Had a good bandster day yesterday; plan on another today. Have a band doc app't today... could be a fill but I don't think I need one... other than that, just the regular stuff that keeps me hopping: kids, house, hubby, & volunteer stuff... the fabric of my life! (wasn't that a commercial eons ago??)

Make it a great one, everyone!

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Buenos Dias Violetas~

Another day...1/2 a dollar! I finally go to the gyn today! Never been so excited in my life. I pretty much had a period for the last month, with the eexception of the last 3 days. 6 months ago, I had a bad pap...that is why I am having another one today. That, coupled w/ the month long period...ready to get this addressed. They called yesterday and wanted to reschedule AGAIN! I ended up going w/ the doctors colleague...hell, she is not as busy and he is...and if I like her, I'll stay w/ her!

Then, hopefully, I'll go to dance class after that!

Susanne is truckin along. She is home alone:frown: and having to change her bandages alone. I sent her some chicken tenders (fake fried), watermelon, etc. She ate some watermelon for dinner. She is the kind of person who will "nibble" on a big bag of pretzles for a weekend, and call that food. Hopefully, she'll be home tomorrow and I can take care of her, even if I go to work. Better than being in OC alone. Thanks for all your well wishes for her! You guys are great.

We are having a garage sale this weekend! It is supposed to be 82 degrees (sorry snow violets). That is pretty much how it works around here. As of yesterday, we are in Spring. We may have some bouts of weather (wind and rain) from time to time...but we are pretty much set now for summer! I realized yesterday that March 9th is the day we turn the clocks back!!!! That is my favorite day of the year! Then we have spring break starting March 20...woofreakinhoo!!!!

OH yes...I should share w/ my violet sisters! I am officially going to complete my dissertation! It was a big decision this past week. I emailed my chair yesterday and agreed to finish this %^&* degree. I've worked on it since 2001, I've already paid off ALL STUDENT LOANS ($90,000 for both Master's and Doctorate degrees...PAID FOR)...and I want to finish! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I even shared w/ Michelle that I had quit...but my chair wants me to finish and has allowed me to change my direction.

Hopefully, I'll be a doctor in about 6 months!!!

Off to play scrab and put my face on!

Love you all!


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Pam that is great!! I have NO idea what work a dissertation will take, but you are soooo close that I am glad you made that decision!!

Denise your kids look so great!! There is nothing like a glowing pregnancy!!

I was suppose to wake up to snow. No snow. Don't know why, but we weren't supposed to get that much anyways!!

I have an appointment on Monday with my fill Dr. and unlike Michelle (who is doing great by the way!!!!) I NEED A FILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! She unfilled me a whole cc the end of January because I was having some tummy issues, then when I went back to get a fill, she wouldn't fill me because I was sick, too bad it was the kind you can hear (respirtory). otherwise I could have gotten one!!

TracyK can you call your bank and get financing? When I bought my last car 8 years ago, I already had financing at my Credit Union so it was one less thing I had to deal with. But, on the other hand since then they have come out with amazing credit deals.

Well I am off to get some things done before work!!


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The TT requirements are very similar with mine, and I have documentation, but if they drag their feet, I will simply go with a pannectomy---which they will approve on the skin issue alone. I can fight for cosmetics at a later date if I choose. Right now, this skin is just not allowing me to exercise---so some of it has to go, whether they are willing to do all of it or not!

My head hurts so bad.....going to take it easy today.....will be back later!

Denise, the girls look great---I see your housing area, how cool---what colors are you leaning towards??


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My PS consultation is April 3rd. At least I will be able to find out what all I have to do to get things rolling....

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GirlsI am so depressed.....the oral surgeons office b*tch just called, to confirm my consultation tomorrow. Yep consultation, they are not going to do a damn thing tomorrow. I ask how much longer, she says they are booking 2-3 weeks out right now. I have my dentists office checking around, I would travel if I could get it sooner. I am so sick of hurting. I'm just gonna go cry...

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GirlsI am so depressed.....the oral surgeons office b*tch just called, to confirm my consultation tomorrow. Yep consultation, they are not going to do a damn thing tomorrow. I ask how much longer, she says they are booking 2-3 weeks out right now. I have my dentists office checking around, I would travel if I could get it sooner. I am so sick of hurting. I'm just gonna go cry...

AWWWW Kat I am SO sorry!!!

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