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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Way to go Michelle!!!

I just got on the scale 5 minutes ago, and no change!!! I go back to Dr week from today for a fill (hopefully).

Have lunch with a friend and then investment club tonight. Don't know what the homework was since I wasn't at last meeting, so I don't think I will find out. Sorry Pam, I am sure you hate it when people shirk on their homework!!!!

Hugs to Terry and Jenn!

Well everyone have a great day.

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Michelle that is a great B&A pic with piglet as your control group. Too funny, you can tell a huge difference!!

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Good luck today Jenn!!

Laura – hope you and your husband are ok. Car not badly damaged? My body is holding on tight to all it’s 235 lbs so you and Michelle might be coasting on by me this week...

TracyK – woohoo!!! New car!!! Is that the one you’re bringing to Gruene? Can’t wait to see it!!

TracyKS – Can’t believe your wedding is this week already!! You ready?

Michelle – Piglet is just as pink as ever. What exactly were you trying to show us? :smile2: he he he.... just kidding.... Your double chin is gone forever!!

Judy – have fun!! Smuggle back some sunshine!

Pam – You would love Avenue Q. Super risqué but very funny. Jane, I would never go with my parents to that! You are a brave woman. I still get red if we’re watching a movie with my parents and a make out scene comes on.

Terry – I’m glad your mom is doing better and that you got some beading done. You have to try to keep yourself healthy and happy too!

So let’s see, what happened this weekend in my neck of the woods... Umm, Friday I ran into a partially open door. Another huge goose egg on my forehead. This time it was because the room was kinda dark and I wasn’t wearing my glasses. I’ll never learn...

Saturday we went dancing. We had a lot of fun. It was just girls, we were celebrating one of my aunts birthdays. I’ll try to share some pics later. I looked really cute in my dress!

Sunday was blah. We didn’t even watch the Oscars. Spent all day running around looking for a pair of capris that fit me ok. I’m in between sizes right now so it’s kinda hard. 18’s are too big and 16’s make me look like a sausage. I’m so stuck at 235. Even though I said I wouldn’t weigh myself until the end of this week I weighed myself on Saturday morning and it said 234.8. .2 ounces down. Whoop dee do. I did start TOM today so maybe it’s bloating and Water retention but I don’t think so. So again, I vow to stay off the freaking scale until next Monday.

Oh and I couldn’t figure out why Sundays I am always able to eat copious amounts of food for Breakfast and the rest of the week I struggle with cottage cheese. Well, I figured it out this weekend. Every Sunday we start our morning off by umm, getting some horizontal aerobics in. And I’m usually not horizontal for most of it and the session lasts quite awhile. So then by the time we get to breakfast I am starving and able to stuff pancakes down my gullet. And Juan’s specialty is pancakes (among other specialties, :))... So I guess I know why I am firmly stuck at 235. End of blue story...

Off to get started on my water...

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Well we are not going to Albq. They called as I was sitting here putting on my shoes to leave! The Dr. had an emergency, so they wanted him to come in for his Doplar test, then come back on Friday to see the Dr. Well Friday is my PS consult! But my Dad told her no......we are driving over 350 miles round trip, I want both on the same day---so they are working on the schedule and will call back. Hope it does not collide with my appointment.

So here I am all dressed----with no place to go. Actually my DIL called me and wants me to go shopping with her for Birthday decorations for Connors birthday. Might do that.

Snow is melting off outside sooooo fast it looks like a waterfall off my back porch! It is really pretty with the sun shining so bright and the Water pouring off. Unfortunately it is just making yet more mud! Many of our oilfield companies are shut down due to the mud----looks like it is going to be a year of extremes!!

They were saying 3 years ago when we flooded---(and we do have river frontage property :)--that flooded) and when runoff started the snowpack in the mountains was at 130% of normal. Spring runoff has not started, snow has not stopped, and we are already at 170% of normal!! So....looks like it is going to be an issue. They have people flying over looking at homes that people have placed in the river valley, that they say will likely float off this year. The problem is when they jam up!

Our river frontage is unimproved.....but it takes land each time this happens...we lose several more feet to the river. We have irrigation pipe over there, we grow alflafa back there, but I guess we will go this coming weekend, and remove all our irrigation pipe, and anything else that wehave back there.....in preparation...for floods! What a year this might be!

Michelle---I think you need to tell Piglet about the band!!! While you have the HUGE change, poor piglet, had none....That little piggy would go Wah,Wah, Wah all the way home if he could see how you lost!!!!!!

Tracy----This date for a wedding seemed so far away before, and here it is!!! Tell us all about what you have done!

Jane---I cannot believe you hurt your arm so bad! Rick's bruise is healing nicely, he said inside it has not healed as fully, those metal bleachers hurt him!

TracyK---are you already out driving around?????

Denise---when do they break ground on the house? Then what is the time line? Hows the mommies & babies to be??

Suzanne---I am drinking! Got my bottle of Vodka right here! NOT!! Ok, it is orange juice with no vodka!!! LOL

Pamela--does Susanne have a stomach bug on top of her surgery? Or is she sick from the meds? Poor thing, I feel so bad for her! And you too---I hate when someone you love is sick. Such a helpless feeling....

Speaking of....Terry how is your Mom? Did you get to pounds some metal the other day and relieve some stress? I think you should imagine the little disc of metal being someones head, and just hammer away!!!

Haydee---that sounds like if it worked in reverse it would be the perfect diet!!!! BUT-----being able to eat too much.....would still not stop me!!! Girl you better quit running into doors!

Hope Jenn is off to a good day!

Laura--------do tell of your weekend!!! Curiosity killed the Kat ya know!!

Gina---put on your new glasses and catch up-----and get to posting!!! Girls she posted a pic of her dog Heidi on another thread, she is beautiful!!!!

Judy---hope the sun is warm, and you are having fun!!!

I know I Missed someone.....sorry----old age and brain farts!!



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Mwhahaha ok.

Well it started Saturday.. a co-worker who use to paint (fancy painting) restaurants & houses for a living, offered a trade. She'll paint our house if DH fixed her internet and set up her wireless. They are in Decatur, a city about 20 minutes from here. So we're doing it, it takes a while and DH had to take her computer home. Ends up, her teen daughter got a lot of virus & spyware on it from downloading crap. So it made me feel better, I'm making her paint the living room, entry, halls, etc. majority of the house.. so now I know DH actually had to do some work for her. Anyway, on our way back, she told me to buy our paint and she'll bring the brushes.

We pass a Home Depot in Decatur and I tell DH to stop, he throws a fit saying he wants to go home, but we were THERE so I made him do it. We go to park and a woman comes flying out of her spot in an SUV and gouges & scrapes all down the side of his card. Then she didn't know what to do, so she's going the opposite direction, scraping it even more. We were fine because she ended up with her front bumper going up the side of our car, so it didn't do anything to us.

Anywho.. then that night, co-workers invited me out. Customer in town. We had gone to lunch earlier with DH, and someone mentioned how one of their husbands will NOT come pick them up if they get drunk. He says "You took her out and got her drunk, you bring her back". DH was saying he would pick me up (duh, I'd kill em if he didn't!). So I said I needed him to pick me up later. He said in Madison, right? NOT Huntsville? I was like yea, we have a designated driver that is bringing us back to Madison, then you just pick me up there.

So we go out, the designated driver(DD) is a recovering? alcoholic, but he has been the DD lately for everyone apparently. We started off at a mexican restaurant that was happenin'! We had margies, and some shots. DD had tea. Yay. Then we go to the bar. Oy. I got trashed. One of the managers (I only have 1 boss here- the owner!) got trashed and confrontational. She's unhappy in her marriage, and she doesn't like me cause I don't kiss her ass like the other girls here (she's their boss). So long story short, she called me out on stuff she doesn't like that I do here, and how I should live my life, when I should have kids, and how they mess up careers, etc. etc. I was really uncomfortable talking about this with her.. then we ran into a former vender at the bar and she confronted her, insinuating the only reason she was talking to our DD is that she thought they'd get more business. Oy oy. THEN.. DD sneaks off, and in a matter of 30m becomes plastered.. more than ANY of us who had been drinking all night.

He is falling down drunk, so we take his keys.. and he passes out in the flowerbed. I call DH at 4am to come pick us up :) Bless him, he didn't get mad, didn't say one mean thing. Just asked how to get there.. first he had to take my small car, to go pick up his bigger car at the original spot he was suppose to pick me up, then drive into downtown Huntsville.. to pick up 4 drunk folks. He gets there, and the DD is so trashed he is PUKING all over the place. We had to cram into DH's car, stop every mile for DD to puke, meanwhile he got mulch from the flowerbed ALL OVER the car. I swear. It was crazy.

But one thing I wanted to accomplish, and fully informed DH about, is with 100lb gone, I wanted to get hit on. I was there with my size 1 co-workers who always look so sexy.. I wanted ME to get picked up mwhaha. And I did accomplish this. Some guy bought me a drink and sent his friend over to talk to me, then he finally came over, was tellin me he owns an ambulance company in MS and he's there for a shriner convention or something. I had my driver's license in my cigarette pack, and I saw him looking at it, so I flipped it over LOL. He asked for my phone # and I dodged it pretty easily, by talking about other random stuff. It felt good. When DH dropped everyone else off, I kept apologizing and saying please don't be mad.. and he didn't. And I told him about the guy, and I was like "HE WANTED YOUR WOMAN!" and he just grinned. Next morning he woke me up with "Hey baby how are you feeling?" so he really didn't get mad that I drug him out of bed in the middle of the night to deal with drunk folks. He earned some brownie points :)

Next morning though, right after we woke up (10am) his mom calls. She is 10 minutes from our house. WHAT! Our house is a mess, since it's getting painted, I have all kinds of stuff out of order, things all over the floor.. and our guest bathroom is unusable due to the litterbox.. and the master bath, I had lingerie, my dirty underwear all over the floor, piles of dishes in the sink, etc. His mom goes to use our bathroom and I was just mortified. I made a comment when she came out "I wish I knew you were coming, I would have cleaned!!" and she goes 'I told Russell I would be coming today'. WAY TO TELL ME!!! :smile2: He forgot.. So then I busted my ass cleaning the house like I haven't cleaned it before, with them there.. so she didn't think I was a total slob.

I think that's enough stories for my weekend. I took Before pics of my living room to show ya'll how nice it's gonna be after she paints! It's a dark purple color. Our big entertainment center is delivered tomorrow. I also bought faux wood venetian blinds for the entire house, our little metal ones are ripped up all over the place from the animals. So excited!!

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Laura, I second what Tracy said... the only things our weekends have in common is that my house is messy, too!! Tee Hee!!

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Laura~ Loved the weekend update!

Haydee~ Your story cracked me up. Last weekend, when we walked to go to eat 2 miles one way, by the time we got there...I was famished. I ate bunches and didn't even feel bad about it. I think exercise helps. Oddly enough, after I work out in the evening w/ dance class, I am tight and have to ease into eating dinner. I think cause I get a good ab workout in dance class...not like walking. I like your idea of exercise better.

My damn scale was 250 again...clothes are feeling good and lose, but the damn machine won't move! Oh well...keep on keepin on!~

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Oh, one more quick thing...

Was at the ES today doing Book Fair prep, and I guess I haven't been over there in awhile because EVERYone was "ooh'ing" and "ahh'ing" about my wt loss & how great I looked! LOVE IT! I kept giving my "lap band poster child" speech to everyone... one gal who's new there is approved for bypass in June but I think I might have made her consider LB... anyhoo, it felt great! Even tho I can't see it, it's good to know that others can!!

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Pam, maybe it's broken? Seriously...

You read my mind...but Susanne pops on there and she is 12 pounds lower than my goal...It is me! But I like your thinking better.

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I was kind of scared to get on the scale this weekend. I had countless buttery nipple shots, which are a billion calories I am sure.. and margaritas, and vodka & cranberry, lots of gold schlagger (sp). I thought, I gained 10lbs tonight!!!!! Then, yesterday I ate a couple bites of chocolate cake, a 100 calorie ice cream, and nibbled on a lot of cheese throughout the day. My band loves me though.. or my metabolism.. or something.

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Hey has anyone ever heard about a link between coffee and weight gain or difficulty in weight loss? I'm gonna go google it right now but I heard from a friend of mine that there is a correlation. I think I'm going to stay away from coffee this week and see what that does to the scale.

Gotta go get more Water. I've got one liter down and two more to go...

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Wow Laura, I third what Tracy and then Michelle said! Makes me smile thinking of Gruene!! I need some excitement in my life! Although no puking or fender benders allowed!!! Only HAPPY EXCITEMENT!!!

Well going to look for tax stuff, I am less than a week away from the tax lady!!


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